After the semi-final.

It was the day after losing to LGD that Maple learned that he had a new nickname: Bay Tiger.

Literally, wanwanxiaohu.

That day, he woke up, turned on his mobile phone, and browsed the underworld forum to find out what unruly things the local gang said.

As a professional player.

I had some psychological preparation for losing the game and getting scolded. It's just that the defense will be broken when it should be broken. This has nothing to do with being fragile or not, but it has to do with being poked where it hurts.

Just like the IMP live broadcast, when asked by Uzi fans whether he is strong or not, he can joke with friends with a smile, shouting "Big" and "Dizzy" in the bottom lane.

But when he encountered a barrage saying that he was not as good as Devette, he really didn't mind.

Because it will remind IMP of not so good memories.

During the blue and white period, the two teams plus more than ten substitutes lived in the club. It didn't matter that Devette was popular. Not only did he have to control him during the Civil War training, but he chose a stronger line combination and it was not difficult to control him seven or eight times out of ten.

Tired of being beaten, Mata always said that this time it would be better to change to xx.


Was it whitewashed by winning the championship?

Nor will it.

In the eyes of the original batch of three-star players, IMP was still a bit autistic, had conflicts with Big Brother, and was not as good as Deft in lane play.

Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi?

Very blue.

It's like taking a monthly test in the senior year of high school. The IMP is very stable, and the score is just a few points away from the first line. The final college entrance examination is a few points higher than usual. Does the classmate's impression of him have more attributes of a lucky person, or more of a proof of strength?

Not to mention League is a team game.

Version adjustment is a top priority.

Individual contributions will be reduced by default.

At least in Mata's eyes, the process of replacing IMP with Deft in the World Championship may be simpler. After experiencing how good Deft is in ranking, it’s hard to look down on the big-tongued IMP.


Even in terms of emotional points, Deft is far ahead.

People from Samsung rushed to be teammates with Deft, and they interviewed and praised this person who had no championship. Where is IMP? Where did the IMP go?

IMP only lives in the audience's likes.

He can't even win the respect of starch.

After all, in 2015, LGD defeated EDG to win the Summer Championship. The bottom lane was not the part that determined the winner. Godv was the one who was focused on by the commentators and the audience.

When the leader of the Heavenly Sword emerges from the mountain, you can look forward to his performance in team battles.

During the Penicillin era, they once again swept EDG in the semi-finals. At that time, there were old optimistic fans who shouted that they were the best of both worlds. Although the previous head fell a bit quickly.

In addition to factors such as anger and pressure from public opinion, another important factor is that the S6 preseason determines that this is a version that emphasizes teamwork, and Godv is still saving the world.

Even if I try to play Ice Girl, the effect is not very good. Coupled with the pressure from the club to cut salaries, in the end...

See these contents.

Maple was almost speechless.

What on earth did I do that was so outrageous that I could be humiliated like this by netizens?

What is called a key game has no effect.

If he can't defeat it, does the blame belong to him alone? Let’s not talk about the top lane. Is there a rhythm in the bottom lane?


It's just that he hasn't read the forum for two days, but so many things have happened. He can't accept that no one will discuss the image of Maple in the future, but that he will open his mouth like a tiger in the bay and keep his mouth shut.

As a professional player who dominates the LMS league and beats talented kids from all walks of life, he doesn't think the image of the mid laner Xiao Huwan Bay is something very glorious.

No one wants to be told that they look like xx.

It doesn’t matter if this xx is the champion, but Xiaohu hasn’t even won the S-level championship, so why should he be the Bay Tiger, and why can’t Xiaohu be the LPL mama’s baby?

Could it be that Xiaohu's top eight are greater than his top eight?

When thinking of Xiaohu's extraordinary performance in the S6 World Championship, Maple felt disgusted by the word "Wanhu". He lost the S5 World Championship, and he lost miserably, giving Soaz a five-kill, but Maple swore that he was not that unfaithful.

At least I can't do the behavior of teammates squeezing the center line, acting like a snake girl, not covering the policewoman's point tower, and running to explore the grass in front of me. With W, ult and sprint, he can protect the policewoman, and he can fight and pull. This kind of judgment should also be available to the gold rank.

Check out similar posts.

Maple felt as if he had swallowed a fly.

Because he found that many Wanwan viewers had rebelled. They felt that although Wanhu didn't sound that good, it still fit part of the image.

It was a criticism, but I didn't think it was embarrassing.

But this is obviously embarrassing.

LPL has a lot of attention and traffic, and it will be praised if you get some results. Maple didn't dare to think about what he would be like if he debuted in the LPL and captured SKT for a few points for many years.

Solo kill?

He won the MVP against Faker, is it valuable enough? He can brag like this about a single kill. Why is no one bragging about him when he wins? It’s not because of the huge traffic in the LPL.

Is RNG dominant?

Their Flash Wolves have never lost in the league. If you lose one point, your opponent will be happy for a week.

Different intensity?

Does that mean that your top eight in the World Championship is better than my top eight...or is there a gap between the top eight and the top seven are even better than the top eight.

What's more.

What kind of teammate are you, Xiaohu, and what kind of teammate am I, Maple?

Zyra, the Windspeaker, can attract most of the firepower. Can RNG fans accept the fact that the default bottom lane will drop one tower?

If you don't press 30 dollars, it means Uzi didn't play well.

There is no outstanding statistic in NL... Oh, that's wrong, the number of deaths is still outstanding. How can an AD like this be scolded by Kangba?

The more Maple thought about it, the more he felt that the audience had no discernment.

I quickly logged into my account and posted a lot of posts arguing that Xiaohu was not good at all, but... they were deleted instantly.

Gan pinch.

It turns out that the topic traffic is high, which is not a good thing.

When they won the Spring Finals, few people discussed it, but as a result, a Bay Tiger uploaded from an external network was able to attract so many diving e-sports enthusiasts.

There are quite a few people posting comments.

The number of replies to a post is several hundred, and only a handful of people can see the messages on his account.

Maple shut down the underworld forum with a cold face.

After leaving the room, he went down to the living room and saw his teammates gathered around the sofa, talking.

"Does this count as becoming famous in one fell swoop?"

"You think no one knew us before?"

"No, but it's true that the discussion is not high. At most, it's familiar."

"Stop it, Mommy won't like this comment."

"Hey, I was just wondering when I could be on the forum's hot search list. I've never been on the forum, and they don't even bother to scold me." Betty laughed at herself.

"There is a Xiye player in the LPL. Do you know? Because he lost to Penicillin in the Spring Finals, the outside world is also making fun of him."

"You know, Qing Yier, just like killing Faker alone before, everyone likes to discuss this kind of thing."

"It's better to have a lot of traffic. How do you say that, black and red are also red?"

"We are not in the entertainment industry."

"But it's annoying that no one knows me. I never heard it when I was walking on the street. Who is that? It's MMD. I don't hear such words." MMD fantasizes about Taiwanese girls.

"It will happen in the future..." Snake comforted habitually.

can only say.

If you are not a person involved, you cannot understand the trouble. In the eyes of MMD, it is not unacceptable to leave the circle in this way. Is it possible that no one cares about you until you retire, which is in line with the spirit of e-sports?

Penicillin's contribution in helping other mid laners increase their visibility is obvious to all!

Krasa was holding her cell phone and just looked up when she saw Maple with a blue face.

"Ahem." He reminded.

"Brother Ka, I feel unwell."

"Ahem!" Snake also saw it.

At this moment, MMD suddenly realized something and suddenly became quiet.

"Well, I'm a little tired."

"Me too, jet lagged."

MMD stood up and greeted: "Brother, have you rested? Well, I'll go get some sleep."

He turned around and walked upstairs as if nothing was wrong.

Maple sat where MMD was sitting just now.

Karsa lowered her head and continued to browse her phone, feeling slightly embarrassed.

The originally lively melon-eating atmosphere was over, and Betty even thought about whether her mother could sleep a little longer. They had just chatted and it wasn't enough fun.

It’s not that I think Maple is bad.

Instead, they eat melons without distinguishing between friend and foe.

Besides, eating from friends is more enjoyable than eating from strangers. In Betty's impression, Ma Bao is the kind of person who can make jokes.

The Bay Tiger meme itself... ahem, is quite fun.

After all.

MSI is already in the past, and we have to face the future.

Resist it.

Some yellow cards are angry.

The reason for the anger is that an external network invented this meme and they didn’t expect it.

[The Bay Tiger is really quite impressive. 】

[What to say about the final against SKT, the LCK seems to be shaking again. 】

[It must be crazy, the champion face is back again, and G2 was swept directly in the semi-finals. 】

[We are also sweeping. 】

[What is the value of playing Flash Wolf? 】

[It’s starting again, right? Then what’s the value of playing G2? 】

[Swapping positions does not affect the results. G2 is also a mess in teamfighting, and can only get past two moves in the lane. 】


The topic "Wanhu, Maple" ranked third on Weibo's real-time list.

Saw this title.

The tiger cub is in the club and the pot comes from the sky. He doesn't even understand what getting an MSI has to do with him. He didn't even go, but he was also visited by AOE.

Xiaohu felt bitter, but it was difficult to refute.

Since the end of the spring split, he has been "off the mic" for almost 2 weeks. Who would have thought that he would be bumped, and Uzi fans would also be jealous of him.

According to the latest Bay Tigers theory, if the league is strong, and Penicillin's performance in foreign competitions is reduced and its performance against Penicillin is automatically weakened, they are equal to Xiaohu.

The biggest reason why Xiye wasn't included was that Xiye hadn't fought in a foreign war yet.

A certain QQ group.

Xiaohu’s core fans can only look for steps here.

[It’s just embarrassing. 】

[Qing Xiaozi is really disgusting, he touches porcelain every day. 】

[I don’t hate Penicillin. Really, we have a good relationship with him in private, but his fans are so outrageous that even MSI has to market such black jokes. 】

[I hope General Tiger’s mentality will not be affected and he will prepare well for the summer split. 】

[From a certain perspective, we are the first team to prepare for the summer split. 】

[Let me train Qinggangying and Kennen. I watched MSI and I feel that these two heroes have a strong presence. 】

[Letme meet Qinggangying. 】

[Then why doesn't he play? 】

This sentence kills the discussion.

In this group, it is the mainstream to criticize the top laner and Uzi for being too independent. Fans naturally feel that the positioning during the S6 Spring Split is in line with Xiaohu's style.

In the evening, routine review.

At Cvmax’s signal, Sask talked about Huni’s line-playing style:

“If you don’t dare to play with him, he’ll be very jumpy when playing.

Throughout the spring split, his record was not very good, but his average damage per point ranked first (LCK).

Huni is a person who dares to play output and is not afraid of death. It's the kind of person who finds the entry position and must rush in to deal damage.

Therefore, when we fight in rivers and wild areas where the terrain is not very wide, we can leave one person to block their follow-up position. "

Sask gave an example: "When they played KT in the finals, some team members couldn't keep up, but he also stepped up and won the team with his personal operation."

"Including the time they lost in the group stage, he was knocked unconscious in the lane, and his skills were inferior to those in the back row."

"As for BP, there's not much to talk about. Just adapt to your circumstances. We crocodiles can move, but they don't dare to take advantage of the mage with short hands. In this regard, we take advantage."

Bo C nodded pretendingly: "Huni is a bit pretentious when playing... You can lure him over when playing in a group."

"BP just pay attention to remove Prince Galio and Qinggang Shadow Galio."

"Peanut plays the kind of hero who needs to improve the rhythm, so he will cooperate more with the mid laner."

Sask reminded: "So Haozi, you see, he needs to develop in the jungle, and he can play a little more in the middle. I feel that their middle and jungle communication is slow, and it will be beneficial to us to play more 2v2 in the middle and jungle."

Qin Hao nodded, indicating that he understood: "I know."

He really knows.

During the group stage, Qin Hao felt that Peanut was not as protective as Bengi in the middle.

After the meeting.

Cvmax and Heart were sitting on the sofa.

"Tomorrow is the final..." Heart sighed inexplicably.

Although I defeated SKT twice in the group stage and tested my strength, when it came to BO5, I was not particularly confident.

Cvmax has no emotion like Heart at all.

He trusts his own judgment.

The performance against G2 in the semi-finals further proved that this is a top-notch team. The management transfer period is a one-stop operation, and the overall level has declined compared with last year.

At least Cvmax watched the S6 game and felt that SKT protected the lower half quite well.

But this year, they need Faker to participate even if they are guaranteed. This can be said that Faker changed for the team, or that Peanut is currently not good at protecting the lane.


Nowadays, many teams can beat SKT twice in the laning phase.

Just like SKT fans complained, Peanut is at a disadvantage and doesn't do anything.

The data in the superior game is good, but you have five or six kills. What are you doing in the inferior game in West Eight?

"Let's start with a winning rate of 64. If the lane design is good, we can achieve 73."


Heart asked: "How many times do you want to open it?"

"I said I'm in good shape and can do 73."


Are you so confident?

Looking at the semi-finals, is SKT in good shape?

Little did he know that in Cvmax's eyes, he just thought that SKT was very abusive and lacked overall cooperation.

On the afternoon of May 22nd.

This is the busiest time in the evening in China.

Take advantage of the fact that the finals are not started yet.

Kangba has launched a vote.

Maybe it was influenced by the semi-final.

The largest number of people believe that LGD beats SKT three times, reaching 73%.

at the same time.

Qin Hao took a photo of the Canyon Trophy during the rehearsal.

There is still more than an hour before the officially confirmed start time.

Listening to his teammates chatting, Qin Hao posted 2 pictures to update his Weibo updates——

【It's very close. 】

"Brothers, Penicillin Weibo has been updated."


"Quick detective."

Fans gathered on Weibo.

Sharp-eyed netizens discovered that in such a simple message, the accompanying picture is the real meaning.

Except for a photo of the trophy in Rio.

All that's left is the photo of EDG winning the first championship.

Saw this update.

Starch's heart feels warm...

Sitting in front of the computer, my head is empty...Sorry.

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