I opened an elf breeding house

Chapter 539: The Space of the Paper Sword

Without making Hua Jianming wait any longer, the exhausted Solgaleo quickly woke up.

The first sentence it saw Hua Jianming was: The space barrier is already very weak, and the ultimate space will recombine the ultimate world in the near future.

This is very important and urgent news.

Whether it is the King of Evil Eaters, the Explosive Muscle Mosquito, or Tiehuo Huiye, they are all very large groups. Once several spaces merge together, there will be a very tragic battle.

Hua Jianming didn't care how much the Evil Eater or Muscle Explosive Mosquito died, but some innocent Ultra Beasts would be implicated and even exterminated.

"The formation of the ultimate world is irreversible."

Solgaleo stood up vigorously, his head in the mane of the sun was facing the sky, his eyes were quite deep.

"In order to prevent the ultimate world from merging with the real world due to intense energy fluctuations, we must minimize the impact of the war."

The voice came out of Solgaleo's mouth, thick and irresistible.

"I need your help."

Solgaleo looked at Hua Jianming, and there was a trace of honesty in his majestic expression.

Majesty is its appearance, and honesty is its character.

Some people are born leaders, and their words and deeds can infect those around them, while some people are born rebellious, and no one can order them.

Solgaleo is the former, and Zhu Heyu and the clowns around him can't help but want to join Solgaleo's camp.

Hua Jianming and his elves are all the latter, they keep themselves awake.

Seeing that Hua Jianming didn't answer him immediately, Solgaleo shook his head and came to Hua Jianming to look at him quietly.

One person and one elf looked at each other for a long time.

"In exchange, I am willing to be driven by you for a hundred years."

In Solgaleo's view, this kind of saving the world should be aspired by everyone and everyone should strive to be the first, but Hua Jianming's silence made it impossible not to quickly find a balance in the differences.

At least for now, only Hua Jianming has the ability to help solve this matter.

Otherwise, if you let it go, it will be out of control in the end, and all living things will only face the end of the world.


Solgaleo is not an ordinary legendary elf. Known as the "beast that devours the sun", it exists at the same level as Kyoka and Gulardo.

It can be said that with a Solgaleo as a partner, as long as you don't make a big death to provoke an existence like Arceus, you can roam around casually.

Of course, among Hua Jianming's own elves, both Mewtwo and Dark Rogia have this potential.

The two elf eggs given by Hades Dragon also have such potential.

However, they all need a long time to grow, and even Chaomeng, who has the highest growth rate, is currently far away from that level.

If it is said that in the previous battle with Rogia, Chaomeng can withstand Rogia's devastating aerial blast alone like the shield king Zangmarante, then it is considered to have truly entered that level.

"Next, we need to plan carefully, which ultra beasts can be attracted, and which ultra beasts cannot communicate."

"They must be killed in the cradle before the evil food kings are truly powerful."

After the ultimate space is synthesized into the ultimate world, the ultimate aura will expand unprecedentedly, and the strength of the ultimate beast will also be terribly improved.

At that time, they will be the ones who can truly compete with the legendary elves.

Whether it is the real world or the ultimate world, the origin of the world is fixed.

There must be a huge gap between the individual strength of a world's original one hundred and ten thousand equal parts.

The real world is divided into 10,000 equal parts, and coupled with the powerful legendary elves, this makes the elves not as powerful as the ultimate beasts.

Only after a long period of training and strengthening one's own strength can one be qualified to compete with the ultimate beast.

There are ten kinds of Ultra Beasts in total.

They are Xuwu Yide, Explosive Muscle Mosquito, Evil Food King, Four-jaw Needle Dragon, Paper Yujian, Pop Head Clown, Tie Huo Hui Ye, Electric Beam Wood, Salt Stone Base, and Pheromy Mantis.

Needless to say, the king of evil food is a great villain.

Due to some reasons, the four-jaw needle dragon family now lives in the poisonous marsh tidal flat of the ecological park with a number of less than a hundred.

Tiehuo Huiye has his own world, and it seems that he is not at odds with the evil food king, and there is a possibility of communication and cooperation.

Exploding Muscle Mosquitoes are relatively brainless, belonging to a family that cannot communicate but can be used.

Xuwu Yide is an ultimate beast with an unknown attitude. It seems that he has a bad relationship with the evil food king, but it may not be easy to reach a cooperation with them.

The pop-headed clown is considered an Ultra Beast that has been added.

As for the remaining four ultimate beasts, Zhi Yujian, Dianshumu, Yanshilei, and Pheromemantis, Hua Jianming himself has never been in contact with them, so he doesn't know much about them.

Every time the ultimate wormhole lands is random, so finding the ultimate space where these four ultra beasts live is either a matter of luck or multiple attempts.

Three days later, Hua Jianming appeared in an ultimate space that seemed to be alive.

This is the ultimate space where the Zhi Yujian family lives.

There is a fight!

Hua Jianming, who had just entered this ultimate space, discovered a large amount of energy fluctuations.

Not surprisingly, it was the battle between the Evil Food King and the Zhi Yujian clan.

When Hua Jianming quietly arrived at the location where the battle took place, he realized that the battle between the two clans had reached a fierce stage.

Although the evil food king is very powerful, he is an outsider after all.

The paper Yujian family has lived in the ultimate space here for a very long time, and the ultimate aura is extremely strong. In addition, the large forest allows the paper Yujian family to thrive, and the number is far more than these invading evil food kings.

With the superiority in numbers and the equal strength, the evil food king will not get any benefit in the hands of the Zhi Yujian clan, and even has a tendency to retreat.

Seeing that the battle would continue for a long time, Hua Jianming was not in a hurry to help, and planned to visit the habitat of the Zhi Yujian clan.

Although life and death were fought outside, and the battle situation was extremely tragic, the habitat of the Zhi Yujian clan was still peaceful.

Many paper royal sword cubs are playing in the forest, playing in the pool, or training among the rocks.

At this moment, the ancient sword leopard suddenly moved in a cool way, and a cold light cut a shallow hole on the ground.

A paper imperial sword appeared in front of Hua Jianming.

The codename of Zhi Yujian is "UB04: Slash".

It looks like a humanoid folded out of a sheet of paper that is white on one side and red on the other. The head is folded inside the body, a yellow four-pointed star is cut out in the center, and there are no obvious facial features.

Paper Mitsurugi has slender, single-ply blade-like arms with a yellow sheath-like structure on its shoulders. The scabbard is connected to the slightly raised hexagon in the center of the torso, and the sharp body is a terrible weapon.

Just as Hua Jianming was about to speak, the opponent had already attacked.

The moment a large number of sharp leaves hit, a green cold light appeared among the leaves. It was the combined skill of Zhi Yujian [Flying Leaf Quick Knife] and [Leaf Blade].

In order to avoid attracting more paper Yujian's attention, Chaomeng has been restricting his attack methods, giving up the long-range attack he is best at, and transforming into a super power spoon and handing over the paper Yujian.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Chaomeng, who changed his attack method, suddenly became restrained, and couldn't hold the paper sword in front of him for a while.

Zhi Yujian seemed to have discovered Chaomeng and Huajianming's attempt, and directly cut off a big tree.

The huge movement caused by the falling of the big tree attracted the attention of the other Zhi Yujian.

Seeing more and more paper swords gathered here, Hua Jianming shouted to the elves: "Chaomeng, little leopard, let's go!"

Hearing Hua Jianming's order, Chaomeng came directly to Hua Jianming's side and put his hand on Hua Jianming's shoulder.

In the next second, Huajianming and Chaomeng disappeared in place.

Seeing the intruder who suddenly disappeared, the Zhi Yujian who rushed over were a little puzzled, and after receiving the information provided by the tribe, they began to search.

When Hua Jianming and Chaomeng reappeared, they found themselves standing in a denser jungle.

"There are a lot of energy fluctuations over there, and there is a high probability that a part of Zhi Yujian is there."

After searching with superpowers, Chaomeng pointed to Huajianming in a direction.

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