Return to base and review again.

Compared to when he was in the training room, Uzi's attitude is much better.

He actually didn't understand why he got angry so easily.

But when he sees certain pig-nosed operations, or if he can't keep up with his train of thought, he gets red. Because he was too stupid and couldn't calm down when he saw something too stupid.


Firefox can't restore anything either.

This BO3 loss to LGD was completely impossible to beat with hard power. The first level one was blocked, and the second one did not achieve the desired effect in the middle and bottom lane, or in other words, the bottom lane only played what he wanted in the first 7 minutes.

Needless to say later, I wanted to defend and drag out equipment, but LGD found a breakthrough point in succession. The pressure was very high as I was using equipment.

The next day.

IG and QG staged a battle. In the end, IG relied on Rookie to do its best and stepped on QG's Galio system to get the last seat in Group A.

After the game, the cameraman caught Doinb staring at the screen in a daze. After watching this BO3, many viewers felt more sympathy for him and no longer used the "breakup incident" to criticize his character.

Because everyone who understands the game knows that in this BO3, the mid laners on both sides worked hard. In the third game, Doinb continued the rhythm of winning in the first game. In less than 15 minutes, he helped AD take 2 heads and established a relatively stable advantage until someone got sick in the team battle.

As the saying goes, it's hard to blame a player who wants to do his best.

A mid laner is connecting the offensive and defensive rounds, initiating team fights, controlling, and helping to gain vision, so what else does a bicycle need? He ranks second in damage per point, and his average participation rate in the second half of the game exceeds 80%. If you say that playing QG is like playing Doinb, some people will agree.

Kangba has a long comment saying——

QG is a BO3, and if you get the blue side, you will grab Galio. In him, I saw the shadow of Penicillin in LGD last year. At that time, Qingdi was not responsible for team battle harvesting tasks...

I remember there was one person who scolded him the most, calling him a cancer. The reason was that compared to the Spring Split, IMP's output ratio increased by 4 percentage points.

But after watching this game, you will find that facing the explosive Rookie, QG once had a great chance of winning. This is something that has not been seen before.

QG can rely on not playing against Rookie and break IG's high ground first. If they have more operational experience and if IG is given a chance when clearing the line, the ending of this BO3 will be rewritten.


There is no if.

QG fell on the eve of dawn.

At this point, the 2017 Spring Playoffs roster is released.

Group A: LGD, RNG, OMG, IG

Group B: WE, EDG, SS, NB

During this four-month journey, many high-profile stories took place.

For example, the factory director changed his name to Clearlove7, and it seems that he has become more willing to start a group. The reason why it is called "like" is that the director's league status cannot be taken too seriously, and the audience cannot give fans such expectations;

For example, the WE2.0 era aroused fans' imagination. Under the leadership of Hongmi coach, operations have become much better. During the two years when I led VG, Redmi only left a first-round impression on the audience. Its popularity was all due to 60E’s strong BP reasonableness, and it also transformed 957——

Even for fans, it is difficult to compare the 957 of the S6 with the 957 of the S7. They are completely two top laners.

For example, LGD led by Cvmax makes people "think about it", and Mai-style BP has brought a little lineup shock to the LPL audience more than once.

Now when I open the LGD official blog, there are a lot of comments begging Cvmax not to do the playoffs.

It can only be said that before the start of the playoffs, it was widely believed that LGD and WE would meet in the finals, and the rest were just foils. Because in the eyes of the audience, the competitive state of the two teams is a level better than other teams.

Regardless of whether it is an advantageous or disadvantageous game, both teams handle it better than other teams.

There were very few solo kills during the laning phase, and there were few mistakes during the transition phase. In terms of team battles, the double Cs of both teams performed amazingly.

But compared to the praise of 60E, more viewers are still optimistic about LGD.

The reason is simple.

[Xiye has been in good form recently. Mystic's performance after getting ez and Dazui is even better. The only question is whether Xiye can maintain his form after facing Penicillin. This needs to be a question mark. 】

[You can’t really be brainwashed by lemon people. What’s WE2.0? It’s bullshit. LGD can even do BP better than WE. If I were the coach, I would give my hand to the lane and choose development heroes. What a leg brother, I won’t send a single line to the lane. The top laner who can support his teammates is the thigh? The gold content of the thighs is too low. 】

[If you don’t understand, just ask, can 957 be a vampire? Can you be a captain? Can you use weapons? 】

[Isn’t the hidden danger of WE not Mystic? This WE relies heavily on AD's ability to output team battles. If AD is targeted, this team needs Qing Er'er to step up and lead the team. There is no picture of Xiye in my mind. 】

[The advantage of WE is that they can hold off better than last year. The disadvantage is that there is always no rhythm during the laning period. They all rely on the performance of Condi, the nerve knife. Does anyone really believe that the nerve knife will not cut his teammates? To put it bluntly, being first in Group B is WE’s limit. 60E should be lucky that they are not grouped with LGD. 】

[From a strength perspective, WE’s probability of winning the Spring Championship is 5%. 】

There are many such comments.

Every one of them makes 60E uncomfortable.

They have endured for so long and finally have a team that can compete for the championship. Of course they hope that the home team can win the game.

the other side.

Qin Hao could not offer anything else but comfort to Xiaohu for the pressure he had endured from public opinion.

Of course he knows that Uzi fans hate that he can't stand up in the middle lane, and they feel that Xiaohu doesn't share the pressure on the bottom lane. In their eyes, Uzi is pressing the knife and grabbing the line. What is he doing in the middle?

As long as the middle lane can help attract attention, there will be no such thing as the second-level catch. That's why they hate Xiaohu.

But for Xiaohu, as long as he does something wrong, he will be sprayed and everything will be confiscated. The contents he remembers most clearly are all the shots he wanted to do but failed to take. Uzi fans don't pay attention to Zhongguo. At times like this, they will only scold more fiercely and say that they are giving away in the middle and how to win three-on-seven in the bottom lane.

From these negative emotions, Qin Hao had only one feeling, that is, Xiaohu was not at ease. And it is natural to think that staying alive in the middle is the prerequisite for doing things.

Therefore, Qin Hao felt that his statement that the gap was getting bigger was completely an illusion.

He didn't feel that way.

He just found that Xiaohu liked to give way when facing him, and he was conservative in changing blood. I like giving way more than last year.

The playoffs are determined to be version 7.7.


C Bo yelled: "Fuck, Lucian is so powerful. Let me rank him. The damage of this thing is not accurate at all."

After hearing this, Qin Hao replied: "I can't help it, Lucian is too suitable for Heiqie."

As the guy who developed the Lucian walk.

Qin Haotai understood exactly where Lucian's strength lay.

After releasing the ruined black cut, Lucian's basic attack can trigger two layers of black cut special effects - causing physical damage to the hero will apply a layer of 'cutting' armor-piercing effect. The most ridiculous thing is that the passive percentage physical damage of dilapidation can also be calculated in this way.

In addition, stacking 6 layers of 'Cut' can provide 30% armor penetration, and the hero Lucian only needs three basic attacks to fully stack it.

To put it clearly, if you add A to E and slide to click on the passive, you can weaken the opponent's armor by 30%. In addition, Lucian's passive can also superimpose enthusiasm. The simplest set of AEAAQAA combos can fill the upper limit of the ruined black cut and enthusiasm talents, and it is not easy to calculate the kill line.

Let alone the opponent, Qin Hao sometimes has trouble estimating, and he only knows roughly that he can kill.

At night.

Brother Mai held a meeting and talked about the powerful heroes in version 7.7. He made a table, marked both T0 and T1, and listed the lineups that seemed to be crackable in training matches for these versions of heroes.

In Mike's opinion, top laner Crocodile, AD Kalista, and mid laner Lucian are all heroes with good combat capabilities in a two-piece set, and they are very strong in small groups.

Unfortunately, in this version, the neutral resources are not particularly powerful.

Therefore, Mike feels that there is no difference in the thinking of the playoffs and the second half of the spring game. The version tends to be mid-to-late rhythm lineup. But if you can take the initiative during the laning phase and control the fire and earth marks, there are benefits.

To put it simply, he feels that he cannot completely choose the late-stage lineup, and someone must stand up in front.

This is also the reason why the appearance rate of crocodiles has increased in recent training matches. There is a crocodile to support the rhythm, and the transition pressure of the big core and double C is not so great. In other words, if you are confident that you can get a 2,000 or 3,000 lead by relying on the linkage of the line, and the effect of the speed tower is to force the baron, it is not impossible to go all-in in the mid-term. There will just be lineup pressure.

There is no room for error in the playoffs.

After the meeting, Qin Hao and others continued to practice hard.

This day.

A training match with SS.

After hearing what Qin Hao said, Cvmax replied: "Do you think this hero is easy to play, Ryze?"

Qin Hao recalled his feelings in the simulation space: "It actually pushes the lane very quickly, and Ryze is very weak at level 1, so it is easier to transition to level 3. If the opponent is too fierce, I will use the shield to block Ryze's W. , you can earn status by chasing and fighting."

As early as the beginning of the season, Mai asked Qin Hao to expand the hero pool.

Until now, Brother Mai has somewhat forgotten that he said this, but Qin Hao has not forgotten it.

"Okay, let's try it."

Standing behind Qin Hao.

Cvmax has personally witnessed the mid laner Nightmare's ability to push lanes, and the effect is better than what Qin Hao said. At least there is no pressure to deal with the universal oil like Clockwork.

In contrast, although Cvmax is a former professional top laner, his understanding of lane rights is no better than Qin Hao's - who doesn't have time to study heroes like Nightmare?

The problem for Qin Hao is that he has more time than others and he dares to try anything.

After the fight.

There was only shock in Cvmax's mind, and he recalled the pain of being dominated by other talented players when he first became a professional player. And he found that Qin Hao had a different understanding from his.

When he first saw Nightmare, he thought he had to resist the pressure and wait for six, thinking that Qin Hao said that Nightmare's wiring efficiency was good. The picture he imagined at that time was that the opponent pushed first, and then Nightmare used the defensive tower to quickly solve the problem using his passive and Q.

This is why he is not optimistic about Nightmare. If he has to stay in the tower, why not choose a core mid laner who can take over the game in the later stage.

After all, for the center line, giving up the center position is equivalent to creating tension on the wing, and teammates will not feel safe in the line.

But Qin Hao used actual combat results to tell Cvmax that playing Nightmare does not need to be so troublesome.

At level one, you rely on your Q to eat the tail knife. At level two, you are a little more timid, but you can also sell blood appropriately and use passive to reduce the blood volume of the minions. At level three, if the opponent dares to pretend, Nightmare's Q will speed up and mount fear. Nightmare is a B hero. He can actually resist the minions and exchange blood without losing money.

Thinking about it carefully, Qin Hao's positioning logic alone was enough for him to figure out. Anyway, before the actual combat came out, he never thought that Nightmare could play like this.

This is just like the logic when Qin Hao said that when Galio teleports, there will be one or two waves of lane rights - you only need to do a good job of selling blood to pull the lane, and try to use Q to cover as many minions as possible during the lane giving round. In this way, you can enter the tower with passive force. Only in this way can the line be cleared quickly without being accused of pushing back.

He summarized the content of the laning in one sentence. Cvmax watched several videos but could not successfully reproduce it.

Even in ranked games, the opponent is not stupid.

If there is an opportunity to consume Galio, he will definitely take action. The so-called blood-selling line, if too much is sold, let alone finding an opportunity to counterattack, he will not even be able to stay in the tower.

"Usually...I don't watch you play." Cvmax sighed subconsciously.

Qin Hao thought for a few seconds and replied: "I can fight Galio with Ryze or Czar, and I can fight Ryze with Syndra or Clockwork. But if we all need to ban the middle, the opponent can grab it first." , problems may arise.”

Qin Hao explained the reason for his blind competition, and then said: "...Nightmare is relatively simple, and there are no operations required to play it."

Of course, Cvmax knows that playing Nightmare does not require any operation, as long as you have the skills to get started.


I'm asking about the operation?

I want to know why your laning ideas are so mature.

never mind.

Maybe this is genius.

I feel that Nightmare can push the lane, and after playing one or two games, I will know how to play Ryze and Clockwork.

"What do you think this hero is afraid of?"

"Not good to end the game."


Brother Mai was silent for 2 seconds and forced out a smile: "I said, if you choose Nightmare, what are you afraid of in the matchup?"

"I can't beat Lucian at all, and it's not easy to beat the Tsar..." Qin Hao thought seriously for 2 seconds and gave an uncertain answer: "I haven't played against other heroes very much, but I feel that Nightmare is not good with the kind that has continuous damage. Hero matchup of attributes.”

Nightmare has short hands, and the premise of selling blood is to eat this wave of bursts, and the opponent has no other means to deal damage. In this way, he can rely on his passive to quickly clear the back row of troops, and then wait for the CD to wait for the distance, and use his advantage of having more minions to get the line right round. .

"Brother Hao."

Dalang held it back for a while and wanted to say, "You still have fun practicing this kind of hero." When the words came to his mouth, he felt that it was a bit harsh and seemed to disrespect Qin Hao.

"What's wrong?" Qin Hao tilted his head and looked at the big wolf with a constipated expression.

"It's nothing." The big wolf chose to shut up. He was stupid and didn't know how to brag.

"What a fool! Eat it!"

C Bo was excited. He felt that their team had too many big moves.

"Nightmares are really simple."

Qin Hao repeated it in a serious tone that did not match the surrounding atmosphere at all.

Next to him, Eimy was also very happy. His first reaction was that they had an extra swing choice. But after hearing Qin Hao's emphasis, his second reaction was - why do I think nightmares are harder than Wei.

His eyes drifted to his teammates and coaches, and he noticed that they looked at Qin Hao with joy in their eyes. Maybe I am like this now, after all, the more I can produce, the easier it will be for BP.

On the other hand, if BP is upset, a shadow will be cast on his heart before he even gets upset.

It feels like taking out a big tree first on the road and then backhanding a vampire on the other side. If your teammates don't play well, they will be matched up against MVP if they continue to develop.

It would be a bit bad not to fight.

"Practice more these days."

After seeing the actual results, Cvmax became more relaxed and spoke better.

Sask came back to his senses, observed the atmosphere, and agreed: "This hero is not afraid of the visual field when the lights are turned off, and is suitable for going down. Level six versus level four, as long as the fear effect is triggered, he can kill no matter what."

"Well, this can be used as AD in the later stage, and the AP damage can be compensated by the jungle."

One sentence after another.

The more we talked, the more interesting it became.

As a coach, Mike feels that the proficiency of Big Wolf's Vampire and Kennen is quite good. The key is that he has been practicing in the spring game and has the feeling of playing in a team and cutting into the back row.

Thinking of this, Brother Mai felt full of accomplishment. He glanced at IMP and suddenly remembered another thing: "By the way, there is a commercial to be shot in two days."

Before shooting the gaming chair commercial.

LPL officially announced the list of spring split best lineup and regular season MVP.

In Tengjing’s words: Out of consideration for the regularization of the competition, we will add two awards, namely player lineup and MVP, from this year to express praise for the outstanding performance of the players.

[After a secret vote cast by the expert panel and public review representatives, the selection results are now officially released]

The first team of the Spring Split, top laner Langx, jungler Mlxg, mid laner Penicillin, bottom laner Uzi and Meiko;

Second team lineup: top laner 957, jungler Condi, mid laner Rookie, bottom lane IMP plus Ming;

Three lineups: top laner Letme, jungler Clearlove7, mid laner Xiaohu, bottom laner Mystic plus PYL.

Regular season MVP: Penicillin.

The list comes out.

The audience fell out.

Regarding Team One, many viewers have objections to Meiko's inclusion on the list, but some people feel that Meiko and Zet can help the team win 11 games, which is really not easy.

Although from the data point of view, Meiko's data is indeed luxurious, much better than the second Ming.


More differences lie with LGD.

No one has any objections to Penicillin winning the first-team mid laner and the regular season MVP. The audience generally feels that Penicillin is better this season than last year. From laning to team battles, it is very reassuring.

What they were dissatisfied with was that Eimy was not on the list and PYL could only be ranked in three formations.

[Who are the people voting? 】

[It is said that Eimy has a big hand and the data is not good to look at. Why does this voting only look at the data and not the game, right? LGD ranks first in the regular season. Can any player not make it to the first, second and third teams? 】

[Why does Uzi have AD for a while? Who is worse than Mystic or IMP? I think WE and LGD both defeated RNG. Won the game and got outvoted? 】

[What the hell, I, Xiye, am not as good as Xiaohu? 】

[Why is Brother Holy Spear so underestimated every year? His hero pool is no better than those two bastards. 】

【Mouse is not as good as Letme? 】

When it comes to rankings and honors, everyone has their own options.

However, due to such a quarrel, the players' data became popular and broke some people's perceptions.

For example, Holy Spear Brother’s group participation rate is the second-lowest in the previous unit, only slightly better than Koro1. Considering that Koro1 has only played a few games, Holy Spear is definitely the top laner who least likes to support the bottom lane in the Spring Split.

The evaluation of this version is that the single team does not support it. It depends on whether the top lane is willing to hand over the teleport to protect the bottom lane during the big brawl. It's just that Flandre not only doesn't support much during the laning phase, but also tends to fight around his own side during the transition phase, and doesn't like to go to other lanes.

In addition, some people who thought Langx was a bank silently deleted some words after seeing that Langx’s output ratio ranked first in the same position.

Similarly, I don’t know if Easyhoon is the dean. In the second half, when VG was hard to win, his average output ranked second to last among mid laners.

Mlxg's jungle control rate is very high, and he is also one of the junglers who receives the most kills per game (minus 13 kills). This shows that after gaining an advantage, he likes to help his teammates kill people and demolish towers, instead of continuing to widen the gap between opponents. , coupled with his group participation rate, there are not many problems in being rated as a first-team player.

After all, eating grass and milking can no longer be used to describe Xiang Guo. It should be a hunger strike to squeeze blood. Uzi and Xiaohu's average economy is so high, Xiang Guo's contribution should be counted. It's not that he surrenders wild monsters, it is difficult to have a double C disadvantage. If you can keep up with the timeline, you won't be able to say "wait for Uzi's three-piece set." Usually when you say this, it means that Uzi's equipment is no worse than the opponent's AD, and may even be better than the opponent's AD.

Mouse is pressed an average of 5.44 dollars per game. If he can play in the first three teams, then Loong should play even more.

Zet can be called Letme in the AD world. All statistics are very stable, but Letme can play because RNG does not need to hit the road for output, but AD's failure to output is the original sin.

around this list.

The audience often made wise words.

It's just that Qin Hao feels that the data does not represent the performance on the field.

Just looking at the data is not fair to players like Bengi and IMP.

Their role on the field goes far beyond what is shown in the data. Many times they make strategic sacrifices for the team.

If you really want to count as the bottom lane, you must consider the frequency of auxiliary roaming, rather than just taking average economy and average damage to say that IMP is not as good as Uzi.

If IMP pushes the handle forward, it will be LGD's nightmare. In this way, Qin Hao does not need to consider the linkage between the midfielder and the jungle assistant, and can just lock the handle's perspective on the bottom lane and line up.

Furthermore, if the jungler focuses on the lower half and gives up help on the top lane, then the top laner can only huddle under the tower or go to the grass penalty station. How can this sacrifice be reflected through data?

The same is true for assistants. In addition to vision, it also depends on his ability to connect teammates.

"Danzi, it's not your loss that you didn't go to the third round, it's their loss." C Bo shouted: "In my heart, you are better than others."

"That's right." Big Wolf said.

When it was Qin Hao's turn, he only said: "Winning is the best reward."

Eimy can feel the care of his teammates.

But he thought it was cool.

Why does everyone think that he is the kind of person who cares about statistics and rankings? He has been criticized for the whole spring split. There are too many private messages saying that he is the sixth champion and an unworthy bastard.

He doesn't care.

Because he knows that if the situation is still the same as last year's Spring Split, not only will there not be so many people scolding him, but no one will care about him. He also listened to the instructions of his teammates at that time, but did anyone care?

The outside world said that he hugged his thighs, but he felt that it was quite sad that the jungler had no legs to hug.

The jungle position is not just a game to find big players.

What Bengi can do, why can't he do it.

Is Bengi’s data very good-looking?


Penicillin’s Weibo comment section.

A stream of data is flooding the screen.

KDA of 28, 18 kills per game in 15 minutes, team participation rate of 85.3%, average output of 620, average economy of 402, and average injury tolerance of 582...

Make it clearer.

Penicillin's team participation rate is also in the top two in the jungle position, and his KDA is higher than the MSI stage where the factory manager performed best.

Even if the number of casualties is low, the number of injuries sustained at the same position and the average economy ranked only seventh are among the top three in average output. What kind of impression does this create?

Those who hate Uzi must admit that he sucks blood and can do damage.

From this perspective, Penicillin eats grass and milks, has both output and support, and can not lag behind others in the lane.

【Too fierce. 】

[Although it’s an old joke, I still want to say YYDS. 】

[LPL has only one god, and that is Qingshen! 】

【This cheating life. 】Someone sighed and expressed their admiration using an Internet buzzword.

The second-tier league is over and the promotion and relegation games have just begun.

VG fought IM for 4 games and lost in the end.

Now, Benji and Hou Ye, the two champion skin owners, are only one step away from the secondary league.

If they lose the BO5 against DAN again, the team will be relegated.

Compared with VG, GT, which lost to QG, did not have such troubles.

Their team has rich experience in relegation, even if they have to face the challenge of YM.

No surprises.

VG was brutally beaten by DAN.

The only familiar face in this team is the Korean second brother Ggoong.

Before the game, no one thought that Easyhoon and Benji could lead the team to relegation. It was generally believed that a team playing in the secondary league would not be able to do so.

It's just that compared to the autistic faces of all VG members, DAN is much more active.

With the intention of impacting the LPL, Ggoong successfully dragged Hou Ye in the middle. You will find that even in the relegation match, the top and middle teams are still playing well, but DAN's bottom field is a bit careless and does not respect the elders at all. Bengi plays like a sleepwalker.

In the end, three to one, VG dived into LSPL.

Listening to the cheers erupting from his opponents, Easyhoon grabbed the mouse and stared at the screen.

Compared with him, Bengi was much more natural. He just looked up at the venue, looked at the opponents hugging him excitedly, and then stood up and packed up his peripherals silently.

He's been through so much.

The relegation only made him a little unwilling, but it was by no means extremely uncomfortable. After all, when he chose to leave SKT, he knew that his career was at the end.

in front of the screen.

Qin Hao saw Loong's head buried in his arms. When I looked up again, I saw traces of tears.


VG didn't come here to be relegated, they didn't intend to mess up.

What’s funny is that VG, who least planned to be a bad team and made a lot of moves during the transfer period, became the team that looked most like a bad team.

A whole spring season.

I fought without any energy...

VG's downgrade caused crowd ridicule.

Arrived the next day.

Qin Hao, IMP and C Bo took an afternoon to shoot a commercial with Aofeng.

It's said to be a commercial, but it's actually just a few moves and a line: "E-sports chair, I only choose Aofeng."

The filming process was awkward.

Qin Hao's only question is, why three of them?

The team leader cleared up Qin Hao's doubts: "Because you three are more popular with the audience."

After this.

In the first round, eight scored six points.

IG successfully challenged SS. Although Sofm played well, this is a team game. Duke relied on his game experience to help IG win team battles many times.

On the other side, NB was swept by OMG three to zero.

Another day passed.

The game rhythm of IG beating SS appeared on EDG.

Mouse not only withstood the pressure on the line, but also used Rambo to kill Duke's Gnar alone in the third round. In the end, EDG won the game three to one, and IG stopped in the second round of the playoffs.

After the game.

The IG official blog was filled with voices questioning Duke and demanding that he be replaced in the bottom lane.

On the other side, OMG and RNG staged a battle.

The old thief fell into Uzi's hands once again.

No different from the regular season, AD, who has never been known for his laning, struggled. And Uzi likes to play AD who are not keen enough in blood exchange awareness.

Out of four games, three were defeated.

A stable lead of four to five hundred dollars in 15 minutes.

So far.

WE will face the challenge of RNG in the division semi-finals, while LGD will have a BO5 with EDG.

"Tsk, I guessed it was EDG."

"IG's bottom lane is not as good as EDG's bottom lane."

"That's true."

C Bo thinks Eimy is right.

The seeming shortcoming of this EDG is AD, but IG cannot make a breakthrough in the middle and top, and there is no possibility of threatening the shortcoming.

"Scout played really well in this BO5."

"PP, what do you think?"

"well enough."

Qin Hao listened to C Bo's description and said casually.

C Bo didn't listen to Qin Hao's answer at all. Seeing how calm he was, he continued to sigh: "MSI has also started."

"Why does the qualifying round seem a bit weak..."


"never mind."

Qin Hao has long been used to C Bo's surprise...

The transition chapter is difficult to write, and I owe another three thousand. Well, I owe 24,000 this month.

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