I Killed The Pirate King

150. Spandam’S Conspiracy!

Inside Enies Lobby, Marine used the human wave tactics to stubbornly block the advance of Luffy and others!

"Luffy, there are too many Marines! What should we do?!" Nami looked at the Marine soldiers rushing up and asked loudly.

"Rubber machine gun!"

Luffy knocked down dozens of Marines with one blow, but more soldiers rushed forward without fear! Luffy had no time to answer Nami's question!

The battle has progressed so far, the Marines have completely forgotten their fear!

"Let's go separately! They imprisoned Sanji in the Tower of Justice!" At this time, Violet looked at Luffy and said.

"Damn it!" Zoro's knife was already stained with Bloodline. Even Zoro, who had strong endurance, felt a little tired now.

"Okay! Usopp!?" Luffy agreed, looked at Usopp and shouted.

"Understood! Cover your noses, everyone!" Usopp smiled excitedly, reached out and took out a shell from his pocket.


Usopp threw the shell out, and suddenly, a puff of smoke quickly rose on the battlefield, blocking everyone's sight.

Luffy, Zoro and others, who were well prepared, covered their mouths and noses and rushed out from different directions in an instant.

"Damn it! What is this!?"

"How choking!?"


On the battlefield, the Marines kept coughing, and the formation that had finally stabilized became even more chaotic.

"Luo Yi alone blocked the three Admirals!"

"The other generals can't stop Zoro and the Straw Hat Crew!"

"The giants guarding the gate, Oyimo and Cassie, have also rebelled!"

"Our casualties have reached two thousand!"

In the meeting hall of Enies Lobby, Spandam was completely petrified as he listened to the anxious reports of the Marine soldiers on the phone bug!

"Asshole! Why didn't you report it earlier!?" After a pause for a few seconds, Spandam roared loudly.

"Yes - yes - ah~.!" Before he finished speaking, the phone was hung up.

Before hanging up, a huge roar came from the phone bug. It must be that the phone booth was attacked!

"Asshole! Asshole! Marine and Admiral all attacked together! They were blocked by Luo alone! These losers!!" Spandam was so anxious now.

"Then——" Lu Qi suddenly stood up and said, "Let's go deal with the others!"

After saying that, Lu Qi walked towards the door, and the other members of CP9 also followed Lu Qi and planned to go out!

"Wait!" Spandam suddenly spoke, with a hint of worry in his tone: "Can you guys stop them?!"

Lu Qi and others did not look back, but Kakuzu showed an indifferent smile.

"We don't care about this! What we care about is -" Lu Qi, who walked to the door, said in a cold voice: "Whether we can kill legally without restraint!"

After saying that, the members of CP9 left together, leaving Spandam sitting on the ground in shock, as if he was frightened.

The door slowly closed, and no member of CP9 noticed it. Spandam was so frightened that he fell to the ground, and a strange smile flashed across his eyes!

Robin hid quietly in the dark. Seeing the members of CP9 slowly leaving, Robin rushed to the door of the conference room.


Kicking open the door of the conference room, Robin only saw an empty hall. Spandam and the unconscious Sanji were missing!

Outside Enies Lobby, on the Marine flagship.

Tsuru intervened and stopped Momousagi who was about to attack Akainu!

Luo Yi once again faced the situation of one versus three, and everything seemed to be a foregone conclusion.

As long as San Admiral's attack is over, this battle will be over, and the rescue operation of Luo Yi and others will fail!

But at this time, Luo Yi didn't panic at all, and all his aura was concentrated on the two swords of First Generation Gui Che and Jin Pilao.

Instead of retreating, Luo Yi rushed forward to face San Admiral's attack.

"Bad Sword·God of War"

With Luo Yi as the center, the four attributes are completely different, but their extremely powerful power suddenly bursts out!


There was a loud noise, and Marine's flagship instantly exploded into pieces because it could not withstand the force!

Cracks appeared on the surrounding Marine warships, and all the Marine soldiers still on the warships flew out!

The sea is shaking violently! The sea water is completely boiling!

Centered on the place where the four were fighting, a huge wave rose into the sky!

The sudden huge force directly caused the sea water to separate from both sides, and a bottomless crack opened on the sea surface!

Crane and Momousagi immediately flew back and left the vicinity of the battlefield where the four of them were!

The space seems to have frozen!

The distant sound of fighting in Enies Lobby also faded away at this moment!

Those who could still maintain consciousness looked at the battlefield of four people with incredulous eyes!

"This - such a strong shock!?"

"Did the Three Admirals win?!"

Everyone was silent. Did Admiral win?! Or did Luo Yi win?!

Nobody knows!


Spandam threw Sanji to the ground, panting violently, and took out a golden phone bug from his clothes.

Sanji opened his eyes blankly. The severe injuries on his body made his vision blurry. He could only vaguely see a huge steel door in front of him.

"This is?!" Sanji said weakly, his throat so dry that he could no longer make a sound.

"The Door of Justice! As soon as you step through that door, I will press the golden phone bug in my hand! Do you know what this is for?!" Spandam said with a crazy smile.

Sanji didn't speak, he was too weak to open his mouth.

"Buster Call! This is something that can summon Marines (Li Nuohao) to carry out indiscriminate and devastating attacks on the destination!" Maybe it was because he was in such a good mood that Spandam didn't mind explaining it to Sanji.

"As long as this thing is pressed, everyone on the island will die without any body parts! By then [I will have made a great contribution!" Spanhulme's eyes showed excitement.

"Not only did he kill the great pirate Luo Yi, but he also eliminated Robin Village for the government!"

"Then, I will report it to the government and say that what the government needs has been destroyed in the war!"

"Because I have the merit of killing Luo Yi and Robin, not only will I not be punished, I can even be promoted!"

"As for you Straw Hat Crew! Just become my ladder of promotion!"

"Hahahaha..." At the end of the sentence, Spandam couldn't help laughing loudly.

The dawn of victory could be seen immediately, so Spandam abandoned all disguises and revealed a treacherous villain face. .

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