I Make Escapes and Scare Gamers Worldwide!

Chapter 108 The joy of blood origin, you can't imagine

No, I can't think about it anymore. The most urgent thing now is work. Han Soo-hyun showed a business-like smile again, and handed the fried chicken he packed to the lady in front of him.

Be careful of burning your hands. The image of myself being ripped open by a wolf monster flashed in my mind.

Damn it, is he bewitched? Why does that Huaxia game keep flashing in my mind?

Han Xiuxian shook his head, his face was not very good-looking, and the colleagues next to him asked with concern: What's the matter with you, are you feeling unwell, do you want to go to the back and have a rest?

I'm fine, maybe it's just that I didn't sleep too much last night. Han Soo-hyun said with a smile, making his colleagues feel relieved.

For the rest of the time, Han Soo-hyun worked hard. After all, he had to get the salary of this part-time job, but the blood source clips that flashed in his mind from time to time always reminded him of the battle in the world cursed by blood source before going to bed today. experience.

There are still many fragmented memories of moments. When he was working, the memories became more and more clear in his mind. He even found that many times, as long as he slowed down a little and didn't respond so panicked, he had the ability to It's a chance to kill that werewolf.

It turns out that wolf monster is not as invincible as I thought. It was really dizzy in the early hours of this morning. Han Xiuxian thought in his heart, and after recovering, he felt a little upset: Really, did I have a convulsion? Why have I been thinking about this game this morning, isn't it just a trial game that is still in the free period? It doesn't make me so fascinated, right?

With such resentment, Han Xiuxian pinched his palm, and used the pain to let himself get rid of those messy thoughts in his mind, and devote himself to work.

But from time to time, the battle fragments of the blood curse that made him collapse would always come out. The wolf monster's clear hair fluttering in the wind in the battle, now that I think about it, I am not so afraid, but let me He had a kind of thought that he wanted to fight it again.

At night, Han Soo-hyun, who came home, finished the housework that his girlfriend asked him to do, threw away the garbage bags that had piled up at home, and paid the public food. Originally, he should go directly to wash up, but today Han Soo-hyun accidentally opened the game.

It's really weird, how can I think about this game all day.

Forget it, let's do it again. If you can't kill it, go play online games.

Looking at the old hunter logo of the blood curse in front of him, Han Soo-hyun opened the game hesitantly, he still wanted to try again, if it didn't work, let's talk.

Anyway, tonight, he was stuck with this game, let's do it again, concentrate on going back to that wolf monster, he wants to kill it.

Returning to the game again, the fear of being on the scene is much less. For the next difficult battle, he is more looking forward to it. Han Xiuxian pulled out his cane, this elegant weapon, he is very excited. I like it, I think it fits my aesthetics very well, and I have a sense of taste of the old British gentleman, as if I became more elegant when I used this weapon to kill the enemy.

Not to mention anything else about this game, the aesthetics are really high-end. Seeing the wolf monster in front of him stand up to the height of a person again, it looks like its huge mouth can eat his upper body in one bite, but Han Soo-hyun is fascinated Looking at its ferocious sharp teeth, this wolf monster ran in his mind all day today, but it made him less afraid when facing this wolf monster now.

It's strange, that's it. Are you overly scared? You're not so nervous because you're too scared? Han Soo-hyun waved his cane again with such thoughts in mind.

The performance this time was unexpectedly excellent, the hand feeling was so good that Han Xiuxian couldn't believe it, and the distance and damage controlled by the cane every time were so wonderful.

I recalled every attack habit of the wolf monster all day long, and these memories played a role when I fought again.

Han Soo-hyun will perceive the next second of every wolf monster attack and make evasive moves.

Because the last death this morning was due to lack of energy to dodge and complete the rolling action.

So this night, Han Soo Hyun planned his energy in advance every time, and carefully ensured that his energy was enough to complete the movements.

It was the first battle tonight, after Han Soo-hyun entered the game, he finished beating the wolf monster, using a weapon: a cane, and the result: no injuries.

After the battle, standing beside the dead body, Han Xiuxian was still immersed in the last moment when he personally ended the life of the wolf monster, feeling the aftertaste of the battle.

The battle just now gave Han Soo-hyun a feeling that everything was under control. He could clearly see the wolf monster's next move every second, and he could even clearly make a pre-selected plan in his mind. Feeling, let him hallucinate that he is omnipotent.

Even if it was only experienced in the battle just now, Han Xiuxian couldn't stop it. He really wanted to do it again, but even if he did it again, the wolf monster would not respawn.

However, Han Soo-hyun soon had an unexpected surprise. Before entering the game, he only made preparations for fighting the wolf monster once, so he turned on the recording.

This is Han Soo Hyun's consistent habit. He is a small anchor on the platform, the kind that no one cares about.

The shooting of the game video was only for his own playback, and this time, he also recorded the video habitually, because it was the first time he had finished beating the monster without injury, so Han Soo-hyun happily uploaded the video to the Internet.

The video of the blood curse killing a wolf without injury is the first on this platform, and the number of hits has quietly increased by several hundred, but not many, not enough to attract people's attention.

Han Xiuxian didn't take it seriously either, he returned to the game again, this time he was full of fear and anticipation for the next battle journey.

Perhaps this game is actually quite interesting.

Except, it's a little bit scary.

After finally killing the passer-by mobs in front of him, Han Xiuxian thought he could breathe a sigh of relief, but was hid behind the sack, and the mobs who had been squatting were hacked to death with an axe.

Xiba! I've beaten him up like this, and he's still hiding. He'll hack me to death as soon as I pass by. What kind of hot chicken game is this! Han Xiuxian scolded while playing.

However, he thought that the insidious aspects of this game should stop here, but the facts told him that he underestimated the developer of this game.

In fact, the insidiousness of this game is that you don't even know whether the one lying on the ground is a corpse or a living person.

Several times, Han Xiuxian thought that the other party was already a dead body, and just walked over with peace of mind, but the other party got up from the ground all at once, raised his hand and stabbed him.

If Han Xiuxian couldn't dodge in time, he would often die under such a sneak attack. He was so angry that he cursed. If his girlfriend hadn't just gone out and was not at home, he would probably be regarded as a manic attack.

Huaxia people are really insidious. Han Xiuxian muttered, although he would always scold the creator of this game for being too insidious and cunning, but the strange thing is that every time he finished scolding, he would still continue to fight.

Apparently, at this time Han Soo Hyun actually fell in love with this game without knowing it.

Of course, this did not reduce Han Soo-hyun's torment during the game. He was killed several times and yelled at him, but it was of no use, and he continued playing cursing in the end.

As the saying goes, a model of integrity in mouth and body is probably nothing more than that.

This time, it was four o'clock in the morning, and by the time he finally got ready to go to bed, there was only two hours of sleep left.

During the day, Han Soo Hyun completely relied on Bingmei to hang his life. At night, his girlfriend saw that he was going to play games again, so she quickly stopped him: Your dark circles under the eyes for the past two days are scary, you must go to bed early tonight.

It's okay, just drink a red ginseng liquid. Han Xiuxian poured down a red ginseng liquid without any care, and entered the world of blood curse again to fight till dawn.

When going to work the next day, Han Soo Hyun's footsteps were always floating.

So when my colleagues saw Han Soo-hyun, they doubted whether he hadn't slept all night, although Han Soo-hyun said no.

But his blue face betrayed him, the colleague looked at his expression speechlessly: You must have not slept for several nights to have this face?

There was no other way, Han Soo-hyun had no choice but to go to bed that night, but in his dream he was playing with Bloodborne.

When he woke up in the morning, Han Soo Hyun already felt that he was in the shape of an old hunter.

Rubbing his face, Han Soo-hyun didn't think about anything else, he thought he might want to fight the blood curse again tonight, but he had to get a little more sleep tonight, otherwise let alone go to the gym , I might faint.

After resting for a night and regaining his vitality, Han Soo Hyun returned to the state of going to fight, and now he has a new goal, passing through every place without injury.

So he was doomed to be reincarnated in countless reloading files, so that he was extremely active in paying the public rations at night, which surprised his girlfriend very much. Fortunately, his girlfriend didn't know that Han Soo-hyun's real intention was to coax her After sleeping, I can go to have fun playing games, otherwise I will definitely turn against Han Xiuxian and get angry.

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