I make a wish to youth with my fist

I use my fist to youth Wishing Section 248

Because there is something more interested.

"Yálijun, there is a warm-up family ... Every time I heard you mentioned Miss Winter Malays, I just can't make temper, I will only feel ... There is such a sister, it is no wonder Yaute Yun Jun. So like her. "

"What did Yang Nai do? Is it a parent of Snow?"

Speaking of Snow Num, and it is really unwilling to evaluate what, because it is only those who are bored, they also leave the snow, and they also left an indelible scar.

Unlike the alienation of the sputum and the yarn, under their shape, the character of Snow makes the two sides are destined to not reconcile, as for the former ... even if it is alienated, the mother and daughter are trying to close each other.

"What do I need to do?"

"Even if I live alone, the new year is still inevitable."

The snow shook his head, she understood the meaning of and the last sentence, which was also officially official, she didn't agree.

"Maybe it's no real feeling, but in fact, you can tell me something wrong, I really happen in reality ... but quite cruel."

"My current state, probably no longer just a smell of fugitive ... But whether it is a father or a mother, or a sister ... there is a blood in the blood."

When the relationship between the family needs to use the "blood", it can be said to be exported, and this embarrassment is already shackled.

Its existence is for Snow, the last meaning is probably "inevitable greetings" just said.

"Blood ..."

And also sighed.

"Sorry, I said this ..."

Snow apologized for a self-recognition,

In her opinion, if she can calmly face her own blood, then, the blood relationship is probably what he disgusted.

After knowing the life and some of the people, she sometimes thinks, if half of the blood can be opened half of the blood, then it will definitely do not hesitate.

"So, snow is ... I probably can't give you a family."

Today, and also thinking about some things.

Although some are fashionable, he has already identified something.

"And, I will not let my blood continue. Sexual words, for me, it is really just what to enjoy and indulge."

"What about there?"

Snow asked such a problem.

"Anything is not guaranteed to be right?"

"Then take care of that child, it is already very pitiful, and my father is alone. The most important thing is that I don't want him to become like this."

There is no more time to think about it, maybe in a confused afternoon, he seems to have considered this problem under the subconscious handling.

"If Yajun can make such a mood, then ... I think you can be a good father."

At the same time, the snow is given him a kiss while negating and yet.

"But now, it's too early, just like Yahun, you can enjoy it ... Just!"



No one comes to play with me?

Section 332 Chapter 61

"Is it important to see what is important?"

In the impression of Snow, and then never have to put all the attention on the mobile phone, even if he replied to the chat software, he is more about giving a short number of words.

Therefore, after the meal, I have a bigger, I have a bigger, I'm staring at the phone on the sofa. After a while, the snow is not exempt.

But with her character, it will not be directly connected and in front of it. Don't imperually immersed the sphingm.

"New Year's new work of Xia Shi ... Although it is not published, it is not published."

"Is it still writing novels now?"

Popularity female high school students have no new publication after the discharge, and the most often stopped "regret" for the general readers. The new work is just "look forward".

However, for the snow that knows someone else, then the meaning of this is another thing.

Between the straight and sand, there is a new story ...

Thinking of this, I would like to sit down and also sitting a distance from him.

"I think, in the new story, the feelings between the straight and sand should be good to convey each other?"

"It is Yaowei and also and Xia Zhiu poetry .... To be honest to see his name directly in the novel, there is some subtle mood ... but always is a happy thing."

And also revised the mist to the wrong name on the protagonist, at the same time, he will sit around the snow is a one.

"The only thing is not there, but ... the discrete has become a slag man with more than one opposite sex."

Snow is the resistance, but only in such a language, it is also, in addition, there is probably to hug .

"So, before a happy saying, please take me with my hand first. If you know that you know that you are watching her novel, you will definitely lose your temper. "

"Shi Yu knows."

And the quiet tone seems to have a little light, perhaps the reaction of the snow is a little bad expectation.

"She also said, recently created a bottleneck, if I can hope that Snow is to see, if I can give some modifications, it is good."

"So, will Yaowei will let me see the love letter of your Scholars' sister?"

Snow is a definition of the novel of poetry, but in any case, this is actually a temper.

"If the snow is thinking, there is no problem, but I don't want to tell the Snow's suggestion."

And also got a lip, and there seems to be more serious.

"Is it because you don't want the Schili Scholars to learn more about it in your love letter?"

This is the reason why it is not a difficult question, in the understanding of the snow, and the tolerance of "" has never been high, and there will be no more compromise.

"After all, it is also a boys ..."

"It's better to say, I don't want poetry and feather to be affected ... she, although it is indeed a proud girl, but it is also very easy to be influenced by the outside world, especially in what she pays attention to ..."

And sighed, after squatting, he cut out the document reading interface on the mobile phone, and turned to open the address book.

If you want to contact poetry, just send a message on Line, obviously, he has something else to do.

"Writing of Xia Zhi Sheng Sister, is it trouble?"

From the other words, the snow reads some things.

It is also, therefore, she is only confused ... What kind of trouble is it will allow and describe the opinion of "proud".

"Even the snow can guess this novel is the love letter written by Shi Yu, then personally read its compilation, it is clearer."

While talking about this sentence, and has also sent the editorial text message.

According to Shi Yu, because the evaluation of the publishing house is the 'creator' s taste ', so it is necessary to put the subjective emotions to handle it. "

"So ... will Xiaoyu Sister seek my help?"

Snow is as understood.

Even if your own feelings can only be hidden under the outer casing incorporated into the impurities, it is also necessary to transfer them to the way ...

To be honest, she thinks this is some.

Because this feeling is therefore undoubtedly, then other things are not so important in Snow.

"The Shaoxiu's sister is a very ideal person ... However, compares to me, help her achieve the ideal better candidate is actually Yushi."

"This is true ... Since it is a copy of the love letter, it is not necessary to make a compromise."

And the way to deal with the snow is imagined, he always implements its own idealism, just ... he has the ability to achieve its own ideal.

"The publication of a book is not a hard thing ... Yi Yi Guo Bookstore, Snow still remember?"

"So, is it to contact it ... Is the big cottage at the time?"

The big cottage showed the full apple muscles in the mind of the snow, but only this level, the snow did not think that things can be called no longer.

"No, it should be that, the big house?"

"So I said, a book is ..."

And nodded, but his application became troublesome after this.

"However, this statement is not right, this is the love letter of Shi Yu to me, so it is very important ... so let her know what she wants to write."

"In fact, the school sister Xia Zhi hopes to be with her side?"

love letter……

This is actually a quite retro and literary thing, but even now, "the love letter in the shoe cabinet" is still out of time.

Because ... put your mind, the words are conveyed out, it is indeed a romantic thing.

How many words do you have a novel?

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