I opened an elf breeding house

Chapter 594 Hupa’s move

When Zoroa turned into a human form, his form was not complete, and there was still a small tail curling out from behind.

As soon as they turned into a deserted corner to avoid the Red Lotus Knights, Zoroa, who had transformed into a Western European child, could no longer maintain the illusion and transformed back into Zoroa.

What the two little ones didn't know was that their panic was noticed by someone who was interested.

Robin Hahn is a trainer in the United Union and a fan of the gorgeous competition. Although Hahn is from United, he is not very good at training. He plans to use this trip to China to transform into a coordinator. Trainer.

This is also the reason why he traveled all the way from Hezhong to the ocean to participate in the Gorgeous China Cup.

He had already noticed this strange Western European child and strange elf on the commercial street of Jiangxin Peninsula.

With just one glance, the gears of fate began to turn.

Although Hoopa has never been seen, anyone who sees an elf that can take random items from a metal ring will be interested.

Coupled with the image of a human child with its tail exposed, it reminded him of something.

Although elves like Zoroa are very rare, there are still a few in the hands of trainers in the United Alliance, and some of their characteristics are not a secret among the trainers.

Seeing a Zoroa and a magical elf in a foreign country, Hahn couldn't help but take a second look, and he had some thoughts that he shouldn't have.

However, there were too many elves patrolling the streets, so Hahn naturally did not dare to act rashly.

He followed closely behind the two little ones and waited for the opportunity.

After leaving the Jiangxin Peninsula, the patrol team's patrols were no longer so compact due to the area, and Hupa and Soraya never discovered the person with malicious intentions behind them.

In Hahn's opinion, if he could conquer these two rare elves, it would be fine even if he didn't attend the grand event held in Rongcheng.

Finally, turning into a deserted corner, the two boys provided Hahn with a suitable hands-on environment.

As soon as Hahn appeared, Hupa and Soraya spotted him, and the two little ones quickly assumed a fierce and fierce posture.

After all, not everyone is Hua Jianming who can make them act coquettishly and mischievously.

Zoroa leaned down, and the sharp claws in the flesh pads stretched out and scratched the ground continuously, making a sharp and harsh sound, and a milky roar coming from his mouth, threatening Hahn to leave.

Hupa also controlled several metal rings to stand in front of him, showing his fangs in a fighting posture.

But how could Hahn give up such a rare opportunity to conquer Soraya? He had already sent a picture of Hoopa to his doctoral intern friend in Hezhong, and received a reply that there was no information and that if captured, he could get a huge reward. .

Whether Zoroa and the unknown elf are used by themselves or exchanged for huge rewards, it is not a loss to Hahn.

At this time, Hahn had already taken out the elf ball.

Faced with the fierce movements of the two little grinning beasts, Hahn, who did not take the threat at all, directly released a Mengsong Cactus and a Poison Rose.

Hahn, a trainer from the United Alliance, is actually not very strong, otherwise he would not have thought about transforming into a coordination trainer.

However, because the two little ones were just born, their strength is even worse than that of the fifth scum.

So as soon as the two elves in Haen appeared, Hupa and Zoroa felt a strong threat from the Mengsong Cactus and Poison Rose.

In order to avoid long nights and endless dreams, Hahn commanded Mengsong Cactus and Poison Rose to use [Missile Needle] and [Magic Leaf] to attack Hupa and Zoroa respectively.

Hupa moved in front of Zoroa and opened one of the metal rings to protect him. Mengsong Cactus and Poison Rose all hit the metal ring and then disappeared.

At the same time, Giratina, who was sleeping in the ruined world, was suddenly attacked.

However, such an attack was like scratching an itch for it, so Giratina turned over and continued to sleep.

Seeing that all his attacks were absorbed by the metal ring, Hahn immediately judged that this skill was probably to divert the attack, and he became more and more interested in Hupa.

There will still be huge rewards and other things that can be accumulated slowly. He must cultivate this elf himself.

Mengge Cactus continued to attack. After using [Growth], it opened its mouth and shot out a large number of seeds. This was the [Seed Machine Gun] move.

As for Poison Rose, the instructions given by Hahn are no longer offensive moves, but [Sweet Scent] that reduces the dodge rate and [Paralysis Powder] that has a wider range and can cause paralysis.

Such a combination of moves cannot be transferred by Hupa through the metal ring.

In other words, if Hupa still has the ability to transfer [Sweet Aroma] and [Paralyzing Powder], then its value will be even greater.

Hahn guessed correctly, there is a certain limit to the area of ​​the ring that Hoopa can control.

Although the metal ring can hold unlimited things and can also catch unlimited things, the prerequisite for unlimited holding of things is that these things will enter the metal ring actively or passively.

But the problem now is that the aroma and powder floating in the air cannot enter the metal ring automatically or passively.


Hupa shouted to Zoroa.

Zoroa understood and immediately jumped in front of Hupa to block the enemy's attack while launching his own attack.

It's about buying time for Hoopa.

After the Mengsong Cactus blocked Zoroa's attack, Hahn did not give any more instructions to his elves.

He knew Hoopa was going to do something, and he wanted to see what Hoopa would do next.

Although Hahn knows that villains always die from talking too much and being hesitant, the two trapped elves in front of him are already his own, so it is not impossible to understand Hupa's abilities in advance.

Is it possible that it can still shake people?

It turned out that Hahn's suspicion was correct.

See who Hoopa shakes?

A Round Shark, a Mini Dragon, a Riolu, a Baby Kilas, an Iron Dumbbell, a Vicious Eater King, a Doron Mecia, a Vicious Eater King, and a .

There are so many quasi-god elves to be released today.


The king of bad food?

Two evil eating kings!


Hahn suddenly realized something and swallowed a mouthful of saliva as he looked at the two evil eating kings in front of him who were at least two meters tall.

Each alliance has popularized the ultimate beasts, especially the ferocious and cruel ultimate beasts such as the Evil Eater King, which are the top priority of the alliance's propaganda.

No trainer wants to meet the evil eating king.

What's more, seeing it in the data and seeing it in reality are completely different things.

Although the King of Evil Eaters seen in reality is not as tall as the 5.5 meters shown in the data, his height of more than two meters and his huge body are still very oppressive.

At this time, Hahn was not as high-spirited as he was at the beginning. He was so frightened that he didn't even dare to move while standing still.

I don't mean to be discriminatory, but if Hahn was really an excellent trainer, at his age, he wouldn't be forced to change his career to become a coordination trainer.

After finally having the chance to meet these two precious elves, the Evil Eater King appears, and there are still two of them!

So what the hell is going on!

Are these two evil-eating kings really the rescuers summoned by the unknown elf?

Hahn's heart was in turmoil, and he was furious with impotence.

Did you really just give up like that?

It is not difficult to imagine that if he really misses this opportunity, he may never meet the same elf again in his life.

But what should I do if I can’t defeat the Evil Food King?

Just when Hahn was directing and acting, and was full of inner drama, the two evil eating kings had already learned from Hupa and Soraya what had just happened.

The two evil eating kings, the group of elves that appeared just now, Hupa and Zoroa are all playmates on weekdays.

Seeing their good brothers being bullied, the two evil eating kings, who were educated and well-educated, naturally would not let their enemies go. They opened their mouths in tacit agreement and blasted out two beams of dark blue energy.

[Dragon Wave] hits!

Mengge Cactus and Poison Rose seemed to have been severely injured and fainted.

Looking at the emptiness in front of him, Hahn, who felt no sense of security, immediately released his remaining four elves.

Hahn knew that he must not fall here, otherwise the only thing waiting for him would be jail.

After taking back the two elves who had lost their fighting power, he already had the idea of ​​​​cutting off the strong man's arms. After all, as long as the two strongest Mengge Cactus and Poison Rose are around, he will have a chance to make a comeback.

In fact, Hua Jianming's Red Lotus Armored Cavalry had already noticed it the moment the Evil Eater King appeared (End of Chapter)

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