
Chapter 812

“Because of the moat, the terrifying beasts outside could not rush into the tribe at all. It has been completely out of the predicament, and even in a field battle, Pajeluian, under the command of Kurachman Hauke, won a big victory and annihilated more than 2,000 terrifying beasts. By more than 3,000 heads, this time the crisis was completely resolved, and just as the Pajelu tribe began to revel, Kurachman Hauke unexpectedly told Krisja that he was leaving the Primordial Star and returned to the Pajelu Star. This idea made Krisja was shocked. In her opinion, Kurachiman Hauke already had two well-behaved children in the beginning, and he had already controlled most of the power of the tribe, and he had completely merged with this savage planet. Now, it is unimaginable to have decided to leave the first star at this time.”

“So, Chrisja tried to get rid of the idea of Kurachiman Hauk, and she was even willing to go against the rules of her ancestors and serve the library. Lachman Hauke married a young daughter-in-law. But the adventurous spirit of Kurachman Hauke made him unable to live in peace, and he felt that he could not live in the first star High Level where the end could be seen at a glance. Chrisja At this moment, I also realized this, knowing that I couldn’t persuade him, so I agreed to him secretly. However, this also created a new contradiction, that is, when Kurachman Hauke left the Primordial Star and returned to the Pajelu Star When will he leak the first star to the Pajelu Dako Academy. Over the years, Chrisja has known through Kurachiman Hauk, and on Pajelu the science school has regained the upper hand, and their technology has developed to the point where To the point of unimaginable, they traveled in space with various formidable power huge spaceships, their greatest wish was to find a resource star. At first, the star contained a lot of resources, and it was very suitable for Pajeluian survival, It is a perfect resource star. Once Kurachiman Hauke leaked the location of the Primordial Star to the Pajelu Academy, the Pajelu Academy will definitely send a large number of spaceships to invade the Primordial Star. And Pajelu on the Primordial Star had already They abandoned technology. They knew that with their strong muscles, they had absolutely no way to fight against the space battleship made of steel.”

“For a while, Chrisja’s heart rose to forcibly put Kuraki. The idea of Man Hauk staying in the first star, as the leader of the tribe, she could send someone to imprison Kurachiman Hauk, but her inner emotions made Krisja unable to make such a decision. So Krisja While most of the tribe members are outside Going out to find berries, Kurachiman Hauke was released, and Kurachiman Hauke took the spaceship back to the Pajelu star. “

“According to the general Pajeluian personality, Kurachman Hauke should go to the planet registration office to register the first star in his name at the first moment of landing, but he didn’t do it, no, It’s not that he didn’t do it, but he did something unexpected, which was to tell the Pajelu official who came to ask him that he had found nothing in space for so many years. Officials certainly don’t believe Kurachman Hauke’s answer. Because according to the time records of entering and leaving the port, Kurachman Hauke has lived in the space station for more than 500 years. For such a long time, if there is no planet to settle down, Kurachman Hauke is absolutely impossible to survive. . “

“Kulachman Hauke only realized his mistake at this time, but in the face of the official questioning, he still insisted on his statement, because he believes that everyone has their own choice of life. Right of way, Chrisja and her clansman would like to live in a wild state, so let them live that way without bothering. “

“Unable to get an answer, the official staff had to report the matter to the Pajelu Academy. The great scientists of the Academy also realized that there was something wrong with the matter, and they immediately They retrieved the spaceship landing information of all spaceports, and found that the name Kurachiman Hauke did not exist in the information. At the same time, they also sent people to the spaceship of Kurachiman Hauke. A comprehensive analysis was carried out, and it was found that the spaceship had been severely hit, and the materials that were repaired later contained a substance that was not found on Pajelu planet. After landing, Kurachman Hauke lived on that strange planet for a long time. “

“This is good news for the Pajelu Academy, because it means that Kulachman Hauke has discovered a new planet, a habitable planet.” So, the Pajelu Academy sent someone to arrest Kurachiman Hauke. They decided to get the space coordinates of the planet from Kurachiman Hauke’s mouth, and then sent a spaceship to go there. This planet makes it a part of Pajelu planet. Although Pajelu already has more than 20,000 planets, for Pajelu Academy, no amount of resource stars can satisfy the expansion of Pajelu civilization. “

“Pajelu scientists have a lot of experience with interrogation. During the confrontation with the military faction, they studied many kinds of torture in order to pry out the storage points of military weapons from the mouths of the diehards.” the way of man. As a result, Kurachman Hauke tasted the pain that he had never experienced in this life. The first torture was of course a very conventional punishment. The blood will flow back. For this simple excitement, Kurachiman Hauke naturally behaved very easily. Seeing the relaxed appearance of Kurachiman Hauke, the scientists decided to overweight him, so Kurachiman Hauke Man Hauke was covered with silver needles, and each silver needle was just poking on the nerves of Kurachman Hauke’s body, so that all the nerves in Kurachman Hauke’s body started. Are you shaking? The pain caused by nervous tremors is unimaginable. Kurachman Hauke felt like he was being bitten by thousands of ants all over his body. No, not just biting, those ants also Grinding his flesh with little by little jaws, he felt like he was in a shivering space, every minute and every second he felt like thousands of years had passed. “

“However, Kurachman Hauke persevered because he knew that if he uttered a word, the Pajeluian on the first star would be destroyed, and Krisja and his two This child, as well as those innocent and kind Pajeluians, will turn into Pajeluian corpses, which is absolutely unacceptable to Kurachman Hauke. The tenacity of Kulachman Hauk was beyond the expectations of the scientists at the Pajelu University Academy, because in the past, even the most hardened elements could not stand the torture. It seems that pain can no longer destroy Kurachman Hauke’s will, so Pajelu scientists thought of another way, that is to put Kurachman Hauke in virtual reality, let him taste the best in the world The tastiest and most beautiful things, and then deprived of them, and given to Kurachman Hauk, and then lost, is often more frustrating than pain to destroy a Pajeluian’s will. “

“But this time they failed again because Kurachman Hauke lived in virtual reality for five hundred years, and of course the time in virtual reality was artificially set Yes, where he tasted delicious food he had never tasted before, became a great scientist, was worshipped by all Pajeluians, married the most beautiful girl in Pajelu, and gave birth to two smartest and most well-behaved children , In a word, Kurachman Hauke in virtual reality is the happiest person in this world. Just when the instrument monitored Kurachiman Hauke’s happiness value reached its peak, Pajelu scientists suddenly put Kurachiman Hauke Cheman Hawke is pulled back from virtual reality, making him realise that he’s in a terrifying hell on earth. After returning to reality, Kurachman Hauke has lost his mind, he cried and wanted to return to virtual reality, watching Kurachman Hauke weeping bitter tears, the great scientists are satisfied that they play with people’s hearts The method, so clearly told Kurachman Hauke that as long as he could tell the Academy the coordinates of the star he found in space, the Academy promised to let Kurachman Hauke live in virtual reality forever . When Kurachman Hauke heard the word “space”, he instantly woke up. He already understood that his experience was nothing more than a cruel punishment, so he kept his mouth shut again, and even passed the school at the beginning of the star. The secret technique that arrived, confuses the memory in his brain. “

“Sure enough, the angry Pajelu scientists decided to use a brain wave reading device on Kurachman Hauk to read the hidden memories in his brain. This was a very dangerous method at the time, because Pajelu technology had not developed to the point of fully understanding the human body at that time, and many people whose memories were read would become mad or fools because of memory disorders. Therefore, this method is rarely used, and only when there is absolutely no way, the great scientists of the Pajelu Division Academy will use it. “

“Two days later, the great scientists of Pajelu Branch Academy got two news, one good and one bad, the good news is that Kurachman Hauke is not dead, nor crazy, in real time. He seems to be even more in great spirits. The bad news is that Kurachman Hauke still refuses to explain the coordinates of the star, and even claims that he has forgotten everything. This time, Pajelu scientists are all angry, they can let a resource star pass by themselves, but they will never allow a civilian to despise the dignity of the Pajelu Academy, this is not a temporary atmosphere, but Pajelu Branch The strategy adopted by the Academy for a long time, the great scientists of the Academy know that the reason why they can successfully rule the Pajelu star, in addition to having advanced science, their prestige is more important. In Pajeluian’s view, the great scientists are unparalleled in wisdom , that no problem can beat them, so that the Pajeluians will fear them. Once the Kulachman Hauke thing is known to the commoners, although they will not think that the Pajelu Academy is unable to withstand a single blow because of this trivial matter, there will also be a gap in their hearts, as accumulated over a long The gap of period of time is getting bigger and bigger, and eventually those commoners will have the courage to overthrow the rule of Pajelu Ke Academy, when the time comes it will be too late, so the great scientists of Pajelu Ke Academy unanimously believe that Kurachiman · Hauke must not be released. At this time, scientists at the Bioscience Academy came up with a very avant-garde topic. They thought that they could cut the brain of Kulachman Hauke into slices, and then analyze his brain cells through a molecular analyzer, and maybe extract from it. Of course, this only works in theory, it has never been confirmed by experiments, and even animal experiments have not had time to do it, because molecular analyzers are quite fragile, and they have to be replaced every time they are used, and the analytical analyzers are manufactured. The materials needed come from fringe galaxies, which are full of all kinds of dangers, so the Academy of Deep Biology has only made one. “

“Considering that Kurachiman Hauke is no longer worth living, the great scientists of the Pajelu Academy of Sciences agreed to the proposal of the Academy of Biological Sciences, and agreed to let them know how to deal with Kurachiman Hauke. g for dissection and analysis. So, Kulachman Hauke watched as his brain was cut open, and then his brain was cut into slices. Finally, a black face appeared in front of him. It was the scalpel that cut off the visual signal. Then he couldn’t hear any sound, it was the sound signal being cut off, and finally the breathing stopped, and during the whole slicing process, even the most ruthless bioscientists had to admire the tenacious of Kurachman Hauke, he He kept a faint smile on his face and kept silent, as if it wasn’t his head that was cut open, it was like he was watching a movie. “

“But they didn’t feel that way, because they had to hurry up to analyze Kurachman Hauke’s brain slices, only fresh brain cells would preserve memory, and as a result those Pajelu Bioscientists were disappointed because they found nothing in Kurachman Hauke’s brain cells. No, it’s not that there was no discovery, but the brain cells of Kurachman Hauke turned out to be empty, as if they had never been used. This is an impossible phenomenon, because as long as it is a Pajeluian, there will be a memory, Even those newborn Pajelu babies have memories. In the end, biological scientists can only attribute this abnormal phenomenon to the powerful willpower of Kulachman Hauke, who used the powerful willpower to erase the memory in his brain when his brain was cut open. “

“In this way, Kurachman Hauke completely disappeared from in this world, and also from the Pajelu civilization, leaving almost no trace. ”

(end of this chapter)

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