I love posting on Weibo and have become a professional genius

Chapter 248 The crazy side and the dome attack

Hong Haoxuan: Let me tell you, Qin Hao is simply not a human being...

Flash Wolves Club.

After Karsa left, Snake enjoyed the single-room treatment only a coach could have. Although he doesn't really want such treatment.

That end.

Karsa was still talking about what he had learned about coming to LGD, complaining about his roommate's inability to think straight, talking about C-Bo, and even sent several smiling emoticons.

It can be heard that he is full of freshness now.

Every day brings new fun.

Compared with him, Snake is a bit weak. It's not that I don't wish Karsa well, but seeing him accept the new environment so quickly makes me feel a little complicated.

He was thinking that if he didn't see each other for a long time and just chatted on Facebook, he would definitely become a stranger, right? This is how he and his old classmates gradually became strangers because they couldn't find a topic to talk about.

When thinking this way, Snake clicked on the web page to open the forum.

The headlines on the front page are still discussing LGD and Karsa.

In the past two days, the Bayan audience seemed to regard LGD as the home team. Some posts used a serious tone to analyze the possibility of Karsa ousting Eimy and becoming the first team.

More is discussed about the wonderful chemical reaction that Penicillin and Karsa will create when paired together.

[Penicillin's laning is a hundred times more stable than Faker's. Karsa is gone. He is definitely the next little peanut, casually invading the jungle. 】

[I think so too. The Wolf King is still aggrieved in the LMS. He doesn’t have many normal teammates. 】

[Yes, every time the camera is shown to the jungler, it is either on the help line or on the way to the help line. The key is to help but there is not much feedback, and the jungle is still being invaded. 】

[I watched LGD’s games. Even if he doesn’t help the mid lane, Penicillin can play the rhythm. 】

[Yes, Maple needs help from his teammates. 】

[LGD’s top laner is probably a hundred times better than MMD. He has never been at a disadvantage against Huni. 】

[In MMD, the captain can play well, not to mention his skills. Even the hero pool cannot compare with others. 】

[Don’t forget there is also IMP, the second crown AD. 】

Look at these comments.

Snake is a little embarrassed.

Why were you still scolding Karsa yesterday for going to LGD to be a dog for LPL? Today the trend has changed.


LPL is indeed quite generous.

Penicillin's salary alone is enough to run the entire Flash Wolves team for three years. Having also entered the World Championship, Xiaohu's net worth is not comparable to that of Maple.

They are all players.

Snake didn't think the skill gap was as big as the salary indicated.

When we meet in the Korean server, he often wins. Among the supports in the LPL, the only one that impressed him deeply was Meiko, whose distance control was top-notch. Others are fine, and I can fight whenever the situation comes.

After closing the forum page, for some reason, I felt a deer jumping in my heart.

At this moment.

Betty is here.

"...went to SN to be a coach? Miss Bi didn't lie."

"What's the benefit of lying? I heard from the team leader that SN happened to be short of a coach, so they went there."

"So who is our new coach?"

"Brother Siye will be back."

"Beibei, does this count as being hollowed out by the LPL?" Betty said this with unconcealable envy. After all, he heard that Brother Zhou received a high salary four times that of Flash Wolf.

When he first joined the team, Brother Zhou just took over as coach. Unexpectedly, I had only played for a few months, and my head coach and main players had both left for the LPL.

Betty once suspected that she had bad luck.

How else to explain that Flash Wolf has been operating stably for several years, but now it has become decadent.

"If SN poaches you, will you go?"

"Go ahead, I don't need a salary."

"Damn, you really suck at LPL." MMD complained.

However, Betty thought that this scene would not happen, so she answered like this.

But after the humor has passed, he still thinks: Coach Steak treats him well, is there a possibility that if SN is short of AD, he can really go there and play?

Even if it's a substitute, that's fine.

This will leave the beginning of a legend in the forum! An AD named Lu Yuhong entered the LPL alone, swept through the e-sports giants with his strength, and helped SN win the Summer Championship! !

Listening to teammates chatting.

Snake scratched his head and remembered that Miss Bi came back that day and said something casually: LPL doesn't seem to like buying Korean aid now.

During this transfer period, there are not many teams in the LPL buying big-name Korean players.

Maybe VG was relegated and LGD won the championship, diluting the myth of Korean aid?

he does not know.

All he knows is that due to the continuous departure of the main jungler and coach in the past few days, everyone is not focused on the upcoming summer split.

Including himself. He will be as languid as a little slut, unable to cheer up for anything.

"I will spend my whole life supporting you..."

This is a song highly recommended by C Bo, and Karsa has just added it to the playlist.


Cvmax talked about the situation encountered in the training matches these days.

"...If it comes to the point where you need to release the lane to attack the canyon pioneer, my suggestion is to let it go. Unless the middle line is at a disadvantage and the defense tower does not have much HP. Otherwise, the risk of preventing the vanguard from being hit is lower than taking the initiative to open the vanguard."

"...The collision tower can be given, but the value of the first-blood tower in this version has been weakened. On the other hand, if the opponent wants to hit it, there will definitely be a tendency to group together.

Knowing that there is a group in the middle of the opposite side, we can definitely find opportunities to force positions and take advantage of the opportunity to reduce the number of players. "

Cvmax circled an area in front of the first tower to simulate the position when placing the vanguard.

"If it's a direct collision, then the position of the grass on both sides and the jungle corridor is very important. If it's not a direct collision, if possible, we can push out and eat the vanguard, forcing the other side to open, and we will backhand."

Knowing the approximate location.

Defensive counterattacks are generally more comfortable than starting a team first.

Let’s take a look at these two days of training matches.

He feels that Pioneer is more suitable for the line-changing style of play, while others are relatively average. If additional income cannot be created, the investment cost will easily not be recovered.

Because if you want to fight for the vanguard, you must first ensure that your combat power is strong after level 6 on the road. Secondly, you must also look at the midline and field of vision.

It’s time for the training match.

Karsa still stood behind him and watched.

Through these few days of observation, he has shouted "my old swan" countless times. Although I have long known that Qin Hao is good at commanding, there is still a big difference between feeling it up close and listening to the voice after the game.

After all, most of the post-game voiceovers focus on team battles and key parts.

Qin Hao, on the other hand, started directing his teammates and marking the general area of ​​the opposing jungler from the moment they faced each other. It is not accurate every time, but it is always a more appropriate choice based on the current situation.

Like this one.

Xiangguo just defied logic and squatted down to help Uzi open up the situation. But after showing up, the wild monsters and vision in the upper half of the area were controlled by Langx and Eimy.

From a profit perspective, it’s actually not profitable. It can be regarded as sacrificing the development of the jungle, giving up the initiative to six, and relying on taking on this part of the defensive risk to make Uzi more comfortable.

Karsa observes the playing habits of his teammates.

Next to him, Cvmax was also evaluating him. Speaking of which, his impression of Karsa has changed.

Only then did he realize that Flash Wolf's frequent midfield attacks were not Karsa's favorite mode. Because in situations of balance or advantage, Karsa prefers to control the development of the map and look for relatively stable shooting opportunities.

On the contrary, when the team has no rhythm, he will work extremely hard, repeatedly making unconventional choices and ignoring the risks involved.

He has no intention of judging whether this style of play is good or bad.

After all, he couldn't teach him much in this regard.

Eimy has been able to get to where she is today because she was actually taught by the middle lane. No, instead of preaching, Qin Hao was very detailed about what he wanted.

So as long as it works with his ideas, you don't need to worry too much about the midfielder part. Because as long as the middle lane is comfortable, Qin Hao likes to reduce the burden on the jungle area.

Think about this.

After the day's training match, Cvmax took the initiative to find Qin Hao.

"What do you think of Karsa?"

Cvmax's expression was serious: "I want to hear your thoughts."

"Me?" Qin Haogang wanted to say, it was more pleasant to get along with him.

Cvmax asked: "His command...are you comfortable with it?"

"He's quite thoughtful and will give a lot of hints in the lane, but it's a bit messy when he hits the back." Qin Hao recalled the situation in the training match. The most impressive part about Karsa is probably his confidence.

When it comes to guessing the opponent's jungler position, he is more daring than him to make a judgment.

Other than that... I can't really say much. After all, he was still getting used to it, and Qin Hao didn't even know what kind of gaming habits Karsa had.

"Actually, I shouldn't tell you this, but you are the mid laner and have the most communication with the jungler..."

Cvmax expressed his suggestion, "If you want to maintain normal personnel rotation in the summer split, Eimy's part cannot be moved."

"So my idea is that when partnering with Karsa, you need to cooperate. In this way, you can focus on the laning and less on the information of other lanes. You can take command after the laning period is over."

Before Qin Hao could react.

Cvmax was still a little excited as he talked.

He feels that he is a genius. Since Karsa handles the laning phase well and can stabilize the situation, why can't the jungler direct the offense and defense in the early stage, and PYL is responsible for the vision?

Fortunately, he had been thinking about it for the past two days to find the position of the two of them.

But in fact, there is no need to change the jungler at all.

Anyway, once the laning period is over, the middle lane is liberated. It would be better to let Qin Hao control it at this time.

Listen to what the coach said.

Qin Hao actually doesn't quite understand.

But he knew that the coach would definitely not harm him, "Okay."

After Qin Hao left the office, Cvmax stood up and took a drink of water, continuing to brainstorm and perfect the new tactical positioning.

Two days later.

The summer split has kicked off.

Qin Hao and others stayed at the base to watch the game.

When I saw EDG struggling to win IG 2-1, it didn't seem like much had changed from the spring split. After the game, Starch frequently complained about Zet's connections, feeling sorry for Meiko when she encountered such a disabled AD, saying that after a month off season, Kalista would be the first to play, and there was no new idea.

the other side.

Qin Hao and the others were chatting, and the topic suddenly turned to Karsa.

In the past few days, they had heard Karsa talk about his time at Flash Wolves, and C Bo was very curious, "Have you been a substitute before? I read on the Netherworld Forum that you have been suspended by the team for a few games."


Karsa sat next to Eimy and slapped her thigh: "Yeah, I would have almost forgotten this if you didn't mention it. That would be really a bit young and frivolous."

"What's going on, what's going on?" Big Wolf was the first to be curious.

All right.

Qin Hao was also curious.

Being stared at by his teammates, Karsa was like telling a story: "I was only 17 years old at the time and had just started playing professionally. Then NL was suspended for violating management regulations. I had that kind of brotherly loyalty at that time, you know."

"Then in the evening, when the team leader came back, we were having a meeting. During the meeting, the coach kept talking about this incident, scolding me this and that, and also kept talking about some things in the past, how I was disobedient and disobedient to BP. I was actually criticized at that time. I got a little angry, so I went to talk back and said, 'Then your BP isn't that good either'——"

Speaking of which.

Karsa laughed, "At that time, the coach was slapping the table with us. I watched him slapping, and I followed suit."

"Then what?"

C Bo urged.

Karsa touched his head and recalled the scene at that time: "Did you get angry that day? In the middle of the night, we were held in a meeting. After I slapped the table, I yelled at the coach - I'm not happy, you banned me too. Then I really didn't The game is over.”


"This is about S5."


Qin Hao was very curious: "What were you thinking at the time?"


"Yes, what were you thinking when you said, 'If you don't like it, ban me'."

Karsa said: "I was the only jungler on the team at that time, so I wasn't even afraid. But after I finished slapping the table, the coach went to rent a jungler the next day without even signing a contract."

"Then you bowed your head?" Eimy asked.

"I can't do it without bowing my head. Besides, Sister Bi has been urging me... then, just give me a step to step down, right? It's not like I really don't want to play the game."

Karsa added: "To be honest, I actually regretted it when I woke up the next day. I felt like I had played too much and was too big. And I didn't expect the coach to be so tough."

"You are really 6."

Eimy almost died laughing.

He always thought that Karsa was more serious, but he didn't expect that she had such a silly side. Until now in his career, he has never spoken back to a coach like this.

The second day of the summer split.

The new army DAN appears and challenges BLG.

Regarding this game, outside audiences generally felt that BLG, as the goalkeeper in the playoffs, would definitely be able to give DAN a welcome ceremony.

Who can imagine.

DAN actually overturned BLG 2:1 with a more desperate play style.

After the game.

Two topics were created in Kangba. One was the failure of Welcome to LPL. Some posts ridiculed BLG for being too bad and couldn't even beat the new army.

Second, DAN controlled Baron in three consecutive games, and in the disadvantaged games, they all relied on Baron to regain the economy.

On the third day.

DAN versus IG.

In the first game, when they were on the road first, around 22 minutes in, the four DANs spiritually stole the baron and completed a wave of darkness under the lights.

In this way, the power of the dome resounds throughout the LPL.

Fierce fighting has become the biggest label of this team.

The anti-bar started to have some fun, helping the DAN team to create pictures - under the dome, there were the team logos of the two teams BLG and IG.

have to say.

The audience just likes this kind of script where the weak defeats the strong.

Wait until June 15th.

Qin Hao and his party set off to the venue.

At five o'clock in the match, DAN was scheduled to face EDG.

Before the game.

Starch was so aggressive that he felt that if BLG and IG could not complete the welcome ceremony, their EDG would certainly be able to hold it back. After all, DAN's two BO3s always start at a disadvantage.

As we all know, EDG likes to abuse food. Even if the starting bottom lane is Zet, EDG has never lost to a lower-ranked team.


"What are you doing, director? Are you so brave?"

"Ah, the jungler is dying continuously, how can this be done?"


C Bo was shocked.

What a game this is.

As Starch thought, EDG had an advantage in the early stage, but no one expected that DAN would become stronger as the battle progressed. After relying on the onset of EDG to regain the disadvantage, they directly entered the jungle and stunned the factory director.

In the second game.

DAN once again performed their best tricks - stealing the baron at a disadvantage, starting a team from higher ground, unreasonably attacking with less and more, and finally won EDG 2:0.

After the game.

Kangba commented like this——

[Guigui, when did the LPL become so weak, and it was randomly killed by teams that had just improved? 】

[It’s not like there was random killing. 】

[Three consecutive victories are not random killings? BLG is a weak team, but EDG is not a weak team. 】

[It’s a bit strange. When I watched the game, I felt that DAN didn’t play well either. Is it my imagination? His laning was rough. 】

[EDG can be so bad. 】

[BLG didn’t even lose 2-0, EDG did it. 】

"Next, let's welcome the LGD team."

On stage.

Ren Dong was roaring with all his strength...

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