[WE, I am Superman. 】

[Heizi speaks. 】

【Xi shocked me! 】

[I said that if I win the finals, I won’t blame WE in this life, but I didn’t expect that they could knock SKT off the bus. 】

[They are all good (crying voice). 】

Before the game.

There are many voices questioning WE.

To be precise, after watching the performance in the group stage, some people think that WE is quite strong. It can fight fiercely with LZ for forty minutes, and the content it produced is not ugly.

But there are also some people who see WE losing and feel that they can't count on the finals.

in the hearts of these people.

957 only knows how to play cautiously and is destined to withstand pressure; Xiye is good in laning, but gives more chances; Condi's early rhythm is poor, and when facing strong teams, he has to rely on grabbing the dragon to delay the situation.

in other words.

Before the intercontinental match, most viewers were looking forward to the bottom lane.

Because this season, Mysitc's various statistics are very luxurious, and it can turn a lineup that is not four guarantees and one into a four guarantees one shape.

In the eyes of some 60E, Mysitc is on the same level as Bang.

The results of it.

Mysitc's performance in the group stage was mediocre. It failed to break through Xuan Ming and Xuan Ming in the laning. It didn't do much damage when it developed. Although it is not a war criminal, it does not match the image shown in the league——

Your civil war obviously doesn't last long.

Just like that.

Found out that WE ran into SKT.

In a QQ group, more than 70% believe that WE should give one point.

Because the strength gap is too big, no one thinks that Xiye plus Condi can stop Faker, and not many people think that Mysitc, who has been in poor form recently, can explode in front of Bang.


[Did anyone notice 957? He brought the weapon home at level 2 without changing his expression. 】

[Still called 957? Call me Leg Brother! 】

[Hey, don't the top lane princes always wait in the lane to fight in groups? Why is his top lane prince different? 】

[Brother Leg’s laning rhythm is so good. His wave of blocking the lane in front of the tower at least ensures stability until level six. 】

[One thing to say, seeing the IDs of Blank and Huni makes me feel very at ease. 】

[Hahahahahaha. 】

After this battle.

957 has his own golden body.

Before he beat SKT, he was just a blue-collar top laner with some reputation.

After Cao Wangzi performed at the level of the finals, he became the leg brother in the hearts of countless people.

It can only be said that being used to the style of LPL top laner and being 10 dollars behind is equivalent to what the commentators call excellent. The audience urgently needs to see a top laner who can dominate others.

Just like that.

Even if some people hate a debate.

But when I saw those posts praising my legs, no one felt disgusted.

after all.

Among domestic top laners, only 957 managed to defeat SKT's starting top laner at the second level. If someone had posted two years ago that a domestic top laner could do this, he would have definitely been laughed at.

Is SKT's top laner overwhelmed by the domestic top laner?

Ha ha!


The expression on Du Ma's face was very strange. Seeing Huni's annoyed face, he wanted to curse: What are you doing?

Isn’t it good to put the cable out in front and go home normally at Level 4? Why peel it?

"Oh, my, I thought he would be scared." Huni's face felt a little hot. He thought 957 was the kind of blue-collar top laner who wouldn't fight back.

Obviously the information given by the coaching staff looks like this.

In the Spring Split, I played 6 Shen and 2 Green Steel Shadows. I didn’t play Jace and Sword Lady. What is this if it’s not a blue-collar top laner?

He didn't know what he thought about the horse deduction, otherwise he would have explained: I want to gain an advantage.

Normally, it is not difficult to reach level 4 if the weapon is released in front of the weapon. Just hide the Q in the shrink tower.

The question I want is c. I go up to the second level to get some blood, and the jungler brushes up. As long as there is a chance to kill the prince, who can stop him from developing?

Think of this.

Huni felt a little regretful.

He didn't expect that the opponent would dare to fight back, let alone that he couldn't hit his W.


There is no regret medicine in this world.

This will be quite embarrassing for Huni. It’s not that he’s too disadvantaged on the road, but his teammates won’t feel so uncomfortable.

In order to give him time to develop, his teammates must find ways to resolve the fight between the prince and the excavator on the basis of four-on-five.

"There are three more games..." KT coach said.

Hear this.

Edgar looked at the dunk with a cold eye, and some people stared at the LZ players, but everyone had their own concerns, and no one had decided to make the first bird yet.

I was stared at like this for more than ten seconds.

Kuma calmed down and said, "It's up to you, come on."

This was just a statement, but Edgar took it seriously and thought to himself: Fortunately, I left some room and didn't say it to death.

"They... have an 80% chance of letting LGD play."

SKT losing to WE was an accident.

When Coach KT said this, Coach Jin nodded slowly.

WE players now greatly admire the coaching staff and LGD who serve as sparring partners.

The former consumed brain cells to simulate BP and analyzed different situations under different lineups, while the latter helped them stabilize their feel.

Seeing Qin Hao happy for him, and thinking about the laning experience shared by Qin Hao, Xiye could only say that he was worthy of the MSI 3-0 SKT person. Just two words would have an immediate effect.

That wave was successful.

If Qin Hao had not warned him beforehand, Condi would not have stayed squatted for so long.

can only say.

They prepared a lot of stuff for this game, but unfortunately, more than half of it was never used.

"The end result...either LZ or KT."

"If it's LZ, then ban Tsar, Jess, and Spider."

"As for KT, just target Zach, the policewoman, and Jess."

The czar of BDD has never lost so far.

Redmi thinks it can ban Tsar and try the feel of BDD.

"Facing LZ, be especially careful when they hit the top half..."

Watched the first scene.

The RNG players listened carefully to the analysis and kept these ideas in mind.

This version.

As long as you can seize an opportunity in the early stage, it can help Double C buy out time. On the other hand, if you are caught by the opponent in the early stage, you can only take some risks and try to fight back as a team.

"Time is limited, and this is the only thing we can do," Nofe rubbed his eyebrows: "Anyway, if the top and jungle combinations chosen by LZ are strong, their bottom lane will like to get stuck in front of the tower to prevent being overtaken.

As long as the gun carriage line is cleared, the support will choose to go home, and then enter the river to replenish a round of vision, helping the jungler to control the river..."

"LZ is a team that has a very good pace in the top half. It's not easy to ask the jungler to help in the bottom lane. The most shots are just to help in the lane.

Like when they play SKT in the summer split.

Tarzan was beaten by two rivers in one game and fell behind in level. Except for the top laner who had a slight advantage, the middle and lower players were all being suppressed.

Logically speaking, in this situation, the jungler has no chance to seize the situation except to counter-crouch to protect the line.


LZ relies on the top lane to exchange blood and grind towers. At about 8 minutes, when the bottom support reaches six, it suddenly switches to the top lane.

After falling behind by 2 heads in the early stage, by catching the top laner, taking down the previous tower, and paving the way for the vanguard 2 minutes later, he successfully regained the disadvantage and fattened up Khan. "

"From this point of view, LZ has a lot of tactics targeting the top half. Based on this, we reasonably suspect that LZ's bottom lane laning level does not support high-intensity exchanges."

"They played four weeks of summer games. In these four BO3s, PraY's statistics were very average. He is better at developing outside the line and finding opportunities to cooperate with his teammates."

Upon hearing this, Uzi's heart suddenly burned.

It is not the analysis of the coaching team, but his impression of the Rat King is still in S6. That year, the Rat King's Han Bing and ez were not weak at all.

It's just that as an AD, he knows too well that when the intensity of the game declines, the feel will get worse.

If the training match information is true.

That means it's not that Tarzan doesn't like to help, but that the bottom lane itself doesn't create many opportunities.

"So, I think ez is the key. Grab ez, give it to Han Bing, and put more pressure on the bottom lane, forcing LZ to concentrate on taking care of the bottom lane."

"But if it's KT, the idea is similar to WE playing SKT. BP chooses a strong midfielder to put more pressure on the midline and force PawN to make mistakes."


"I hope to hit KT, I hope to hit KT." Letme was chanting.

"PawN was abused just the day before yesterday, so his condition must be average." Xiye, who had just won the game, had the same idea.

After all, PawN played in the LPL for 2 years.

Xiaohu has experience playing against PawN and can handle him well.

Before going on stage.

The referee team gave the list for the second game: RNG vs. LZ.

"It depends on whether the puppy can be put under pressure."

"Yan Junze must resist."

I know it’s LZ.

Qin Hao stared at the screen, but listened to the RNG players cheering each other on.

"Swipe down to ensure that I push the line."

"If I play against ez, I will definitely have an advantage." Uzi said with confidence.

With a crisp sound, the BP session has begun.

LZ takes the initiative to choose red and RNG blue.

As soon as it comes up.

RNG eliminated Spider, Tsar, and Jayce, and BP followed the coaching team's ideas completely.

at the same time.

LZ just bans the prince, Syndra and the policewoman regularly.

Just like that.

When Pig Girl, Wine Barrel, Qinggang Shadow, and Galio come out.

RNG chose to grab ez and give Khan the version of top order.

Because Hongmi feels that the hero Qinggangying has a relatively slow power-up period and is not suitable for the jungle rhythm. If LZ really wants to win in the first round, it will be beneficial to RNG in controlling the vanguard.

After all, the script of this round is to have the bottom lane advantage and switch lanes first.

"Take ez? I feel like ez's priority is not very high." Miller questioned the next pick. What he just speculated was that RNG grabbed the wine barrel and this hero could go wild.


LZ took away the ice and the cow head.

RNG took advantage of the situation and chose Thresh and Pig Girl to strengthen the attributes that put pressure on the tower.

"LZ's third selection has locked the rock bird, and we need to give BDD a hero who can push the lane."

"In this case, we can ban Liquor and Kennen." Xiaoxiao commented: "Since LZ doesn't play Galio, I think we can put Qinggang Ying on the opponent."

As a former professional AD, this lineup has a strong sense of maintaining an advantage.

Smile also believes that the puppy can rely on the exchange of blood in the lane to suppress the two elders of Xuan Ming. Just like this, banning Kennen will not make it easy to grab the lane and establish a rhythm on the top lane. RNG can concentrate on starting around the second half.

Just like Smile thought.

In the second round, RNG sent Kenan and Wine Barrel to the ban position, while LZ blocked the plane and clockwork.

That's it for now.

The selection did not exceed expectations.

Until the fourth floor of LZ showed Mantis and Blind Sin, and finally locked on Thain.

Just when Hongmi thought that LZ was going to give up its top lane advantage and turn to teamfights to tolerate faults, facing RNG's supplementary Big Bug and Ryze on the fourth and fifth floors, LZ locked on Illaoi in the last ten seconds.


He glanced back and saw that Qin Hao was not surprised.

Because this is the lineup they have practiced.

When Tarzan was here before, Mag saw that there was a jungler who used Rock Bird to increase the points in the high rankings of the Korean server.

I think this hero can be used for swing.

If after selecting Rock Bird, the opponent turns around and takes a Czar or Ice Lady mid laner, then you can consider throwing Rock Bird to the jungler.

one more.

The rock bird brushes F6 very quickly.

This version.

As long as you can use F6 to farm, the rhythm of farming will not be too bad.

mlxg: "Yan Junze, have you ever beaten Illaoi?"

Letme said nothing. His silence was a signal in itself.

The lineups of both sides are as follows——

RNG (blue) top laner Big Bug, fight wild boar girl, middle lane Ryze, bottom lane ez plus Thresh

LZ (red) top laner Illaoi, jungle rock bird, middle lane Sion, bottom lane Hanbing and Niutou

Firefox returned backstage, feeling very uneasy.

BP in this round.

He never thought that Illaoi and Thane would appear on the opposite side.

They simulated Rockbird, but they simulated the mid laner.

Be more straightforward.

LZ Summer Split had a training match with EDG, but Nofe's notes did not contain information about Yanja and Thain. Khan has only played one Shen in the summer split, and the other front-row top laners have no main-race records yet.

"You have to speed up, otherwise ez won't be able to deal with Illaoi."

"If Ryze is very fat, Illaoi will not be easy to carry around."

As a spectator.

Qin Hao and the others chatted for a while.

can only say.

The moment he saw Yanque, Qin Hao was a little suspicious of the jungler, but he was not sure whether LZ would respect the jungler's opinion.

Think about it now.

Tarzan is doing well in LongZhu, and the coach trusts him very much.


Karsa concentrated on seeing how Tarzan planned the route. He has been practicing Yanjai recently, but the training matches were not that interesting, so he did not appear in the main game.

no doubt.

In RNG's case, the double-C pressure is a bit high. Uzi is responsible for speeding up, and Xiaohu is responsible for dealing damage and forcing Illaoi to come forward.

If there is no pressure from the front, Illaoi and Rockbird will be very comfortable.


Khan is really not a random choice.

His Illaoi is very skillful, relying on pushing lanes, tower front, and drawing E, and he started to go to jail after beating Letme to level three.

As soon as the troops leave the defense tower, they will be quickly cleared by Khan.

This is also where Illaoi is strong. Once it occupies a position and it is difficult to clear its tentacles, it basically means that the top lane loses the right to trade blood in the lane.

"Uzi, jumped in the face to consume, and hit a Q with the minion! PraY's blood volume is not very good, the incense pot is rushing here, and Yanque is still brushing his three wolves."

Tarzan chose to brush all six groups of jungle.

Xiangguo has three groups of wild crabs. The choice is higher and lower, forcing away the double summons of Han Bing and the weakness of Niutou.

After this.

Uzi went home naked, strengthened the line, and made LZ miserable in the bottom lane. Then at 6 minutes and 05 seconds, he relied on Xiao Ming's flash pendulum to find an opportunity and successfully killed Han Bing.

"In less than 8 minutes, Uzi beat the opponent 6 times!!"

even so.

Uzi is still not calm.

He cut the screen and saw that he was in jail on the road, and he felt very anxious. He always felt that if he didn't be more aggressive, he would not be able to control Illaoi after the laning period.


At 9 minutes and 11 seconds, relying on Xiangguo's QR to take the lead, RNG completed the breakthrough for the second time in the bottom lane and killed Niutou who sold himself to protect the ice.

In these 9 minutes, Yanque just focused on brushing the jungle, took advantage of the hot pot to do things, and entered the jungle area to stop losses.


At 10 minutes and 11 seconds, Nosuke went to the blue zone to press for defense. Uzi single-handedly consumed the first blood tower. Letme had been beaten home three times on the road.

right here.

The rock bird leaned down the pass, followed by the bull head. Seeing the signal location popping up on the map, Karsa knew something was broken.


When RNG turned from the bottom lane to the middle lane, it was driven by the vision of Yanque and Niutuzou. In just a moment, Uzi focused his attention and pressed out the flash, but Thresh took control and was left behind.

"Sain opens up, Xiaohu can't stop him."

"Uzi returns to F6 and can only sell it."

The auxiliary died in battle, and the number of kills was 2:1.


After 20 seconds, the rock bird spiritually caught up, used his ultimate move to seal the road, and cooperated with Illaoi to kill the big bug.

After this.

RNG found several waves of opportunities with the help of ez and Zhumei, but was unable to organize and advance.

"The hero Yanque is too strong to defend the line. No one dares to stand forward if he lifts him up."

"Khan is doing his own bloody thing, and Letme is already 27 dollars behind."


Illaoi went one-on-three in front of the high ground in the bottom lane. The rock bird blocked the road and cooperated with the ice ultimate move to catch Ryze to death.

"I can't control the border."

"The big bug just came out with full health. He just ate an E and lost a quarter of his health."

"Uzi has a three-piece set, but he still can't beat Sion and Illaoi."

"Uzi fell..."

it's over.

The big bug couldn't play with Illaoi at all, and became a toy for others to whip.

The little tiger's development is normal, but he has to be distracted all the time and can't put any positive pressure on him.

The moment the crystal exploded.

The Korean commentator shouted: "This is Taishan, this is LZ!!"

"36 minutes and 7 seconds, congratulations to LZ for winning!"

"One to one!"

The Korean commentator never thought that Huni would fall ill.


They also didn't expect that LZ would have such a distribution, allowing the middle lane to be in the front row, amplifying Khan's suppressive power.

Precisely because Thane can withstand beatings, RNG cannot rely on pushing to force Illaoi back.

Uzi returns backstage.

I was really angry.

Why can this kind of ice win the game?

Labor dealt more than 30,000 damage, twice as much as Ice.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Letme lowered her head and found someone standing in front of her.

Qin Hao also greeted the factory director: "Let's go up and play two to one. The last game depends on you."

"I, a hero, can't even fight back." Letme explained weakly.

"I can't help it, I've been tricked."

Hear this.

Letme felt a little better. He has been working very hard to move, but the collision volume is there. If he wants to increase his health, he will have to eat soldiers.

Compared with Letme, the factory director felt a desire in his heart: It would be great if he could be teammates with Qin Hao.

Good technique and good temper.

Such thighs are hard to find even with a lantern.

He glanced at the calm Scout.

He discovered that he actually liked chatting...

"The third game will be between LGD and SSG."

The moment the list was revealed.

Tarzan sat up straight. They originally wanted to capture LGD, but unexpectedly they crashed into RNG.

But whatever.

He pays close attention to LGD...

Going back to my hometown today...

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