Chapter 113 Geometric Level Replacement



Pan Yilong shouted, and the leader rushed forward.

The Demon Stick in his hand used it, and as it turned and moved, the face, face and foot ghost in front of him was smashed like a thunderbolt.

This kind of ghost with no head, hands as head, six legs and four hands, is notoriously difficult.

But in the hands of Pan Yilong, he did not go through half a round,

One is that Pan Yilong’s strength has improved by leaps and bounds after the Blood Forest Guerrilla Battle. Spirit Power has already been practiced, and he can actually join the superior immortal army.

The leader of the battle is in front, Pan Yilong command Ruo determined, and they all lined up, forming a line of arrows and arrows.


The fight was in full swing, and a river of blood made by blood mosquitoes flew head-on.

Pan Yilong yelled, and together with his subordinates Panda, separated into clean fly clones.

This clone was formed under control, some turned into human beings, some turned into shields, and some turned into fans.

Flymist clone is agile and will move with the spirit, like an arm instructs.


Using the mist of flies to resist the coming blood mosquitoes, Pan Yilong continued to act as an arrow, smashing into the enemy’s demon array.

Encouraged by Pan Yilong, all Pandas behind him became more and more courageous.

Romney and his party did not participate in the battle. At this time, they were watching the battle from a distance on the observation platform near the Golden House Village.

Because it is difficult for the magic power to recover on its own, Romney did not deploy the goggles, but only used the auxiliary wind magic and the eagle eye to apply to everyone.

The eagle eyes were clear, and Romney and the others looked at the battlefield of the gods and demons from a distance, seeing the details in detail, and their mood was agitated.

“Are we really not joining?”

Grace was eager to try, sitting on his shoulders with an equally excited Pickup.

“No, since both Pan Yilong and Da Mao have confessed, we can’t act without authorization.”

Romney was just watching Pan Yilong’s fight. Hearing what Grace said, he turned his head to respond, and then looked back at the battlefield again.

“But there is a huge gap in the number of enemies!”

“If we don’t join, what if Panda has two fists and four hands?”

Grace really itched his heart, eager to go to battle to kill the enemy.

“You little guy, I know that when you see them fighting together, you think you can kill the Quartet.”

“But Panda’s physical strength is not comparable to ours, and, as you said, the number of enemies is very different.”

“A few of us? Where can I help?”

Romney was interrupted by Grace several times, so he stopped going to see the battlefield, turned around, and explained to Grace in detail.

“Don’t you have that little soldier production line?”

“Can’t it be used?”

Seeing Romney a little annoyed, Grace shook his head, sweet Onee-san smiled, then took Romney’s hand and tried again.

“Little soldier production line?”

“Oh, that, I forgot.”

Romney was acted like a baby by Grace, and the slight dissatisfaction in his heart dissipated slightly.

When I heard the name of the small soldier production line, I suddenly remembered that when I fought against the Qiyun Society before, I did get this bound small plane.

“I remember you said that the small soldier production line generates a hundred soldiers every day.”

“It should have been half a year since we got the production line of small soldiers, right?”

“Half a year is six months, that is, 180 days and a few days, multiplied by 100, that is, that is… I count.”

Grace took Romney’s hand, said something, and began to count.

“You little guy, I just look at the number directly.”

“Don’t make a fool of yourself!”

Romney has always known that Grace is math-like. At this time, watching her amused, after clicking on her head, he tried to open the production line of small soldiers.

Originally thought it would communicate with magic, it was useless at all.

But not wanting to just move, Romney entered a virtual space in an instant.

Staring in this purple-black virtual space, you can see that there is nothing around, no barriers or boundaries.

Looking up, he saw a huge barracks.

The barracks are like a colored pyramid, shining with colorful lights.

If you look closely at each of the bricks, you can zoom in and out.

Romney was surprised, enlarged these bricks one by one, and explored them one by one.

The nine bricks at the bottom are the largest, each showing different colors.

These colors are divided into nine kinds.

It is consistent with the tone of the earth, water, fire, wind, life and death of light and darkness, and non-attribute elements of the law.

Within these bricks, at this time, the sword and shield soldiers were densely packed.

Go up four layers and shrink one by one, but the colors are still opposite to the nine colors.

Romney’s tentative silent transformation, immediately the blue water is a small soldier, then all of it is transformed to the next level, that is, the water artillery.

Looking at the number of artillery, it happened to be able to transform again.

Romney continued to try and turned all the water system artillery into water system dragons.

Seeing the three water-system dragons that are as good as the dragons in the canyon battlefield, Romney suddenly became interested, speeding up one by one to transform other sword and shield soldiers.

Finally, the replacement of a total of 90 dragons was completed.

The ground and water die in darkness, and the four elements dominate.

Fenghuoguangsheng, followed by the four series.

There are 12 in the earth system, 8 in the water system, 22 in the dark system, and 41 in the undead.

Coupled with the wind and fire, 1 each.

3 non-attribute dragons.

There are 90 in total.

The 90 dragons are 7 meters tall, 35 meters long, and 36 meters wide. They are solid dragons.

Although it is not as big as the real dragon, it has 90 heads, which should not be underestimated.

Looking at the dragon that he replaced in front of him with satisfaction, Romney moved back to the original watchtower.

But as soon as he came out, before he could do anything else in the future, he felt a huge gravitational force.

The gravitational acceleration came very quickly.

Romney, who hadn’t recovered at all, was suddenly supported by a giant tree growing out of the ground.


“Are you OK!?”

Grace’s voice came not far from under the tree, it was obvious that everyone was not far from Romney at this time.

“I’m fine, but what’s wrong with this?”

Romney squeezed the branches and landed on the ground with a light feather skill.

At this time, the ground was no longer what he had when he left, but a huge arc-shaped pit with a radius of more than 300 meters, which looked like someone had shoveled deeply with a shovel.

Romney looked around and saw the giant tree growing out of the deep pit. It was about thirty meters high, with strong branches but a little malnourished.

Although it is malnourished, it is undoubtedly a tree species of the higher elves depending on its shape.

“Why is there a hole here?”

Romney clearly remembered that he entered the small soldier production line from the observation tower.

It stands to reason that it should be in the same place, and the original location should be on the watchtower, and there should be no huge pits.

“We don’t know either!”

“Suddenly there was a black hole just now, which sucked this piece of land like this.”

Grace’s voice came from far and near.

After a while, she and Xi Luo and others came to Romney.

“Romney, are you okay?!”

Grace came to Romney, checked Romney around, and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that there was no injury.

“I’m fine.”

“I just don’t know what’s going on with this pit.”

Romney actually wanted to say just now, but Grace was looking at himself worriedly, so he endured it first.

“If I’m right, you should have absorbed them.”

Xi Luo said at this time and nodded Romney with his hand.

“I absorbed it?”

Romney was a little surprised, he didn’t have the ability to suck dirt.

“It should be said that it was absorbed by your little soldier production line.”

“I remember you said that it was a small portable plane.”

“I just saw the place where these leaded soil disappeared, which is where you entered the portable plane before.”

Xi Luo’s face was serious, and it seemed absolutely certain that Romney’s plane absorbed the lead and soil, which caused the appearance of this huge pit.

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