I make a wish to youth with my fist

I use my fist to youth Wishing Section 211

"Those things doing the old Mr. Dou, it is his eccentricity for the lie."

"And you don't care, do you care?"

Spreading will not believe that such a simple speech, in her opinion, and can respond to the title of "and" and also ", it is already great kind.

"I don't care, there is nothing so-called?"

And asked, what is it is what is, whether it is a heart, or something else, it's really don't need to care.

"I just want to achieve my purpose, I will crush the four palaceists."

"But now I am now doing anything for you, Zhu Ze, there is a unknown force, plus it and also, what you want, you will give it."

I have no use, this is really not what is needed to conclude - and about the concept of "value" is an infused to him.

As long as she understands and the way of thinking, she is thinking that the first thing sheaths thinks is crazy to revenue those who betray him.

"That is the scratch and Siri to help me, the agreement with the scabbies is the thing I do ... You don't say it, I am ourselves ... this is what I did."

Although it also reflects the face of sheath in the glass, and it is still moving with her.


At this time, all questions in the heart of the sparrin can only be expressed by this term.

"Because I am blowing with it."

You want to say, is you not OGRE?

And the answer can have too many explanations, and the first time that sheath incense is the most intimate, it is the most impossible.

This is probably ... Is it my wish?

Even if you have no difference in your mind, you have no difference in memory, but the sheath is still dare to believe in your conjecture.


In the new year, the monastist's house still has no change, stepped into it, and always behind the sheath in one step behind her, just like his first visit here.

However, this time, the original landing hall is not like two years ago, there is a golf's mind. He sits on the chair in the center of the lobby, and then it is like Tie Tower generally standing with Ghana.

On the side of him, it is a lie and three towns. If you count the spasts and and also, then you gathered all core members in this family at this time, and their "teeth".

The gradually low atmosphere is suppressed, and it also looked at Ghana, and looked at the three Dynasties, it was still in the same way in the week.

"Who is my opponent today? Or two of you?"

After ten seconds, he finally tired of this silence of confrontation, using his own arrogant flame, burn it, two nets,

"Yacha, it's not right ... OGRE, do you finally reach out of the film?"

The film was stood up, and the back is as always, the body is short, and the momentum is not letting the momentum, the cane seems to be only useless ornaments.

"What is the use of the original home? I really don't understand why you think this ... Dangdang is the old man."

And also sigh.

"If there is such an idea, it is an acceptable thing."

"The Four-huntant sansure should now have more thinking about these things."

The film was lowered, and the palm was gently shaped in the top of the crutches. After a second, he looked again later and also.

"We will win Ghana first, winning three directions ... The original home is yours."

"Isn't it a scabbard?"

And asked, but he did not answer the original landing hall.

After walking to the original landing hall, he went a little to bend his waist. Only in this way can you just put your hand on the shoulder of the old man.

"I said, are you too love to the lobby? Is it more personal in the family? Do you have a girl? If the boy is, I will experience some experience, I think I should let Ghana and Three Dynasties. If Three people won the words and played with me. "


Half a year ago, even if it was slightly rude, it would be blaned, but at this time, in the face of the great officers, the film original Tang also said such a syllable.

"Do you think so too?"

There is no powerful oppression, and there is no threat to use forces when the body is in contact. When this is aware of this, the original hallucincture will understand and express the meaning.

"Dangdang, you are the first person to say that I am like Wong Lang ... maybe you don't know, he does not know how Zhu Ze family is, but he cares about the woman."

Section 283 Exploring Section About 2 Tiger Flow


This is something that should be written very early, recently lazy, dragging to the current, about two tiger flow.

First of all, above the four series is an alms, this is no problem.

However, the oysters above the four systems are not necessarily ghosts.

In the original, the big one of the gods is also claimed to be two tigers. And he has a line of lines, similar to saying that two tigers killed a lot of "brothers".

And we can know that after the Yangwang has improved his martial arts into "Two Tiger", it is widely spread in this area, and it is expected that these people who have mastered the "Two Tiger" have a chaotic "in" unity.

The next is my own understanding.

The two tiger flows in the end, that is, the control of the body, the four series is actually the control of four different directions. The origin of the righteousness is something that exceeds the limits in the "two tiger match". Therefore, Wang Hao's master said that "there is a brother to stay in the forest", and there is no denial of his "brother" to kill a lot.

So whether it is Wang Horse's master two tigers, or give him two tigers after god, they are all two tigers. But because of the differences between character and experience, they have different things that they understand after the four-line four-lines have been perfect.

The reason why Wang Hao comprehension is also a ghost, because the second generation of the two tiger has changed, and the Bai Erhu is his master, choosing the second-tible of the two tiger to teach himself, rather than letting He comploate his own things through the same "two tigers." Therefore, Wang Horse will say "your two tiger flows very weak", the vain of Bai Er Tiger will be said, "Now the two tiger flow is your own."

So natural, black two tigers, that is, for Wang Ma opened two tigers, he realized that the two tiger flows from God, so he can force Wang Horse to open the status. It is also part of the gods belonging to the two tiger flow. At the end, Wang Hao has its own two tiger flow. He opened the subtitles that appeared after God, because this is his two tiger flow, and he tube Related to the god.

So, the devil should be the two-tiger flows that I have comprehensively understood. I have always thought that the words of the devil are not to win the demon, but the meaning of the devil comes. It is in line with the character of the moment.

Here, you can say how and the ghost back is coming.

I have been emphasizing, and it is also chasing the courage, then he naturally, will imitate the battle of the courage, then with the two-tiger flow that can control the body, he will naturally imitate the imitation of Lao Guo to become "most The flesh that is suitable for fighting is also the ghost of the courage.

In addition, it has reached a state in which the brain secretion of the stimulant is, that is, the first "enrich", plus the devil this Ji itself involves the brain, so there is no strange thing for the ghost.

As for the relationship between him with Tongsheng, I was going to write it in all, but it seems that you are not willing ...

So be it.


There is no state in this week, so it will be normal tomorrow.

Section 284 Chapter 13 Ring and Teeth

Fan Ma Yong Lang this name is sufficient to represent "strong", and it is powerful not to summarize the creatures called Fan Ma Yonglang.

Only if you can face this powerful person, I have qualified to learn Fan Ma Yong Lang, because the weak can be lowered in front of him, and the image is depicted in the mind in mind.

However, when people face the people of Fan Ma Yong Lang put his true face, even the things they described and thoughtful, and the first reaction of the people who looked up the head will always be suspicious.

"Fan Ma Yong Lang actually cares about a woman?"

At this time, the sound of the film is still loud, but he is not aware that he has stood in the "weak".

"Don't you be a saying that Fan Ma Yong Lang is in the interest?"

And left the film, he turned to the sheath and turned around, and immediately stood behind other people's opposite side.

"So, who is my opponent ... Is it a person, or two people?"

"I am playing with you, Yachel."

The people who speaking are the talents, and they have opened their own ties and they have come to face.

"I am a man, so I want something I will get myself."

Something, there is a little in the original, and there is a situation that the situation is separated from his own control, perhaps agree with the boys should accept some tempering and girls need more.

"So I just said that a man is a great thing."

And the same look gradually became serious, even if he had actually passed the shoulders, he put it back in his pocket, no one would think that he is lax at this time.

"Grasping the fist can have strength, you can get what you want."

"I want to do it now, I am awkward ..."

The lie has been low and calm voice in the moment of his boxing, and he fell on the ground, and the place in contact with the ground is an emouting pothole.

And it's half in his side, when other people reacted, he was recovering on his hand on his face.

This battle started from the lie to the boxing of the boxer, and after the next zero seconds ended, the extremely quiet and extreme conversion, everything was already in order.

"Because the brain is shocked by shock ... It is a certain life danger. Of course, you can wake up for more than half an hour."

When and still standing, there is still some uncommon.

"Now, there should be a result? Then I can go home ..."


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