I love posting on Weibo and have become a professional genius

Chapter 236: Durang’s shield is stuck in vision and gets the match point

Blank didn't know what to say for a moment.

Is this wave of blind monks coming too quickly?

Shouldn't he be laughed at by Galio twice?

I can't press E?


He didn't dare to guess Faker's thoughts, so he gave up explaining his own thoughts.

This season, he is considered an incompetent water dispenser keeper, because Dunma always tells him that his relationship with Peanut is just like his relationship with Bengi last year.

He understands.

He watches from the audience and finds something bad, and he can make adjustments immediately when he comes on stage.

Through rotation, the effect of quickly changing ideas can be achieved, and the opponent can be caught off guard every time.

It's just that for this great idea, the competitiveness of the players must be ignored.

Last year, the Korean media boasted about the rotation-winning strategy for a long time, believing that the SKT coaching staff was very talented and could complete tactical changes by cultivating junglers with different emphasis.


Sitting in a corner that is easily forgotten by the cameras, Blank would also think about himself, thinking that like Bengi, he would activate the mid laner as soon as he came on the field, control the rhythm, and become the most dazzling star.

At that time, whether it is his teammates, the coaching staff, or the audience, they will temporarily forget his unsightly operation and offer the most sincere praise.

Ah, Blank plays like a god!

The point here is of course not winning - no, winning is just the basis. What he enjoys the most is controlling the thunder and lightning in the life and death situation, and the eyes of others looking at him.

He can also learn from Penicillin and post on his Twitter account - I didn't eat anything this afternoon and was a little hungry when I played.


This way of showing off is much more classy than smiling with joy when being interviewed by the host. No wonder Penicillin has captured the hearts of North American audiences.

After all, North American audiences feel that this is not "modest", but a certification of strength.

It was just this dream that he did very little about.

Because he really had such an experience, but he was the one who was replaced.

Ha ha.

The public opinion at that time was like this. Bengi was praised as soon as he came on the field. Forget about the praise. As the person being replaced, countless fans would question: Why didn't Bengi come on earlier?

He was actually in good shape during the training matches.

Just in SKT.

Playing well in training matches is nothing to be proud of.

He was qualified to play only after passing the observation of the coaching staff, but everyone thought he was related to someone else.

Korean commentator: "The blind monk's skills improved immediately, and Blank had no choice but to leave."

"Gario only has dozens of blood left, so he can survive (whining)."


"What a counter-crouch!" Guan Zeyuan shouted: "We actually won this wave of 2v2! Galio played so well in this wave. He first used the shield of the colossus to absorb part of the output, and then flashed and pulled away. Being set on fire by Wei."

The director is playing back.

Ryze's Q, which had a slightly predictable angle, happened to be placed, but Galio twisted it away.

"Faker knew that Galio still had E, so he wanted to anticipate Galio's punch in the tunnel. But Penicillin also knew this, and he FKed on the 100th floor!"

The North American commentator transformed into Aobuki and said on the spot that only a very few players could maintain such a clear thinking under such high pressure.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the party that strikes first must have the upper hand in this wave. The control chain between Wei and Ryze is no worse than the control chain in the left center field.

It wasn't the one who turned around and taunted the two, it wasn't that Ryze lost his skills, it wasn't that Galio connected with punches quickly enough, this wave was all SKT's first blood.

【666666. 】

[You, SKT, are the only ones who know how to squat in the middle? 】

[Tell me, is there any value in being an MVP? 】

[Qing Emperor is awesome! Wild King is awesome. 】

[In this way, Galio feels comfortable. 】

[I heard that Ryze is good at beating Galio? 】

Compared with LPL audiences, Korean audiences are a little frustrated.

This is a 2v2 confrontation between the center and the jungle, and our side takes the first shot.

Generally speaking, making the first move means being confident.

In addition to being knocked unconscious and having mental problems, the party taking the initiative to gank must achieve its goal. Even if it fails, at least it will not suffer a loss.

The camera recorded it very clearly.

The moment the Q skill was empty, Faker's pupils dilated for a second.

Reason told him that he was being shown off.

Take a deep breath.

I saw Galio go home and replenished the small magic resistance, red crystal and real eye, and then I saw that I only replenished the straw sandals and fairy amulet. He knew that consumption had become more difficult.

Not surprisingly.

The first item on the opposite side will be naked magic and anti-shoes, and then he will make the parts of the abyss, or the parts of justice and glory.

The coaching staff has collected information.

Penicillin likes these two sets of equipment. Compared with the former, Justice sacrifices part of its frankness to enhance its approach distance.

After all, Galio's W will attenuate his movement speed, and Glory of Justice will increase his movement speed by 75% when facing enemies and defense towers, and will release a circular shock wave when he gets close. As early as the Spring Split, Penicillin had played this genre.

Back online.

Qin Hao still tried his best to cover more minions with his skills.

He knew that the current matchup was considered comfortable.

If Ryze wanted to force him out of a bottle of corruption before, he needed 2 waves of tail knife opportunities, but now it will become 3 waves. In addition, the W magic shield is calculated based on AD and AP bonuses.

As the level increases, the magic shield will become more powerful.

Now that Qin Hao has reached level 4, his attributes at this time are worth 400 yuan more.

When there is no problem in the middle.

Qin Hao is also observing other roads.

Big Wolf returned home in 4 minutes and 17 seconds. As a hero with weapons, he couldn't beat Shen in the early stage. Before the radiance, the damage of weapon W was higher than that of Shen's normal attack before he pulled Q.

What's more, Immortality can last for a long time in the early stage, which is much stronger than Zeal.

"Langx turned T back to the line. Huni was at half health and had no intention of going home. Maybe he felt that he could continue to rely on Duolan Shield."

"When the fight started in the bottom lane, Bang and Wolf were pulling together pretty well."

On the side of the blue wall, PYL found an opportunity, Q reached Tahm, and then raised his shield to hit it, allowing Big Mouth to help the opponent's health.

At this time, I went back home once. It also came back in 4 minutes.

Big Mouth activates W to create a passive effect, but Tahm's tongue is disgusting enough. C Bo slowed down and was hit by Tahm A. He tried to raise the shield, but jumped back to Big Mouth at the last second.

As a result, Bang pressed against the wall and bypassed the angle of the shield wall to directly face the big mouth. IMP had no choice but to hit AD first, which made Tahm come out of the stun and another Q, just enough to press him to jump back. Bron.

Braum's body turns red, and Verus E slows down 2 people and pulls them back.

at this time.

Big Mouth W's time disappeared, Q was twisted away by Verus's movement, and Tahm rushed into the tower before the two of them, swallowing Braum to the limit.

Coming out, Bron was beaten again.

At this time, Big Mouth can only reach Tahm with A, but cannot reach Verus.

"As soon as I got home, the blood bottle was knocked out."

Bronn had 360 blood left and was knocked out of the blood bottle.

C Bo also felt a little pressure now, which was different from the previous one. In the last game, he knew that Rambo was six, and the opponent did not dare to exchange blood intensively.

Even if IMP is hanging, there is not much pressure.

But this one, SKT's clear-cut bottom lane, and the top half combination of Ryze and Wei Jiashen, it's impossible not to capture it.

Therefore, C Bo would like to see if he can gain a blood advantage before being ganked.

He used to play Braum, and when he reached level 3 or so, it was difficult to lose money by using his shield to exchange blood. As long as you withstand the damage, IMP's output will be considered profitable.

"Grass, I can't stand on the grass." C Bo reminded him in a more tactful way.

Pu Pu: "You can't even stop me."

C Bo:……

Middle road.

A wave of artillery trains.

Faker was forced to follow the stacked minions and move forward.

Qin Hao did not hesitate to use EW's combo to exchange blood with Ryze.

Although W has a charging time, this skill is close to a range of 250 yards, making it almost impossible for Ryze to get out. Because Ryze's EWQ combo takes time, as soon as it uses the overloaded passive, Qin Hao will press the skill.

Anyway, Durang's shield will not be interrupted, and given the distance from the opposite side, it is a sure hit. I didn't do this before, because punches were not used to deal damage, and it was easy to lose a passive A, which could not be replaced by blood exchanges. Without displacement, I had to be chased and beaten again.

But now, Qin Hao can take the initiative to exchange blood. Its attributes are better than Ryze's meat, so it is affordable to exchange.

Colossus plays.

Ryze took full Q damage, and his health instantly dropped by one-third.

Qin Hao was still chasing forward, taking damage and continuing to put pressure.

He also plays Ryze, and is aware of Ryze's embarrassment at this stage.

Because the W level one cooldown is reduced to 13 seconds, after one set is completed, the vacuum period is a bit long.

In addition, if the detonating overload passive is used to pull backwards, it is actually a bit of a waste of shield and acceleration effects. When chasing, you can use the second set of EQ to extend the distance behind you. Essentially, the skill hit rate is reduced.

"Look at the mid lane, Brother Hao successfully seized a wave of opportunities and made a good change." Remember: "Faker was forced out of the green bottle, and SKT didn't know the position of our jungler, and the line of troops was pushing towards us! "

"Eimy has just wiped out the Three Wolves and is going to fight F6. Blank's situation is similar, and he is going to fight his second group of F6."

Lee Sang Hyuk scratched his head in worry.

This is what happens when the propulsion line is consumed.

If there is no human interference, he will miss the knife. Because the red side's troops focus fire faster than the blue side's, Galio will definitely come to block the position if he removes the hatred.

"Vi leaned up after finishing F6. Huni has a line. This wave of teasing has a chance, and the weapon only has two-thirds of its health."

"It doesn't matter if you force him to dodge. At this stage, Shen is not afraid of weapons in a one-on-one fight." The Korean commentator analyzed.

At this moment, Huni is still a little unhappy.

Of course he knew that the coach didn't think he was weaker than his opponent, so he was careful, but what did the audience think? !

I saw Wei walking around to the wall.

Huni speeds up the line pushing.

When the line went in, he wanted to show off his weakness and force the weapon to use E in the tower to hit him first, but the opponent was too clumsy in playing, and even handed over Q in front of the weapon, but he didn't dare to use E.

"It's not easy to kill."

The Korean commentator made a judgment. In the next second, Shen pressed E for more than 200 yards and taunted. Wei Zhuquan came out to keep up with the control and hit QAE to trigger Armor Break and Thunder.

The weapon instantly dropped to just over 200 HP, so Shen chose to jump and slash to distance herself from Wei. Then the weapon opened E to stun Shen, and he ran towards the second tower, just in time for Wei Zhu's second Q, and pressed down the flash.

Korean commentator: "It's okay. The weapon is going to lose experience. It just handed over a T before."

Guan Zeyuan: "It's okay. Weapon Shen has to resist pressure in the lane. Sword array and taunt are both good weapons."

"Yes." Remember to answer: "The further back we go, the more comfortable we will be."

The lineup curve represents different judgment criteria.

Wei Bi slipped out of dodge, entered the Autism Grass and returned to the city, came out and walked directly down.

It's about to reach six in the middle, and Braum doesn't have much health...

6 minutes and 07 seconds.

Blue moves to the next tower.

With about half health, Braum moves to twist Tahm's Q. Taking advantage of the fact that there are only three long-range soldiers on the red side, his own troops are pressed out. He chooses the W minion to get close to Q to slow down Tahm, and he sees Verus pulling the bow. , raise the security door.

This angle is particularly good.

C Bo was only proud for 5 seconds.

When Dazui slapped Tam with an A and he was about to retreat, at some point, Wei came out from his side.


C Bo quickly dodges and pulls away, Wei is full of blood and resists the tower. Qin Hao found that Tahm didn't surrender, so he refused: "No, I will surrender this time, and I can't follow Ryze when he opens up."

An assistant can accept it.

Even if this wave is saved, IMP is still losing money. It is impossible for him to help push 2 waves and then return to the middle.

"Isn't Galio guaranteed?"

When the North American commentator was confused, Tahm flashed Li Hong and then Q knocked him unconscious. Verus followed up the output and ate the head.

At 6 minutes and 16 seconds, the score was 1:1, and SKT was leading by several CSs in the top and bottom lanes.


The Korean commentator breathed a sigh of relief. He had never played 2v2 before, so it was boring for them.

"Verus eats the head, Wei reaches six, and Braum can still be caught if he doesn't dodge."

"Yes, if we just go to the jungle for a 3v3, we are stronger than our opponent in terms of attacking first or sustaining damage."

Xiao Hei did not relax.

Galio's ultimate move was always on his mind.

Just after he finished catching, another wave of blood changed in the middle. With Ryze's state, he was about to go home in the second wave of mixed lanes.

in voice.

Qin Hao was telling his teammates: "If they reach Wei six, they will still grab the edge. It's useless for them to grab me, and Ryze won't be hurt. If you guys fight, I will zoom in based on the situation. If I can't fight, I won't go."

Qin Hao's intention is very clear. In this development game, he wants to protect the more profitable part with his ultimate move.

Wait until the camera returns to the center again.

Galio's wind hit Ryze. Seeing that Ryze's health was less than 300, the Korean commentator tried his best to say in a calm tone: "At 7 minutes and 47 seconds, the next wave line has just come over. At this time, you can go back to make up for the wave."

"Yes, if the goddess sheds tears, Ryze can keep using his skills to push the lane."

Faker didn't intend to take the second blue.

He also discovered that as long as the timing is right, an extra callback round will not affect the mid lane alignment, but it will make it easier for the jungler to improve his level.

"On the road, Langx reacted very quickly. The moment he was laughed at, Counterattack Storm was already activated."

"Stun out, jump and chop backwards, and don't give Shen a chance to exchange blood."

"But is Faker going to catch him? He left the high ground and entered the red zone to lean up."

I remember being a little nervous, "Langx didn't dodge, this wave may be overtaken."

"Can it be operated? It's big and in good condition." Miller.

SKT must have an advantage in the laning phase.

Otherwise, when the big mouth gets mixed up, it will be difficult for them to fight in a team fight. Shen and Wei can limit Big Mouth, but Braum and Galio can also protect it.

The key to team battles lies in whether their cooperation can reduce the number of players first, or whether they can fight more and less to knock down the opponent's state first. As long as the pursuit battle can be fought, Big Mouth is not easy to perform.

Ryze opened up, and the teleportation array appeared in front of the tower. The line was just a hair away before he could get in.

This moment.

Wei stepped out from behind the wall, charged out with her Q, and was dodged by the weapon.

The whole audience screamed.

Wei played E, and the weapon opened counterattack storm to resist the output. Faker immediately felt that he was going to pull, and he could not let Wei resist.

It's just that Shendu E has gone up, so it won't work without fighting.

"I'm here, kill the jungler first."

Big Wolf was busy operating and didn't answer at all.

He was continuously controlled by Ryze, and just as the counterattack storm was about to pass, a circle of light centered on the weapon to complete the lock.

"Facing the counterattack storm, only Ryze can deal damage."

Press the power of the master.

Galio landed and was knocked into the jungle. Seeing that Ryze was still dealing damage, Qin Hao went to block the angle, and the big wolf jumped and slashed Wei to deal damage.

"I'm going to be replaced one by one. This wave is too urgent. We should wait for Shen to make the first move and let Shen fight the tower."

"Gario's control chain is too stable. Wei and Shen were controlled for three or four seconds."

[What is Blank so anxious about? 】

[You can wait until Ryze hits the ground before attacking. 】

[Who can deal damage except Ryze in the first place. 】

[Why grab a weapon? People have big and E. 】

"Grass!" the big wolf roared: "How dare this horse to overtake me?"

The weapon AW knocked Wei to death.

Xiao Hei pursed his lips, a little embarrassed. What he wanted was to use speed to stop the weapon. He was afraid that the weapon would sense danger and jump back directly, so that Shen De could follow and dodge to connect the control.

Unexpectedly, I was directly cleared.

The original script was for him to get Q, force a counterattack storm, and then follow E carefully to prevent the weapon from moving away. After the counterattack storm is over, he will come out of the tower, be careful to deal some damage, and Ryze will kill him.

"It's okay, it's okay," Faker said, using his shield to accelerate, and then firing a set of EQ killing weapons. "Wait for me to clear the line, and just stare at the big mouth and open."

Huni exited the defense tower with one third of his health, released his hand on the mouse, and took a silent sip of water.

Capricorn 2:2.

The Korean commentator watched Galio clear the line and return to the city, took out magic resistance shoes and small ice armor, and discussed: "The game is a bit hasty. In this kind of game, the mentality cannot be affected."

"Yes, this wave of Blank's vision is okay, but he is a bit hasty. Didn't he pay attention to the line of troops? I feel that he can wait for the line to enter and let Shen press the position."

"Maybe I'm afraid that the weapon will run away. If the weapon goes directly backwards, the range of Ryze's ultimate move will not be enough." During the replay, the director showed the camera in the middle.

When it was discovered that Shen was pushing to the line, Galio had a reliable move.

"Too fast."

"It's not bad, Galio was the first to be forced out."

The camera returns to the center.

Qin Hao returned to the line and was communicating with Eimy. He could not let Ryze get out of line.

It seems that Shangbo Wei can't get away, and he doesn't even have Jiao Da, so SKT still has a rhythm.

Look at the next tower.

Just in laning, he was beaten by Bang by a third, and the pressure was still there.

"You have to take the initiative to find the rhythm. Blank walks down the river and meets Eimy."

In order to compete for the view of the lower river.

Wei and Blind Monk had a small fight with each other. While fighting in the jungle, Qin Hao repeated his old tricks and punched to suppress Ryze's position to prevent him from touching the line.

Rely on this trick.

Faker knew that in the next two waves, he had no chance to control the lane.

If the confrontation continues like this, Shen's ultimate move will slow down.

This is something both parties know.

Shen's strong period is based on the rhythm of the second half.

Just like that, 40 seconds passed.

Qin Hao communicated with Eimy: "Incoming wave, suppressing wave state."

"Can you focus on the bottom lane? The other side can only rely on the lane."

They occupied the mouth of the river and took a look at the dragon pit.

There aren't many places where Wei can go around.


"We can just let the big wolf develop."


Qin Hao pretended to punch A hard, grabbed Ryze and launched Q, interrupted the basic attack and pressed E.

After being imprisoned, Galio charged W. Qin Hao saw Ryze's Q, stopped charging, and taunted for about a second. At the same time, Faker saw the blind monk touch his Q to Tianyin Wave, draw out his shield and walk towards the tower.

"The taunting time is a bit short, and the blind monk cannot perform a roundhouse kick."

The Korean commentator just breathed a sigh of relief.

I saw the blind monk helping Galio clear the line, and then disappeared towards the river.

Look at the bottom road again.

Wei used the bottom lane to push the lane forward and came from behind the tower. As everyone knows, Qiancao has C Boliu's eye for jewelry.

"I want to catch him, but IMP's health is not very good."

Guan Zeyuan's tone was urgent, "But Wei's location has been discovered, IMP seems to be for sale."

The line of troops is near the wall.

Tam's tongue slows down to the extreme.

Varus pressed forward, Braum jumped W and raised his shield, and opened W to directly hit Varus back.

Seeing that Varus couldn't deal damage to Big Mouth, and all his damage was dealt to the security door, Bang and Wolf pretended to fight, with Tahm taking the position, tricking Braum into moving his position, and giving him an angle to enter the field from the flank and hit Big Mouth.

"It's hard to get on this wave. Ryze can't move in the middle." The Korean commentator was worried.

Blank doesn't think so.

The opponent was fooled and given distance. This was not a casual attack.

The next second.

The camera locked on Wei, and saw Wei holding Q rushing out. As if he knew it in advance, Big Mouth ducked into the defense tower and threw E. The mud spread out, a purple shield lit up above Wei's head, and his big move locked his mouth.

Coupled with the disappearance of Braum's security door and Tahm's angle and output, this wave can kill no matter how you look at it.

"Can I leave after killing him? Bang was so weak that Braum turned around and Q, until Wei hit the slowdown, and then hit Tahm next to him with A."

"PYL handled this wave very well, hitting Verus with his big move and preventing Bang from taking damage."

In a short period of time, Bronn lost all control of himself.


IMP pressed the barrier and held on for 2 more seconds before being killed by Shen A.

Blank knew that Galio had disappeared and ran away after killing the commander. It was just the presence of the silt that made him and Shen retreat a little slowly.

Immediately afterwards, the blind monk burst out from the triangle grass, and the sky sound wave accurately hit Wei.

"Is it operable? Braum's position is great. It gives everyone a passive."

"Blind Sin Q came to Wei, Tamu handed over the defense, Galio, Galio came out from the side and killed him!"


Miller, who was at the scene, sounded excited.

"Punch, charge up, Durang shield hits three! Wei, Wei is going to fall!"

"Very critical control!!"

I remember I could hardly control my tone, "Bang has no purification, and Tahm's health is not very high! I can catch up with this wave!"

"The blind monk still has his ultimate move. Tahm dodges, but Eimy touches his eyes and kicks him into the river."

Shen had no skills, and LGD didn't focus on him.

Qin Hao knew that his position had blocked the opponent's formation.

"It's a bit of a loss, Blind Monk Q is good again."

"This Galio is somewhat resistant, and all of Bang's damage will be dealt to it."

The wind improved, and he QQed Tahm not far away from the side. The blind monk punched and devoured the head. Bang saw that the situation was not right. Corruption Chain R held Galio to interrupt the pursuit. He carefully chose to leave through the triangle grass. Ryze Able to respond.

A wave of 2 for 1, the head count is 4:3.

Even with Shen's ultimate move, Vi's ultimate move and Verus' ultimate move, he still lost heads.

"LGD knows how to protect the enemy very well. We don't have a midline, and we can't capture the line of sight. As a result, the jungler can only pass through the line and cannot go around to the back to open the big mouth immediately."

"It still feels a little rushed. After Blank came up, he really wanted to do something."

Blank doesn't know the outside world's opinions.

He's a little panicked now.

Just now, he took action in the middle of the attack with his big mouth stuck, but IMP actually reacted. If Q hits the first time, the big mouth will be melted in place. Instead of being hit three times by the tower, there is still room for maneuver.

At the very least, Tam didn't deserve to die.

"My Q was dodged..." Blank: "The opponent reacted very quickly."

Huni bit his lower lip, "The weapon is disconnecting."

Wolf didn't mean to blame, he just felt that the rhythm was not good enough. Logically speaking, during this time period, they should kill the opponent's big mouth twice.

"The blind monk is not too dodgey, so you can find opportunities to get at him."

Wolf couldn't help but remind: "The rhythm must be faster."

He marked the weapon avatar with the mouse to remind his teammates to pay attention to the last hit from the opposite side. Because of Shen's big move, the weapon's last hit went ahead and led by four soldiers.

Say so.

But the rhythm is not easy to find.

Galio cleared the tower line, went home and took out the crystal bracer, and his health reached 1,500.

"They have a line down the road, be careful when Tam drives."

"Big Wolf, don't be aggressive with the opponent. Brother Dan and I are laying out our wards in the lower half."

"I understand, I'll take the line."

The situation stabilized.

If SKT didn't make any moves, Qin Hao would direct their vision and development.

During this period, Wei sneaked into the blue buff grass and gave her a real eye.

As he watched, Ryze could only level the line in the middle, unable to escape from Galio's marking. In the bottom lane, Bang and Wolf exchanged some blood first, and after forcing the Big Mouth back, they stocked up on 2 waves of lanes.

About 9 minutes and 53 seconds.

When Verus was just short of sending in the last two soldiers, Tahm Kench walked from his own blue zone to the side wall of the Three Wolves. Ryze had just cleared the lane and retreated to the tower in front of Galio in mid position.

"Weidian's explosive fruit went down to the Dragon Pit, and he's going to enter the wild area this time."

"Eimy didn't know this information, so our wards were focused on the lower half. On the road, Weapon and Shen started fighting in front of the tower."

Qin Hao said it was safe, and Big Wolf obeyed.

It's just that Shen has no E in front of him, and Big Wolf thinks he can go up and play a set.

Near the blue buff.

Wei used Q to kill the blind monk in the face. After Eimy reported the information, relying on her own equipment, EEAQ fired thunder. The result was inexplicable, and an animation of diving in the abyss appeared next to it.


"I was caught."

Qin Hao glanced at it and said, "Can the big wolf leave?"

"I'm walking."

But it was too late. Blind Sin was surrounded by three and one, supporting Ryze's 2 sets of skills and fell to the ground.

Big Wolf knew that if he retreated, he would be trapped. With an idea, the Q minion opened up to resist Shen's basic attack and planned to run in the opposite direction. The weapon's Q skill is one every 6.5 seconds, and it's in the red zone. There seems to be a chance.

But in the next moment, Ryze drove Nosuke through the triangle grass, blocking the way of the weapon. The big wolf thought about it, if he could delay it for a second, he rushed into the upper tower on the red side, and Q. The minions coming from the next wave rushed towards the second tower.

The camera here is still focusing on the weapon, but Qin Hao has already moved down to press Verus' position to prevent Bang from taking the tower knife.

"The counterattack storm came out, stunned Ryze, and delayed it for a few seconds."

Weapon died in battle. Guan Zeyuan saw Bang standing in the closed grass and commented: "It's not bad. SKT's lineup still has the initiative in the mid-term."

"Come and fight the dragon. The water dragon is useful."

Swap defense towers.

A tower of money was obtained by SKT.


Qin Hao went to push the center line, and the blind monk came back from the resurrection, punishing and taking down the water dragon that was crippled by the big mouth.

Miller leaned forward slightly.

The breeze blows, and gorgeous patterns appear on the rock walls of Longkeng.

"The next one is the wind dragon." Miller said happily, "It's not bad. We shouldn't be able to control the dragon in the mid-term. It takes time to develop its big mouth and weapons."

Head 4:5.

At 12 minutes, SKT only led by more than 500 yuan.

After changing the line.

The weapon is in the bottom lane, take the line and retreat as usual.

With Bronn in the middle, it's hard for Verus to open his mouth.


SKT is even more afraid of Galio.

At this moment, Galio's teleportation and ultimate move were available. Wolf looked at the situation, but his anxiety did not lessen.

"Our strategy in this round was quite successful."

Guan Zeyuan felt that he played well in the laning phase, "The wards were all in the lower half, and IMP only died once in laning."

"Both ADs have very good basic skills," Miller echoed. "Although SKT has lane rights, IMP doesn't give them many opportunities to steal points."

"The glory of justice is already there, and the second one seems to be rising in the sun."

"This Sun Flame is really good. Once you clear the line, you can run the map."

"Verus is a special effects expert, and there is not much benefit from Langton..."

Just saying.

Around 14 minutes, Ryze got online, and Wei invaded the blue zone again. In the middle, Verus suddenly opened up, and Braun could only raise his shield after losing control.

"Lick the red and swallow the bloom. The big mouth is competing with Verus Imperial City, and neither of them is scared."

The blind monk's position was stared at by Wei.

Eimy could only watch the big mouth open the barrier, but the W effect disappeared, and Verus' residual health easily extended the range, and cooperated with Tahm to focus on Braum.

Braum's health dropped faster. C Bo dodged first and then W-mouthed, moving 800 yards away. But Wei came through the wall from near the blue buff, and locked up the remaining health of Braum before the blind monk escorted him.

Seeing this scene, Qin Hao judged that Bronn was gone.

"Look for an opportunity to get Tamu. If they want Paulez to seize the line, they have to occupy the river view."

C: "Hey, why did Wei come out of our blue zone?"

If he had known this, he would have held the line in front of the tower.

"It's okay. This big wolf has developed very well. The other side can't control it."

Capricorn 4:6.

In every move, SKT uses at least 2 to 3 big moves.

As long as it doesn't snowball continuously, the stage is still big.

Keep facing the line.

Qin Hao started to put pressure on Ruiz again.

During this period, Ryze is actually very strong. As the level and CD increase, and the position becomes deeper, Ryze will use three or four sets of skills.

However, Galio's strength is the control chain.

Seeing Galio's little movements, Faker will guess the location of the blind monk. He just took out the time stick, and it was not very error-prone.

"Want to take a look at me."

Faker doesn't want to give up his position.

Wolf heard his elder brother shouting and felt that there was someone behind Galio. You don’t even have a tower, so why are you pretending to be with Ryze?

Tam turned around and walked towards the river.

This scene was seen by the Korean commentator, and my heart ached a little. The Lee Sin is indeed nearby, but not in the top lane, but in the blue zone on the blue side.

Almost three seconds after Tam left the center line, Braum ran towards the channel to follow the position.

"Blank is near the stone beetles, so he can't catch them this time. Galio is very weak, and even Tamu can't get past them."

I know Verus is not that big.

IMP boldly pressed forward and took advantage of the range advantage brought by W to grab the middle position. At the same time, Weapon and Shen started fighting in the bottom lane.

Seeing that the weapon was a bit dissatisfied, Huni dared to take the initiative to close the position. Without thinking, he directly pulled Q to defeat him.

Shen and Verus were both watched.

Qin Hao pretended to be outmatched and tried to stretch his sight towards the grass.

After a while.

Just as Faker was about to communicate with Nosuke, his W was still four seconds away, and Tahm Kench was stuck by the blind monk.

"The jungler is with me."

"Can you kill the blind monk first?" Wolf asked.

At this point.

Faker then realized that Shen was also fighting, "Can you rely on me on the road?"

Huni: "I handed in the E."

Faker, Wolf:……

The blind monk of Muay Thai has no martial ethics at all.

The eye-touching ultimate kicks Tahm towards the blue zone.

At the same time, Qin Hao relied on his physical strength to forcefully occupy Ruiz's position. Faker tried to take two steps closer, but found that his position was rather awkward and he was easily unable to rescue him. Instead, he was beaten by Galio and Blind Sin.

As soon as Ryze turned towards the triangle grass, the bloom point explosion fruit passed over the wall and came to the camp.

"Heads to the middle."

Dr. C was afraid that Eimy was ignorant.

Eimy turned around and said, "Take care of yourself."

Korean commentator: "I can't run away, the other side is coming faster."

"LGD bites too hard, can Wei find an opportunity to continue to open his mouth?"

Qin Hao QA eats the head.

15 minutes and 51 seconds, head count 5:6, SKT leads by 700 points.

See this.

Korean viewers all know that if they cannot gain the advancement advantage in the next 10 minutes, the probability of losing will be greater. Because although the mouth and weapons are targeted, it can still be played.

In imagination, the drama of relying on the midfielder to crazily target the bottom lane did not appear at all.

The North American commentator was not interested and nodded: "I haven't played 2v2 in the first wave of middle and jungle, which is a bit hurt."


LGD let go of the Wind Dragon, let go of the resources on the lower side, put down the next tower, focused on force to force Ryze back, and exchanged the upper tower.

Wait until the time comes to 18 minutes.

SKT still hasn't opened up the economy.

The Korean commentator was already a little anxious, "Should we wait until the big mouth comes out to hit the knife? Verus is still in a strong period now, so we really have to find opportunities to attack."

Who will benefit from driving?

Wolf glanced at Galio, who was guarding the line, and at the bottom weapon, and could only focus on Big Mouth.

Miller watched the two sides on the screen methodically arrange their vision near the midline.

Wolf knew that he was on the front side and would not come out at all on the other side. After being sidelined by Wei on the last wave, Braun and Big Mouth were a lot more careful.

what to do?

It seems like I can only fight.

When the troops came over, they pretended not to return to defense in time, but actually planned to join the middle and jungle, aiming directly at the first tower.

"Tam went up." C Bo's clues provided information.

"The other side wants to invade again?" C Bo made a judgment.

Qin Hao also knew that with the Big Mouth Sheep Knife and the Bloody Hand, his lineup's fault tolerance would be further improved.

"I can rely on you. You don't have to give up in the blue zone. If they want to fight, pfffft, you still have to watch the opponent's AD."

Just saying.

Big Mouth and Bronn went out to the top line, and Verus gave up the middle position. Suddenly, a blue teleportation array appeared 200 yards behind Dazui.

C Bo was anxious: "Big Wolf, look at the middle road, the opposite side is about to open."

The next second.

Braun opened his mouth and raised his shield to face the teleportation array. IMP knew that his position was rather awkward, so he glanced at Verus moving forward from the corner of his eye, and decisively hit W first and clicked Bang.

"Two for four, can Big Mouth leave?"

SKT wanted to take advantage of the sudden increase in attack and kill the auxiliary, and also hit a tower.

"Go down to the river, this wave is going to pull."

"Big Wolf, you little soldier, don't give Verus a place."

Qin Hao kept communicating with his teammates in the team voice. He found that SKT was only strong on one side, and Verus' position was actually average.

"... Braum's HP dropped very quickly, and his wide opening was very average. He only knocked Tahm away and did not hit Ryze."

Faker quickly exerted control, anticipated Braum's move, and opened his position. Immediately afterwards, the second set of EQ was thrown out. Ryze bypassed Braum and forced Big Mouth to flash IMP.

"Look at the weapon, look at the weapon." Faker was not in a hurry to follow him. He didn't know the situation in the river.

It's just that if the big mouth is out of position, the weapon will be trapped by him and Verus when it lands.

"Gario is still strong. If you fire the weapon E and jump in the face, you will be imprisoned on the spot."

"Faker, his skills are very stable. Braum was about to fall and was licked unconscious by Tam!"

In just seven seconds, Bron was about to die.

Seeing that the weapon counterattack storm was about to pass, Shen used a big move to protect Verus to press forward to prevent the weapon from jumping in the face.

The next moment.

A circle of light appeared.

Ryze and Varus pulled away and watched Galio enter the arena.

"Penicillin is just to protect the top lane. The weapon is leaning towards the big mouth. IMP can only hit Ryze at this time."

Just hit A twice.

Riz pulled away.

Qin Hao entered the scene and decisively looked for the location where people were densely packed.

But SKT is not afraid either, because Galio lacks damage.

"I mocked three, but it was useless. The big mouth couldn't keep up with the output."


The words just fell.

Blind Monk's Tianyin Wave hit Tahm, hit a set of thunder, and quickly touched the minions and returned to the tower.

Qin Hao suffered the damage and retreated to the passage.

Just as Bang was about to chase, he found that the weapon and the big mouth were stuck in the grass on the lower side of the middle lane, and they did not escape.

"Can it be opened?"

The LGD position was all caught.

This time Blank thought to himself that he was in a higher position and it would be fine if he was replaced.

"Look at me!"

Wei Q came out and flashed her big move R Big Mouth.

Seeing Wei charging, Qin Hao said fiercely: "Protect AD."

The next moment.

Galio suddenly turned around and punched, bumping into Ryze. The weapon gave up focusing on the fire, and turned E to find Bang who wanted to follow up.

"Do we still want to fight?" Miller was extremely anxious. "We can think about it in the long term!"

that's all.

After Xiao Hei finished using his ultimate move, he saw that his teammates didn't keep up, so he didn't take it seriously. As long as he limits his big mouth, he can still gain weapons even if Galio dies.

So he ignored it and braved the mud to see Big Mouth.

And from God's perspective.

The commentator knows that Blind Sin relies on AD.

"Wei has not moved. If he is pulled again, there is a chance to change!"

Galio is down to half health.

The blind monk's golden bell gives him IMP, and he can help with Q to kill him.

"Back off, I'll be ready soon, the big wolf leans on me."

Ryze was throwing away his skills like crazy, but none of them were available.

Being licked red by Tam.

Seeing that Galio had been eaten, Bang jumped to kill Tahm with 500 health left in his weapon, and decisively pressed his ultimate move.

"Caught in the chains of corruption!"

"The weapon's ultimate move is almost over, but it still has a flash."

Just finished.

The weapons flashed to widen the range, and a Galio who was charging W came out of Tam's belly. Qin Hao also saw Shen go to the big mouth position and asked directly: "How long will you be E?"

"8 seconds."

After sorting out the information, Qin Hao said: "Guarantee me and pull him to the red zone. If they dare to pursue me, there is still a chance."

Eat and gather fire.

Qin Hao's AQ was full on Tamu, forcing him to use the white shield.

Just as Galio, the tank, was about to be killed, suddenly, a golden light flashed, and Galio entered the F6 channel.

SKT's midfielder chased for a few steps, and Bang followed Shen into the river.

At this time, Guan Zeyuan has determined that only the blind monk and weapons can move, and nothing else. Tahm Kench also has a ult, and Big Mouth can't dodge the pursuit without moving.

"Eimy just activated it now, but it's useless. Ryze still has a chance to dodge. Let's sell Galio and watch the next wave."

Shen also wanted to return to Baogario's position, but was kicked away by the blind monk.

Ryze and Tam chased into the passage, and weapons suddenly jumped up.



Guan Zeyuan fainted.

What do you mean by your dancing face?

Want to switch to Tam?

The problem is that Tamu still has more than 300 health, and Verus is still beside him.

The weapon stuns 2 people, Verus outputs through the wall, the big wolf lasts for 3 seconds, and is taken over by Ryze.

"Chase, keep chasing!"

The Korean commentator screams passionately.

At this time on the map, LGD actually disappeared briefly. SKT had no vision of the red zone and only roughly knew where the three opponents could run.

"Look at me."

Qin Hao turned around and charged up W.

Guan Zeyuan watched SKT advance towards the back wall. This position...

"The IMP output position is very good, he W is ready!!"

Qin Hao pressed his fingers to reveal the glory of justice.

Bang didn't even see what was going on, and all four of them were charged.

Blank's eyes widened and he was a little confused.


"If there is a chance, Tahm's HP is very low and he will be instantly defeated. Ryze, Ryze will also fall!"

Tamsui was the first to be spit out by the big mouth.

Immediately afterwards, Justice Glory used group deceleration. Qin Hao turned E on Ryze, and combined with the blind monk's Tianyin Wave, Ryze lost about half of his health in seconds.

Wait until the control disappears.

There was only one Shen left on the battlefield who was in good condition, and Verus who had two-thirds of his health.

"My old swan! This Durang Shield that blocks vision destroyed SKT!"

"The big mouth outputs without pressure. Verus cannot bypass the front row to deal damage."

Amidst the unbelievable exclamations of the on-site commentary and the audience.

Relying on the deceleration effect, Qin Hao took 2 basic attacks from Verus and had more than 100 health left to pull away. Shen tried to chase him, but he only caught the blind monk.

"What kind of operation is this!"

"Team fighting comes alive!"

Bang location is average.

He was spat on twice by the big mouth and pulled back immediately.

"Withdraw." Wolf was helpless.

If you don't leave, the blind monk has good skills, and LGD can bypass Shen to output Verus' remaining health.

This wave is over.

Miller was ecstatic, "I should have this one. I ate three heads with my big mouth and gained a lot of fat."

The director will give a replay of the previous team battle in a timely manner.

LGD and SKT are at odds with each other.

Finally, he was defeated by the ridicule of Garioka's vision.

"Damn it, PP, you are so calculating."

Listen to the instructions the whole time.

C Botai understands how to perform this extreme pull.

The big wolf was smiling, "Brothers, Shen Bianlu can't pretend to me anymore."

As the big wolf said.

SKT is a lineup that needs offense.

If you lose a team fight in the mid-term, it will be very difficult to save it.

After this.

SKT used Ryze and Tahm's ultimate moves and combined with Wei's retention, and still managed to get a pass.

However, the development of Big Mouth is better than that of Verus, and the upper limit of weapons is higher than that of Shen.


LGD relied on defense to force SKT to open the baron.

In SKT's life and death team.

Huni made a mistake, got stuck alone, chased too much, and was forced to flash out by the concentrated fire.

Then, the weapon Leap Slash brought Galio into the field, and Qin Hao and Big Wolf restricted SKT's back row.

Tamu had swallowed, but it could only slow down Verus's death time.

"W flashed and taunted Ryze, and Faker fell."

"Totally pizza, this big mouth can't be controlled at all. Tam can only last six seconds in front of it."

36 minutes and 2 seconds.

With a head count of 17:13, LGD won the second game.

I just discovered today that this book has an additional leader...

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