I make a wish to youth with my fist

I use my fist to the youth wishing section 261


In the same time, the last time and the martial arts were less than half a month, and thus he saw the scar of his face to the lips from the eyes, he not only frowned.

Musash is still the sense of enthusiasm, but he has been scarred now.

"Just like we agree so, I came to this street to visit you, and you are blowing."

When I saw and also, Musashus was unhappy, waiting for the time to pass away, but add a bit of interested in this essay.

Be sure to say something in the beautiful, then you don't buy wine with your cafe.

"I have given a western drink, but I feel not very appetite!"

"In fact, I don't like to drink coffee. This store is my death, I just keep this industry. It is my negligence. I will prepare a wine in advance next time."

After schematic sheath and waits for a while, and they also sit in front of Musashi before the bar.

"It doesn't matter if it doesn't matter. Since it is your mother's legacy, then let it keep the original model."

Musashi is a smile, and the scar on the face is getting awkward.

"Is it thinking about what the enemy is in the wind, can I hurt my palace Muska?"

"This is ... knife injury? In addition to people like me, people who can hurt you should not take a knife."

Blade, courage, or skin ...

These are not people who will hold a knife, so they will be surprised to concealed their mood when they see the injuries on the face of the martial arts.

"It is a warrior called this part, not to ... he should be a soldier, or a ninja. Say, in the face of the battlefield murder who has experienced, I am defeated."

Musave replied.

He did not avoid his failure, but in the face of the expression, it is a bit unfolbened.

"From the reaction of Saha, you should know that this department is hidden. His strength has not reached the point you recognized? My Palace Musash is really lost to him."

"If we are talking about the same person ... The ancient juniority of the book is hidden, then ... I will overcome him."

And frown.

"So ... Wuzhou, why do you lose?"

"You don't say it, don't you say it? What you said is to hide the , and I face it, it is the book of ancient battlefield murder."

Musaves answered a matter of course.

"Maybe he is a strong that you have never heard ... Maybe you don't understand the battlefield, in that place, even a little flaw, a little lax, will bring life, I am defeated on the battlefield, just There is a wound on the face, it is fortunate. "

"I know."

And nodded too.

"Do you want to challenge him?"

Even if it is not said, Wu Zanke has understood this from his expression.

"It's no wonder that I have never heard of technology, it is not a strange thing, but it is, but, in the battlefield, there is no victory."

"Musashi, when we last, you promised me ... wouldn't you defeat?"

And it is no longer the same as the paneish appearance, he is not as good as Musashi, and decided to challenge "battlefield murder", he is angry.

"You will help you wash brushing from the battle in the battlefield."

"There is a glory of death, no interest in life ..."

Muyou muttered, perhaps the scene in front of him, is the banner of hunting in the wind before the future.

"The shame is a shame, this is not something that can be washed, and it is shouting ... This is something that the Palace Musk is destined."

"Guoxi Road is also good, the battlefield murder is good, this department is Tibetan, this is the person I only need one hand to defeat."

And the words are not in love, whether it is in Musashi or not here.

"As my similar kind, I actually lost to such a person, then ... I need to brush this shame for you."

"Said, this is not my self-opening ... but on the battlefield, any means, any technology, anything you can use must be tight in your hand."

Muschao and the tattoo are opposite, he will not be angry because of his attitude. At this time, he is completely reminded and not able to fell lightly.

"Lost a hand arm, even if there will be many inconveniences in daily life, on the battlefield, something that means is often life."

"I can win the part to hide, even if I kill it."

And no longer change your decision.

"Whether it is the battlefield, or any other place ... came to this era, you have no way to implement your own will."

"Please give me a point, hurry."

Direct view and after a few seconds, Musash is bent down.

This is never humble. At this time, his anger is like a long bow that is full of full moon. If there is no explanation that can let him accept, then the words are completely derived about Musashi.

In this way, two people must die.

"When you fight with me, you will take the initiative to endure my blow, and more than once ... I will miss it when you see the so-called battlefield murder."

And also stand up, he hit the martial arts.

"Do you have to bear the hit of others in the Mangoto Husband! What can I do this!?"

"You are right, sagging."

The waist of Musash is straight, but his momentum is over.

"Now, I am not the Miyamoto."

"What joke !?"

And reached out to the martial arts.

"Miyamoto Musash is Miyamoto, four hundred years ago, yesterday, today is also, tomorrow will be ... unless you can't hold the knife, you have to do it, it is."

"Cheng Meng enlightened, saga."

Musashi has grown up, but after this, his eyes gradually recovered the firm.

"Then, I look forward to your triumphant."

"You are on my street, I also experienced it ... The battlefield of your era."

Seventy-eighth chapter of His murder gesture

"And also, have you sure?"

"bring it on."

The sheath is of course not missed and also this battle. Her teeth should embark on the battlefield and people, not to mention the opponent's book by the Palace Mustain Musashi - even if it is weak and the weak, even if it is She has been marking in the previous battle, she won't let and go alone.

Just this time, people with and also accompanying only her - Xiao Jian Nai, now this gentle woman's identity is not "the girlfriends of sheath", but ... "Queen Bee".

"So, and also ... go to kill your opponent."

With the sum of it, it is said such a sentence.


And the smile on the face is slowly blocked, and finally is fixed in the lazy look of lazy and light in the weekdays.


"Do you feel it? Blade ..."


Dark, darkness.

With this part of the cutting to the top of the road, sitting in the center of the road, the opposite side of the other, must be surrounded by the darkness of the five fingers.

Darkness is not terrible, terrible is ... will come out from the monsters.

"And also ... I didn't expect that he will become the '△ △ of Wuzhou ..."

Before several days, the part is almost killed in the battle with the martial arts. There are three insurances in the limbs being cut, and the abdomen is also almost cut.

Now he should lying on the bed, but if you don't have anything, it is sitting here.

After long sigh, he stood up with his right hand and stood up and pulled out a smoke.

"I think, should I still live?"

"Mr. this part, I will protect you."

"Is it……"

The third person has arrived. This person is of course a sum, but now he is more like a cuisine of people.

The blue skin is bullied, the naked upper body knife is long, the brightened blood is brought about by his eyes almost.

"Mr. this part, do you ask ... Mr. That a battlefield murder, is you?"

"This world, only one part is ..."

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