I Made Scientific Magic

Chapter 177: Zeno who can never catch up with the tortoise

  Chapter 177 Zeno who can never catch up with the turtle

  Tik put the [Secret Ring] on his index finger with a dark face, and then he didn't go back, he found a seat in the front hall and sat down.

   It was a very strange feeling. His perspective seemed to be divided into two parts. In front of him was an extremely spacious exhibition hall with rows of bookshelves inside, like a complicated maze.

  Tick soon realized that this should be a field made of pure magic, but to his surprise, everything here was a bit too real.

  The oxygen you breathe, the breeze blowing, and the white marble tiles under your feet...

  If he didn't know that he was just a mixture of magic power and spiritual power, he would doubt whether he was still in the real world.

  Tik walked up to a bookshelf in amazement, stroking the stacked books, where even the texture of the paper pages could be perfectly simulated.

  He took out a book - "Basic and Research of Mathematical Olympiad", opened the title page, and wrote in black ink on it. "Olympiad is a discipline that studies concepts such as quantity, structure, change, space, and information. It is a general method for strictly describing and deriving the abstract structure and pattern of things, and can be used to solve any practical and magical problems. ..."

   "Is this the Mathematical Olympiad?" Tik muttered to himself. He has been in contact with the Mathematical Olympiad for two or three months, but this is the first time he has seen such a precise and inductive explanation.

  The page of the book in his hand suddenly trembled, and then automatically suspended under Tike's astonished eyes, drifting towards a certain direction.

  Tick paused for a moment, and then thought that this should be the place to guide him to the assembly.

  Passing through a series of high walls made of bookshelves, Tike soon came to the center of the entire library, where several colleagues he knew who were proficient in counting and alchemy were also here.

  Eleven people were gathering together to talk loudly, and one of the wizards said with a sneer when he saw Tik coming over.

   "I didn't expect that the last person would be you, Tick, I have to say, you are a bit late, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

"I'm sorry, Alva, I thought you guys would be slower, so I took a long nap last night and took care of my appearance, but I didn't want to miss the hour." Tike raised his eyebrows and spoke freely replied.

   "You are very leisurely, and you just came at the end..." Alva naturally didn't believe a word of Tick's words, and made a mocking insinuation, and didn't bother to expose it, and continued to speak.

   "We were discussing the second Olympiad problem just now, but I don't know how long it took you, and what method did you use to calculate the result?"

  Tick responded in a deep voice. "This question is actually very easy to solve, as long as we change our thinking, we can get the answer.

  Since the first monkey found that the total number of peaches cannot be equally divided, and there is one more peach, then we might as well assume that if they were given four more peaches at the beginning, each monkey would be able to divide the peaches equally.

  This makes the problem much simpler. The peaches have been divided five times in total, and each time they can be divided into five equal parts, so the total number of peaches is five to the fifth power, three thousand one hundred and twenty-five! Just subtract the first four and you get the final answer! "

  Among the eleven people present, seven nodded their heads. Tick's method was the same as theirs, and the rest of them used their own ideas to solve the problem for comparison.

   "As for solving this problem, it took me about five...no... four hours." Tik said with a guilty conscience.

"I only spent three hours and twenty-seven minutes!" Alva said proudly. At the internal seminar of the Alchemy Association last year, the new type of magic circle he proposed was picked out by Tick. This time it finally came back.

  Tik looked at the rest of the people rather depressed, and found that they basically solved the problem in about three to five hours, which means that most of them were faster than him.

   "Two hours!" Ellison, who had been silent all this time, interrupted suddenly.

  The wizards present looked at Ellison, looking up at a mountain.

   This question is not too difficult, but for Alvaji who have not systematically studied Olympiad before, it is not easy to turn around in a short while.

  How could it be so fast?

Tick ​​couldn't help asking a few more questions, and then found out that Ellison was able to get the result so quickly, not because of his own efforts, but because he mobilized dozens of apprentices to work with him. The answer was obtained by exhaustive method!

  Others have more or less communicated and discussed with their colleagues.

  After learning this, Tick was in a mess. These people didn't even talk about martial arts, no wonder they were all so fast!

   As a result, he was the only one doing the questions honestly...

Just as Tik was cursing secretly in his heart, the entire magic power space shook heavily, and then countless thick books floated out of the bookshelf, the pages of the books flew apart, and the lines of complex calculation symbols seemed to come alive, leaving Freed from the shackles of the books, surrounded by the void, outlines three-dimensional patterns.

   "Welcome to the Sea of ​​Mathematical Olympiad..."

   Accompanied by a deep and deep voice, these restless knowledge gradually calmed down.

  Tick turned his head and saw a curly-haired wizard in a brown robe walking towards this side.

  Under the action of some force, the scattered books returned to their original positions, leaving only those strange symbols still circling in the void, as if unwilling to return to the cage constructed by the books.

   "You can call me Leibniz!" the wizard introduced politely.

   "Master Leibniz." Tik and others immediately saluted respectfully. They all maintained enough respect for a great wizard and a pioneer in Austrian mathematics.

   "I heard from Your Excellency Lynn that you came to us specifically to solve a problem that plagued the algebraic mathematics community?" Alva was not so polite, and asked first, which was also a question that everyone was extremely curious about.

   "Not bad!" Leibniz nodded, and then explained. "The cause of the incident was that I made a bet with another wizard named Zeno. He was preparing to race a tortoise recently, and asked the other party to run a hundred meters first, and then he set off to catch up. Every second he Can run ten meters, but the tortoise can only travel ten centimeters per second..."

   "Zeno thinks he'll never catch that turtle, and I need to prove he can!"

   (PS: I originally planned to add more shifts during the weekend, but ended up working overtime, so I had to wait for the rest... miserable.)

  (end of this chapter)

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