I love posting on Weibo and have become a professional genius

Chapter 327: Spiritual bypassing, holding the match point

The BP selection in the second game was different from what the outside world thought.

Cvmax simply feels that when playing WE, some late-stage protection is needed.


RNG Summer Split is very similar to LGD, with almost no games involving Ancient Dragon. But WE is different. This team likes to actively force the resource group and compete for the overall decision-making ability during the stage when the ancient dragon and the baron are generated at the same time.

one more.

WE grabs Luo.

To deal with a hero like Luo, you can't let the opponent have too much vision advantage.

In other words, Qin Hao supplemented Kassadin simply because this hero can fight one-three-one with Kennen, and can stand on the flanks to threaten WE's formation when teaming up, preventing them from cooperating with Luo to start a team.

You can tell just by looking at the lineup.

WE's weapon is very good at grabbing vision. Whether it's the big tree's E or the plane's Poke advantage, it can help Luo gain position.

Cvmax’s last two options were Kassadin and Kennen.

The purpose is to take the initiative on the side, then position behind to counter-clear the resource group, and use Kassadin to detect position information, creating opportunities for Kennen to get close to the back row, and then the Rat will harvest.

Thoughts on both sides.

The smile has been understood.

WE is strong and positioned in front of the team, and LGD is strong and active on the wing. Both sides have points that can be used until the later stage. Which side has the advantage depends on the situation of the top lane duel.

Smile: "Langx's enthusiasm here is also to choose to play AD. In this case, 957 will be a little more uncomfortable in front."

Miller: "But I feel like WE's lineup is very good at controlling dragons. Rats don't have much fighting power in the early stage, and Kassadin can't push planes."

Smiling and nodding: "Let's see how the Xiaolong mark goes. If it's wind and water..."

Xiao Xiao was about to say that using wind and water was a bit useless. The next second, the camera entered the spring water. Following the director's perspective, the audience noticed the fire attribute mark on the inside of the dragon pit.

"Fire dragon?! Hey, this is very good." The smile was very real.

"Killing me."

"Smile is worried."

"I blanch it, it's really a fire dragon."

"No, even God takes care of WE."

"Guigui, after Condi chose the blind monk, even his luck has improved."

"In this version, the blind monk is not strong."

"We have to give the Son of Dragon some heroes with strong punishment. His tank has no answer."

Level one.

With Braum around, C Bo greeted him and squatted down, "...He comes over and waits for me to Q first. If he doesn't come, the jungler will open blue to help the top lane gain an advantage."

C Bo feels that he can withstand pressure in the bottom lane.

The hero Braun is very powerful under the tower. Even if there is a line on the opposite side, the blind monk is not easy to get past. On the other hand, Kennen is good at hitting big trees in the early stage, and with the help of the level difference, he is good at hitting bigger trees in the jungle.

"Yeah." Karsa had no objection. In terms of first-level design, C Bo really has a lot of ideas.

Perhaps because there is no command pressure, C Bo usually spends the rest of his time studying the opponent's habits in addition to following the coach through the map to practice his eye position.

Like 957, he likes to stand at the intersection of the blue zone when playing with big trees, and will not go online in advance and become a cancer. So C Bo didn't think he could crouch him down, he just thought he could make a time difference and go around the field of vision to hide his movements.

The reason why we stick together.

The main reason is that I am worried about the opponent's counter logic - what if five people on the opponent team up to catch Kennen for grass. If Kennen dodges and loses his head at level one, the big tree will be comfortable.

"Go, go, go, follow my rhythm!"

Walking near the previous tower, C Bo said funnyly.

"Lei Sudeng?" Big Wolf said suddenly.

"Have you seen this before?" C Bo was surprised.


"I'm going back to the city first." Finding no one there, Qin Hao squatted for a few seconds and pressed B on the spot.

"Big Wolf, I've given you the Counter position, is it okay to hold down a big tree?" Before going back, C Bo had one more question.

"Haha." Big Wolf sneered, feeling that C Bo was a bit insulting to him.

Commentary seat.

LGD returned to the city and returned to their positions one after another. Only Kenan was left occupying the front grass and Li Keg was squatting on the river.

But just like C Bo said, 957 stood at the intersection until it came to the upper line and came to the open space, and then chose to go back to the line behind the wall instead of walking on the river. He was afraid of being consumed by Kennan.

Just like that.

The big tree had just moved away with its front legs, and the back legs of the wine barrel came into the blue with a beer belly.

Seeing the big tree without paying attention, Xiaoxiao knew that 957 wanted to prevent the jungler from reaching three, but it was just like this. WE didn't know Karsa's jungler position:

"I clicked an accessory eye on F6 in the middle. I know that the wine barrel has not opened F6. Can you guess that the blue buff has been reversed?"

"Condi is pinning down the river and wants to finish 2 groups to control the river crabs."

"It's a bit uncomfortable." I don't know the opening position, and the blind monk may start with a single buff.

The camera moved to the middle, and while the plane was a few seconds behind the line, Qin Hao decisively pulled down the line of troops, allowing the three long-range soldiers on the opposite side to attack him first for one round, and then retreated behind.

In this way, after the artillery troops arrive, the troop line can be stuck in front of the tower for a period of time.

Xiye noticed this little movement.

I just didn't take it seriously.

Because those who play Kassadin like to put the line over to resist pressure. Even if Kassadin doesn't pull the string, he still has to push it.

It's nothing more than pulling the line to better control the HP of the tail knife.

Different from the peaceful development style in the middle lane, the top lane changes are more passionate. Of course, the main reason is that Big Wolf is more passionate, and 957 is the one who gets beaten.

From the moment Kenan hit AQ on the first level line, 957 knew that he was stuck.


The first wave of lines only needs to miss 2 soldiers, and it will still be pushed over. But he didn't expect that Langx would take advantage of it. When the second wave of soldiers had just arrived near the first tower, he pressed forward and consumed it, and he was stolen from the draw ace again.

no way.

957 can only retreat to the side of the soldier line, intending to push forward with the second wave of lines. Just like that, Kennan got to second first, and his Q came out of the gap in the army line, but he twisted it away.

Finally got to two.

957 points out the W skill, thinking that if the opponent presses forward, he can use the line of soldiers to counterattack. Therefore, the red side's line of soldiers was pushed to the side of the wall.

Seeing that Kenan was about to make a move, 957 adjusted his position and walked inside. In this way, if Kennen wants to steal points with basic attacks, he can only pull him out of the grass.

The problem is that Langx understands this kind of positioning very well. These days when he is soloing with Qin Hao, Qin Hao often uses this trick to make up for the difference in health.

Therefore, after Big Wolf's A soldier controlled the mark, he came out of the grass and came near the blue side's soldier line, pretending to attack AQ, but before making a basic attack, he saw signs of support from the big tree and immediately cut off the basic attack and threw darts. .

Q hits.

957 subconsciously followed forward.

The big wolf pulls back and down, maintaining a distance of 550 yards. After chasing for 2 steps, Dashu quickly stopped when he saw that Kenan was about to escape the hatred of the rear row of soldiers.

But as if the opponent knew he would do this, he immediately turned around and entered a distance of 500 yards, fired AW, triggered three layers of marks to control, and then used basic attacks on the spot.

what's the situation?

Miller wondered: "The blood of the big tree dropped to one-third, and the wine barrel came to the grass behind the wall."

"This location feels dangerous."

When the lineup was finalized, everyone knew that Dashu couldn't beat Kenan in the front, but they didn't expect that Dashu would be kicked out of the experience area by LGD in just over 2 minutes.

"Langx did a better job in this wave of pulling. After he used grass to draw the aggro of the ranged soldiers, he didn't let the tree reach him at the first time." Smile endured the discomfort and told the details of the game.

What gives 60E some relief is that.

957 knocked down the blood bottle and did not force himself to stand in front of the tower. Instead, he retreated into the tower and prepared to wait for the troops to come in.

Just like that.

When LGD Ueno wanted to cooperate, he saw a beer man appearing behind the wall. 957 did not wait for the barrel to continue to close to him, but took the initiative to use W displacement, and then took a step forward to Q to withdraw the barrel, and then flashed decisively without giving LGD any reaction to follow up. time.

"The jungler is on top."

After hearing the report, Condi felt a little dizzy.

He saw that LGD's bottom lane went online late at night, and thought it was the bottom lane duo that helped Wine Barrel open blue. Moreover, it is slower to open the wine barrel alone, which is actually a bit of a waste of time in the wild.

"I'm going to kill them. Su Hanwei, after you push the line, remember to retreat. They may come over."

The first wave of confrontation.

It seems that the wine barrel revealed his vision and allowed the blind monk to recover his development, but in fact, LGD's goal has been achieved——

The big tree did not dodge, the troop line was a little exploded, and the information that the wine barrel was in the upper half of the area prevented the aircraft from taking advantage of the level difference to consume HP while taking advantage of the Kassadin tower.

Qin Hao finished eating the tower sword steadily, upgraded to level three, and sent the thread out.

at this time.

From the ward position given by IMP, I saw that the blind monk was pulling blue, and Ben was not in front of the tower. Upon seeing this, Qin Hao saw that the plane did not use E to advance troops, so he took the initiative to send Q to consume, triggering the shield WA to kill the remaining soldiers.

Seeing how comfortable Kassadin was on the line with a smile, he couldn't help but said, "The condition is quite good. I feel like Kassadin can reach level six before going home."

If the main line enters the tower and cannot gain the blood volume advantage, the plane will have nothing to do with Kassadin.

Xiye was a little helpless. As Kassadin's unique skill brother, such a rhythm of pushing back the line was obviously more comfortable.


Instead, he dropped blue and toad. Condi finished a circle and went straight to the bottom lane. At this time, Mouse and Bronn had just returned home. From a God's perspective, Xiaoxiao noticed that Bronn was coming to Zhongzhong, and he used the real eye behind the wall in the red zone of the blue side.

In the bottom lane, Mouse turned on his invisibility, and Luo and Han Bing were dissatisfied because they had not returned to the city.

Seeing LGD's assistant trying to exchange blood in front of the tower, he smiled and said excitedly: "Condi entered the line grass, I guessed that LGD would do this!"

The words just fell.

The mouse showed up and gave a W to slow down the two of them, then followed the direction of the Bronn River, intending to keep someone behind. As soon as C Bo released his Q, he hit and flashed the ice. Before he was happy, Luo raised his backhand and sky sound waves appeared in the grass.

"Fuck." Bo C judged that he couldn't get away, so he said, "The blind monk is here."


Hanbingdududu opened Q to focus the fire, and cooperated with Nosuke's damage to get first blood.


The WE three turned to the dragons and captured the first fire dragon. During this process, Karsa threatened the big tree with the open card in the reverse half.

It’s just that 957 would rather lose money than give a chance. As early as when the bottom lane started, the defensive eye was added to the blue zone, so after the wine barrel went around to expose its position, the big tree hid in the autistic grass in advance.

Seeing this, 60E finally had the desire to launch a barrage.

"You really need to choose a hero for Condi who can do things easily."

"Feed human heads to AD. Comfortable."

"Except for the big trees, which are a little uncomfortable, the middle and lower trees are comfortable."

"It's okay, the big tree is useful for group play."

The rhythm of this one is slower than the previous one.

The first blood was drawn in 4 minutes and 50 seconds, and then when the AD rose to six, neither side triggered the second wave of collision. Mainly in this version, the jungler doesn’t have that many gank rounds.

Basically, in the first wave, I went home and made a green jungle knife. The junglers on both sides focused on warding and vision. You need to wait for the line to have a blood exchange rhythm before the jungler can take action.

But this one.

Dashu was resisting the pressure. Even if he was 21 points behind in eight minutes, it was still difficult to die. Besides threatening the top lane, LGD had no other way.

"Langx, seems to be controlling the speed of demolishing the tower."

The guide told him to hit the road, and the big tree was on the clear tower line. Kennen's position was very safe, but he didn't click on the tower very much. Instead, he looked for opportunities to consume the big tree from time to time.

He smiled and said: "The tower fell too fast, which is a kind of liberation for the big tree."

Miller nodded: "In 8 minutes, the barrel came up three times, and I really wanted to cause trouble for 957."

Dashu pinched W and R, and Kenan didn't dare to enter the tower to ride on his face.

in voice.

Karsa communicated with the vanguard and asked the big wolf to slowly demolish the previous tower.

Just as Qin Hao continued to spend money, relying on his basic skills, he was 4 soldier hours ahead of the aircraft.

9 minutes and 13 seconds.

As soon as Kenan caught the new line, Han Bing suddenly shot a big shot and hit Braum. He followed Qin Hao and handed over the TP, only to find that a beam of light lit up in front of the tower.

Wawa: "Dashu crosses T, Luo opens big... IMP crosses back, but Luo still catches me!!"

WE suddenly attacked and wanted to take advantage of the vanguard and capture the bottom lane. Otherwise, as soon as the previous tower falls, Kennen will come down.

Near the next tower on the red side.

Luo Meimei seduces two people, lifts up the rat, and the blind monk attacks from the flank. Q rat touches the eye and does a roundhouse kick. In conjunction with the big tree that just landed, he performs a chain control and kills AD instantly.

As soon as the mouse died suddenly, there was a clanging sound on the field. That was the sound effect of Han Bing opening his Q and hitting the security door.

At this moment, Luo resisted until he only had half health left, but Qin Hao knew that Luo couldn't be killed, and he could exit the battlefield with just one E.

Estimating the time for the plane to arrive.

Qin Hao immediately said: "Gathering Fire Blind Monk."

The words just fell.

Bronn jumped back while holding the precarious security door. Dashu just pressed W and followed Bronn to Kassadin's side.

In the next second, Braum's R knocked away the big tree and the blind monk. Qin Hao's E took RWA to trigger the thunder, and then pressed Q to reduce the blind monk's health to only 470.

Seeing Braum hanging out to ignite, Luo tried to cover himself.

But Mystic thought of a four-for-two, and with so many skills, it was impossible to kill just one mouse, so Han Bing ignored Kassadin who entered the range and instead followed the big tree to focus fire and bloom.

Thousands of arrows were fired to slow down the two of them.

Braum's residual health flashed and he adjusted his position, and 957 pressed his ultimate move.

When the WE two went to see Braum, Qin Hao's ultimate move was cooled down, and he used another attack on the blind monk, forcing out Luo's treatment and the blind monk's flash.

Smile: "Xiye is here!"

Miller: "The blind monk is still alive, and Kassadin still has three seconds left with his R skill."

Condi: "Don't go too deep, Kenan has a T." Condi reminded.

At this moment, the plane rushed over to guard Kassadin. Qin Hao used his backhand to output the ice that was chasing into the tower. He slowed down with E and then connected with Q to perform a close-up basic attack.

The ice, which was only level 6, was as crisp as a shrimp.

The electronic female voice announced the news that Han Bing had killed Braum. Qin Hao made another RWA. Han Bing was afraid of being replaced, so he immediately handed over the flash.

After adjusting the position.

The tree resisted the output of the fourth defense tower and turned around to outflank Kassadin. Qin Hao could only choose to cross-dodge to avoid being focused by ice and aircraft.

A wave of 0 for 2, the total head count is 3:0.

WE used four ultimate moves and two flashes.


"This is a big trick. The mouse is so charged that it can't move."

"Handsome, Condi."

When the barrage called out, the smile was not so optimistic.

Because the economy cannot open up.

The big tree passed to the bottom lane and took advantage of the situation to change lanes. However, after the previous tower was taken away by Kenan, Langx pushed again. In other words, WE has a lead of 900 yuan until now.

And after spending so many big moves, they gave up the vanguard group by default.

Smile had just finished thinking about the situation.

The plane returned to the middle to push the line. As Kassadin completed his recovery and returned to defense, the wine barrel came from the upper river.

This is?

"Xiye is a bit dangerous, the blind monk has just left the high ground."

Xiye thought he could grind down the middle tower, but after seeing Kassadin, he didn't choose to retreat. At this stage, Kassadin doesn't do much damage, and he has to reach at least three levels before he has a chance to kill him.


Kassadin didn't pay attention to the tower line. He caught the moment when the plane threw Q, stepped on it and released Q to charge E, and then slowed down in seconds.

The plane pulled back and pulled away, trying to pull back and fight back. The next second, the wine barrel blue side showed up at the intersection of the blue area and rushed to the tower.

Xiye was afraid of being dodged by the wine barrel's E. The wine barrel had just entered the 700-yard distance, so she chose to cross the wall and enter the F6 open space.

"Fortunately, I just lost a dodge. In the next few minutes, it is not easy for a team battle to break out." commented with a smile.

After this wave.

LGD is really using the vanguard, while Condi is busy brushing the jungle to supplement development.

During the transition period, Dashu has Sunfire Cloth Armor Shoes, so he is not afraid of being consumed by Kenan. Of course, the big tree is just for wiring and does not want to hit the tower.

Seeing that the rhythm of controlling the dragon continues, WE can transition from the weak period of the aircraft.

Karsa caught the opportunity of the blind monk to brush the toad after WE Nosuke had just completed a round of midline vision, and successfully squatted into the blue zone.

"Can Condi find out?"

Smile was a little worried, "Xi Ye is waiting for the line on the second tower. Kassadin can get there first."

Condi thought that there would be no trouble going up the river because of his eyesight. But he didn't know that Karsa leaned against E, entered the grass behind the wall, and was waiting for him there.

Eat the toad.

Kassadin just pushed a big wave into the open space.

Condi thought that he could put some pressure on Kassadin and subconsciously moved behind the wall.


Between the lightning and flint.

Barrel E then R, the blind monk flew in the air and received Kassadin's burst as soon as he landed.

It fell with a bolt of thunder.

At 13 minutes, the mid laner, who was ahead of the jungler at the second level, did enough damage.

"You shouldn't be able to leave."

Blind Sin touched his eyes and delayed for a while, but was still caught up by Kassadin's ultimate move.

Commented with a smile: "Hey, this wave of Karsa has gone around so well. In the river area, WE inserted a real eye and two false eyes to block the area from F6 to the pass, but did not take too much care of the road."

LGD just plays one-three-one.

Both sides can develop. From the front, Braum keeps the mouse clearing the line, and slowly releases the first tower.

"It's okay. I've packed the explosives. I'll find an opportunity to kill Kenan."

Half a minute later.

After clearing the line from the big tree, go down to the river, pretending to be in a group to grab the view, while the plane stays in the spring, ready to TP at any time and overtake Kennan.

This trick works very well.

Due to lack of information, the big wolf just pushed away a wave of lanes and opened up the flanking trees to cooperate with the blind monk to retain people. Wait for Kenan to make a big move to electrocute two people, and then cross E with the remaining health behind.

Xiye picked up the explosive pack, teleported the artificial eyes in the blue zone given by his teammates, and entered the field to catch up with Kenan.

"The plane is full." Smiling a little happily: "In this case, the next tower should be available, and let Xiafu go up to the second tower to defend the wave."

One and a half minutes later.

WE controlled the water dragon, and the new mark turned into fire. He smiled happily and said: "The next dragon will still be the strongest one on the left."


Mystic hides his position and shoots big, R reaches Braum, and then Luo uses his big moves to cooperate with the output of the blind monk and the plane, killing the support and forcing the mouse to flash.

LGD fans also discovered that although Rat and Braum can clear the line, they play very passively. Because the wine barrel needs to ensure the side lane, the number of hits is not as frequent as that of the blind monk.

[The head count is 5:1. 】

[Mouse development is average. 】

[Han Bing is a little fat, so I’ll get a 2-piece set right away. 】

[Xiaolong can’t pick it up. 】

[Think of a way, WE have always been together. 】

WE like to stick together.

It's because their lineup can only play like this.

In addition, Kassadin is difficult to catch on the wing, but he cannot put pressure on the defensive tower. Xiye has time to cooperate with his teammates' actions.


Seeing this, Hongmi felt that she had a chance to win. As long as you continue to follow the rhythm of Xiaolong, the opponent will not be able to support Kassadin.

The time came to 21 and a half minutes.

The plane cleared the line of troops, ignored Kassadin's disappearance, and retreated back to the city to replenish the sword. The only difference was the synthesis cost to replenish the endless.

The other end.

After Kassadin eats the stone beetle, return to the spring water to refill his blue, and then go down. Qin Hao also has one and a half pieces, and is short of money to buy the Archangel.

"Do you want LGD to pick it up?"

Seeing this unusual action, Miller said:

"WE can get into position first, and it will be difficult for LGD to rush in despite the plane's poke. They lack an early-attack hero like Dashu and Luo."

"Maybe it's a line change? Let Kenan go?" Wawa gave an unreliable guess.

I couldn't do this sentence for Smile, and I thought: How can I let Kennen lead the lane? Kennen's self-protection ability is not as good as Kassadin.


Sask heard it very clearly: "Leave a search photo. Big Wolf, you go grab the view and wait for me to get in position before attacking."

WE is indeed in place.

Ten seconds before Xiaolong refreshed, the big tree leaned against the river, and the blind monk and Luo squeezed into the pass and the intersection of the blue zone, leaving an eye position.

in this process.

Bronn and Mouse made no other moves, they just defended the line. Therefore, Condi thinks LGD will let Xiaolong go and continue to delay development.

Although the fire attribute mark is stacked to the second level, it can bring 16% AD and AP bonus to the whole team, which is equivalent to a big sword in the later stage.

If the problem really comes to a later stage, what AD lacks is the output environment.

Therefore, since Xiaolong stopped adding economy to the whole team, the dragon control rate in the China and South Korea divisions is not high, unless it goes against the grain to do three fires and three earths.

But this probability is relatively small.

"Kassadin used his ultimate move to cross the wall and followed Kennen towards the Triangle Grass. WE didn't know this."

WE's center of gravity is at the dragon pit and the center line.

957 knew that Kennan was sneaking around on the flank, so he went over to catch the problem, and at most he forced an E. He didn't believe that LGD didn't have defensive eyes in the red and blue zones.

Just like that.

Qin Hao relied on Kenan to eliminate the view of the triangle grass, entered the red zone, and squatted on the upper side of F6. From this position, if you take three steps forward, you will be discovered by Luo Cao Liu's artificial eyes on the back wall.

"I really want to pick it up. The wine barrel is already here, taking Bronn to grab the view of the pass."

Xiye stood in the river, and Poke consumed LGD Nosuke.

As soon as LGD squeezed into the river, Luo immediately added his real eye. On the contrary, Barrel and Bronn were hit by several consecutive missiles from the plane, and their health dropped to three-quarters.

"You fight."

The fire dragon was refreshed, Xiye asked Ueno to eat the dragon, and he came to block the position. At the same time, Xiye paid attention to the mouse's movements.

He knew that Kanan had disappeared in Trigongrass.

The problem is that the grass behind the wall has their artificial eyes. If Kennen dares to go around, they can rush Kennen first. Just like this, WE deliberately allowed Kennan to go around.

"Can't see Kenan, the mouse disappeared."

"It's okay, they can't fire me." Xiye was confident. He had W and dodge, so why did Nosuke hit him?

But from God's perspective.

Smile noticed that Han Bing was about to squeeze towards the F6 intersection, and he said anxiously: "You can drive earlier. Leave Luo's position for Nosuke, and the damage will definitely be enough."

Luo retreats to the intersection, and Nosuke can be opened through the wall.

The problem is that WE does not have Kennan's vision.

IMP throws out the searchlight, and the fire dragon reaches 3,000 health. Right here, the wine barrel moves forward E, and the plane pulls backward W.

The next second.

Bronn was in the air, and the mouse appeared and was seen by the real eye, and his position was next to Bronn. Chance! Condi's eyes were shining, and he planned to move the wine barrel and kick the mouse back.

The blind monk just touched his eyes and interrupted the second stage of Q. When he came to Bronn's side, he found that the mouse was handed over and flashed. At this moment, Condi thought about kicking him anyway, so he kicked the wine barrel to the vicinity of the dragon pit.

"Come on, let's go, I'll stop AD." Qin Hao said calmly.

The wine barrel flew up uncontrollably and entered the encirclement. As soon as it landed, it was tied up with big trees and cooperated with the aircraft to focus the fire.

WE don't know.

Kennan prepared on the rear side for a long time. When he saw this, he rushed into the sight of the big tree, forcing the plane to duck into the dragon pit.

At this moment, Xiye wanted to get away from the mouse.

As long as they are not focused at the same time, Luo and Han Bing can intercept the personnel on the upper side of the river. They only need to drag their teammates to deal with Bronn and Rat.


The imagined split scene did not happen.

As soon as Han Bing reached the intersection, Luo used his big move to speed up and kill the mouse.

However, when Ben charmed Braum and triggered the secondary acceleration, he noticed Mystic shouting: "Kassadin is in my face."

Ben subconsciously turned around, E Han Bing W lifted Kassadin away and rescued AD.

The problem is that Kassadin is relatively weak.

After Han Bing met and got beaten up, he didn't dare to stand still and could only duck to the middle tower to deal damage.

"Don't look back, Luo, you can cooperate with the blind monk to kill the mice."


The smile is urgent.

The blind monk was passively stunned by Braum, and the rat opened up its output, and there was an out-of-control wine barrel next to it to compensate for the damage. On the rear side, although there were big trees to help intercept Kenan, the aircraft was not in a good position and could not control the front.

"Kassadin uses his ultimate move, LGD is going to win!"

Restricting the back row, Qin Hao waits for his ultimate move CD, and cooperates with Kennan and Wine Barrel to press over the wall to collect the aircraft. On the upper side, the blind monk was killed by rats, and WE was left with only the fleshiest tree, which could withstand the encirclement of five people.


"What a good fight." C Bo praised.

"This is going so well." Wawa commented.

"I feel a little hesitant on the left side." He said with a smile: "Luo is more decisive. He can really drive Nosuke. The ice is as big as Luo's. As long as Luo stays, big trees and planes can keep up."

"Even if you can't kill him, you can still force the opponent away and eat the dragon safely."

"Although Kassadin is good at circling, it's not easy to cut alone."


The director will give playback in due course.

Keg and Braum were poked several times by missiles. After Luo finished replenishing his eyes, he stood in the F6 aisle, "This position is really good. Just communicate with your teammates and let your teammates replenish their skills."

"Haha, the smile is so scary."

"Ben, Luo, why are you so hesitant? You always wait for your teammates to take the lead." That wave of double-teams in the bottom lane means that you have to hit the ice and hit the T before you choose to enter the tower to resist injuries.

"It doesn't taste like that."

"This Luo is not as good as Baolan."

This wave is over.

WE went from leading nearly 2,400 to leading 1,300.

In the camera, Ben's face looked a little ugly. During the communication, Condi blamed the support for selling him out.

Hongmi sounded a little helpless.

He felt that this wave should not be fought like this, taking advantage of the field of view, terrain and control chain, but ended up being beaten 0 for 3.


In the training game, Ben's Rakan performance was indeed average. This hero looks simple. He can flash R and W to start a team without thinking, but he may not win if he is easy to open. This hero still needs a sense of opportunity.

It's different from WE having some bad ideas.

The communication atmosphere on LGD’s side is very lively.

Led by Big Wolf and assisted by Karsa, they frantically slapped Qin Hao's rainbow fart. I can’t stand the IMP I took.

"It's a hurricane," he reminded.

No one cares.

"The ice has not flashed, and the nest can be moved."

Qin Hao affirmed: "Luo and the Blind Monk are both young. If they come in to do the river vision, we can join together."


"I have a T!"

"Want to grab a round of vision first?"


One minute later.

Condi had an affair with Ben, but was caught, the blind monk died in battle, and Luo ran away with blood.

Then, WE turned around with the help of Luo's big move, opened the middle lane, and cooperated with the plane's explosive pack to kill Braun forcibly.

But despite WE's tight rhythm, the balance of victory and defeat is tilted towards LGD.


As soon as the camera turned, the big tree was being beaten.

After Kenan came out to Ice Hammer, the big tree was chased and beaten. The disgusting thing about this piece of equipment is that the tree will be stunned if it moves a few steps.

Because it is easy for Kennen to create marks one after another.

With the side lines unbalanced, big groups may not be able to beat them. WE is not like Xiaolong in front of the group, who can unscrupulously squeeze the center line.

that's all.

When WE gave up on the second tower and grouped together to squeeze out the middle tower, Condi saw that Kassadin was using a big hat and felt that it was necessary to make a move.

After hearing this decision, Hongmi was a little worried. He understood what the team members were thinking, and wanted to take advantage of Kassadin's sixteenth level to catch the wave and force the baron.


LGD's field of view is concentrated on the upper side.


After discovering that Luo disappeared, Dalang said in his voice that he wanted to retreat. Qin Hao stopped him and said, "You continue to take him."

The reason for making this decision is that the mouse can pick up the middle line first. Qin Hao said: "If they want to fight, they can pick it up. The ice can't come. If there is a chance in 4 on 4, I can kill the stone beetle."


The mouse turned invisible and leaned down.

That's right here.

WE Nosuke catches up, and the big tree wraps around behind. At the critical moment, Luo's operation was stiff. When he saw Kassadin move and twist away Tianyinbo, he opened the wall and entered the blue zone intersection, and RW lifted up.

this moment.

Ben was confused.

He didn't expect that Kassadin could simply twist against the wall to avoid being controlled by his straight-line impact. When he wanted to trigger the charm again, Kassadin R entered the river and moved some distance away before being bound by the big tree.

The issue is.

Without Luo's control chain, WE would not have enough time to focus fire.

"Kassadin ran away?!"

"One arrow, Kassadin's ultimate move is ready again!"

"Kassadin is not dead. Kennen is threatening the high ground. Someone on WE's side must return to defense."

no way.

Dashu gave up the pursuit and returned to the city with the plane.

"Wow, WE played a little too hastily this time!" Wawa's voice echoed in the ears of the tens of thousands of viewers at the scene and in the live broadcast room. "Four caught one, but failed."

The scene immediately became excited.

In the replay.

Facing WE Nosuke's attack, Kassadin first slowed down the blind monk with E, pretended to hand over R, and deceived the Tianyin Wave. Then he took 2 steps and R passed the grass behind the wall.

Due to lack of vision.

Luo chased forward a few steps with his ultimate move, then W jumped over the wall and rushed to the intersection. In just one or two beats, Kassadin calmly twisted back against the wall, dodged the control and held on until his ultimate move turned around and entered the river.



"You can catch one of four and let go."

"Why are you in such a hurry Condi? Can't you wait until the big tree gets close to you before taking action?"


"Follow me, yyds."

If Condi knew that Luoneng was empty, he would wait for the big tree to come closer. He didn't know the problem.

It’s also after this wave.

Without the key ultimate move, WE can only drag.

"Kassadin is level 16."

"I can't get out when I'm offline. The rat is invisible and steals damage. Luo flashes and is beaten out."


Undecided, WE prepares to force Baron. Seeing that WE began to grab the view of the river, but did not clear the line, Qin Hao said: "If they fight, you have to sell Big Wolf."

"Understood, I will follow the command!"

32 minutes.

Qin Hao was swimming in the spring, wearing time, an archangel, a big hat and an explorer's armguard.


The dragon pit's vision was emptied, WE began to force the baron, and the supports on both sides faced off in the river area.

About seven or eight seconds passed.

IMP threw out the searchlight and found that there were only three people fighting the dragon in the dragon pit.

"Don't worry, wait until the blood volume drops to 5,000, then turn in T. Just pass this eye to you, they will definitely open it."

Stack four layers of R.

Qin Hao continued to step up, but the commentators were all staring at the upper river.

"Karsa took Braum and pushed forward slowly. IMP hadn't turned invisibility yet, so he knew that WE didn't have the full strength to rush the dragon."

"What should I say, fire or punish."

"There are only five thousand Dalong left. Luo couldn't handle it alone and gave up his position."

This time.

The plane carrying the explosive pack gave up fighting the dragon and went to Poke's flank. LGD Nosuke was hanging around the river grass area and was not in a hurry to enter.

Xiye: "They are delaying my explosive charge. Can you find an opportunity to open one? Kassadin should be in the red zone."

Ben didn't speak, but he stood a little further forward.

right here.

A beam of teleportation light fell at the intersection of F6. Seeing this, Xiye urged his superior to form a group and retain people to cooperate with him in entering the field.

"...The tree opened wide, and Bronn raised his shield to block it."

When a team battle is about to break out.

Qin Hao waited for the wine barrel's ultimate move to hit Luo who was open, and then teleported to the grass eye on the route.

"Kassadin turned T, he found the location well."

"Kainan just landed and ate the plane's explosives. Oh, Xiye! It's so exciting."

Rush in instantly.

When Xiye saw the rat showing up, Kenan launched a big counter attack and decisively crossed the wall with W to get the red buff, which he used to pull the back row.

In the river, Braun got the big tree's ultimate move, and Luo rushed back and only charmed the support. He waited until the security door was over to kill him.

Mystic finally noticed the person coming up.

"Kassadin, Kassadin," he shouted.

It's just the end of Luo's ultimate move.

Hanbing can only rely on himself. He thought that if he died in battle, it would be fine if his teammates won the team battle. Therefore, when he saw Kassadin turn R, he fired his ultimate move and prepared to delay it for 2 seconds.

The next moment.

A golden light flashed.

The screen then went dark.

Mystic:? ? ?

Was I beaten?

"What kind of harm is this?!"

"AD fell, Kenan dodged the Tianyin Wave... Kassadin is about to harvest, and no one cares about it."

See Kassadin being shorted.

WE can only give up the team fight and flee directly.

In the picture, the plane is running towards the stone beetle, the big tree W is moving, and the big tree is moving to the side of the wall while gathering fire, flashing across the wall, and the big tree of Luo E is returning to the first tower.

Blind Sin simply kicked away Kassadin who was chasing him and walked towards his blue zone.


Qin Hao only chased the blind monk to death, and then turned around to capture the dragon.

"What kind of damage is this?" Miller asked again after the pursuit.

"If I guessed correctly, Kassadin should have used his ultimate move before landing."

Smile just finished speaking.

The director played a shot of Kassadin's spring water pouring over R, and in the subsequent slow motion, Kassadin R dodged the crystal arrow, stepped on his face and melted half of the ice blood, and instantly pressed WQE.


Is this AD?

"Another famous scene!"

"This is the ice."

"After that wave of dragons is defeated, the lineup will be at a disadvantage."

WE know very well how difficult Kassadin will be after he takes shape.

"it's over."

After LGD operated its troops to capture the high ground, it took advantage of WE's lack of time to expand its vision and ate the ancient dragon. In the end, Kenan flashed into the scene to cooperate with the mouse's ultimate move, and he was defeated in an instant.

"36 minutes and 32 seconds, congratulations to LGD for holding three match points."

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