
Chapter 758

James is dead, of course, he is dead, not really dead.

He didn’t expect the brother who grew up on the streets together, bought a hamburger with the money he picked up a wine bottle, and split it into two halves. Hit him with a cold shot in the back.

However, after thinking about it, James realized that since he can betray others, it is reasonable for others to betray him.

James fainted in hatred and woke up again to find himself in a prairie.

It turns out that after McCain fired a shot, he was thinking about the $10 million in the purse and did not check whether James was really dead, so he took the purse and rushed to the yacht. He knew that the robbery was too loud, and the North American government would definitely send someone to track it down, so he had to get to the high seas as soon as possible to avoid the limelight.

James was rescued back to the ranch by a rancher, not out of kindness, of course, but because James looked fit. Being a cowboy in a pasture is very hard work. In addition to feeding large animals a lot of fodder every day, you also have to harvest pasture, clean the barn, and when selling large animals, you have to use force to load those large animals into trucks. , it all takes effort. Therefore, those who are weak can’t stand on the pasture at all.

As for the sound of gunshots on James, the rancher didn’t care at all, because there were doctors specializing in treating gunshot wounds in the ranch. For his identity, the rancher doesn’t mind, because in the western ranch, there are not a few people who have murdered and set fire. It’s just that he didn’t realize that this burly man with a simple and honest face was not an ordinary criminal.

James lived on the ranch in this way. It took less than half a year to recover from the injury and became a cowboy in the ranch. But he was the most famous robber in North America, how could he be willing to be a little cowboy who was yelled at. It took another two months for James to become the leader of the cowboys and gain the trust of the ranchers. From the point of view of the rancher, the cowboys in the northwest region are all rebellious. If there is one person who can tame them, then it will be very convenient to manage them.

Unfortunately, the rancher’s idea was wrong. After James was appointed as the cowboy chief, he used his power to constantly win over the cowboys on the ranch and promised them that once he became a rancher, then All people’s salaries will be increased. Human beings will die for riches, birds die in pursuit of food, so all cowboys become James’ loyal little brothers.

Seeing that the time is ripe, James took advantage of the opportunity to sell large animals and bought a large number of guns from the black market, because there are also firearms for wild beast prevention in the ranch, but they are usually locked in the arsenal by the rancher. Here, don’t let these cowboys touch them at all.

With weapons, it is natural to have a big one. On a dark and windy night, James brought a dozen carefully selected cowboys. Like him, these cowboys used to be in the outside world. He has done murder and arson, and then sneaked into the villa where the rancher lives.

Confronting the rancher who lost one’s head out of fear on the bed, James didn’t shoot him directly. Because James’ purpose is not to kill one person, but to take advantage of this opportunity to seize the entire farm. If the rancher dies, his big city relatives will surely come to the ranch and inherit the estate, and when the time comes James will have nothing.

The rancher is also a courageous person. After he woke up, he took out a key and said in a trembling voice, “See, this is the key to the safe, and the safe is under the ground. Buried, there are my savings for many years, a total of one million dollars, you took all these dollars and let me go.”

When the cowboys heard this, they were immediately excited. mouth.

“Hey, a million dollars. Each of us can get 50,000 dollars, enough to be happy for a while.”

“Haha, I’ve said this Old Guy saves a lot of money and usually pretends to be poor, but he can’t deceive my eyes.”

“That’s right, that’s right, thanks to the big brother’s reminder, otherwise we were really deceived by this guy!”

James just smiled faintly: “Okay, okay, we’re here to rob this time, just for the money.”

He also pointed the gun at the rancher’s head, And every now and then do a pull of the trigger, which frightens the rancher.

Under the coercion of the black gun, the rancher stumbled into the living room and removed the cabinet by the wall, revealing a safe inside. The rancher entered the code on the safe, and with a “ka-cha” sound, the safe opened, revealing a box of banknotes.

Those cowboys were all overjoyed, put their pistols in their waists, and then leaned forward and stroked the banknotes. As soon as their hands were placed on the safe, James flew out and put it directly on the door of the safe. The safe made a “ka-cha” and closed again, almost pinching the fingers of the cowboys.

“Big brother, what are you doing, this is our money!”

“According to what we said in advance, we will share the money equally, are you kidding me?”

“That’s right, it’s really not fun for you to do this!”

The cowboys are also hot-tempered, and they draw their guns when they disagree. smiled, took out a cigar, lit it with a ruby-encrusted lighter, took a deep breath, and exhaled a cloud of white mist.

The rancher’s face darkened when he saw the ruby lighter. This lighter was given to James in order to bribe him. It was worth five thousand dollars. Now James took it out and showed it off in front of him. made him angry.

“To tell you the truth, I don’t want any of this money, you all get it!”

James slowly said these words in the surprised eyes of everyone , and then pointed the gun at the rancher’s head.

“If you want to live, write a will and give me all the ownership and use rights of the ranch.”

The rancher sweated when he heard this sentence At that time, it oozes out on his forehead and flows directly down, his whole body begins to tremble, and his face turns pale.

He had no choice but to make a will, and he understood that once he made a will, this fierce god would never let him go.

“Your words don’t count. I said just now that if I give you all the money, you will let it go. Why do you regret it now?”

The rancher regrets it now Extremely, he should not easily believe James’ words.

James looked at the rancher who was almost collapsed on the ground with a sense of relief.

This feeling made him seem to have returned to the past, back to the moment when he took dozens of robbers and robbed the bank.

What belongs to me, I must get it back!

James gritted his teeth and secretly hated. Ever since he came to his senses from the ranch, he was determined to get revenge.

However, he knew that McCain had taken away more than 10 million dollar bills at that time. With McCain’s ability, he must have used these dollar bills to establish a huge power over the years. Finding McCain is also dead end.

That’s why he deliberately hid in this ranch for so long, in order to get the ranch, so as to accumulate strength and prepare for dealing with McCain.

As a robber who has killed countless people, McCain has long lost his conscience, how could he have let the rancher go.

He grinned and sneered: “jie jie jie jie, congratulations, you guessed it, I never wanted to let you go.”

The rancher heard this , suddenly ashen-faced, his last hope was dashed.

But he is also a ruthless, and finally gritted his back molars and said in a trembling voice: “James, you can kill me, I will never give you this ranch archer. ”

This ranch was handed down from the ancestors of the ranchers, and it is worth 50 million US dollars. According to the requirements of the ancestors, the ranchers need to pass on the ranch to their immediate family members. Moreover, he also knew that James would not let him go even if he got the ranch.


Who knew James was not angry when he heard this, but grinned and laughed. His face looked like a demon from hell.

He laughed so hard that he even burst into tears, looking at James like a fool.

Stupid, stupid. This fat-headed and big-eared guy is over half a hundred years old, and he leads such a big ranch, how can he be so naive!

His smile made the rancher shudder and realize that something was wrong.

Sure enough, James said with a malicious smile: “Don’t worry, as long as you can resist my means, I will do what you want.”

“Take this Old Guy bring it up!”

James ordered the cowboys and dragged the rancher to the next room. Two of the cowboys seemed to have a problem with James, but when they moved a little slower, they were beaten on the head by their companions. . The reason why they participated in this mission was not to put good cowboys, but to have a good life, to help James rob the ranch, and to get money is one reason, and the more important thing is that James has a convincing temperament, as if he is the same as James. By his side, you can do the same major event. These cowboys are fantasies who dream of one day doing some world-shattering major events.

The house next door is the quarantine room, which is used for veterinarians to examine the big animals. In the middle of the house stands a pillar used to bind the big animals. The cowboys tied the rancher to a post with hemp rope and stood aside.

“jie jie jie jie, I haven’t used this knife for a long time!”

James walked in under the terrified eyes of the rancher and drew a homemade dagger from his waist , said with a sneer.

This self-made dagger is completely black, and it looks like it was polished with iron.

The sun shines on the dagger through the dirty air, reflecting James’ cold eyes.

Seeing the dagger, the rancher was stunned. This was not because the dagger could kill him, but because the dagger was too small to cut the throat or cut the aorta. Put people to death.

On the contrary, he recognized at first sight that the dagger looked like a torture tool.

The rancher is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of being tortured!

He thought of the dagger running vertically and horizontally in his body, and his whole body shuddered and his face turned pale.

“This was my first weapon. At that time, I was just a primary school student, studying in a junk school in the Thirteenth Block. The school was full of students with poor grades, and they were very concerned about learning early.

I didn’t want to go, the biggest hobby was doing some things that limit the dog and steal chicken. At that time, my body was relatively weak, and it was logical that I became the target of bullying, so I stole a white iron from the junk shop, Grind to make this dagger. On the first day this dagger was made, I took the dagger and slashed the throat of the cucumber skin that was two heads taller than me. In the years that followed, the dagger was used again and again. Yun has sucked the blood of countless people.”

James said, walking to the rancher with the dagger, said with a sneer: “I seem to have forgotten to tell you, after so many years of tempering, this dagger has Just like my own hand, I can use this dagger to peel off a person’s skin, little by little. Well of course, it doesn’t always go well, there are two times, two guys who don’t cooperate, in When I was halfway through, I fainted. I see that you are in good shape, and you exercise on horseback all day, so you will be able to last longer.”

“No, no, you can’t do this. Two years ago, I rescued you from the beach, I asked the doctor to remove the bullet from your body, I raised you to be a cowboy, and you would have died without me. Now, I just beg You can look at my past credits and give me a good time.”

The rancher complexion greatly changed, and he hurriedly begged. Although he had never heard of this kind of punishment, but from James within both eyes The cruelty revealed, he had to say what this guy said was true. The thought of his skin being peeled off bit by bit made the rancher feel unbearable pain all over his body.

However, James is an extremely cruel guy, and he may give up his plan for a long time because of two words.

He ignored the rancher again, took the dagger solemnly, and cut flat on the rancher’s arm.

“ao ao ao ooh!” The rancher felt a sharp pain in his arm as soon as the dagger penetrated into the skin. This feeling is more painful than being directly stabbed with a dagger. In order to be sensitive to danger, human beings have gradually evolved millions of sensory cells and nerves in the human skin in the millions of years of evolution. It can be said to be one of the most sensitive areas of the human body. After being cut like this, the rancher does not have it. Fainting on the spot is already considered strong.

Faced with the screams of the rancher, James became excited as if he heard the sound of nature. His innate brutality gene was fully activated in this brief moment, and the hormones in his body were constantly releasing hormones that made him feel intoxicated.

Yes, this is the feeling, so cool!

James narrowed his eyes, intoxicated for a moment, then picked up the dagger and continued to cut.

“Don’t worry, I’m a veteran and know how to avoid blood vessels.”

The rancher heard this and knew that if he didn’t do what James said, he would definitely subjected to cruel punishment.

(End of this chapter)

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