I make a wish to youth with my fist

I use my fist to youth Wishing Section 473

And sighed, this is not a matter of sigh.

"I have changed very much ..."

"Don't say something I don't understand, stupid and Jun ... still say you want to open topics?"

And Jun is willing to tell himself to his heart, but you can understand it, but it can't use the language to express it.

"I can slowly talk with my sister. And now my sister is by my side, I don't have to worry about it."

And also smiling.

"However, this is not a complicated thing, my sister, I was on the topic."


From complex math questions, to complex and tangled thoughts ...

As a listener, and the yarn is time and patience to find these things.

She also knows that there is no need to say something, while telling, and it will come out from trouble.

Of course, there are now this time, the reason why it is thinking and also saying that it has also been habitually wants to blame it to him.

"What do you intend to tell me?"

"It should be very beautiful, say that I want to look at the moon from the same window from the same window, said ... I can't think of other people."

And also express emotional ways quite directly, and the rhetoric of literature is very enthusiastic from his mouth.

"So ... how do you answer me?"


Some words, I don't have to say something.

The face of the yarn is slightly red, and the shoulders are gently hit and they will justice.

When the laser smiled and went to her eyes, she also had to avoid their eyes - for and later, enjoying her own sister to hide the crystal eyes, and a very happy thing.

"Even if you bully me, don't be outside ..."

It is naturally "home."

And something with the yarn reaction is relatively ... As long as you think about it, you are full of expectations.

And the yarn is good - there is no bad place.


Always take the hand ... Loosen?

The palm of the palm disappeared, and the yarn still has some reactions, until the shoulders were grabbed, some big strength made her hit her and also relaxed again.

"What is our dinner to eat today? Do you have any restaurants that have you want to go?"


It is gently biting tooth with the yarn, and the crimson on the face is slowly fainted.

I am bullied again ...

"Go home, idiot and Jun ... Now you still want me to go with you ..."

"Let's go home."

If you continue the mischievous, this silly girl will cry.

And the yarn is very cute, so I will always be able to bully it. - I don't know the first person who thinks of this sentence is still my own, but there is no doubt that they are at this point. Otamed.

"Only, some things can be done outside ..."

During the speech, I also kissed it softly on the cheeks of the yarn.

Only after being held with the gauze, he can only enjoy a lingering deep kiss with his sister.

Although it is expected to say that the gauze is unexpected, ... is also good.

"Outside, I don't have to do with you, then bully me ... Be careful, I am bitten you!"

Although this threat is not a deterrence while lacking new intentions, it is a thing that can make people.

After going home, probably ... will there be quite worth looking forward to what happens?

Section 582 Chapter 40 Chapter He Carefree Life

"Yacheng classmates ..."

"Yacheng classmates ..."

"And also, got up!"

Compared to Xiahui, the wake-up method I will be more than the wake-up method I, the blade teeth is much more directly - after all, I have to tell and sleep is awake, it is very simple.

"Don't be noisy ..."

Although I didn't get confused because I just woke up, and still habitually smashed my eyes. At the same time, he slightly tested the brain bag, and the thrown head thrown from his ear riser.

"Is there anything?"

"Yah and also, if you wake me, I will stand outside the classroom!"

On the podium, Xiao Jing is already a look of anger.

She hugged her hands in the chest, the teacher's white coat was wearing a knight of the knight cloak,

"Okay, quiet ... Teacher."

"Go to my office under get out of class!"

The first syllable of "Xiao Jing" has been detached, and the random strain is not completely no other effect in addition to making Xiao Jing more than makes it.


Of course, he is not a small quiet to the end, it is a temper. Anyway, this situation has been many times, and he has already happened.


"If you think that you must sleep in my class, I will stand outside the classroom."

In the office, Xiaodi and a little as a "friend" tolerance.

"Otherwise, give me a good class."

"But the teacher ... I can't understand it now ..."

And also sigh, but your face has a smile.

For now, it is most interesting to play the word that harvested under the hi-demonstration.

"Moreover, soon, I will pay a notice of the university, and what is it completely unnecessary?"

"So, I am going to mix in this way !?"

East University of Medicine ...

How many people have been in sleep, but they are rejected, but now I have received such a unpredictable bastard ... and this guy is still my own student.

Every time I think of it, Xiao Jing is not playing.

"Moreover ... I don't understand Mandarin lesson? Do you want to be !?"

"I am not sleeping in Mandarin class, just when I slept until the Mandarin class has not awake."

And it is not completely thoughtful, maybe he is looking forward to Xiao Jing and a punch to his belly - so, today's preaching is over.

"Do you really think I will not be you !?"

Starting with Xiao Jing, she acts that her fists seems to be looking for and is right.

However, when I saw and laughed and smiled, she had to bite his teeth after bitbite.

"I will endure you again ..."

In fact, the situation of "one tolerance again" is no longer the first time, even Xiao Jing can't remember himself several times - of course - of course, she will always take the anger of the anger in the silver gym A hundred times also returned.

"When I last week, did you see it with Yang?"

After returning to the seat, Xiao Jing leads the topic to the direction of the whole, she leaned on the backrest of the swivel chair, ignited a cigarette.

Even if it is in the office, she is not intended to maintain what "teacher image" in front of it.

"How about talking to her?"

"How can I still? We don't know if we don't know ..."

And the tone also has a subtle offset, and the little static in this time is tapped.

"Xiao Jing ... Since you care about her, you should persuade her to disperse my thoughts. Now she is, even the whole snow, I want to have a difficult situation."

"If I persuade her, I can't take the class to sleep."

Xiao Jing still is still tired of and is also exhausted, spit out a pale blue smoke, she puts the cigarette on the ashtray.

"But I always think that you have two very well ... If you don't have the child before, but it is not surprising to you, she will have a bitter, and she will provoke you ... ... you are also, can you still converge? What is you thinking at the time? "

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