I make a wish to youth with my fist

I use my fist to youth to wish you a wish from youth.

The Miyamoto Wushu once again put out the stage, although this time he had a knife in his hand, no one doubts that he can't hold a knife.

Is it still a sprint?

Even the demon ... I have already seen it!

The heart is true, it is when it is a knife, the knife in the hand of Musash is on, then ...

Have you hide?

There is no feedback from the knife from the hand, and the inner heart of Musash is very vigilant.

After a knife took the force, he didn't come to the knife, and the brain felt a dizziness.

The heavy hit on the temples ... is kick! ?

Quite not wise choice, Savior, actually use this tread that will lose balance.

Even if it is still not complete from the sense of dizziness, the blade picking the martial arts is still in the waist.

There is a splashled blood on his face, but he did not have a lot of color, because ... still did not cut off his opponent!

In the line of sight, and the body is like the birds in the same wind, it is generally close to yourself.

No ... If it is feathers, it should be broken by a knife, it is water ... Only until the soft water can still flow after being opened.

In the gentle, what is hidden ...

When Mastota Musashi thought of this answer, the trembling of the heavy hit has been an instant to swallow his awareness.

Come on a hit ... you can be beautiful!


"The winner, Yacheng and also!"

Under the Tokyo Dome, "Yacheng and also" this name resounded throughout the entire ground, and he also raised his hands and enjoyed his cheers.

Section 308 Chapter 37th this era

"Wuzhou ... lost it ..."

Even the most preferred Musashi Dechuan Express has also accepted such a result.

The poorly imagined swords are confront, plus the "mutual beats" of the two will, can't find a battle in this fighting field, can't identify a wonderful to shoulder.

"The small girl of the film, I won't care about your rude, this wonderful battle is a rare surprise for me."

However, even if the owner of the fighting field has made assertions, some people still do not recognize the results of this battle.


"Sahara, you can be arrogant!"

Musashi who had been fainted once again, his body rushed, but there was no doubt that he still intends to continue to fight.

"You have already got out of the opportunity to get rid of me, this is insulting me? Or is it ... or the murder of your flesh, just a result that does not have happened."


In addition to such a shout, Dechuan Guangcheng can't say anything.

Is it a fight that is degrained in this game has been declared? Still preventing Wushou, who is still spending? This is two difficult choices.


"Dechuan, it is really a noise ... Do you also recognize that Musashi will live a loss?"

Now Wuzhou can't make shouts, he suppressed the low sound of the throat to be able to hear.

However, in his eyes and the transaction of Dechuan Light on the stand, his decusion has no doubt it.

"Yah, maybe you will say that the era is different, but ... I will accept such a defeated in the era, no matter what the era."

"Wushou, do you have to fight with me?"

And also questioning and provocation There are no differences, at this time, any question is provocative.

Looking at the angerous martial arts, and sighed.

"So ... What about your knife?"

"The knife is of course in me."

After taking this sentence with the tone of the crucifix, Musashi stunned.

When he looks down at him, he looks at the hand holding a knife, what is the empty palm and the broken knife on the ground.

"I martial arts ... I didn't take the knife !?"

"Loosing the hand of holding a knife, which means what you are clear ... Musashi, you don't have a knife, you can't get people, and I don't need a knife."

And so, he slowed approaching Musashi, with a light black blood gas.

"But you just said, but also to continue, then I will accompany the bottom ... As long as someone challenges, I will fight, whether it is a child, or an old man, or a martial art, I will fight."

"Said, do you plan to use more powerful demon?"

The waist of the martial arts, the natural drooping hands seems to have a double knife. He didn't choose to pick up the broken broken knife, but faced with a knife with a knife and also.


When Wuzhou "swing", he couldn't make it and refunded. No matter what he pour in the attack, he couldn't make a "blade" and also shake it.

In this case, it is a more powerful "demon", the strikes of strength, and the pain from the "blowing" that has never been so clearly, let him want to roar but cannot make a sound.

No knife ... I still have the law of winning! On the battlefield, it is not just a priest!

Binding ... All is seen? No, just the action is seen.

The bunch of coats just pumped broilers because of pain and short numbness left the palm, and there was no less than Yu Yu thinking about something.

He knows that he can do only a rocker, use power to check!

Let your body ... you move!

After countless order, it is a feeling of fists and flesh collision. The vibration brought by collision and the pain that suddenly disappears makes Wuzhou realize that he uses his fist.


However, this hit is brought, but it is just a short pause. It is not a time to breathe. The feeling of being controlled by the demon surgery is again.

It is really powerful, sagins! This is your trip to the country ...

At the same time, Musashi felt its own flesh, bones, and even internal organs, because these components of the body are not sorrowful.

In this way, you will die ... or say that your life and death have been controlled.

Even occasionally, it can be broken, but it is futile.

Hands of fighting, no ... can the murder of the flesh, can it be more than the shoulder?


Second, Musashi stood up behind the ground, and he stood quietly in front of him as before.

He did not be angry because he suffered such "insulted", but in silently realizing a certain unknown feeling that I didn't know when I was growing.

That is ... defeated.

"It's me, lose it."

What kind of feeling of admitting your own defeat?

What kind of feeling is survived after the defeat?

Musash cannot put these things into the language, he can say, only such a sentence is ordinary.

"You just didn't take a knife, Wuzhou."

And looked up his hand and touched the mouth, there was still the pain brought by the five organs.

In the melee, he did not pay any price, even if the wound was cut out by the knife, he added a scar because of the attack of Musash.

"Loss is lost, there is nothing to say."

Musash did not accept this elution. He looked straight into his own and also, and his eyes were in a moment of confused, and then recovered again.

"Do you want to take my life?"

"of course not."

And have already come to the face of Musashi. He shook his head, and he opened his arms. He gave him a hug in the eyes of Musashi.

"Welcome to this era, Musashi."

There is no doubt that this is used to express close, but the martial arts will react after a while.

At this time, the two are still in the "battlefield", but also there is no more guard, this is the thing that Musash is not imagined - the battlefield should be a very life and death, even the winning and negative is redundant.

Is this era?

My Palace Muska has come to a era of such a gentle?

"But I don't belong to here, Yaowei."

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