Seeing that Clockwork was unable to cover F6, the jungle position lost the most valuable experience in the early stage. Condi recalled how he was fucked by mid laner Rambo as a sparring partner a week ago.

Condi didn't know C Bo's surprise.

If he knew, he would call Penicillin a bad person.

After the S6 finals, many coaching staff have learned a truth: winning the line equals winning the initiative.

You can say that winning the initiative may not necessarily produce results, but it is undeniable that strong line rights will bring initiative.

in the past.

Players are obsessed with matchups, and the coaching staff teaches them the same way.

This tendency was not discovered by them, but Faker told everyone that it is easy to win by playing this way.

Even in S4, Mata showed that he could dominate the jungle and light up the royal family's movements by relying on the wild assistant's linkage. But everyone generally believes that Samsung relies on suppressing matchups in vain, and the mid-to-upper line exchanges are much better than the royal family.

At that time, there was a golden saying in Kangba: The royal family lost, but the puppy was really strong. The last one is not as big as Panson jumping around, the puppy can always press the opponent!

Not to mention the S5.

Faker's one-on-two on Ryze during the laning phase was just a microcosm of that time.

In fact.

Condi didn't particularly understand the logic behind Penicillin's development of the hero pool.

From Crocodile to Rambo, there seems to be little in common.

Even if it’s a top order.

These two heroes also represent two laning styles.


Condi doesn’t need to understand it.

Seeing Little Peanut like this, he tilted his head and joked with Xiye: "How many groups of F6 do you think he can control with this one?"

"Fuck, don't disgust me. It's been several days, and you still want to say it."

Xiye spoke very fast and looked very angry.

After all, he was fucked that day. Every time Condi dropped F6, he would always say, "My F6 is gone", "Can't you exchange blood with him?", "Oh, F6 is gone again", "I'll play with you."

to the end.

Condi only swears.

That day, he was ahead in the number of jungle clearings, but his level was one step behind his opponent. Eimy upgrades first every time, and it takes him a while to catch up.

It is also an after-the-fact statistic.

Condi just discovered that in a 27-minute game, he had 2 sets of F6.

He remembers the weather being nice that day.

I'll lose all the beans in the afternoon, and have a few training games with LGD in the evening. Before entering the room, they were still chatting about how LGD was doing really well in the group stage.

We also talked about Langx, saying that he corrected the reputation of Kangba with just one MSI. I was worried that he wouldn't be able to withstand it before, but I didn't expect that the lane would never collapse.

They joked and chatted.

Before the fight, Condi never thought that he would not be able to get F6. He thought he couldn't beat it. I have never played the Spring Battle.

But when I hit, I was still very irritable.

A training match ruined his beautiful day.

Condi never dreamed that on this day, he would be able to see Rambo swing.

Next to him, Xiye had another feeling.

There was even a hint of joy.

Seeing that the clockwork was blocked and he could only sell blood to keep up with the last hit, he was thinking: If SKT loses this game and Faker's statistics are not good, do I have one-third of the credit?

If I'm not my sparring partner, Qin Hao dares to play mid laner Rambo?

I often kill Faker solo in training matches, so there’s nothing wrong with me, Tietie.

Commentators at home and abroad are waiting for Rambo to reach six.

Peanut is already getting irritable.

As the wild king, the first inverse scale just doesn't want to suffer a loss in farming.

Just like as an AD, if you see that the opponent has more CS than you, you will easily have a comparison mentality.

Until now.

As a pig girl, he couldn't catch the target at all.

He watched two rounds of exchange rounds and knew that Rambo's W was too restrained from the explosion of Clockwork. Especially for mid laner Rambo, it is easier to cross the line than to step on it.

There is grass cover on the upper road, but not on the middle road. It presses forward with its flanks, and a QW can only consume seventy or eighty blood. The price is that the skills are on CD, and you can’t gain experience from practicing.

So knowing that Rambo is within the range of Q, Clockwork's skill must be used to repair the tail knife.

In this way, the blue consumption cannot be controlled.

Under normal circumstances.

Before Clockwork reaches level 6, there is no chance to change the Rambo state to near the blood line where Pig Girl can gank.

In addition, the battery life of Clockwork is worse than that of Rambo. Even if Qin Hao doesn't pretend, Clockwork has more return rounds than Rambo.

at this point.

Faker knows it too.

He has just experienced a lot of big scenes, so his expression is still tight. I also feel that as long as Rambo enters a weak period, he will have a chance to regain his disadvantage.

After all, LGD's lineup is not that easy to rise to the top. When Luden comes out, it won't be that difficult to hold the line.

at the same time.

While Rambo is saving TP, the return line is upgraded to level five.

The Korean commentator watched as Rambo used the real eye he just bought when he went out to click on the red buff on the wall grass, which is the intersection where the blue jungler enters the jungle from the lower second tower.

From this location, I can't see F6, but I can see part of the route going down.

"It's better to keep it. With LGD's lineup, only the bottom lane is uncomfortable during the laning phase. After all, Xiaopao, the hero, can't block the lane no matter whether he pushes forward or back."

"Peanut, he has an idea. He gave up a group of three wolves and moved down the variation."

Qin Hao knows where the rhythm of the lineup is.

If you click on the red area of ​​​​the blue side, it will take less than 20 seconds.

Pig Girl clung to the stone beetle wall and walked towards the red buff grass.

After a while, the divination flower was hit, and Eimy's eye on the river was revealed.

Guan Zeyuan didn't know what Xiaohuahua communicated with his teammates.

All he saw was that the bottom lane started to fight against the pushback line of a wave of small cannons. When the real eye is eliminated, Bang controls Verus' E to slow down the bull head and release the blood exchange signal.

But Pig Girl didn't leave, so she stopped at the pass.

As the level goes up, Niutou is very good at counter-controlling female tanks. Theoretically speaking, when changing blood in the bottom lane, both sides must want to fight in order to fight to the end.

It's a mouthful to say, but in fact it's just that the female tank can't be kept, and anyone who opens it will be pushed back by the bull's head.

So Little Peanut didn’t intend to catch it.

Even if he had the initiative in the bottom lane, it was not part of his plan to get past the bull's head tower.

I heard C Bo shout.

Qin Hao knew that he had a line, but after finishing this wave, he still had four soldiers left to reach six.

He glanced at the clockwork. He had just handed over the TP, and there were only 2 bottles of corruption left in it. After looking at the position, I realized that if I pushed back, my troops would be consumed by QW.

He estimated his weight in the opponent's heart.

Qin Hao ignored C Bo's pressure and went directly to Eimy: "Look at me, Pig Girl may be here."

If his flash is not good, he will lose his combat effectiveness if he is chased and attacked. Looking at the offline line again, Xiaopao was hit by more than 170 HP, and the line was controlled by SKT again.

Judging from the time, Pig Girl may finish the second round and be in the bottom position.

Waited another 5 seconds.

Rambo opened Q to roast the soldiers, and the temperature reached 60. While Qing, he raised his hand to draw the A melee soldier.

The next second.

Clockwork's shot was offset by Rambo's shield, which offset half of the damage.

Qin Hao raised his hand to eat 5 soldiers, and then fired a harpoon at the clockwork.



At this time, only the melee soldiers with residual health on the top side were left. The red soldiers moved forward. Little Peanut watched as Rambo took care of the soldier line and moved towards the lower river.

This is what he wants to see.

Aren't you very good at pushing the line? Isn't it one teleportation ahead?

I'll knock out your combat power first, and then I'll capture you.

Rambo was obviously walking towards Pig Girl's position, but the Korean commentator was a little hurt: "Eimy came closer, Pig Girl will be focused first."

"Don't give me Q," my partner wailed.


Little Peanut doesn't know this.

Clockwork has the hatred and position of the minions. How can it be done without playing a set of tricks?

The pig girl pushed out from the side, and the audience immediately went "buzzing" when they saw this.

"This reaction?"

"In him, I seem to see Faker from S3."

"The peanuts are really raw."

The aggressive audience members were yelling at Peanut.

They are shouting without seeing what they say, so they can’t stand up to them. Do you know how to play jungle, and are you so successful? The terrifying spirit of Xiba!

in the screen.

After being knocked away, Rambo drove his W and pulled a step to the left, dodging Pig Girl's second W.

Peanut played control and unconsciously tried to step forward to get in position.

However, there is an angular difference in the location of the pass.

Qin Hao was not beaten out of the eternal freeze quickly, so he had to squeeze towards the pass. Even if the clockwork caught up with the damage immediately, as he moved his position, as soon as the clockwork stuck to the side of the wall, a shadow trail rose from the front.

"The position of the clockwork is very poor, and Lambo's temperature control is very good."

Accompanied by exclamations from the narrator.

Nightmare speeds up to find Clockwork, and Faker can only pull E to protect himself.

Clockwork chose to take a step back. Rambo, who had just stepped out of the permanent freezing skill, suddenly switched forms and transformed into Hong Wen, pressing Q and A to swing at the pig girl.

The Hell Fire he brought with him was intended to be used in a push-pushing stick explosion style.

And without the clockwork to help him fight the second set, Rambo, who has only one-third of his health left, is more powerful than the puffy pig girl.

"Being squatted on the back."

"Pig sister can't hold back, Eimy forces the clockwork back, and she can chase after her."

"It's really not that easy to catch Rambo at this time. It can hit two with just a little tug."

Pig girls flash each other.

Eimy waits for a QCD, and flashes E and Q to accelerate.

"Nightmare is a hero who is very capable in one-on-one combat. He can't escape."

"He still wants to give in. Rambo's E skill is ready."


A burst of blood.

When the Korean commentator felt that Rambo would only have a kill when he reached six, Little Peanut gave one in the middle.

Guan Zeyuan commented: "This time, we are still better."

Remember to joke: "In the showdown between the old gods and the new gods, the new gods won the first round first."

"The temperature of this wave is so well controlled that the damage is directly maximized." Miller.

It is different from the exaggeration of LPL commentary.

The Korean commentator commented: "If Rambo hadn't twisted the second W, his health would have dropped by 150, and we would have had a chance to fight to the end.

There are still more than ten seconds before Clockwork's second set of skills. During this process, if LGD cannot cause attrition first and Clockwork pushes forward, Rambo can only turn back and cooperate with his teammates to focus on Clockwork. "

In the replay, I saw that Faker immediately judged that he couldn't fight, and his partner agreed: "It's too hurt for Piggy to miss the W in the second stage. Let Rambo take a few more steps, and the basic attack of Clockwork can't hit the A. If it goes up, we will Bo will be at a loss."

"But in this way, Rambo will get first blood..."

"You just have to be careful when going up and down the road."

Peanut is a little irritable.

He didn't expect that his calculations would involve him again.

Why do you say again?

The success rate of his linkage with Faker is not high, so much so that he has a shadow. I feel that if you cooperate with the mid laner, either he or Faker will feel uncomfortable.

He doesn't want to pace his teammates.

It's just the jungle position, whether it's done or not, it will lead the online rhythm.

C Bo: "Brother, eat this."

IMP: "Lame."

Qin Hao took the head and did not forget to check the situation on the bottom road. Seeing that the opponent cannot be crossed, he calls Eimy to help push the wave line, and then returns to the city.

There are still 1 minute and 17 seconds left for the next wave of F6.

Qin Hao marked the time, combined the small revolver and the red crystal, and ran back to the center to match the clockwork.

"It's six..."

6 minutes and 07 seconds.

The Korean commentator couldn't help but remind the audience.

After all, Rambo's level 1 ultimate move does more than 700 damage when fully used. AD is only at level 4 now, with a HP of about 830. Ignoring Rambo's other bursts, only his ultimate move is considered, which is a serious threat to crispy skin.

When Huni first played in the LCK in the Spring Split, one of the highlights operations was to return to the city and squat in the grass for a second to get the opponent's top laner with full health. The ultimate move hits for 3 seconds, giving a slowing effect, and controlling the red temperature can kill a level 6 warrior with more than 1,000 HP.

Little Peanut is still at Level 4 at this time.

The consequences of being counter-F6 appear.


He cut to the middle of the screen and saw that Rambo was very arrogant. He opened his shield and exploded, knocking Faker back into the tower.

The 8-second countdown to the city was just halfway through when he noticed signs that Rambo was moving.

The reason is that LGD is no longer so timid in the bottom lane.

The Tau Tau first mover is not as fault-tolerant as the female tank.

But it has an advantage, that is, it is more concealed to attack first.

Professional players are highly concentrated and may not be able to react to Bullhead's WQ flash.

Bang felt threatened.

There was a moment.

He seemed to be back in last year's final.

"Back off."

He could hear some nervousness in Wolf's tone.

Bang forgot to mention that in last year’s finals, a lot of supports died...

"Stay down for a while and then head towards the tower. Don't dare to continue to be aggressive."

Guan Zeyuan's tone was urgent, "This is the benefit of having a line in the middle. I don't have to do everything, but at least I can help my teammates relieve the pressure.

In addition, under the same economic situation, the small cannon is stronger than Verus in a duel. "

When Qin Hao went back to do the wiring, the spring still did not dare to pass the middle position.

Everyone knew that Rambo would be holding a nuclear bomb.

"Rambo Cable, F6 will refresh in 14 seconds, the nightmare is coming again."

Until 7 minutes.

Qin Hao didn't even find a chance to attack the bottom lane.

But he's in no hurry.

If the opponent may restrict him, he will have to wait until Zhumei grows up. A clockwork alone is definitely not enough to explode.

And this minute.

IMP lives a very comfortable life, and when the nightmare becomes serious, sooner or later, I will seize the opportunity.

"I can't see it. The time of F6 has been staggered. It will take half a minute for the red side's F6 to refresh."

The little peanuts are brushed down.

Walking in the red zone of my home, I have to carefully look at the F6 grass. As soon as the eye was inserted, the harpoon arrived.

He looked at the center again, then retreated his troops in the tower, choosing to use a signal to remind his teammates of Rambo's position.

"Can you see with this eye?"


Little Peanut passed by the grass and found the real eye inside. At this moment, he figured out why the opponent he caught in the wave seemed to have opened his eyes. To this day, he still remembers that coquettish twist.

Otherwise, you can really try to get some blood.

Qin Hao cooperated with the jungler to counterattack F6, and controlled Rambo to eat all the small ones.

Pinned Pig Girl on Stone Beetle.

Qin Hao asked: "How long does it take to reach six?"

"Just brush the three wolves."

One group short...

When Qin Hao went to do the wiring, he heard Da Lang talking and found that Huni was crossing the line to consume. It seems very urgent.

A bit forced...

This is Qin Hao's opinion.

Big Wolf has cloth armor shoes and a sword array, but AD Kennen is not that easy to use. This crosses the line and exchanging blood is not very profitable.

What's more, the top lane is already long, so the pressure...

"Wait for me on the road. Fight him in front of your tower."

"Should I go?" Eimy asked subconsciously. After all, what Qin Hao meant when he said this was a foreshadowing.

Qin Hao thought for a moment and said, "No, just keep an eye on the bottom lane. Their pig girls may still be on the bottom lane."

"Oh." Eimy was actually a little nervous.

When he met Little Peanut in the Korean server, he was often beaten.

Guan Zeyuan: "On the road, Huni pressed very hard. Big Wolf pretended to be a tower knife, and pulled E to taunt. Huni still refused to retreat, and hit Shen with a backhand to stun, knocking Shen back into the tower."

"Rambo went, it was a little deep."

"Huni, run! Or we'll have pizza."

The camera just turned around.

Kennan gave him a chance.

A long-handed warrior with less than half health, he looks very powerful.

But here in Huni.

My whole body feels a little uncomfortable if I don't organize my troops properly.

Shen just came out of the tower and kept fighting with hatred. Now the red side is stuck in the line. He only needs to slowly increase his health and defense tower. When the next wave of lines comes, it will definitely be the big line of the red side.

"Huni isn't leaving yet, good brother!" Guan Ze Yuanle said.

Rambo reaches the top lane from the middle and can fire 2 W. The map running time is about 13 seconds.

The skill of playing carefully is good.

Huni saw that Shen was a little bit agitated and felt that the other person was a little naughty. You are a Shen and you still want to kill me. You hit the wave with taunt, but I didn’t even turn in the E.

Next beat.

Shen moved forward to put pressure on him, and at the moment when he was taunting, a stream of sky fire fell down. Before Huni could react, he pressed Shen to flash, E flashed to control, and he pulled Q to slow down and use basic attack.


"A very decisive E flash. Kennen used his ultimate move before he died. He wanted to electrocute his troops."

Huni was stunned.

Why did Rambo's ultimate move arrive?

The line of fire damage reduced Kennen's HP, and he couldn't get out of this position anyway. Huni saw Rambo using W from the flank to the back to block the position. After waking up, he chose ER and tried his best to electrocute the line of soldiers.

"This fit is so stable."

Douyu Live Room.

When Wuwukai saw Shen Pugong take the kill, he stepped back and took off his headset, and started freestyle to the water friends in the live broadcast room.

"It's my brother who brushed me up about how awesome LGD is."

"I already said that Huni would give away, and he was the first to give away in the group stage. The other top laners are all weak and unstable, but he likes to pretend."

【Hahaha. 】

[Has Kenan never died before and been mocked by Shen three times? Is the mockery so easy to hit? 】

[Let’s be honest, is it still Huni? 】

[This must not be a special gesture. 】

[Indeed, the advantage is unstable. 】

The Korean audience was a little disgusted by Huni.

If Kennen plays cautiously, there is a high probability that the last hit will suppress the grinding tower. However, Kenan's pressure returned. At level 5, Shen returned to Cicheng in two steps, failing to achieve two lives with one life.

It's okay if you pay close attention to the details and admit that they are highly proficient.

However, the biggest reason why Kenan's blood exchange was not successful was that he pressed too hard and lost his position.

Kennen's basic attack range is only 550. To avoid Shen's 600-range taunt, the E skill must be used quickly, but it's actually not that easy to dodge. Because the basic attack is stiff.

Normally speaking, as long as Kennen uses Q to suppress his blood volume and touches Shen when entering the tower, his condition will definitely be better than that of Shen. Shen means to resist pressure and see if he can use his ultimate move to help his teammates do something.

Head count 0:2.

The Korean commentator stared at the mini-map and had no time to feel angry about Huni's death. The one who immediately rushed to the battlefield was Zhu Mei launching a gank on the bottom lane.

This will cause the spring to push the center line and move first.

Little Peanut felt that with Nightmare at the top, even if Shen had a big move, he could use three-on-three in the bottom lane to force some skills.

"The nightmare is in the blue zone, it depends on how well the first mover does."

The tone of the Korean commentary made the audience feel the pressure.

next moment.

Wolf pointed steadily at the bull's head, and was knocked away by the ground shattering at close range. Looking at the marks on his body, C Bo immediately realized that Pig Girl was behind him.

At this moment, the first reaction that came to his mind was: Damn, PP has counted on him again.

"Don't turn it up yet, I'll seduce you."

The bull's head triggered the Colossus, pushed away the female tank, and was slowed down by Verus. In 3 seconds, Zhumei QW supplements the slowdown and triggers permanent freezing. By this time, the front row formations on both sides had been stretched to near the center.

"Fei Verus, the big wolf is bigger." C Bo commanded.

"Relax the clockwork, turn off the lights, be careful, Verus is not purified..."

"Wolf's Q was very accurate. Nightmare's W was deceived. When Shen landed, he could only activate the sword formation to protect the jungler."

Seeing this, the Korean commentator's eyes lit up.

"There was a chance to kill Nightmare, but it didn't dodge."

"Wolf gives ignition, and the small cannon can only output Pig Girl."

Pig Girl's blood volume is very healthy, Xiaopao fires E, and Peanut wants to be hit for the third time before pulling back.

at this time.

Verus flashed and opened his position, Nightmare and Shen were surrounded, and the sword array was handed over.

Just look at the formation, pull well, Shen won't be able to taunt Verus, Bang's output environment is very good, and it can be covered within seven or eight seconds of clockwork.

In excitement.

There is also a commentator who stares hard at Rambo. Because of the counter-F6 on the upper wave, Nightmare patched up the real eye behind the wall.

"Don't worry about the clockwork, I can see."


Qin Hao handed over the teleportation.

Eimy pulled towards the triangle grass, and Shen continued to support the female tank.

"I'm looking for Faker, but I'm a little alone."

"LGD's lineup is so supportive, can it be removed?"

Something is wrong.

The audience watched Clockwork walking through the dragon pit, about to find the nightmare, and the flank position could also threaten the cannon and the bull head.

In the lens.

The clockwork was almost in place, and Shen was so focused that he only had 300 health left.


After forcing the pig girl back, Xiaopao walked sideways without any warning.

Faker just discovered this change, and it was not Nightmare who rushed out of the grass, but Rambo.



The harpoon slowed down, and the clockwork hit the upper Rambo with a QW. The cannon immediately jumped 300 yards to the side and started outputting.

Faker frowned slightly.

Based on his reaction, pulling E to collect the ball, and then restricting the small cannon, there is actually no problem.

It's just that if he can't reduce the number of people in this wave, what will happen to the teammates in front of the tower?

not good.

Wolf on the side also realized something was wrong.

The nightmare still has a quarter of its health, where can it go if it disappears?


His tone was urgent, and he controlled the female tank to move two steps to the left. The next second, Shen played Taunt A and came out of Indestructible, and the bull's head moved forward to follow the body position.

"Sell me, be careful of the open space." Wolf reminded.

at the same time.

Clockwork flashed into the dragon pit and dodged the second harpoon. Qin Hao took IMP to cover the defense tower without any intention of killing Clockwork. You can definitely chase, but it’s not necessary.

Compared with restricting the clockwork, holding down Verus's development is more critical.

"If the clockwork moves back to the center, what will happen to the teammates below the tower?"

"Can it be operated? Both Niutou and Shen are not full of health."

The tone sounds a bit low-pressure.

Just as Wolf thought, the nightmare emerged from the intersection, Rambo killed the Cordyceps, and Bang judged that it was easier to die in the open space, so he could only follow Piggy back into the tower.

Seeing being flanked by LGD.

The Korean audience suddenly had a heart attack.

"The Bull Head skill is ready. The female tank will fall first. Can you switch to another one? Shen only has a little health."

The female tank's health was still low and she took the initiative to Q Niutou. Shen was knocked into the air by the ground smash and was killed by the output of Shen and the small cannon.

at this time.

Pig Girl pushed up Shen, and Verus followed up with 2 damage.

"Langx can't die! The support can help fight and move out! Our little pull is very good. We take turns to fight the tower and don't give SKT a chance to change heads."

Under the director's lens.

Shen resisted two hits and came out with blood, Niutou resisted a third time, and came out with more than 100 blood left. Verus was shrouded in the arson feast, and his health dropped rapidly.

In the end, Qin Hao got a double kill, IMP took the female tank's head, and played 0 for 3 in a wave.

[The rhythm is so bad...]

[Knowing how big the nightmare is, I must seize the bottom lane. 】

[Be cautious for a long time, pull him away early, at most one person will die. 】

The game time is 7 minutes and 49 seconds.

Qin Hao Rambo 3-0-0, Faker Clockwork 0-0-0.

Leave aside everything else.

Clockwork has more wave lines and can recover some last hits, only 5 less than Rambo.

"The belt is coming soon."

"This costume is a bit violent."

"No little mask?"

Top laner Rambo relies on a small mask to make the transition, in order to enhance his ability to continuously exchange blood. After all, this is a hero that needs to control his temperature. He doesn’t have that many rounds to reach full burst, and the top laner is generally more fleshy.

The reason why Qin Hao doesn't wear the mask is very simple.

He needs to strengthen his ability to push the line.

At this moment, his Q is fully damaged and the melee soldiers cannot be roasted to death. If he does not cross the harpoon, the soldiers in the back row will actually have no health left.

The transition out of the belt is different. Huang Wen's Q plus the belt plus the flat A, there is a wave of non-cannon lanes in about eight or nine seconds. Press 30 seconds for the soldier line time, plus the time for the clockwork to push the line to the tower.

Qin Haosao said he could squeeze out about 37 seconds of support time.

"Peanut raised the level a bit slowly. It took almost eight minutes to reach level 6."

This scene rarely appears in Little Peanut.

This is also where Korean commentators are not used to it.

In the audience's mind, Xiaohuahua has some merits, but he never lags behind others in terms of level.

But this one was fixed by LGD.

[Nightmare can be refreshed faster than Pig Girl. 】

[Eimy is suitable for playing this kind of hero who is fast in farming, useful in group fights. 】

[Let’s learn how to make incense pot. 】

The official live broadcast room was filled with barrage.

Middle road.

Faker noticed that after Rambo returned to the lane, he restrained himself a little. He did not like to press the flank position as before, forcing him to make a choice.

Know that the opponent needs to be stable, and wait for the CD of the big move.

When Little Peanut reached level six, he sighed in his heart when he saw that Penicillin actually chose the flat line. Clockwork didn't have much chance to consume blood.

He suddenly remembered what Blank said before -

LGD's mid lane is difficult to grasp.

He experienced it.

Rambo, who has 3 heads, can restrain his greed, but the clockwork ultimate move is not good. Calculating the damage, the two of them can't kill Rambo with 1110 HP in one burst.

There will probably be about 300 health left, and the second set of skills will require additional basic attacks to kill him.

However, Rambo was using the harpoon to keep Q's distance between him and the knife. As Clockwork moved forward, Rambo retreated, without giving Clockwork any blood.

[Let’s do something useful, batch peanuts. 】

In the fragmentary thoughts of the Korean audience.

Over 9 minutes.

C Botha then walked to the blue zone and wanted to make an eye on the river, but was arrested by the female tank. The little peanut followed the damage and used a big move to press the bottom lane and force the cannon to give way.

Looking at LGD, only one-fifth of the next tower is left.

Little Peanut reversed the formation of Toad, and wanted to use his F6. He found that Nightmare appeared in the middle, and Rambo was using the top of the shield to damage the lane.

Little Peanut:......

F6 is gone again.

2v2 in the middle and jungle, the damage is incomparable.

They have to push to the extreme to be able to compete with LGD. But in competition, horse deductions prohibited him from making special tightrope decisions.

"Comfortable, this time I'll give Rambo both the big and small ones."

"I should go home and push the stick."

"Not only that, the ring was even found!"

"The mid laner Rambo really has something to say. It's easy to push the lane, but his ultimate move is far away."

On the commentary desk.

The three commentators have become relatively relaxed.

After all, Rambo's ultimate move is good, and the margin of error is more than 20 seconds. How can little Verus face the five-man lane?

"Look for opportunities. If you don't seize them, the next tower will be gone."

Kenan sent a line to eliminate the true eye of Triangle Grass, and moved towards the middle of the red zone. Pig Girl was stuck in the F6 camp, focusing on black under the light. She judged that LGD had just counterattacked half a minute ago, and there was no reason to ward off in the camp.

"If you want to catch it, be careful Penicillin."

"Actually, it's not bad. Rambo can do things with his ultimate move, but the big deal..."

[Whatever, shut up! 】

The LPL audience was hooked.

Of course they knew Guan Zeyuan's subtext. The midfielder had such a huge advantage, so what if he was given one.

You can also use the three big moves in the center and field on the wing to gain an advantage in the matchup.

Miller reacted and defended decisively, "If you dodge in the middle, use Pig Girl's ultimate move, and cooperate with Shen's teleportation, you should be able to operate."

Rambo is delivering the line.

Clockwork did not step forward to prepare the knife in advance, which aroused Qin Hao's vigilance.

Look at the map again.

Except for the double C, Uenosuke was not exposed at all. From C Bona, Qin Hao knew that the bottom lane had just been sent into the army line, and the female tank would not be able to rely on it so quickly.


Little Peanut did not dare to delay for too long, fearing that Shen would remind him to go up and disappear, so Rambo immediately withdrew. Besides, there were still 10 seconds left for the clockwork ultimate move. I believe the opponent had calculated the CD.

And he knew that Penicillin had a habit. After taking the initiative, he didn't like to press in front of the tower. He usually left after sending the line.


I saw that Rambo was going to burn the soldiers in the back row to death.

The last moment left.

Pig Girl Q crosses the wall, predicts the area where Rambo W will accelerate and turn, and launches a big move. Peanut believes that Penicillin has such reflexes that it can interrupt the last-hitting action when the ice appears.

He guessed correctly.

Rambo's reaction force was fully developed and he pressed W. However, Rambo did not turn back, but instead faced the position of the clockwork, accelerated a step and threw the harpoon.

Just when Guan Zeyuan was about to speak.

Kennen reached the outer channel of F6, and the female tank was seen in the river grass.

Clockwork plays QW, steps forward and plays Thunder with A.

"Big wolf!"

"I'm pissed."

Shen T's soldiers stood in the way of Pig Girl's approach.

In the makeshift studio, the Korean commentator felt like he was sweating.

so far.

Shen's support was within the range of their guesses, but Pig Girl's ultimate move failed to flash Rambo...

"It's too empty, it only has a slowing effect..."

"The clockwork has done enough damage. How many seconds are left in the ultimate move?"

"Kenan enters the field, E accelerates and flashes Big Rambo! Just to restrict Penicillin!!"

Everyone knows it.

What is Huni anxious about?

Until now, SKT still doesn't know the location of Nightmare. If Shen comes down and delays Clockwork and Pig Girl for a few seconds, Rambo will be able to escape by flashing into the red zone.

Of course, from God's perspective, the nightmare is indeed in the red zone and is heading this way.

Before hitting the stun.

Qin Hao calculated in advance what Kenan would do. When he got the big move, he blocked it diagonally 200 yards in front of the clockwork, but only missed Kenan and Zhu Mei.

"This is big..."

Guan Zeyuan just wanted to let it go normally, and Ueno could get out of the range by just moving a little bit.

The next second.

After Rambo finished dodging, he was stunned by Kennen's ultimate move, but he found that Clockwork didn't follow up with the ultimate move.

When Faker saw this line of fire, his first reaction was to follow the leader. If he steps on the line of fire, he will be replaced.

Right in this flash of lightning.

Just as the clockwork was about to move upward, Rambo's push stick shifted, forcing Kenan to follow up some distance. When they reached the area close to the open space, Faker knew that he couldn't Q, so he could only cooperate with Pig Girl to see Shen.

As soon as Shen landed, Zhumei W decelerated and pinned her down.

The big wolf doesn't care, he just protects his big brother.

It was only delayed for 2 seconds, and Shen's E, which was at the extreme distance, was twisted by Kenan's movement.

The Korean commentator was not happy for long.

Kennen and Rambo stood together, and their health dropped quickly.

Before he was sure who would really decide the winner, Huni's pupils shrank - Rambo W was done.

This W also makes Lambo enter the red temperature state.

He never imagined that after eating Q and Harpoon, he would be killed by Rambo Pu in the end.

Kills appear on the screen!

LGD-Penicillin killed SKT-Huni.

"Rambo killed Kenan!!"

"At this time, Clockwork lost the big pull to two, killing Rambo, but the nightmare is coming, and the pig girl is in a bad position."

For pursuit.

Little Peanut walks beside the clockwork.


He has already lost the psychological game of this wave of gank. He wanted to find a time difference for Rambo to return to the line and cooperate with his teammates to seize the wave, which actually caused Kenan to collapse a little.

He was caught in the lane once, but he gave up the lane and was killed by Rambo alone. After returning, how would he play the game with Shen, who was ahead of the level?

Huni bites and closes his mouth like chewing gum.

He just looked at the panel and saw that Rambo's ultimate move only hit him with more than 300 health, indicating that he twisted very quickly in the first place.

Of course, the damage on the panel is a bit outrageous, Rambo's basic attack output is 202.

What makes him angry now is that if he kills Rambo first, and then is killed by Shen and Nightmare, Clockwork is still big, and Pig Girl can catch the second wave.

Not like now.

Although relying on the timely support of the female tank, the nightmare was forced back and the pig girl's flash was preserved.

But what to do in the next 2 minutes?

"Kenan didn't dodge, just pass it with the next wave."

Qin Hao took advantage of his resurrection to buy Fa Wearing Shoes.

"If it's a big wolf, just release the line. If it doesn't push you, it will grow. If it pushes the line, you'll catch it."

Half a minute later.

When Little Peanut heard the signal from the center, his eyes twitched. The first wave of troops in Xiba fell so quickly, I couldn't have guessed where Rambo would go.

Huni received a warning.

He stood in the grass for 15 seconds. During this period, he stared at Shen Man's tail-repairing knife, feeling 90% or even 100% unhappy. He really couldn't bear it, being developed like this by an LPL top laner.

Rambo was dealing with the artillery line, and Niutou suddenly came to the middle.

Huni looks at the mini map again.

I found that LGD's midfielder and auxiliary were pushing down together, and F6 was about to refresh again.

The opposite jungler shouldn't be coming, right?


Seeing Kenan doing the wiring in front of the grass tower, the people who took the horse were stunned.

Huni seems to be more undisciplined than a little peanut.

Although for a top laner, troop line and level are more important than anything else. You don’t have to take the lead, but you must not lose too many lines.

But there are only 2 soldiers left, and the red line is coming. Can't you hide in the tower? If the nightmare catches you, you have to think about whether you can follow.


The nightmare turned off the lights, and Qin Hao found the pig girl in the red zone.

Huni realized at this time that he was about to suffer, but it was already too late.

Kennen's lightning is the fastest combo to stun, and requires a basic attack with a mark. It didn't, Nightmare W blocked Q again, fear triggered, Shen kept up with the control, the two people's burst was not low.

As a hero, Shen, when the health is increased, the three basic attacks of Indestructible and Q can bring more than 500 health.

"Beautiful, Kenan died three times!!"

Miller watched Kennan's body fall in front of the tower, and couldn't help but feel emotional.

With such a developed Kenan, what can he do to lead the way?

The camera turned.

Pig Girl Q added punishment and grabbed the big bird, which made Guan Zeyuan laugh.

"This seems to be Peanut's first set of F6."

"Don't be embarrassed, he started against our F6."

"Okay, let's add a qualifier, blue's first set of F6."

"That's right."

"Ha ha……"

The LPL commentary was a blast to watch on stage.

I found that SKT was unable to break this routine.

Relying on the initiative in the middle line and the entire jungle map, LGD's offensive direction is very changeable, and SKT cannot set up heavy protection for every position.


Have plenty of wiring time with Rambo.

Qin Hao covered IMP and pulled out SKT's next tower.

After this.

Relying on Shen's equipment to crush Kennen and have the initiative on the lower side, Qin Hao pushed to the line quickly, and LGD was still able to maintain the offensive rhythm.

"Little Peanut, are you going to fight against the wilds now? The position was seen by the fake eyes installed by Niu Tou."

Little Peanut knows that just because he can grab the big bird once, doesn’t mean he can grab it every time.

Taking advantage of the F6 refresh, he wanted to do the opposite and try to fight against the stone beetle, but was arrested on the spot by Rambo who returned to defense.

"It's hard to run away, the bull's head is coming..."

"Hey, Peanut."

Piggy relied on her ultimate move to freeze and Q to cross the wall and dragon pit, and barely escaped Rambo's pursuit. When he was surrounded by bull heads, Cross Flash was burned by Rambo's ultimate move, but he could no longer escape the pursuit of the cannon.

"Clockwork, give me a QW, knock out one-third of the HP of the small cannon. Don't dare to deal with the big one, the damage is not enough, IMP still has healing on hand."

Head 1:8.

This situation is not as optimistic as the crocodile in the group stage.

At about 18 minutes, we were 4,000 behind. The mid laner also needed to develop, and the bottom lane was suffering. And compared to that time, Huni died a lot.

On the road, there is no way to stand up and hold on.

"Take the last tower and let's squeeze into the jungle. I have a big move and I can't deal with the dough."

LGD moved around Rambo's ultimate move.

At this point.

Huni has fainted.

While Shen was leading the line, he had nothing to do and leaned towards the middle. The moment Qin Hao entered the red zone and saw Kenan, he quickly pressed his belt and added E, and the harpoon hit.

"Kenan drives the E and drives the Rambo."

"Do you want to cross-dodge? Shen is already here. Its equipment can easily top the tower."

Huni did not choose to cross-dodge, and was almost killed by Rambo alone.

The horrific damage dealt to Kennan, who was not equipped with armor, was almost like melting the blood bar.

Qin Hao's second move is to close the hat, because he feels that there is no need to use the golden body to transition, just use the ultimate move to melt the back row with the nightmare.

In such strangulation.

At 21 minutes and 2 seconds, Faker hid on the top lane grass and waited until Nightmare came to defend the line. Because at this time, LGD's focus is on the second tower, and the small artillery push line is turned down, so there is no need to come over from the jungle.

After all, Rambo's ultimate move is not good. If the opponent wants to fight, Qin Hao's command is to take it out first. Don't waste time.

After Clockwork's first QR hit Nightmare, he relied on Pig Girl's ultimate move to retain people.

The score came to 2:9, and Kennen died 4 times alone.

"SKT can only slow down our tower push rhythm, but there is no way to stop it."

"The first tower will be there soon. When the time comes, we can take out the second tower and find an opportunity to force the dragon."

"That's right, I already have the Rambo hat. As soon as the big move is released, the back row has to dodge."

Bang didn't know what to do.

After he cleared the line, he felt that this game had nothing to do with AD.


The Korean audience was once again hurt.

They didn't understand why Huni took the thread out. They saw Shen hiding in the stone beetle, Nightmare walked into the lower river channel, the canyon was dark for a few seconds, and Kennen was gone.

"Eimy still walked half-hearted, but Kenan couldn't withstand our explosion at all."

"Huni hasn't made an ice hammer yet, how can he fight with us with only one and a half pieces?"

In excitement.

Qin Hao commanded to force Dalong.

Only 23 and a half minutes.

SKT was forced into a situation where they were risking their lives to explore their horizons.

"Penicillin is too insidious..."

"He's stuck in the pass alone."

in the screen.

The female tank took the lead and squeezed the center line with the double c. At this moment, Pig Girl came over, the three of them walked around the passage, and Pig Girl walked towards the river grass.

In this way, if the position is blocked immediately, the pig girl can go to the red zone to climb the wall and try to grab the baron.

I don't like Little Peanut fighting alone, but I don't like fighting with my opponent in desperate situations.

This is completely two different things in the eyes of Kuama.

The former means that the team does not need the jungler to make decisions. It is enough to defend the tower and the line until the late stage. The latter means that the opinions are unified, and he will only comfort him if he loses.

It's just that in Little Peanut's mind, he sometimes can't distinguish such a "fine" standard.

He just felt that he was not allowed to do this and he was not allowed to do that.


The moment Rambo unleashes his ultimate move.

The Korean commentator was heartbroken.

The female tank was about to insert her ward, and both C's were nearby. This weapon produced tons of effects in the narrow passage.

Bang didn't even react.

Rambo got right in his face.

"Flash to compensate for the damage, Verus will be killed!!"

"Rambo with the big hat is worthy of the title of destroying heaven and earth!!"

Bang only lost one big one - an AD was roasted at close range by Rambo, who was 2 levels higher. What else could he say?

The health bar disappears.

Just as SKT was about to counterattack, a purple shield fell on Rambo.

The most arrogant thing is.

At such an intersection, Rambo used the push stick to dodge Pig Girl's ultimate move.

Little Peanut is really dizzy.

When the female tank hits a big target, instead of throwing it away, you have to wait for Shen to land before looking for Rambo.

Although the audience knows very well that even if they kill Rambo, they will not be able to see the dragon, but the visual effect is different after all.

You pig girl missed 2 waves of key moves.

What does this make the audience think?

"Rambo has more than 100 health left and successfully escaped!"

Miller saw that Rambo was already in a state of residual health on the screen, and was careful to keep the female tank.

"Wolf is going to fall too, another big victory!!"

"Huni was resurrected just now. Can he and Clockwork hold the high ground?!"

"It's not easy to defend - eh, Kenan took the initiative to open the door and rammed into it."

this moment.

The screams erupted by tens of thousands of people together were quite powerful in shaking the mountains and rivers.

Kennen opened up, and Rambo's cross-T fell on the blue soldier on the tower.

Then, the Korean audience watched Kenan become weak from eating, and the cannon took away Kenan with two critical hits.


The small cannon took off, and IMP knew that the clockwork was not flashing or big enough. EAA connected with RA to complete a double kill, and killed the female tank who had just emerged from the spring water.

"Kill crazy!"

"IMP is still dancing!"

Huni looked at his 0-6 record and twitched the corner of his mouth.

Give this one to me.

Keep your mentality.

"Not this Rambo, I definitely wouldn't be like this."

Huni was talking: "Our physical strength is stronger than our opponent's, so it doesn't matter if we get stolen."

Little Peanut has stopped talking.

This game was frustrating.

He could imagine how the barrage would scold him - criticizing peanuts and not doing anything. Go to hell, you loser. It's so light and fluffy.

in or out?

There is a villain shouting in the little peanut's heart.

"Shen E taunts the pig girl, and the little peanut will fall too!"

"Four kills, four kills in the spring...Good brother of Big Wolf, I will go to the spring with my body to help IMP get the heads."

Qin Hao helped repair some damage, and Pig Girl's body fell into the spring.

"25 minutes and 2 seconds,"

Accompanied by the deafening cheers at the scene, Miller roared loudly, "Congratulations to LGD for winning the first game."

Huni took off his headset.

Still retaining his own opinions——

Unexpectedly, this player has Rambo alone, otherwise it would be impossible for LGD to choose such a lineup that can cooperate with Rambo's ultimate move.

In the eyes of Korean audiences: This is too fast, so fast that they can’t stand it.

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