Take advantage of the dinner party.

Qin Hao uploaded a photo to Weibo with the text -

【The sky of Kaohsiung. 】

Qin Hao turned off his phone and took the food in front of him seriously.

For the audience, green garlic has just begun.

【Coming, coming, the sky is shining, although it is late, it has arrived. 】

[Is Qingshen so aloof? He won’t say anything after winning the championship. 】

[He is not aloof. I have taken photos with him offline. He is a very nice person. 】

[The person upstairs looks like a newcomer. This is obviously a tradition, okay? If you win, you will post a photo of the sky at a local venue to record your life. 】

[I just want to know when Qingbao will be broadcast. 】

[Ah ah ah, Qingbao’s enchantress is so handsome. 】

[Reasonable discussion, whether Crown is Qingyi'er. 】

[Why are there always Qing Yi'er? I feel that Crown's strength is like this, and it will never be able to beat the strongest mid laners in the same period. He is strong in discipline, obeying orders and not giving up. 】

[Indeed, it was natural for Crown to lose. 】

[For a C position, it doesn’t matter much, it’s his original sin. 】

[Wori, the Korean network is crazy. 】

[How crazy. 】

[3:0 or 3:1...]

Dynamic bottom.

Most netizens seem to understand.

After all, in this world, everyone hates people who show off. Everyone can also tell the difference between a morale booster and a joke.

Offending may be an art form.

But if someone is scolded for such art, the person involved must also be able to afford it.

On the flight back to South Korea.

Jin Jingzhu suddenly felt that the temperature around him had dropped. He looked around and saw Supervisor Edgar diagonally in front of him, sleeping with his chest in his arms. He couldn't help but smile.

Ha ha.

This idiot.

Usually he always pretends to be number one and looks down on this and that. As a result, he was ridiculed by the crowd in the intercontinental competition.

Thinking about the condemnation post on the forum last night, saying that the three-to-one score prediction was correct, Jin Jingzhu wanted to laugh. Who would have thought that Edgar's first time out of the circle would be in this way.


Being able to offend the spectators in both China and South Korea at the same time is quite impressive from a certain point of view. It is indeed something that no one can do.

Back in the office, the sun shone in from the window. Edgar sat on the boss's chair and said, "What is the point of such an event?"

Edgar didn't think that the shouting before the game was anything wrong. He just felt that the audience was angry and scolded him because of it, without thinking about who lost the first game.

He couldn't understand why there were so few words about horse deductions in these scoldings. The same goes for S5MSI and the S6 World Championship. It’s always the players who get scolded, and vice versa with other teams.


Thinking of those attack posts, Edgar only felt funny. How can a coach who hides behind his players have such good popularity with the audience?

Seeing his assistant nod, Edgar added, "That guy Min Hao, is he still in emo?"


Seeing Edgar's face drop, the assistant added: "He is very able to withstand pressure, he just needs some time."

"Don't comfort me, we just don't have a better choice."

Edgar clasped his fingers on the table and made a thumping sound, "Honestly speaking, with his laning level he can barely support a high-intensity game - except for the version where Victor is particularly strong."

"Yes, but he strictly abides by discipline and is diligent enough."

Edgar smiled: "I know you think highly of him."

Edgar put away his smile and shared his coaching experience for the Nth time: "It's precisely because he knows the reason why he can stay on the team, otherwise I would have kicked him out. As long as he sat in front of the computer honestly, I wouldn't be so angry. .”

This is not a lie.

Although Edgar has problems of one kind or another, he has always set an example.

He likes to emphasize that the team as a whole takes precedence over its players.

In his eyes, players in different positions have different judgment standards for the same thing.

Just like the laner, he definitely doesn't want the jungler to cause trouble everywhere, and the jungler definitely wants the laner to keep looking at him so that he can feel comfortable.

It is precisely because different ideas will arise that a coach is needed to blend them.

For Edgar, he values ​​​​the number of games.

In the same period of time, if one person plays 200 games and another person plays 400 games, he will only choose the latter.

Of course, the former can get better, but the latter has a higher probability of being better.

Speaking of this, Edgar said with emotion: "Since the semi-finals, we have been studying LGD for more than half a year, but you see, we are watching Penicillin making progress. This is the value of hard work."

This intercontinental competition.

What impressed Edgar the most was Penicillin's handling of blood exchanges. He could always make the laning rhythm proceed the way he wanted.


Seeing people like Faker and Penicillin, Edgar will also wonder if there is something wrong with his coaching policy.

He felt that the year SKT won the championship, their discipline was not as good as theirs.

The year LGD won the championship, their discipline was not as good as theirs.

But people can win championships.

Because people like Faker and Penicillin have a good chance of controlling the rhythm of the game even if they get a weak matchup.

To be honest, Crown's Galio is average.

But in this version, if you are determined to sacrifice a little bit of laning strength, then it is one of the best choices...

The problem is that.

A hero like Galio should have no natural enemies, but after Penicillin got the Enchantress, he could rely on blood-changing control to prevent Galio from leaving the tower.

He also believes in swapping heroes. Penicillin can at least find a wave of injury-free roaming rounds to cooperate with the jungler.

He has watched LGD games.

Penicillin is very good at handling the line rounds and can grasp the rhythm he wants in the dense game information.

After thinking about it for a few times, Edgar said firmly: "But I still think that a team of five well-trained players is the future of the league.

Just like the interstellar, there are countless revision processes and repeated victories. "

"Tell them to take a day off. At 2 o'clock tomorrow, I will sit in the training room and wait."

The so-called supervision is not all about the position.

Edgar has been with Samsung for 15 years.

Since the interstellar era, he has had the habit of waiting in advance.

He feels that prestige is built up from these little things.

in the screen.

The latest post on the forum still shows that the score of three to one in Yin and Yang is extremely correct. The assistant left the office, but he was thinking: Supervisor is good at everything, but he cares too much about seniority and always wants to show his senior side, which will inevitably make him feel overbearing.

As for the so-called coaching policy, assistants prefer to believe that this is a choice without a choice.

If Edgar could have found leaders and geniuses like Penicillin and Faker two years ago, the so-called well-trained players would be more of a false proposition.

Management and the audience don't care how they win as long as they win.

Like now.

The Korean net audience praised LZ overwhelmingly. Just like Smeb was once praised, Khan was praised as the number one in the world.

He still remembers the training match scheduled last week. Supervisor Edgar ridiculed the LZ coaching staff for their inaction, saying what version they were talking about, and raising the status of the top and jungle so high that the bottom lane would sacrifice development.

He also said that if LZ continues to play like this, sooner or later the bottom lane will lose its sense of damage.

He dared to say that if this comment was released, Supervisor Edgar would be laughed at again. The audience doesn't believe what a loser says.

Reverse version?

The one who loses is the reverse version.

The winner will only be sent to the throne by the audience and become the next designated genius boy.

【Continuous defeats, can’t we wake up? It's time to buy back those players who were sent to the LPL. 】

[In the rotten LCK, the youth training has no chance to grow. Even talents like Khan have to go outside to experience. 】

[A fairer talent echelon should be established to allow newcomers to compete on stage. 】

[Why is it that a team like LZ, which has been together for less than 2 months, can perform at its best? Because LZ’s management boldly recruits new people and leads the new with the old. 】

The defeat in the intercontinental competition forced the Korean Open audience to reflect.

After all, this is not a competition between clubs, but a competition between divisions. If we all lose, there must be something wrong with the selection mechanism.

That night.

A Korean media wrote: "...Since Season 4, LPL has been buying people from us every year, from coaches, analysts to players. We are going to be hollowed out."

"...Why can newcomers in our region only debut in LSPL? It's because there is no shortage of games there and the treatment for newcomers is better."

"...According to surveys, many players choose to stay in the LCK. The biggest reason is that it is close to home."

"Unfortunately, except for SKT, the investment intensity of other clubs is not as strong as that of the LPL. This is the biggest reason for the lack of success."


This article discussing the failure of the intercontinental competition aroused heated discussion on the Korean network.

Because this is obvious.

these 2 years.

More and more players who join the league e-sports can only play in city competition and LSPL. Compared with China, South Korea is too small and cannot accommodate so many players pursuing their dreams.

In terms of investment, many LCK clubs do not invest as much as some A-League teams.

Take Rox for example.

After they entered the LCK, the training environment did not change significantly because they lacked a financial sponsor to take over. At the same time, QG did not want to increase investment, so they would immediately choose to cash out and sell their seats.

"Everyone knows that improving remuneration can retain talents. The question is, who will improve remuneration?"

Read this article.

Edgar complained: "E-sports is a bottomless pit with very few means of monetization. There is no event traffic, but it is all sucked up by fists. What can the team get? Some bonuses?"

Edgar has experienced interstellar and DNF, and sees these things clearly.

to be honest.

He doesn’t even know how many more years LOL will remain popular.

The words "increase investment" can be said with lip service, but it requires the bosses to actually spend real money. As a team manager, if you want to apply for additional funds, it is difficult to write a report.

"Yeah, the audience doesn't understand. Being carried along by the article, they feel that it will be over sooner or later." The assistant sighed: "I heard that LGD also made a profit this year."

"That guy is really popular."

The assistant knew who Edgar was talking about. After all, they had also talked about the sold-out package some time ago.

"Actually, it's not a bad thing to have more articles like this." Edgar is very upright, and he also hopes that the authorities will provide more funding.

other end.

When Abu left the airport, he saw that there were not many messages under his status, so he quickly caught up with Qin Hao.

"Can you reply?" Abu held out his cell phone: "I love you."

Qin Hao took out his phone and found that Abu had updated a Weibo post. He posted several screenshots, filled with notes and candid photos of people sitting around late at night, with the text -

[This is our result. 】

C Bo was quite dumbfounded when he saw Abu running over for such a thing. While he wasn't averse to showing off, it wasn't to this extent.


Qin Hao did not refuse, nor was he perfunctory. He liked the atmosphere of the intercontinental competition very much, and everyone was united.

Qin Hao logged into his account and replied: [The day before the finals, the coaching team simulated all the playing orders and possible BP combinations. That's why we're three to one. 】

Abu is very satisfied with this evaluation.

Of course he knows that coaching is not as useful as imagined. No matter what, coaches are always green leaves and cannot be red flowers.


Wouldn't it be a pity if his efforts could not be known, after all, they really did so much work.

"Mingkai, Tianye..." Abu returned to the queue and called on his team members to help increase traffic on his Weibo.

That afternoon.

The screenshots filled with notes were repeatedly sung by Kangba and topped the list of hot searches.

Abu holds his cell phone and will reply when he encounters good comments.

[Wow, let me talk about the finals BP, how did you do so well? 】

Abu: Yes, I lost all my hair. I studied until three or four o'clock every day.

【God of cloth! Thanks for your hard work! 】

Abu: Hi hi, this is a joint effort of everyone.

[Compared to LCK, we are really united. 】

Abramovich: It’s not that exaggerated, but we really wanted to win the game, so we exchanged training match information.

[Bushen, Bushen, in that RNG game, why was Counter on the road? 】

Abu: We didn't know that Khan would still be an Illaoi. And the loss was not entirely due to Counter. It can only be said that LZ played too well. What we wanted was to increase the strength of the bottom lane and control the dragon to advance.

[Then why grab ez. 】

Abramovich: We feel that if we grab ez, the other side will only be able to produce ice. Puppy also feels that his ez can crush the ice and he will be comfortable in the lane.

Abu held his cell phone in his arms and was in a good mood.


He knew the audience would praise him.

After all, the angle of the photo he posted was specially chosen. Just looking at the screenshots, you would think it was very useful!

training room.

Seeing that Abramovich was busy replying to the comments, Mouse was the first to complain: "Our head coach seems to be Nofe."

"Hi hi."

Meiko didn't know how to answer this. As someone who has participated in the entire process, he knows that if the coaching credit for this intercontinental competition is to be considered, it should be Redmi and Cvmax that have a higher presence.

The former is very good at sorting out the content of the laning phase and makes them pay attention to details, while the latter dares to think in reverse and choose some dangerous lineups.

In the game that LGD played and the game against them, just looking at the pocket attributes of double C, they were worse than what the opponent had.

Just in the process of execution.

The situation is just like Cvmax said, KT's top half lacks defense.

Maybe they thought they would target Deft when they took Kalista, but they never thought that the factory director would go into the jungle to find someone to start around the top half.

"It's okay, they don't use Weibo." Meiko said from her heart.

"I just think Coach Nofe has been under a lot of pressure recently. If he could post a Weibo like this..." As he spoke, Mouse couldn't continue.

The more I talked about it, the more I felt that Abu was trying to take credit.

The same goes for Weibo.

Qin Hao didn't give him such a feeling.

They suppressed Galio so much that he couldn't move, and they didn't even take the credit for it.

At night.

Tags related to notes ranked second among the most popular searches.

Gou Ba curled his lips and said, "He did some logistical work at most, so how could he have the nerve to post on Weibo?" He also posted one, but was overwhelmed by the massive amount of messages and could not reply to more than ten messages.


He didn't have the face. Aite Qin Hao and Ming Kai asked them to help push the flow.

Firefox was getting annoyed. The first thing he saw when he turned on his phone was Bai Xing sending him a WeChat message asking him why all three teams had won and they were the only ones who lost. Did they fall victim to the sorting process?

He didn't know how to respond to this question.

After all, when it comes to victims, EDG is scheduled for the fourth game. If they had lost earlier, EDG wouldn't even have a chance to win.

"You expect the audience to be sensible?" Firefox doesn't like to talk to the audience.

"We are at a disadvantage because we don't know how to market." Gou Ba is blind to many things. "You have also been an LGD coach. Apart from the idiot who picked the hot guy, do you have anything to praise?"

Gou Ba lamented: "The better LGD's results, the more first-year fans will accuse you of bad BP. For those who don't know, they thought you ruined Godv's career. The top 16 are all BP's fault."

"Anyway, the industry knows that the LGD players don't listen to me."

This is really funny.

Since LGD won the championship, first-year fans actually felt that the failure of S5 was entirely due to the useless coach. Otherwise, according to the configuration at the time, they would have reached the semi-finals at least.

These first-year fans don't even know that Chris is the coach. He only temporarily took over the coaching job of the S game without even a salary increase.

"So you have to explain." Gou Ba advised: "If you don't speak up, your memory will be tampered with."

"How can I speak out? I signed a confidentiality agreement."


Gou Ba felt a little unworthy of Huo Hu, "You see how smart Abu is, BP has done a good job, he has the credit, BP has problems, it is Nofe who is stubborn! He only has benefits and does not take responsibility."

Related posts were moved to the Korean website by international students.

The Korean audience once again broke through the defense.

Many people left messages under the club, asking for an explanation——

1. Is there any internal communication of training match intelligence?

Second, the four BPs in the finals were selected based on what considerations.

What’s chilling is that no one dared to respond.


Some people also criticized the LPL for unfair competition.

Gao Zan replied below: [I think the competition between divisions does not consider the gains and losses of the club. 】


Everyone knows that scrim information is important.

So why not share?

Don't think too deeply about this kind of thing.

Hiding it makes the audience feel more uncomfortable than losing in the final. If you lose, you can practice again, but not being united enough is equivalent to not considering the feelings of the audience in the competition area and not wanting to win that much.

You can also explain that you underestimate the enemy.

But losing the S6 world championship and the MSI championship, and still underestimating the enemy, this is also unacceptable to the audience.

[Disgusting, really disgusting, no one dares to respond. 】

[It turns out that we did not lose because of our strength, but because of our selfishness. 】

[I'm just talking about why BP suffers so much. The other side of the co-author studied us carefully, but we didn't take it seriously. 】

[Deserves to lose, rubbish competition area, rubbish coach, does nothing with high salary. 】

[There is no hope, the treatment is not as good as others, and even the unity is not as good as others. 】

[Three to one, win! 】

The private message was exposed, and he said angrily: "This competition system is really disgusting. As long as someone is holding back, you will never win."

"Obviously it's SSG who doesn't fit in, but it's me who gets scolded."

"There is no other way. We can't tell the media that SSG's replay lasts until late at night and there is no time to discuss the final BP."

"Why not? The media and TV stations are all familiar with us."

"If you lose, everything you say is an excuse."

Horse deduction:......

"That's right." Guima was just angry, but not dizzy. Saying this kind of thing has no benefit except making people laugh.

No matter what, losing to WE was something he didn't expect.

The top lane crashed, resulting in no late stage.

"Hey, this is e-sports." Dun Ma sighed. When the wind is against you, no results will matter.

Get out of the shower.

C Bo looked at Qin Hao and said happily: "Damn it, the whole network is in trouble now. Except for LZ, all the coaches of the other three teams have been scolded."

"Why." Qin Hao was confused. Logically speaking, except for the obvious BP gap, the focus of the team cannot be the coaching staff, but the management loves the coaches very much.

"It's the Weibo you liked." C said: "It seems that they haven't studied BP. No, it can't be said that they haven't studied it. Anyway, we didn't pay attention, and then we were scolded."

C Bo read out a high praise comment: [This is the dimensionality reduction attack of unity against disunity. Before the game, everyone said that the players on our side were not as luxurious as the LCK.

And this proves that coaching is still important. How to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses is a science. 】


Smeb, Khan, CuVee, Huni…

Thinking of these IDs, you will feel that it is impossible to lose in the team competition. How can such rubbish top laners in the LPL fail?

Except for Khan, who just joined the LCK, the other three are all super top laners who have been on the poisonous milk list, and they have a lot of honors.

Just laning alone can win LPL too much.

"Netizens are still so violent." Finally, C blog commented.

"In this version, the top lane is not that good." Qin Hao's strange point is always different, "In the final four games, the bottom lane is basically stable. This is very important."

C Bo rolled his eyes at Qin Hao: "Then why don't you talk about the middle lane? Xiye kills Faker alone, you hold down the crown, Scout perfects the rhythm of pushing the lane, and cooperates with the director to clear the jungle."

"Xiye is always strong as long as he is energetic." Qin Hao muttered: "I was killed by him as a solo player as well."

"Ah?" C Bo scolded: "You are a human being. You kill more, or he kills more. I have Su Hanwei's WeChat account. How would he feel if I sent this sentence to him?"

Qin Hao:......


Qin Hao said no, so he simply turned off the lights and rested.

Enter the space of consciousness.

Qin Hao was thinking about version 7.13, which strengthened War Gangfeng's magic power (the 0.45 bonus was adjusted to 0.6), while weakening the basic armor and W's initial damage reduction, and wanted to test the status of AP Galio.

He has practiced this set of equipment before, and its tactical status is far inferior to that of defensive equipment. After all, as long as he can resist, he can hit two or three W in team battles, which can cause a lot of trouble to the opponent.

As for the AP set, even if the number of personnel is reduced, it will not solve the problem, because at the three or four-piece stage, the crispy ones will all use life-saving equipment.

Just try it.

Qin Hao ignored training matches and team fights first, clicked on the panel, selected Xiaohu's avatar, and helped him target Ryze.

If you choose defensive equipment, you will definitely not be able to replace it with the same level. After all, Ryze can refresh the shield and pull. Even if you force a burst, you can get your health back later.

It's just that the force of the Q spell has become higher. If I can get to Ryze without touching the enemy line, is there any chance I can control my status as a jungler at around level 3 or 4?


You also need to be familiar with where the killing lines of each level are.

After seeing this update, Qin Hao's first reaction was this.

I practiced eight games.

Qin Hao probably knows the difference.

In general, because the level 1 W has been cut and the basic armor has been reduced, it is easier for heroes like Airplane and Lucian to suppress, so you need to pay more attention to distance and positioning.

However, due to the enhanced Q, the front line of the tower is actually more comfortable than before. If you still want to resist pressure, the impact is actually very small.

Of course, Qin Hao's idea was correct.

If the Q is accurate enough and the position is grasped well enough, the first four levels will better cooperate with the jungle. Qin Hao just tried it. If he points to level 2 Q at level 3, as long as the hit rate is high enough, Ryze's supplies can't keep up.

normal circumstances.

When Qin Hao fights Ryze, he always tries to pull out the lane to control the round, and then quickly T comes out to block the position, and then grabs 2 waves of lanes. In this way, the jungler can squeeze out 2 minutes of active rounds, covering six.

But tonight's idea is to empty out the opponent's supplies around level 3, and while Ryze's health is very low, call the jungler to jump over the tower or strike to kill.

in other words.

Qin Hao's current thinking is that if the feel is not good in the first two waves, he can still use normal defense equipment to resist pressure. If the feel is good and he is ready to transition to the Rocket Belt, he can go home and use a small revolver in the first wave to have a chance to kill in line.


Qin Hao vaguely felt that this kind of outfit was suitable for mid-term curves and could limit sidebands. When Galio uses defensive equipment, it is difficult to deal with Gnar and Crocodile in one or two sets. There is too little explosion. It is safe to capture basically three people.

Just dispatching three people is easier to alert the enemy.

The more I think about it, the more my thoughts wander.

In a blink of an eye.

The phone vibrated, Qin Hao opened his eyes, stood up and put on his shoes.


Pan Jie accompanied her sponsor to the office. When she passed by the training room, she saw Qin Hao training. The sponsor even praised him: "It turns out that it's so hard to play professionally. It's so hard."

The finals were played the day before yesterday. I returned to Hangzhou yesterday and started training again in the afternoon.

"For the second championship? Currently, only SKT has achieved this achievement." Pan Jie laughed: "So, everyone is very motivated."

"Yeah, if you want to win the championship, you have to be motivated."

"That's the good thing about Xiaohao. He never needs supervision." Pan Jie praised: "Only in this way, he will not encounter bad things. Do you think he has any dirty information? He doesn't even talk about his girlfriend. I just want to achieve results." Pan Jie hinted crazily.

Are you a sponsor? If you invest some money, you just want to get some traffic and advertise, but you don’t want your money to be exposed to negative content.

Among them, the most prone to thunder is the inability to control one's crotch.

These days, sisters have really stood up. They often take to Weibo to accuse someone of cheating on their relationship and being a scumbag.

"When he becomes serious, even the coach is afraid. Last year during the World Championships, he slept no more than six hours a day."

"You have to pay attention to this. You are still young, so don't ruin your body." The sponsor sounded good for young people.

"Yes, is it not that easy to win the championship?" Pan Jie continued to play: "This game has been in operation for 7 years, otherwise how can we be a champion."


She lamented: "And this year it is held locally, so the attention is higher than in previous years, and everyone is under pressure."

The sponsor thought to himself: I came here because I wanted to host it locally, but he said, "That's the truth. You can't let other teams take the championship away from you at home."

"Hi, good afternoon." Qin Hao's voice greeted him in the training room.

【So early! 】

[I thought it wouldn’t be broadcast until tomorrow. 】

【we are the champion! 】

[Master Bao, Master Bao, your enchantress is so handsome. 】

[Is what Abu said true? I have filled up my notes for the finals. 】

Qin Hao glanced at the barrage and replied: "Well, we have indeed prepared a lot."

[Was your last Weibo in response to SSG? 】

[Revenge does not last overnight. 】

Qin Hao said seriously: "It's not like revenge doesn't last overnight."

Qin Hao thought for a while and said: "I was a little emotional at the time. I didn't like that interview. The words "no suspense" seemed to deny the event. Obviously the finals haven't been played yet."

[Winning the Intercontinental Tournament, what does that sky photo mean? 】

Seeing this, Qin Hao smiled: "It doesn't have any special meaning. I just hope that after a few years, revisiting this photo can light up this memory."

Qin Hao added: "Just like that comment said, record life."

"Okay, if you still have any questions, I'll reply after I see them. I'm going to play solo."

Looking at Qin Hao's face through the live broadcast room, some fans raised the corners of their mouths. Oh, I like it so much.


Heart caught Cvmax and wanted to persuade him to give up the matter. He doesn't understand. Isn't it enough to kill SSG twice? CuVee is not that stable either.

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