I opened an elf breeding house

Chapter 421: Hua Jian Ming Who Eats Melon Alone

"I said, I'm just passing by, do you believe me?"

In order to make the scene less embarrassing, Hua Jianming made a small joke by the way.

But this joke didn't seem so funny. The Hezhong pawns in dark purple suits began to surround him, and ghost elves flew out one by one.

"Xiao Ming!"

"Xiao Ming!"

In the trapped team, a familiar and a slightly familiar voice sounded at the same time.

Hua Jianming turned his head to look at the team protected by the big steel snake. The familiar voice was from his sister Wenren Niannan, and the slightly familiar voice was from Chen Ying, whom he hadn't seen for many years.

Hua Jianming just nodded, and then looked at the master in the stone room at the moment, the blond young man with the pale faces of the Night Demon and Dream Demon floating beside him.

The blond young man smiled evilly, then stood up and looked at Hua Jianming.

"My name is Patrick Hill, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, the king of ghosts, you can call me Mr. Hill kindly."

The flowing golden hair and pale face formed a stark contrast, which gave Hill a special charm that was completely different from Zhuang Xian.

"This gentleman should be from Huaxia, why don't you come here as a guest first, and treat you well after I finish my work?"

As soon as Hill finished speaking, the Hezhong soldiers in dark purple suits gave Hua Jianming a way to the place where Wenren Niannan and the others were trapped.

"Since Mr. Hill is so hospitable, I will be disrespectful."

Hill's Chinese language is very good, which makes Hua Jianming's communication with him smooth.

As a matter of fact, there are not many elite figures like the United League who pursue elite education, but they are definitely not in the minority.

They generally master multiple skills, which are compulsory for them.

As a super league with one of the largest populations and one of the largest areas in the world, China's influence in the world can be said to be very huge, which also allows most of the United elites to independently master the Chinese language.

Hua Jianming patted Gu Jianbao's small head. Gu Jianbao looked at the ghost elves surrounding him with disdain, and then walked lightly to where Wenren Niannan and the others were.

Hua Jianming first looked at Wenren Niannan, who was leading the team, and Wenren Niannan looked at Hua Jianming with doubtful eyes.

Hua Jianming knew what Wenren Niannan wanted to say, but he just smiled and gave her a reassuring look.

Then Hua Jianming turned his gaze to Chen Ying, who was in the exchange team, and the two who hadn't seen each other for a long time smiled at each other.

When Hua Jianming was about to say something, annoying flies appeared.

Bugs like flies are really annoying. They are everywhere and always annoying, and they can't be avoided.

Seeing that the person who came to support was actually a young man who was about the same age as his side, gossip started to spread in the team of exchange students temporarily led by Wenren Niannan.

The eccentric tone and half-sarcastic content became the deadliest weapon to destroy unity.

Although the voice of speaking is very low, everyone in the team can still hear it clearly in such an environment.

Of course, it can also be said that they did it on purpose.

After hearing the discussion, Wenren Niannan frowned and looked at the two people who were pretending to talk but were mocking, his eyes were full of warning.

Not to mention that Hua Jianming is his younger brother, even if he came to support him in such a short time, it is already very admirable.

Not to mention that dream monster of the Ghost Department Heavenly King Hill, who seemed to have kidney deficiency, had just been defeated not long ago and fled back in desperation for comfort.

If Hua Jianming who came to support him was not responsible for defeating the Dream Demon, it meant that he was not the only one who supported him.

None of these guys who are qualified to come to Hezhong as exchange students has a simple family background. In the mixed team, there are true elite trainers like Chen Ying, and there are also gold-plated mice who like to spoil a pot of porridge.

Hua Jianming didn't care about such yin and yang strangeness.

"Summer insects can't speak ice, cockroaches don't know spring and autumn" These two sentences are the conclusions that Huaxia has come to for many years. People like Hua Jianming completely disdain to lower their status.

At this time, he was particularly interested in Hill and his group of purple-clothed soldiers.

Do you know the romantic feeling of being alone in a melon field?

Hua Jianming, the only one who knew that this was a "virtual tomb", naturally wanted to see what kind of tricks Hill and his team could finally come up with.

After all, the real secret ruins are in another space.

As everyone waited quietly, the sound of friction between rocks began to echo continuously in the stone chamber.

The originally closed stone gate rose slowly until it disappeared into the crack of the rock.

"Sir, the door is open."

A purple-clothed captain who looked more advanced than his companions came to Hill to report the situation.

After hearing the subordinate's words, Hill's eyes lit up in a daze. He glanced at Hua Jianming and walked straight into the opened stone door.

Hua Jianming looked at Wenren Niannan who came to him, and asked casually, "Have they been opening the stone gate since just now?"

"That's right, they opened the stone door of the first stone room and the stone door of this stone room."

Hua Jianming then asked: "Is there anything? I mean these two stone chambers."

"There are a large number of gophers and three gophers in the first stone chamber, and they seem to have been inhabiting there. However, Hill and his team fought fiercely with the gophers and forcibly drove them away."

Hearing Wenren Niannan's words, Hua Jianming suddenly remembered the few gophers and three gophers he met on the stone corridor at the beginning. They might be the ones who had conflicts with Hill's team.

"What about this stone chamber?"

"There are very few things in this stone room. There is only a very long rubbing tablet with many Braille-like characters on it, but that rubbing tablet has been put away by Hill."

"What kind of conflict did you have with them? Why didn't he let you go?"

Wen Ren Niannan thought about it carefully, and said: "Actually, there is no big contradiction. We were blocked in the stone corridor by Hill's team, which was late into the secret realm. Hill said that he would let us leave only after he had fully explored the secret realm. , but I'm not sure he'll keep his word in the end."

When Hua Jianming and the others entered the third stone room, what greeted their eyes was a great melee among elves.

Hua Jianming looked around, the walls of the entire stone room were covered with mysterious totems, and in the center of the stone room stood a tall Detonator and several Bombers.

The ghost-type elves of Hill's team have already engaged in fire with the Bosonics.

Although the ghost type is normally immune to the attacks of the general type, many clansmen including the leader Boom have the [guts] characteristic that can attack the ghost type elves.

Besides, the Popping Monsters are not elves who only know normal moves.

For a while, Hill's team couldn't take down the sonic monsters who were stubbornly resisting.

A large number of Bombers and Bombers are fighting Dream Demons and Dream Demons, and even the young Gu Niuniu has participated in the battle within his ability.

The number of Bosonic Monsters is far more than that of Dream Demon and Dream Demon, and they formed a siege situation against Dream Demon and Dream Demon.

However, the dream monster who can be the team leader is very strong. All the roaring bombs and sonic monsters that are close to him are all blown away by it using the grass-type move [Magic Leaf] and the rock-type move [Power Gem]. Festival defeat.

"There should also be a stone gate there."

Hua Jianming noticed the erratic eyes of the Bobobo and Robobomb who were fighting, and looked behind him from time to time.

In fact, not only Hua Jianming could see it, but the Hill team also saw the careful thinking of these sonic monsters and roaring bombs.

Hill directly sent people around the battlefield, preparing to open the stone gate.

This scene obviously stimulated the Roar Bombs and Bombers who were fighting.

Especially the leader of the Crowd, who was the leader of the Crowd, began to inhale air violently through the holes in his body, and then let out a battle cry to guide all the aura of the Clan out.

The sonic monsters began to step up their offensive.

Hill considered the situation before him for a moment, and sent out his dream monster and cursed doll on the spot to prepare for a quick victory.

The two king-level elves did not disappoint Hill. They took over the game in an instant, and their powerful output allowed only the leader of the quasi-king-level popping monster to break through the defense on the spot.

In the end, the leader of the Popping Monster led his clansmen out of the secret room in despair.

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