I make a wish to youth with my fist

I use my fist to youth wishing section 209

"Yahhot, after I can cross the darkness from you, I will come back with me!"

Muzhou made a request.

"Cross the dark?"

What is the ancient metaphor?

And also throw this sudden thoughts behind the brain.

"You can't get anything you want from me, or ... this era, the people have not allowed you to get what you are eager. Money, food, famous, women ... These things need you Go it yourself. "

"Is your reason why the country is therefore?"

Wuzhou stunned, and it was completely negative for his values, and for the sword who did not belong to this era, it was not easy to think about the time of four hundred years.

"If you want something, you want to do things ... If someone obstructs, you will get rid of him. If you are going to be based on the person, this is what you can do."

After the people you want, the things you want are naturally come, and you will have two people who hinder themselves - this is a completely different way of behavior, corresponding to two different times.

"Is this?"

And that is also very shallow, Musash is naturally able to understand the deep meaning of this.

Now and in the past, it is two times ...

After traveling today, the martial arts has clearly recognized this after the reality of the imagination.

However, until now, after the two era is very different core, he has fallen into extremely short confused.

"It's all about people, so it doesn't matter."

Chapter 10 of Section 280 He is home in the morning

After Musashi, after the next night, and then quietly left before dawn, and returned to his most familiar street.

When the sun rises, Shinjuku has already slept, looks at the iron gray street view imitation Buddha unloaded the colorful dance girl, flat, and exhausted.

Sitting on the bench and nowhere, but he is soon waiting to talk to him.

"What happened?"

It is a yarn. At this time, she should be asleep in the nest, but now she has no signs here.

"How do my sister know that I am here?"

And of course, it will not think that this is a heart, he believes that this level of tacit understanding will appear after two people.

"LINE positioning."

And the yarn is tone.

"I slept very well last night, so I woke up very early today ... I saw a position to find you, so I came out to find you."

"Then let's go home, I also make up the complement ... I didn't sleep at all last night."

Although it seems that some are not fine, and the spiritual situation is clearly not until the sleeplessness of the night.

"After leaving the sputum, I suddenly wanted to find the person we encountered last night ... Although I don't know how he appears here, he is the price of the price of the truth."

"No one he is ... Why do you leave from winter horses?"

Change is usually, and the yarn may still be surprised by the death of the legendary swordsman, but at this moment, it seems to have more important things.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to leave after meeting with the sputum, this is a very serious thing, otherwise he will not go home but to find a person who can fight with him.

In the face of this problem, and it is also silent, but even so, and the yarn is still answering from his expression.

"Winter horse is a woman ... but she is that, so I can't help with her."

The crowd, and the yarn has been accidentally cold. It is just that it will be played by a sputum before, she will be angry, and now the son is really right, she is, but she is a reaction.

"My sister knows the son ..."

Speaking of this, and the stylus, you have to talk to the yarn, and it is not easy to say to him.

"No men can't do it, no wine is not ... I have to be paralyzed by these things."

It seems that there is a similar conversation between the yarn and the sputum, and it may even be more profound.

"After coming to this, she is not working properly ... I have been with her for three years, I have to know her than you."

"Is it……"

And also sigh, he always thinks that he is quite happy with the time and the gauze and the three people staying together.

At this time, he realized that perhaps this happiness is just his self-righteousness.

"That said ... Sure enough, is I added to the son?"

"What is stupid? This is completely the woman's own question."

As always, the yarn is still standing and also here, but this time is a sputum, it is her mother.

Even if you are free, it is dissatisfied with the sorrow, and the yarn at this time is not possible to take out the discouragement of the past.

"I will refuse it. It will naturally go to other men naturally."

"Is it possible?"

And also got a lip, it seems to think about something.

"Then you have to promise her?"

It's not curious and also a bit, and the emotions of the yarn have also become low.

She leaned on and also on the shoulders, the look became complicated.

"Another woman I can, but it is winter horse, absolutely not!"

"I am actually thinking, where I know, where I got, play with me, gave me a sputum of the piano, take care of my sputum, how can I go to a grievance?"

And also knead his cheek, too low temperature, the numbness brought by the skin slightly relieved.

But those who make him feel pain is still like a thorns generally wrapped around his heart.

"So many time, so many memories, is it more than that I don't know which corner of the world gives her pain?"

"He is too guilty of yourself."

"Sister ..."

And this time did not choose to accept and yarn's extravagant, but continued to speak with himself.

"Yesterday I went to the Palace Musashi, I originally wanted him to kill me once like Mr. Wong Lang ... I found out that anyway, this is something I want to face."

"Never urgently in a hurry."

Give everything to time, this is a very useful method, but in addition to this, you can't think of other things.

"Let's go home, and the king ... I have a good rest in these few days, otherwise, if the holiday is over, I have to go to school."

"Okay, go home."

And stand up, seemed to go home this little goal made him have some motivation.

"But what is going on, telling the truth is also relaxing. The only regret is probably not to stay with my sister. Not to be a month of the show, I haven't worked for a long time."

"Anyway, I don't expect you to have a heart on the book."

And also picked up the spirit, and the side of the yarn can also say some sustained release emotions.

"But ah, my sister ... I will always fight this time."

And laughed and laughed, perhaps this expression is that he is used to face a foreseeable and unhappy future attitude.

"Some things need to be a knot, I should have a little longer ... Say really, study hard, I really become a luxury, I am clear, I am still a high school!"

"Let's cheer, and the king."

This is the first time that the yarn is the first time, it is also to react if it is also in a while.

"I have to go to fight, my sister ... You won't you listen wrong?"

"Only! This time stops you, don't you add trouble to you?"

And the gauze, the hand, but she didn't let me mean, but after this, I added the strength of the hand and the hand.

And she is next, it is completely an amazing rhetoric.

"What to do with Jun want to do it, think about him!"

"This time, I will probably be a hundred percent."

And also laughter.

"If you really plan to obey, remember ... I am very worried about you."


To the end, and the yarn is still like the way.

And also repeatedly repeated an answer that has had many times.

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