
Chapter 822

At the same time, due to the huge cost of space war exercises, the official Miriam Civilization has an explanation for the people, so that the public can understand Where their resources were spent, they broadcast the entire exercise process live.

Gulis’ family members, relatives and friends also sat in front of the video communicator, of course, their faces were not good-looking, because in their eyes, this unfair war was a humiliation to Gulis, With one enemy against one hundred, and the commanders on the enemy warships are still the famous Heaven’s Chosen Child, any Miriam with sufficient judgment knows that Gulis can’t win at all in this situation.

But this universe is so wonderful. When everyone thought that the starfleet commanded by Gulis would be torn to pieces by the local fleet, Gulis actually commanded the fleet to ignore the enemy fleet. Lurkers not far away, flew straight to the star closest to the fleet.

This unexpected decision made the commander of the local fleet immediately bewildered, because in their opinion Gulis was fleeing, but the direction of escape was wrong, because the The corona of the star is in a state of vigorous eruption. Once Gulis’s fleet approaches, it is likely to be attacked by the star’s eruption, and of course the final result will be turned into a pile of fly ash. But they didn’t wait for Gulis’ fleet to die, because in their hearts they were still very wary of Gulis. Whether they admit it or not, Gulis is one of the best youngsters in the Miriam civilization. , in their opinion, Gulis should realize the mistake of his course, even if he is stupid, unless he has other plans.

Thinking of this, the commander of the local fleet immediately ordered the fleet to rush towards the star, but when they came near the star along the tail flame of the Gulis fleet, they unexpectedly found that the ancients had been lost on the radar. The silhouette of the Boundless fleet, the fleet of one hundred battleships, is like a ghost, disappearing into the darkness of the boundless. The enemy fleet command slammed a heavy punch on the dashboard, and the veins on his neck bloomed. Although he didn’t know how Gulis did it, he didn’t know Gulis’s purpose, but he got rid of his own so easily. Tracking, Gulis obviously played them with a little trick, which was equivalent to kicking the enemy fleet in front of the entire Miriam civilization.

On the main ship of the local fleet, more than 50 commanders lined up on both sides of the long conference table, and they began to analyze Gulis’s intentions. Of course, these people are professional fleet commanders, and they would never believe that Gulis flew so hard, taking a huge risk to make the fleet turn a circle against the surface of the star, just to perform a stunt for them flight. You know, flying close to a star is a very risky thing. When the star is undergoing violent nuclear fusion, it will keep thinking about the emission of high-energy rays in the universe. When the particles in these rays penetrate the precision instruments loaded on the spaceship , which will interfere with the normal operation of the instrument. Of course, under normal circumstances, the internal instruments of the spaceship are protected by a protective cover, and this interference will not have a particularly bad effect, but once the ray burst on the surface of the star is too violent, the ray The energy carried will be so powerful that it may penetrate or even destroy the instrument. Therefore, in the Miriam civilization, every qualified captain knows one thing. When flying in space, you must never get too close to the stars, otherwise you will be courting death.

So now that Gulis made such a decision against common sense, it shows that he must have a strong motive to take such a risk.

“I think that Guy Gulis is trying to use the cover of the stars, get rid of our tracking, and play guerrilla warfare with us in vast and boundless space.”

” Space guerrilla warfare? No, this is absolutely impossible. Captain Capa, you are also an excellent captain. You should understand a premise of space guerrilla warfare, that is, the opposing fleet must not exceed one hundred times your own fleet. It is impossible for the Fang fleet to pose a serious threat to the other side. Gulis is not an idiot, he knows this very well.”

“I think Gulis is trying to delay time, he wants to use small The maneuverability of the fleet, playing hide-and-seek with us in space, delaying as much time as possible, so that by the end of the exercise time, the two sides will reach a draw, so that he will not be ashamed.”

“Procrastination. Time? I think this point of view is Interesting. Gulis is a despicable boy from a lower class, and he can do such a kind of thing. However, we don’t seem to have a good way to deal with it.”

“There is a way. In fact, before the start of the play, I have already conducted a comprehensive analysis of all the tactics Gulis may adopt, including hide-and-seek tactics. First, we can immediately complain to the acting command about Gulis. This kind of procrastination by Lis. After all, this show is to test Gulis’ command level. Instead of letting him waste precious fuel and fleeing in the space station. Second, we can turn on all the radars on the battleship, A huge array radar is formed, so that the interference of stellar radiation can be excluded, and we can find the shadow of Gulis fleet in time.”

“Very well, this method is most in line with the current reality. If so, let’s do it!”

Finally, the commander of the enemy fleet made a final decision and decided to use the array radar composed of the entire fleet’s radar to track the Gulis fleet.

As the huge radars on the battleships unfolded, the people of Miriam who were sitting in front of the video and watching the performance all saw the scenes that were impossible to see in their lifetime.

“This, this Gulis is so powerful, one person can force the entire fleet to take such a big risk.”

“To take a risk is just to deploy the radar, What risk are you taking?”

“Cough, you don’t know that, when spaceship is running at high speed, it is easy to have an accident if the radar is deployed rashly.”

“Uh, Uh, I think the enemy fleet is also in a hurry, otherwise it wouldn’t be so risky.”

“This time the acting looks so good, I thought Gulis’ fleet would be in a short time. It was defeated.”

Intelligent creatures are naturally sympathetic to the weak, even if they knew that Gulis could defeat such a powerful fleet, they silently looked forward to it in their hearts, and they were looking forward to the arrival of a miracle.

In space, through the radar array, the local fleet quickly locked on the shadow of the Gulis fleet. They did not escape as expected, but made a small circle around the star to come. to the rear of the local fleet.

“Good boy, you are going to start a sneak attack, unfortunately you underestimated us!”

Following an order, more than 10,000 battleships all slowed down and turned around In the direction, I want the Gulis fleet to pounce. At the same time, some series of high-energy weapons such as the star destroyer on the battleship also began to warm up, and the local fleet was ready to enter the range of the Gulis fleet without the slightest hesitation.

At this time, on the command ship of the Gulis fleet, the commander-in-chief Gulis sat on a large chair and looked at the information displayed on the big screen lightly.

A staff officer walked over quickly and whispered: “Commander, the major event is not good, the local fleet has locked us, and it is expected that in two hours, we will enter the firing area of the local fleet. , what should we do now?”

Besides, more than a dozen staff officers also cast their inquiring eyes to the staff officers with anxiety. In the opinion of the staff officers, when they used the stars to get away from the local fleet, the whole The fleet should flee without the slightest hesitation, with agile maneuverability, leave the enemy behind, and hold on until the end of the maneuver. Although this approach seems to be playing a rogue, it is better than being wiped out by the locality. But instead of accepting this suggestion, the young commander ordered the fleet to rush towards the local fleet, a move that was completely contrary to common sense in space warfare, and in the eyes of the staff, was bringing about one’s own destruction.

So now they just want to see how this commander handles this situation.

Gulis did not order immediately, but kept looking at the distance information displayed above, he was waiting.

But those staff officers can’t wait. Of course, they don’t have feelings for the fleet, nor do they admire Gulis, but because the results of the exercise will be recorded in the archives, and they will be reassigned in the future. At work, failures on file will affect how their superiors perceive them. Of course, these staff members themselves do not want to join the fleet, but this is the direct order of Professor Kakas. Even if they are given 10,000 courage, they will not dare to question Professor Kakas.

“Commander, time is running out. According to our calculations, once we enter the firing zone, we can’t even withstand the first round attack.”

“That is, the enemy has Ten thousand ships is a battleship, we only have a hundred ships, even if we have the blessing of the gods, we can defeat a hundred with one, and it is impossible to be an opponent of the enemy!”

“Commander, you have Kaka. With Professor Si’s care, naturally you don’t need to worry about the future, but we are just some ordinary persons, and our future future may be pinned on this exercise, you must not be arrogant!”

“Commander Officer, if you insist on this order, I, I, I will refuse to execute it, even if I go to the trial court after the exercise, I will definitely not execute it according to your order!”

Seeing my subordinates The chiefs of staff took the initiative to jump out and issue orders to themselves. Gulis was not surprised, because in his opinion, although these people are excellent graduates of the Aerospace Academy, they have one of the biggest weaknesses, that is, they are all It’s the people who follow the rules, after graduating from the Academy, they will only fight according to the knowledge and tactics taught in the textbook. Of course, it is impossible to say that the knowledge in the textbook is wrong, but everyone knows that war is an extremely cumbersome matter. It includes countless factors. The interweaving of these factors disordered and in a mess has formed countless accidents. Factors, each of which may affect the final outcome of the war, are impossible to calculate even with the most advanced civilization’s quantum computers. This has led to a result, that is, the classic case in the textbook, the combat regulations have become a kind of shackles, and the staff officers are bound by the shackles, so they must not be able to see the real direction of victory.

However, Gulis is very clear that now the enemy is facing, he has no time or energy to teach these staff an education class, so the best way is.

Gulis did not use it to take out a machine gun from his waist and aimed it at the staff officer who clearly objected.

The machine gun is a special equipment of the Miriam civilization. The gun is equipped with metal bullets in the house, but the bullets are not filled with high-energy explosives such as gunpowder. It is carried out by the spring device in the gun. emission.

This seemingly very primordial firearm is the only melee weapon on the spaceship, because in space, intelligent individuals may be disturbed by inexplicable emotions and become violent. The reason for this interference cannot be The test is unavoidable, so when the spaceship takes off, the captain must wear a machine gun to have the ability to control the situation when things get out of hand.

“Commander, you, please don’t shoot. What I said just now was just a joke. I will follow your order immediately.” A shiver, although this kind of mechanical gun is much smaller in formidable power than firearms, it is deadly enough.

But the only answer to him was a crisp “ka-cha!” Facing the staff who had already thrown his way, Gulis pulled the trigger without the slightest hesitation.

This scene was faithfully recorded by the camera equipment and quickly transmitted back to the Miriam Civilization. The people in front of the video were immediately frightened by the complexion ashen, and at the same time they started talking.

“This, Gulis is really too violent. Although the chief of staff violated the rules first, he should be punished for not following the commander’s order, but he has already surrendered after all. Shooting under such circumstances, Gulis’s approach, no matter what the final result is, he must be severely punished by the trial court.”

“That is, that is, this kid, I think, because of Since he is supercilious in the respect of Professor Kakas, he doesn’t even think about it, even if he has a good teacher, he is actually just a small captain. Once sent to the trial court, even if Professor Kakas pleads for mercy , he can’t escape punishment.”

“I retract my initial opinion. At the beginning, I thought Gulis was a young hero of our Miriam civilization. Now I think I am wrong, because No matter how smart he is, it is impossible to become a hero, he lacks a heart of benevolence.”

In a tall villa, Professor Kakas sat on a large comfortable sofa and looked at the ancient picture Liss shot, with a faint smile on his face.

One of his students came over and asked in a puzzled way: “teacher, Brother Gulis, this is too much. It is obvious that the staff officer can be bound by coercion, why? Do you want to shoot?”

Professor Kacas sneered: “This is the difference between you and Gulis, in your opinion, this is just a matter of a small staff, in Gulis’s opinion, This is about the ultimate victory.”

(End of this chapter)

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