LGD and KT compete on the stage.

But the lineups on both sides were researched by think tanks.

Like right now.

Redmi is just thinking that LGD's lineup has a stable power of Qinggang Ying, the E skill restrains the sweep, the Q is suitable for blood exchange, and the passive energy triggers immortality.

If there was no external interference, Qinggangying would have to at least make a two-piece suit before he could start to gain the upper hand.


Ban Galio and Ice Girl were also discussed between him and Cvmax.

After all, PawN's state this season is not very good, and in some matchups, it is obvious that it is not up to its capabilities.

And as an insider, one of the reasons why PawN returned to LCK was to get treatment for his back injury nearby. Back in S6, PawN didn't touch heroes that were too focused on operations.

When the spring battle came, he was tortured.

KT only provides PawN with development or tools. Some time ago, WE had an appointment with KT for seven training games. PawN played two Karma, two Rockbirds, and then Ice Girl, Airplane, and Galio.

To be honest, when seeing this hero pool, Hongmi felt quite similar to Xiye. After he came to WE, he really wanted to let Xiye become a mid laner.

In this regard, PawN does better than Xiye. After looking at those few training games, Hongmi felt that PawN relied on experience to play games now.

The transformation is quite complete.

If Guan Zeyuan could still shout in S6 that General PawN didn't die even once, why would he think that EDG had lost? Then when commentating on KT's games now, he would most likely shout in adversity - Smeb is developing well, KT still has to fight.

Watching LGD buy going out clothes and go out to stand guard on the high ground.

Hongmi stared at the wine barrel subconsciously.

The mid-to-early game is easy to beat, and Jhin and the female tank are not that weak. With such support in the lane, Karsa should be able to do it, right?

As long as the jungler can open up the situation in the front, the Fox will have the opportunity to put more pressure on the wing after reaching the sixth position.

next door.

Seeing that LGD had no intention of teaming up, Edgar was thinking: According to LGD's style, LZ and SSG are actually more suitable.

Like the MSI finals, Faker is under pressure.

But on this basis, Huni gave away too many opportunities, which led to the team's serious lack of rhythm points.


SKT has the right idea.

When there is a slight disadvantage in the middle lane, you have to stand up and support yourself in the top lane. The only problem was that Huni failed to produce any results. Instead, he was given several waves because of too much pressure and top position.

So today's game...

Considering Smeb's performance in the training match, Edgar is not very optimistic about KT. It’s not that Smeb is weaker than Huni in the lane, but that KT is a team that cannot balance the relationship between the top and bottom lanes.

It took more than half a year for KT to form Galaxy Battleship.

Edgar can definitely draw the conclusion that if PraY is still in the bottom lane, maybe Smeb can perform better.


Maybe this one can really drag Qinggang Ying out of the mountain.

Only by playing a hero like Qinggang Shadow can we limit the performance of Penicillin - doesn't Penicillin know how to direct? The problem is that the side lanes are not like the center line and are not suitable for group pressure.

PawN sent a signal to the red team F6, reminding his teammates to pay attention to the opening route of the wine barrel.

This version.

There are benefits to prioritizing F6.

So this round.

Both Wine Barrel and Pig Girl chose to open solo, and both started with F6.

When the center line converged, he was still thinking about releasing the line. Speaking of which, the reason why the coaching staff asked for Victor is very simple, because he can develop.

The reason why this version of Victor is not popular is also very simple.

First, the status of tanks is recovering; second, upgrading Hex is too slow.

Choosing this hero is equivalent to putting pressure on teammates. At least that's the case during the laning phase.

Because Victor has almost no roaming support ability.

Talking about the bottom line, he is no better than heroes such as the Czar and the Airplane.

There is only one advantage to choosing it. After upgrading to E, the wiring will be faster and you can keep an eye on where the fox is going. And you don’t need to enter the field to deal damage, so the positioning for team battles is relatively safe.

When thinking about these.

The fox had already stood on top of the pile of soldiers.


The melee soldier was in a state of residual health, and PawN had not upgraded his skills. Just as he was about to move to test, he caught the fox's Q head-on. This Q is quite extreme, dealing two levels of damage at the farthest range.

"Victor Q, the soldier, accelerated and called up."

As soon as he came up, the opponent felt good, which was undoubtedly a bad sign.

PawN feels that he is still adapting to the laning rhythm, and the opponent has already entered the state.


We need to send troops forward again.

PawN tried to move to avoid consumption, but was still scratched by a Q. Fortunately, this time, he stood closer, raised the shield with his backhand, twisted twice, and took advantage of the general attack to take away the remaining soldiers.

right here.

Qin Hao paused for a moment, saw the right moment, and launched a basic attack from the flank, targeting Victor.

PawN didn't dare to fight back.

Although his skills are all on CD, after these two waves of substitutions, he has about 170 HP less than the fox. If he continues to substitute, he will only suffer a loss.

Therefore, he could only control the mouse and retreat to the back of his own army line.

And after the cooling is over.

Qin Hao caught Victor's movement and saw the opponent move upwards. He decisively followed the opponent's pace and used the Q skill.


Finding that he couldn't dodge, PawN was about to pull back, dodge the second stage and return a QA at the same time. Then he realized that the fox had turned around, retreated to the blue side's line, and took away a rear-line soldier with residual health.

"Victor knocked down a bottle of corruption and regained his status."

"Penicillin has a good touch, and it can cause damage with a continuous Q."

After Score turned red, all he saw was that Victor only had half of his health left. He was thinking that in a situation like the middle line, it would be difficult to control the crabs in the river.

Because Kalista has a bull head, which is almost the same as the opponent's front and rear feet, it is not necessarily possible to say that she has gained a military line advantage.

He was afraid that if he controlled the river crab and hit the wine barrel, the fight would become 3 on 4.


Score thought about it on the other hand, if he was on the opposite side and had an advantage in trading up to the middle level, would he be thinking about the Double River Crab?

With this consideration.

The Korean coaching team watched the pig girl finish the 2 groups in the red zone and run to open the blue. While pulling the jungle, she threw a jewelry eye at the river.

See this.

Kuma nodded silently. He knew that the wine barrel had to control river crabs. After eating the stone beetles, he could then follow the triangle grass and attack them. As for this eye, as long as you can see the position of the wine barrel, it is not only convenient to be vigilant on the road, but also to control the river crab.

as expected.

When she saw the wine barrel, Pig Girl immediately turned around.

at the same time.

The camera shows a tower on the blue side.

Qin Hao took advantage of Victor's retreat and deliberately moved Q to the left, forcing Victor to move close to the tower and throw E. Charm hit, followed by AW to hit Thunder, and Victor was forced to knock down the second bottle of corruption.

"The strength of Victor's version is really average."

Wanwan commentary commented.

"Hey, Karsa seems to have an idea. As soon as Poppy pushed the line in, he finished eating the river crab, circled around, and got into the grass on the line!"

This is a very unusual move.

Normally, when fighting river crabs, it is easy to encounter the opposite jungler. Because all three groups of wilds have just been cleared, most of them will come to the river to take a look.


Jiugong didn't see Pig Girl. As a jungler, he could either judge that Pig Girl was inferior and follow him to protect his own jungle area, or he could go into the blue zone to find someone to see if Pig Girl was hunting toads and try to rob him.

On the premise that these two will not waste development time, Karsa chose the third one - after beating the river crab, the E dragon pit went up the wall, followed the triangle grass to the top road, and hid in the front grass.

Big Wolf said that Qinggangying's first sight was on the thread grass. Karsa just felt that Smeb had a bit of a temper and was not the kind of person who would let Bobby consume him without fighting back.

"Langx was acting. He leaned close to the river and pretended to take a look."

The ward position left by the jungler gives a lot of information.

So Poppy returned to his position, preparing to play passively, and Smeb subconsciously handed over the sweep. In his eyes, the wine barrel has gone, and it is true that Bobby on the other side is in better shape than him, but he is ready to reach level four and return to the city to replenish supplies.

one more.

If he were Bobby, he would definitely want to kill two people with one life. If you never fight back, wouldn't you be following the opponent's will?

The tactical sweep was about to be played.


Poppy dodged to the side and hit the wall with a bang. Seeing Poppy dodging directly, Smeb immediately realized something was wrong.

However, he only had two-thirds of his health. The wine barrel popped up and collided with E. With Bobby's full Q, the head was taken away by the wine barrel.

First blood is born.

Meiko praised: "It's a good detour. I didn't expect the other side to come."

Hongmi looked at it with appreciation.

This wave of victory is purely based on thinking, and there is no difficulty in coordination. If Qinggangying dares to cross W, he will lose the opportunity to cross-dodge and escape.

"Nice!!" Qin Hao and C Bo responded.

"Brother, it will definitely be beneficial to help me." The big wolf pointed out that the first blood was taken by the jungler.

Karsa: "Help me protect blue."

"Don't worry, he can't steal it."

Qin Hao dared to say this precisely because the female tank could also be relied upon.

in the screen.

When Score saw the wine barrel exposed, he immediately planned to go back and stop the loss. It's just that the offline ones were not sent in. Mata went to the river with a clear sign, keeping the pig girl Gang in the wild, and signaled the fox in the middle to go.

no way.

Calista can’t even come over.

Unless the fox comes over and wastes time on the knife, there is still some room for pulling, but this wave of foxes has no cost to rely on. If they continue to stay in the blue zone, they will only waste their own time.

See this.

Score goes back to eat stone beetles.

After eating, I walked towards the blue zone and found Bobby releasing the line, and I instantly understood what the other person meant.

Have nothing to do.

When I was brushing, I took a fancy and saw that my teammates were about to be sent home.

Although during the discussion yesterday, the other coaches all acted as if they were doing good to KT by not working hard, but seeing PawN's situation, Score felt like complaining for some reason.

He quite doubted whether the so-called avoidance development could work.

After all, in the current version, playing Victor always gives people a feeling of... weakness. It's like admitting that your skills are inferior to others and trying to figure out how to get by.

But this kind of mix is ​​different from Penicillin who just debuted. They are trying to find ways to reduce the weight of the line, control the line and do things with teammates during the round.

Victor can also reduce the laning weight, but it won't provide much help to the jungler during the laning period.

Like now.

Score is thinking about how to help him on the road. The hero Qinggangying actually accepts disadvantages, but just listening to Smeb's tone, I always feel that his mentality is not in a good mood.

4 and a half minutes.

Victor handed over the T to connect back to the line. 23 seconds later, the fox bought straw sandals, a murder ring and an increase code, and handed over the T to connect the line.

See the Dark Law Ring in the equipment slot.

For a moment, PawN felt uncomfortable. He knew that Penicillin played like a fox and loved to use the Killing Ring. As long as he stacked it up, he would combine the Killing Book and use it to make up for the damage in the mid-term.

Moreover, the hero Fox is really suitable for writing a murder book. It is easy to get involved and he will not die suddenly.


There is a degree to everything. PawN feels that if the rhythm is interrupted, the outfit will still be dragged out. At least this one belongs to him, and he will definitely not consider spending 350 to buy this one.

Return to center line.

Qin Hao still found an opportunity to use Q to consume Victor.

It's just that compared to before, it's not so easy to consume. But he doesn't care, because after six, the situation will change qualitatively.

There will be many options then.


Karsa felt so happy when he saw that he was able to face the lane in the middle lane with ease. This intercontinental competition was held in Kaohsiung, and of course he wanted to show off his skills.

So now, he is a little excited.

After catching the Green Steel Shadow in the first wave, Poppy went home after reaching level 5. When he inserted his real eye behind the blue and red buff wall, he cut the screen and saw Kalista pulling on the female tank. It took a while to draw the spear.

Thinking that the pig girl on the opposite side should be in the lower half, Karsa silently leaned down.

As soon as I got closer, I saw Pig Girl coming down from the triangle grass.

at the same time.

The bull head followed Kalista and pushed forward. Normally at this time, Jhin and the female tank would have to take a few steps back. Anyway, Jhin is very suitable for standing in the tower to eat money.

However, Mata saw that the female tank was retreating a little slower, so she took the initiative to push forward, thinking of changing the wave of blood.

"Karsa arrived just in time, PYL showed a weakness and wanted to eat beef!!"

Wanwan commentary can see what LGD wants to do.

Just as Kalista pushed forward with the help of her troops, Score saw the wine barrel peeking out in the next shot. As soon as he pushed over, the female tank stunned the bull's head with her backhand, and Jhin's third bullet came out.

At this point.

Mata knew it wouldn't work without cross-dodge.

If they continue to output, they are stronger than the opponent in the jungle, but if they focus on the burst of fire, if they use the control skills first, they will die if they are left alone.


LGD is very gentlemanly when it comes to dodging and not chasing.

【radar! ! 】

[The bull's head is not flashing, there will be a chance to eat beef in the next wave. 】

[Isn’t this KT the same? 】

【jug gap. 】

Some Wanwan spectators commented on the barrage and cheered loudly.

They found out too.

This gave LGD a good matchup with small and medium players, and Karsa played very smartly. The first wave of maneuvers around the dragon pit almost made them climax.

On the contrary, this wave of squatting is a little more normal.

After all, during this time period, there are no monsters in the wild areas on both sides. In addition, Poppy has just returned to the line, and Pig Girl goes to harass Poppy with full health, which is too forceful.


Even though Pig Girl has fewer options, she can squat in one step quickly, which still shows Karsa's map control level. After all, if the wine barrel arrives late, the female tank will not dare to fight back and can only open W to lose some health and retreat.


The LPL audience also enjoyed it.

This Qinggangying was suppressed and his head fell out of the way. LGD had many opportunities.

"The heroes chosen by KT are very developed."

"The fox is about to reach six, how will LGD start."

"I feel like I caught him well. Smeb doesn't dare to push Poppy's line now. He has to keep his health in a relatively healthy range, otherwise it will be too easy to get overtaken under the tower."

PawN can only develop.

Watch the fox to six, press forward and threaten.

Seeing that Victor was avoiding him, Qin Hao said: "Master C, switch with him in the bottom lane." Knowing that Hou Cao had never seen Pig Girl, Qin Hao said again: "Casa, I'll go in with you to look for him."

Score is counter-crouching down the lane. Knowing that the female tank is playing more aggressively than before, she is creating opportunities for the fox.


Coach KT's heart dropped when he saw the wine barrels coming up from the dragon pit to join the foxes, aiming directly at the Cordyceps sinensis.

"Push the line, hurry, hurry, hurry!"

Qin Hao walked to the wall and issued instructions.

After C Bo received it, the controlling female Tan pointed up and was interrupted by Niutou Q. But it didn't matter. Jhin followed up with a basic attack. Seeing Kalista taking the initiative to exchange blood, he slightly closed the distance and did not choose to retreat.

When the fight started in the bottom lane, Kalista still had the advantage immediately.

But before Score could take action, LGD's midfield point exploded and the fruit went over the wall. Qin Hao immediately made a cosmetic eye on the grass.

"With four guarantees from LGD, Pig Girl was retained by Fox Jiaotong University immediately!"

R enters the distance, Qin Hao first hands W, then presses the basic attack, and waits to force Pig Girl Q, then the second R and E, predict the side pull of Pig Girl, and play Charm.

Mata noticed the situation behind him and knew that if he let the line in, he would die. The problem is, as you know, the female tank can hold up better in the early stage. As long as the pig girl loses her combat effectiveness, it will still be difficult for him and AD to escape.

Quickly assessed the situation.

Mata chose to sell herself.

Kalista's A minion then connected with E, reducing the female tank's health to half, and then turned around with the bull's head. At this time, Pig Girl exploded after taking a condom, leaving only a quarter of her health.

"My E is eight seconds, don't be greedy." Qin Hao reminded.

KT's double lane retreated from the neutral position. Qin Hao and Karsa were stuck in the open space and pulled the line away.

See this.

Mata took the initiative to open the wine barrel, knowing that he would be pulled when he opened it.

"Jhin is clearing the lane, and the female tank is walking sideways."

The wine barrel took a wave of damage and was down to half health. C Bo saw the fox's E hitting the bull's head at close range. He was afraid that Kalista would stack too many spears on the wine barrel, so he decisively flashed his E to keep up with the control, matching the damage from the midfielder and Jhin's Fatal brilliance, killing the bull head who was only at level 4.

"The auxiliary's head was taken away by the fox, and Kalista took the opportunity to run away with the pig girl."

"LGD is very understanding and not greedy to prevent being manipulated by Kalista."

6 minutes and 42 seconds, head count 0:2.

The Korean audience was a little bored watching it.

They didn't expect KT's BP to be so conservative. Of the three lanes, only the bottom lane could put pressure on them. However, LGD's pace was relatively fast.

Moreover, LGD's midfielder went down, and Victor just pushed back a wave of lanes, with little chance to grind the tower, which made some viewers very unhappy——

[Is this our No. 1 seed? 】Some people vent their dissatisfaction with the content boasted by Korean media.

[PawN should retire soon, he has no energy at all now. 】

[I really deserved to go to LPL when I was at my peak. 】

Kuan Ma just said, it's okay. I don’t think it’s unacceptable for LGD to pay for the fox ultimate and the female tank’s flash.

follow closely.

The wine barrel brushed a group of toads and immediately headed down the route.

Later, Kalista came online with full health, and after dodging the female tank E, she took the initiative to slide up. This time, after chasing past the middle position, Deft thought that Jhin had to sell this wave in order to save the female tank.

Next beat.

Before he could react, a figure suddenly appeared.

Barrel Grass E flashes to Q, giving no reaction time. Then, Jin added a fatal brilliance to help the support take control.


IMP laughed when he saw it, he knew that Dai Pute would not miss the opportunity to take advantage. Next to him, Karsa saw that he had made a meritorious service and listened to his teammates calling him "nice". He boasted to IMP: "You were right."

Jhin chased after the fourth bullet. Deft knew that the position was too deep and Jhin could not dodge, so his efforts were not in vain.

Head count 0:3.

Edgar smiled.

This scene vividly illustrates KT's problem, which is that both the top and bottom lanes want to exert force. If it goes well, it's okay. The jungler can take care of it and open up the situation. Even if he is caught, the advantage is enough to cover it.

Once things go wrong, the more the top and bottom lanes want to be the savior, the less rhythmic Score will be.

What does this wave mean to Pig Girl?

This means that the last wave has just secured the bottom lane, and the laning rhythm that can barely be maintained by paying support kills is sent out by AD.

Score is what it is now.

What can he do as a pig girl?

You agree to keep the lane, but your teammates can't play like this.

In the lens.

Deft pursed his lips, not feeling very calm. He didn't expect that the wine barrel on the other side hadn't left yet.

compare to.

Seeing that the situation was good, Qin Hao found that Victor dared to take the initiative to exchange blood. I guess the bottom lane is not stable and I feel the pressure.

Suppress this judgment.

In the camera, Qin Hao moved to avoid Victor's E, turned around and pressed back, relied on his Q to force him out of position, and used his AW to see the trajectory.

The next second.

PawN thought the fox was hiding E.

Who knew that after raising his hand, he would still perform a basic attack, but his move in position failed to work.

Stay close, basic attack, wait for Q to be good, and release skills at close range to hit.

From the audience's perspective, this whole process seemed like Victor was overestimating his abilities. At this stage, why do you trade blood with the fox?

But for PawN, the pressure from his teammates makes him unable and unwilling to be an earthbound spirit.


Pig Girl reaches six, Score wants to determine the location of the wine barrel first.

At 8 minutes and 42 seconds.

Relying on the True Eye of the Upper River and the Divination Flower, it was probably determined that the wine barrel was not in the upper half. PawN found that the fox pushed the line, retreated and disappeared.

Just given the information.

From God's perspective, he knew that the fox was hiding in the blue zone aisle, waiting for Victor to push down the wave line. In KT's eyes, the lower river channel is occupied by LGD. If the fox steps on the real eye area and goes down, it will be difficult for them to warn them.

Deft just stepped back.

Middle road.

Qin Hao raised his hand with a big wave to force out the force field, and then made a sudden attack with R in the second stage. The next second, Victor cross-dodges, and Fox presses the third ultimate move almost simultaneously, and then crosses E.

The whole scene looked like Victor was afraid of being kissed on the face and could not avoid E, so he chose to cross paths, but in the end he was still kissed.

"The flash in the middle is gone, and the health is reduced to only a quarter."

"One minute later, the vanguard refreshed. I feel that LGD can replace the bottom lane in advance. In this case, it can take down KT's previous tower."

Been fighting for so long.

The commentators also understand how to run Vanguard.

Just like they thought.

While Kalista retreated, Jhin took over the army line. Afterwards, I stocked up on the bottom lane and sent in a wave of big lines, then returned to the city and came up.

It's time like this.

Score signaled to come up, Mata returned to the city early and walked out.

9 minutes and 27 seconds.

The LGD duo got on the line, and Poppy was already on the line. Seeing that KT can still stabilize their mentality and think about how to recover from the disadvantage, Hongmi is somewhat impressed.

Near the middle of the road.

The female tank held the knife, and the bull head pointed the explosive fruit down the wall. Just as C Bo was alert, a ball of ice flew out of the grass. Immediately afterwards, the green steel shadow that was expected to go down flew out of the hook wall and connected the control.

"IMP handed over flash, but didn't give distance, but this way, the female tank can't run."

"The Pioneer will refresh in 19 seconds, does KT want to fight?"

Head 1:3.

KT took the initiative to assemble in the dragon pit.

"You can hit her if you drag her away." C Bo said, "Pig girl is not big, I will resurrect her immediately."

Qin Hao saw that KT took the position first and said: "Let's go up the wall and look for opportunities to kill Gangying or Victor."

Kalista cannot defend this wave of vanguards.

Qin Hao thought he could try it because he had good equipment.

in the screen.

KT took the vanguard and saw LGD leaning on them.


Mata is stuck in the river grass. Victor stands behind him, ready to help at any time. Only Pig Girl and Qing Gangying are fighting at the entrance of Longkeng.

"After Jhin is connected, the range of his ultimate move can cover the upper river."

Next beat.

The wine barrel actively pushed into the grass. Mata's purpose was not to start a group, but to harass so that his teammates could eat the vanguard.

Therefore, he first chose to avoid the barrel's Q.

Just like this, the barrel was pressed in. Smeb noticed that the fox was leaning this way and kicked Q at the vanguard. Seeing the wine barrel pressing through the grass, threatening the entrance of Longkeng, IMP pressed his ultimate move.

"Jin opens up, and Pig Girl wants to help block it."

IMP wanted to Poke Victor, but Pig Girl blocked the angle. The next moment, Smeb felt that the opponent's attention was on the back row, and Hook E was about to kick the fox.

As soon as E made his move, Fox suddenly stepped back and turned around to throw Charm. Then, the wine barrel hit E-set Fire Qinggangying. Seeing this, Mata chose to hit the wine barrel twice in a row.

"The wine barrel's backhand big move exploded the pig girl, Jhin's second big move hit the slowdown, and the fox pressed forward simultaneously, trying to bypass the bull's head and point directly at Victor!!"

This wave of cooperation is a bit cool.

It's just that PawN knew that he was most likely to die at this stage, and was saved by Jhin's ultimate move. He first handed over the force field to prevent the fox from coming, and then used Q to speed up the shield and put some distance back.

"Jhin's third bullet hit, taking away a chunk of Victor's health again. The pig girl pushed forward, and the Qinggang Shadow opened up and sat down on the fox."

Amid the shouts of the commentary, Victor played ER against the fox.

Eat until you explode.

The wine barrel helped slow down the pig girl, and the Qinggang Shadow got close to her face to get the charm. Qin Hao moved to hide from Victor while judging that he had about 200 health left.

He noticed that C Bo had reached the red zone, and when the big move was over, he led Qinggang Ying towards the pass. After a few seconds, Niutou fired two consecutive shots. Just as Qinggangying was about to follow, the wine barrel rushed over and bumped into it.

At this point.

Qinggang Shadow had more than 260 HP left, but Smeb thought it was enough to kill the fox. Just like this, Pig Girl followed E, and then chose W to slow down the barrel without chasing after it at all.

Eat until forever frozen.

Qinggangying used his magic shield and was about to take away the second level of real damage.

at this time.

Qin Hao finally entered the grass and cut off his vision.

Xiye was in the background, thinking that this wave would only last until the female tank came over, combined with Jhin and the half-blood wine barrel, to prevent KT from taking the vanguard. Anyway, the next wave of foxes will be good, and the vanguard will still be profitable.

Who knows what's in the picture.

Qinggangying hooked the wall and crossed E. At such a close distance, the fox threw Q and flashed to the lower right side to avoid the angle.

Xiye saw it very clearly.

Qinggangying's position came to the side of the blue buff wall, and the fox was a little below him. Then, Qin Hao handed over E, and the moment the charm took effect, Qinggangying was forced to walk in the direction of the fox. The fox followed and moved a step, and the second Q turned to deal damage.

this moment.

It was only then that Smeb realized something was wrong. He never thought that the opponent could calculate so carefully. He could avoid the hook lock by dodging and maxing out his skill damage. However, his magic shield could not block so much.

The fox made another basic attack.

Qinggangying's ultimate sweep was W. Qin Hao knew that the opponent would do this. He only took damage from the inside by pressing forward from the blocked position, without giving him a chance to recover his health.

So, Mata, who had just walked to Pass Grass, watched helplessly as the half-blooded fox killed the half-blooded Qinggang Ying.

"This wave not only delayed KT from taking the vanguard, but also killed Qinggangying!"

"The fox's skill casting is too precise."

Wanwan explained, his face turned red.

[Fuck. 】

[This calculation is too accurate. 】

【Smeb was shown off. 】

Smeb looked at the screen, a little distracted.

This wave of skills hit him with a W, but he never got close enough.


C Bo watched the whole process.

I know very well how KT messed up their formation this time.

"Brother, I have it."

Score's mentality is almost broken.

After Qinggangying died in battle, although Niutou chased after him and killed the bloody fox, the problem was that Victor was not as big as him and could not stop LGD from taking the lead.

After this.

The economy was suddenly stretched too far.

Just like what Redmi wants to see when discussing the lineup.

LGD is very good at ambushing in the jungle.

After destroying the previous tower, he hit another head and two. In addition, Poppy was in a strong period and could resist and fight.

In the next ten minutes.

LGD always has more people and bullies fewer people. Victor wants to farm money, but there is no way to help Pig Girl guard the jungle.

"KT abandons the next tower and LGD expands its economic advantage to 3,600!"

"Mata dares to come in alone to do eye-catching? He is giving away."

"The wine barrel equipment is very good. Kalista just ate a big one and lost a quarter of her health."

Sniper against the ember frame.

In the jungle group, KT was completely passive.

Qin Hao and Karsa harvest wild monsters and human resources at will.

more importantly.

After his vision in the jungle was controlled, Qin Hao often looked for opportunities to use his mobility to save people first and provide convenience for his teammates.

Look at LGD's advancement and cooperation.

Thinking about the cooperation of top player and WE, Hongmi couldn't help but imagine how great it would be if he came to lead LGD.

And for Korean commentators.

The last thing I wanted to see happened. Qinggangying had no equipment, Victor needed to develop, Kalista couldn't occupy the center, and Nosuke died in various battles.

Arrived at 24 and a half.

When Deft pushed the midline, he was first blown away by the wine barrel vision ER, and then a fox appeared from their red zone, and the alley-oop knocked out AD.


"There is no way, the economic gap is too big."

The lanes deteriorated too quickly during the laning phase, and the Pioneer was controlled by LGD. The Korean caster also knew that the development pressure on this weapon was too great.


LGD operates around Baron.

As soon as Niutou came in to explore the field of view, he was pointed out by the female tank. He just ate a Q from the fox and had to hand over the big guarantee status.

"This... can't be fought." Wanwan's commentator was disappointed for KT.

The bull's head is at full range, and when he tries to counterattack, he is pulled back by the fox at full range, so he can only give his skills to the female tank.

But for the female tank, KT's people can't be dropped in seconds.


Poppy entered the field without pressure and restricted the back row. PawN just showed his face and was chased to death by the fox.

"One for three, LGD wants Baron."

"The advantageous situation with Fox Jiajin is really good at retaining people."

Eat the dragon.

LGD operated troops back and forth to torture KT.

At 28 minutes and 05 seconds.

Big Wolf was on the highland wall and saw Deft clearing the line. He flashed Bidong to start the team battle, and then activated his determined style to block the bull head.

"Press down the gargoyle. Poppy is very resistant. It doesn't hurt at all when hit by Highland Tower!!"

The next second.

Karsa seized the opportunity and blasted Kalista away with her ultimate move. A familiar scene came. The fox suddenly entered the field and pressed charm on Kalista in the air. AD died suddenly on the spot.

"Everyone in KT can only run away. Jin Kai uses a large speed to slow down the Qinggang Shadow, and the female tank flashes her ultimate move to gain control!"

"Qinggangying's health drops quickly. Cross-flash and pull E to return to the spring."

The head-to-head ratio was fixed at 3:14.

LGD took advantage of the trend and bulldozed it.


Edgar shook his head, feeling that KT's loss was worse than he thought. The crystal exploded, and he glanced at the fox and the barrel, thinking about how his team would design tactics if they encountered LGD.

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