
Chapter 800

“When I walked out of the pilot station with the cardboard box in my hand, the first thing I did was go to the Occupational Registration Office I went to register my information. I hope to find a better job as soon as possible. But when I entered my information into the computer used for career matching for registration, one of the files that popped up on the screen had a big X drawn on it. One is no criminal record. I was stunned at the time, obviously I did not commit any crime, why would there be a criminal record sign in my file. At this time, the official who was in charge of receiving me also realized the abnormality, She looked at the bright red X and then at me, the eyes looking towards me were full of disdain and sympathy. I embarrassedly laughed at her apologetic, saying that I wasted her time, and left in despair Occupational registration office. When I leave the warm indoors and come to the cold outdoor, my heart is as cold as the weather, because I know that I am impossible to be admitted to any unit or company. You should also know that in our Pajelu culture, as long as If a person has a criminal record, his life is ruined, and no one will take the risk to hire a person with a criminal record.”

“As I imagined, after leaving the occupational registry, I went to the old The units that released the olive branch to me were very enthusiastic when they saw me, because there were very few people applying for their positions that only offered low wages, not to mention that I graduated from a regular school, but when those face-to-face The smiling person opened my file, and when he saw the big red X, his face suddenly turned cold, and he kicked me out without saying anything.”

“After that, I was unwilling again. After looking for more than a dozen companies, they were all rejected because of the big red X. At this time, I realized that if I didn’t get rid of the damn big red X, I would not be able to find a job in my life, so my only solution was to ask the wrong Complaint from the Information Processing Department. You also know that the Misinformation Processing Department is the slowest document processing agency in the Pajelu civilization. Those employees receive your information, throw the form in the garbage heap, and then ignore it. Maybe one day when the rubbish piles up and the form falls down, the staff will remember it, then pick it up and pretend to investigate, giving a negative or positive result, of course, most of the positive results , Few people appeal to the officials to change the result they arbitrarily set. But I still hold the last hope and submit the application, I hope I can be one of the lucky few.”

“Of course, I was disappointed by the results, and for decades, I went to the Misinformation Department every day to ask if my matter had been re-examined, but every time I got the same answer, that the incident had been Submitted, still waiting for the investigation of the relevant departments, please be patient. This is A very official reply, but this kind of official reply has no way to make people question it. The reason is very simple. In the reply, the staff member used the word related department very cleverly. No one knows which department the relevant department is, no one knows, and the official has never announced it. Literally, the relevant department is the department related to this matter, but when asked specifically, no one knows the details of these departments. name. It may be the Bureau of Investigation, the Ministry of the Interior, the Bureau of Finance, or even the Education Department. As for why the Education Department is involved in this matter, only God knows, it is also one of the relevant departments. “

“In short, I just can’t appeal the red X on the file. In the past ten years, I have almost exhausted all my savings because I can’t find a job. In the end, I had to rely on official relief to live, and when you saw me, I was in this situation. “

“Although I am very sympathetic to the tragic situation of Zairul Webers, I am also very clear that I can do nothing. At that time, I had already drank more than ten times in a row. A bottle of fine wine, already drunk, I quietly stuffed a 2,000-credit card in his pocket, and left quietly. ”

In the spaceship, Emma finished the situation when she met Zairul Webers with a blank face.

Then, she stared towards Mr. Instructor, With a trembling voice, he said: “From Zairul Webers, I realized that the accident of the spaceship crash was not an accident, otherwise the government would not have dealt with Zairul Webers. My mother is just an ordinary housewife, she did not threaten anyone, but was targeted by the authorities, then it means that the authorities are not targeting mother, but you. They want to take this opportunity to tell you that if you dare to betray the authorities, you will end up like mother. The reason why mother died was just to be your scapegoat. “

Emma’s this remark made the face of the tough guy, Mr. Instructor, look moving. He stood with his head up for a long time, the corners of his mouth trembled twice, his Adam’s apple moved slightly, but in the end he didn’t. Make a sound.

Emma rushed in front of the instructor, with rays of light of hatred in her eyes, and shouted loudly: “So tell me, is my guess just now true, my mother Was it murdered by Pajelu Dake Academy? “

Emma looks like a crazy bull, I’ve never seen her like this, I want to go up to comfort a few words, but I see her hands are shaking. I know now I absolutely can’t go forward. To be honest, I still have some vague expectations in the heart. I hope to use Emma to persuade Mr. Instructor to let me go. Although I know this is a harder thing than heavenly ascension. But for The hope of survival made me have this small idea.

Facing the never-before-excited Emma, Mr. Instructor’s face showed a never-before-seen tangle, he sighed , said slowly: “That’s right, the reason why your mother encountered an accident has a lot to do with me. As you know, because of my low IQ test scores, I can only do low-level jobs, and we have a hard time. I swear to myself that one day in the future, I will definitely stand out and become a top man. For this reason, I have been waiting for an opportunity. I know that my IQ is not enough to compete with others, so I can only rely on my strong body, so every morning when I wake up, the first thing I do is go to the lake to exercise. Of course, this type of exercise is a bit intense, and I’ve loved fighting since I was a kid. This battle method is the ancient Old Fang style hundreds of thousands of years ago. After the appearance of skeleton battle clothes and unmanned combat robots, this primordial fighting method has been eliminated and almost no one uses it. Because everyone knows that in the face of a laser gun that can shoot 2,000 laser beams per second and a robot that can completely block the target, fighting may not be able to withstand even a second. “

“However, those equipments cannot be used by a poor boy like me, so I collected the remaining fighting secrets from hundreds of thousands of years ago from some hidden locations, and trained them quietly. I believe that opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared, and one day I will rely on my fighting skills to get ahead. In this way, I have been training silently for more than fifty years, until one morning, the opportunity finally came. I practiced the martial arts that I have practiced millions of times by the lake, and every move has been memorized by my muscles. It has become my habit to get down, so my whole set of movements seems to be very smooth. When I finished my last punch, took a deep breath and retracted my fist, I suddenly saw a silver-haired Pajelu standing under a big tree by the lake. “

“Of course, when I practice boxing, there are often people watching, and I don’t feel any surprise. But this silver-haired Pajeluian has an undisguised imposing manner on his body. Although he wears ordinary clothes and does not wear many smart wearable devices, he looks like an ordinary Pajeluian. He just stood there, looking at me quietly, with a faint smile on his face. “

“This seemingly ordinary person, seemingly ordinary encounter, made me feel an inexplicable feeling in my heart, and I felt that this was my opportunity. At this moment, my life will be completely changed, I will never be despised by others, I can also have a decent job like those smart businessmen, maybe, I can also have a small house, every day Eat food that only High Level people can eat. More importantly, my wife finally has enough credit to buy beautiful clothes. Did you know that since we went through the legal procedures at the registration office, your mother can’t take her eyes off the pale white burqas worn by those High Level people in the movies, and she even saves the image of the burqa , analyze which style is more suitable for her. But she also knew that the material used for the burqa came from a silkworm on the first-class star Simaha, and the price was extremely expensive, and we couldn’t afford it at all. Therefore, she always kept her mouth shut, and just kept those pictures silently. “

“So, I took a few deep breaths, tried my best to look refreshed, walked over slowly, and asked the old man a question mark neither humble nor arrogant. Although my IQ is not high, my EQ is not low. I know that for this kind of High Level people, the only reason why they will pay attention to me as a lower-class people is that I am useful. Although I don’t know what my usefulness is, I am sure of it. So, I plan to keep using language to test my usefulness. To my surprise, the old man didn’t look like an expert like those High Level people. He was very approachable and told me clearly that he needed me to help him run an organization specializing in dirty work. . Of course, when doing these dirty work, it is likely to be injured or even killed, and this probability is still great. “

“However, he said he wouldn’t tell me about it until I agreed to join.” I agreed without any hesitation, because I knew this was my only chance, and I couldn’t give up. So, I immediately picked up the intercom, resigned to the boss of the factory, and heard the unbelievable voice of the fat boss on the opposite side, which made me feel very comfortable. For 50 years, I endured him for 50 years. In order to get those poor credit points, I made him a cow and a horse. I even helped him to clean the floor and wash his clothes. Today, I am finally free. No, not only is it relieved, I want to get revenge on him! “

“I thought the old man was an upper class man and needed me to deal with his mistresses or something.” didn’t expect him to lead me directly to the Pajelu University Academy. Looking at the smooth and bright wall tiles all around, looking at the arrogance hanging on the faces of the to-and-fro staff, looking at the fully armed majestic guards at the door, I know that the so-called dirty work must be extremely not simple. I also know that this time I’m going to develop. “

“So, when the old man told me everything and asked me to set up a rescuer organization, I agreed without the slightest hesitation.” Even though I know that this organization is to deceive all Pajeluians, and it will cause harm to many ordinary persons, I still have no idea. Because I know that if I lose this opportunity, I can only hide in a dark corner for the rest of my life. “

“At this time, the old man also said why he chose me. The reason was a bit unexpected. It turned out that the old man often went for a walk in that park, and every time I punched the sound of rubbing the air. It would annoy him, and even once, he was going to call someone to clean me up and throw me in the lake. But just when the old man had dialed the number, he hung up the intercom because he was worried about something, and I happened to be the one doing it. “

“When I asked why I was the right person, the old man said with a smile, as a low-level person, he put so much effort into exercising every day, which shows that I am a person with desire. people. Only when people have desires will they be obedient, and will go against their conscience and do things that ordinary people dare not do. “

“This reason, if it is heard by those with high morals, will certainly feel very sad, but in my opinion, this is the greatest compliment to me, because I have no respect for myself and this world. With a clear understanding, the technology of our Pajeluian civilization is getting more and more developed, and the productivity is getting higher and higher, but the life of the common people is getting more and more difficult. The reason is very simple, that is, the benefits and profits generated by the development of technology are all used by Pajelu Academy. deprived in various ways. ”

“Take the credits we use to buy all kinds of food. Ten thousand years ago, 100 credits could be enough for a family of three to live for a month, but now 100 credits Point, can only buy one of the worst quality bread. Why is there such a big difference? The reason is very simple, that is, the issuance of credits is controlled by Pajelu Academy. Those great scientists can add 10 million or even 100 million credit points as long as they move their fingers on the master brain. These credits have no cost at all, and when they flow into the market, they will undoubtedly drive prices. ”

(end of this chapter)

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