The luck in the emperor's heart was extinguished by Ling Chu's words.

 Evacuation is the only way to survive.

 The only thing to do was to immediately order all the imperial troops to be organized into small teams of five, disperse them, and notify everyone to evacuate to the north.

 Gonggong An was extremely uneasy and wanted to persuade the emperor to leave Yangqu County immediately, but the emperor did not listen.

Although Yangqu County is not large, it has about 30,000 people. It is not an easy task to evacuate everyone within an hour.

 In order to prevent someone from disobeying the advice or even causing trouble, the emperor decided to go to the county government to sit in charge.

 Gongong An tried hard to persuade him, but when he saw that the emperor didn't listen at all, he asked someone to fetch the horse and then rushed to the county government office. He was so anxious that he could only hurriedly take out a banknote and stuff it into the hands of shopkeeper Qian, "This is the cost of our stay in the hotel. There is no need to find more. Take it and run away."

 After paying the bill, Eunuch An galloped out. After getting on his horse, he whipped his horse whip and went after the emperor.

Master Li, who was in charge of the ladle, said uneasily, "Shopkeeper, the heavy rain has stopped. Will Honghu Lake really burst its embankments?"

Another guy answered, "Our lake embankments in Yangqu County have always been built solidly, and there has never been a breach of embankments. Could these people be liars?"

Shopkeeper Qian looked away from the retreating Imperial Guards, glanced down at the banknotes in his hand, and then said solemnly, "Our lake embankment in Yangqu County is indeed solidly built. But just because something has not happened does not mean that it will not happen." will happen."

"I don't think these people are lying to us. Although I don't know who these people are, I can tell that they are extraordinary people at a glance. People who cheat are firstly for fame and secondly for profit.

If the story of the embankment breach is false, what else can they get besides being called names?

But if Honghu Lake really breaks its embankments, what they will save is the lives of the entire Yangqu County people. Even if they asked everyone to evacuate just for the sake of fame, they are still the benefactors of our entire Yangqu County.

He is also the benefactor of our Qian family.

Even if they are not seeking fame or profit, I, Qian San, am willing to set up longevity tablets for them and pray to the gods every day to bless them with good health, longevity, and longevity. "

 If these people leave without settling their accounts. Shopkeeper Qian might have thought that those people claiming that the flood was coming were using this as an excuse to miss out on the money that had been poured into the store.

 But not only did they settle the bill, they even remembered that they didn't even care about the extra money, which shows that the **** breach is really going to happen.

Shopkeeper Qian didn't want to stay any longer, so he said to Master Li and the waiters, "Go back quickly and take your family with you to the north, to Daluo Mountain. Don't take anything else with you except valuables. Otherwise, if the flood comes, run away." Do not move."

Seeing that everyone was still hesitating, shopkeeper Qian frowned and said, "Human life is at stake. I'd rather believe that it happened than not. If there is no flood, it's just a matter of spending some energy to walk north and come back. But if Honghu If the embankment really breaks, there is only one way to die.”

Shopkeeper Qian finished speaking in a hurry, and immediately turned back to the inn, put all the money and banknotes into the box, and hurried out of the inn with them in his arms to inform his family to evacuate.

 When other people saw this, they were panic-stricken and could only follow him and run home.

In order for the imperial army to notify everyone to evacuate as much as possible, the emperor sent everyone out. There were only ten forbidden troops left by his side, and they hurried to the county government office.

In order to let everyone know that the flood was coming, the emperor signaled to the imperial guards around him and summoned all the people in the yamen to the gate.

 At first, the people in the yamen ignored the forbidden army's words and only stared at the intruders with unkind expressions.

The emperor took a look, and without saying a word, the imperial guard took out his saber and put it on the officer's neck. Seeing the murderous look on his face, no one dared to speak. They all turned around and ran to the gate to gather.

Another Imperial Guard quickly found a gong, stood in front of the Yamen, raised his hand, and struck it a dozen times, attracting all nearby passers-by.

 The emperor immediately announced that the flood was coming and asked everyone to evacuate. But all the government officials were doubtful, and some even questioned the emperor's words.

“The heavy rain has stopped, so how can there be a flood? The embankment of Honghu Lake has always been built solidly, and there has never been a breach of the embankment. What are you doing to deceive the public with your lies?

Do you think that since Magistrate Yan is gone, you want to come and be our master? I advise you to stop dreaming. We are not ignorant and stupid people who will listen to your lies. "

The people watching also started talking, saying that there had never been a flood in Yangqu County and that Honghu Lake would not burst its embankments. Seeing that more and more people were questioning, the emperor's face quickly darkened.

Just now, I was going to let the imperial army take care of the yamen servant who caused the most trouble, so as to scare the monkeys.

Ling Chu suddenly walked in from the crowd and said to the government official with a cold face, "Lie? You went gambling last night and lost twenty-three taels of silver. After returning home, you drank alone, and fell down while drunk. A bag hit his head, right?"

 “How do you know?” the yamen servant blurted out with a surprised look on his face.

It’s not surprising that the girl knew that he lost money. After all, he was gambling in a gambling house. If you are interested in asking, it is not difficult.

But how did she know that he was drunk and dropped a big bag last night? He drank at home, and there was no one else at home at the time. Even his wife took the child back to her parents' home the day before yesterday.

Lingchu ignored the yamen officer's words and turned to look at the people on the side, "You had a sudden abdominal pain the night before yesterday. You planned to see a doctor after dawn, but the abdominal pain suddenly disappeared after dawn."

“And you, when you were in the latrine this morning, you accidentally dropped a copper plate into the latrine.”

“Auntie sprained her foot when she went to the vegetable field to pick vegetables, is that right?”

Ling Chu said five or six things in one breath, and all the people who were named looked at her in surprise.

 Although it was a small matter, she got it right without exception. The key is that no one else knows about these things except the person involved. It's amazing that this girl knows everything.

Ling Chu glanced at them and suddenly asked, "Now, do you still think that the flood is a lie? It has been raining heavily for three days and nights in Yangqu County. The water level of Hong Lake has been rising sharply, and the lake embankment is in danger. The embankment will collapse soon.

What are you still hesitating about? Run for your life quickly. If you are late, it will be too late. "

Seeing that some people still looked suspicious, Ling Chu added, "If the flood hadn't come, you could come back, but it would just take some physical effort. But if the embankment really breaks, have you thought about your elderly parents and young children at home?" child?"

 The faces of the people watching changed at her words. This kind of thing is not afraid of 10,000, but afraid of just in case. When I think about my parents and children at home, I feel even more worried.

Some people no longer wanted to stay, so they turned around and ran back home, hoping to pack up their belongings and take their families with them to escape.

 The crowd has the habit of following the crowd. When someone runs away, others rush to leave.

Ling Chu breathed a sigh of relief and motioned to the imperial guards on one side. Boom!

The imperial guard immediately banged the gong in his hand and shouted loudly, "The flood is coming. Hurry and flee to the north and go to Daluo Mountain to escape..."

Thank you forget-me-not, 080829222020107, 20230208431051, CHEN, Scarred, Peng Yongfang, 140212184021428, colorful life, 131119213222849, .v·, why you grow old, China Fuze, Eden of the East, this moment, laugh with you, All living beings, officials_DC,

ˆ 20200706130425328, Forget-Me-Not, Heard This Man in the Village, Goat Song and the Story of the Eyes, Xiongbin, 20231010851_ED, Star & Sky, ixixi, chlwch, Panax notoginseng_Db and other book friends' recommendation votes support.

  Thanks to Hongxiu and the book friends who support Hongxiu.

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