
Chapter 740

With the help of Prof. Qu Yunshi, Prof. Wu Zhongliang and the three brothers with eye bags quickly figured out the herbs The formula and the ratio of that isotope element.

They put the ratio of all the materials into a document and handed it over to X.

X returned to the Earth Defense Bureau overnight with the documents.

In the Director’s Office.

Li Mo was amazed at the hundreds of herbs on the document.

There is no doubt that these herbs should come from the pre-fire star civilization, the ancestral civilization.

After the victory of the Battle of Shenshan, Mozi Technology Laboratory summarized the fire star biotechnology that Li Mo obtained from High Priest.

What surprised Li Mo was that these biotechnologies were much more advanced than Earth biotechnologies. And some are beyond imagination. For example, the wheat beans that are commonly grown on Earth now use the cross-species cultivation technology in fire star biotechnology to fuse the genes of wheat and potatoes together to create a new species. It has the advantages of high yield, resistance to diseases and insect pests and other incomparable advantages. Generally, the yield per mu can reach more than 10,000 catties.

The biological genetic information editing technology obtained from fire star technology can directly edit the human body’s genes through the nano-microbe ray Microscope, and change the human cell attribute. Cancer, which was previously called an incurable disease, can be recovered and returned home as long as you enter the hospital, lie on the operating table for two hours, and do not even need to be hospitalized. Because nano-biological rays can directly kill cancer cells in the human body by editing genes.

Of course, there are not a few such technologies obtained from the fire star civilization.

As a result, human biotechnology has experienced unprecedented development.


Mozi Technology did not find any technology used in actual combat from the list proposed by Li Mo, which is really abnormal, because in the Li Mo fire star ancestor civilization room, the real story of civilization was obtained. , In the fire star civilization, there are biological bombs produced by using biological technology, and the formidable power equivalent of the bomb is tens of thousands of tons of TNT explosives. There is also a biological heavy machine gun, the bullet fired by the machine gun should be a plant seed similar to a pea. Even the alien spaceship that the fire star civilization invaded Earth was made of a huge tree.

These technologies do not appear in High Priest’s memory, but only one point is that the long years have clouded High Priest’s mind.

This can’t help but make Li Mo sigh, there is nothing in the world that can withstand the ravages of time. Even those High Rank civilizations can only slowly decay and sink in the long river of time.

But all of this has nothing to do with Earth humans. The real threat that Earth faces is to defeat the alien spaceship as soon as possible.

Li Mo cleaned up the mess and knocked on the table.

Xia Qing, who was sitting outside, walked in and said with a smile: “Director, what are your orders?”

“Immediately order Mozi Technology to produce this isotope! “Li Mo said, and handed the calculated data to Xia Qing.

The herbal formula has been made, and the isotopes must now be made as quickly as possible before the potions that can turn the ordinary person into a diver can be made.

Xia Qing took the list and was stunned for a while, because it was midnight, and the top management of Mozi Technology had already taken a break from get off work, needless to say.

“Disturb them now.”

Li Mo glared at her: “It’s urgent, it must be done quickly!”

Xia Qing nodded, holding the materials , go to the next office and make a call.

Mozi Technology Family Area, Building 1, 2nd Floor.

“Sleep, sleep, my darling, mother’s hands gently shaking you. Sleep, sleep, my darling, sleep, my darling, mother loves you mother I like you.”

Fang Lanshan’s wife, Xiaolan, just put their youngest daughter to bed sweetly.

Looking at that cute little face, I couldn’t help but touch it, then crept out of the room and carefully closed the door.

Going back to the bedroom, I saw Fang Lanshan covered with a quilt, leaning on the bed, and reading the documents of Mozi Technology.

Now Li Mo has handed over all Mozi technology to him, Fang Lanshan has also changed from a scientist to an operator of a large scientific research group. Mozi Technology currently has more than 30,000 scientists, all of whom are famous scientists from all over the world. Mozi Technology conducts more than 100,000 scientific research projects every year. Of course, a large part of these projects will fail. Someone once suggested that Mozi Technology should establish a strict censorship system, but Li Mo believes that scientific research is a thousand experiments and one success. If the establishment of scientific research projects is strictly restricted, it will seriously dampen the enthusiasm of scientists for research. Therefore, it is a rule that any scientist with novel ideas, whether logical or not, can submit project applications to Mozi Technology.

After the project application is submitted, it must be approved by Fang Lanshan after being reviewed by the project review committee. Therefore, Fang Lanshan has to correct nearly 100 applications everyday.

Xiao Lan saw Fang Lanshan’s dark eyes, yawning while flipping through the materials, and felt extremely distressed.

She grabbed the materials and said with a smile: “Old Fang, you Mozi Technology have so many professional reviewers, why do you have to read these materials in person!”

Since Fang Lanshan was appointed as the chairman of Mozi Technology, Xiaolan also had a brief excitement. This is Mozi Technology, which is the most famous scientific research group in the world. But after the excitement, she found that Fang Lanshan stayed in the Mozi Science and Technology Laboratory almost every day, and even had to remotely control the work of the laboratory by telephone.

“You can’t do it without reviewing it yourself. Mozi Technology is Li Mo’s hard work. It’s not easy to become such a large scientific research group. Li Mo is kind to us, and we can’t help making an all-out. Effort!” Fang Lanshan sighed and said.

“Looking back at the time when we were detained by the NCAA, Li Mo sent someone to rescue us. This kindness is bigger than the sky, and we will never end it in our lifetime!”

Xiao Lan Thinking of the painful past, his expression was a little moved, and he said with a smile: “Of course, we can’t forget this kindness, just look at your current body, day by day is not as good as day, and you should take more care!”

Before half a month, Fang Lanshan had fainted in the office. Fortunately, the assistant found it in time, and the medical equipment and medical experts of Mozi Technology were all in the world peak, so he came to the rescue.

Although Fang Lanshan is a scientist, he is not old-fashioned. In addition to his unique academic insights and a deep understanding of the indifference of the universe, he is also very experienced in managing a large scientific research center. Under his management, Mozi Technology has carried out scientific research activities and product promotion in an orderly manner. Especially when Mozi Technology has launched many high-end scientific research projects, Mozi Technology can still make a lot of profits every month. It is true rare.

Thousands of dollars are easy to obtain, but talents are hard to find. There are too few talents like Fang Lanshan who know both scientific research and how to manage the laboratory.

So, after Li Mo heard about this, he also wanted Fang Lanshan to be sent to the Gobi Desert base like X, and transformed into a biochemical robot through replacement surgery, so that he could be transformed into a biochemical robot 24 times a day. Hourly worked for Mozi Technology.

But Fang Lanshan refused to use it after hearing this idea.

Although he didn’t say it explicitly, Li Mo still knew that Fang Lanshan was a robot conservative.

When X came out of the cultivation warehouse, the scientists at the Gobi Desert Base cheered and hugged each other, because in their opinion, they had found the future evolution direction of human beings. X, the perfect combination of human brain and machinery, allows her lifespan to easily reach 500 years (because according to the research on human aging genes by Mozi Science and Technology Biological Laboratory, the lifespan of the human brain is 500 years.)

lifespan is a major factor restricting the progress of human civilization. A human needs to go through the stages of kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, high school, university, and even graduate students, Academician students, before they can become a person who can contribute to the progress of civilization. This stage usually takes more than 20 years.

A person’s life is only less than 100 years old in total, and when a person approaches the age of 70, both physical and mental work will be overwhelmed. In conversion, human beings have less than fifty years to contribute to civilization, which undoubtedly greatly slows down the development speed of human civilization.

As a result, Mozi Technology proposed a robot evolution plan. In the plan, Mozi Technology will provide 10,000 places to transform human beings into robots through surgery, trying to prolong their life. The lifespan greatly speeds up the development of civilization.

However, as soon as this plan was proposed, it was opposed by all human civilizations.

Among them, the loudest dissenting voice turned out to be the famous scientist Professor Hu Zhongze.

Professor Hu Zhongze is a figure that even Professor Li Mo has a headache. He was born in a poor family, but he is very talented. And China’s first prodigy. Of course, Li Mo was already a freshman in high school when he came to prominence, so he was not a child prodigy.

After Hu Zhongze became a prodigy, the Youth College Sect sent the admissions team to his home, not exempting him from the four-year tuition fee, but also expressed that he would tailor an education plan for him and send two senior seniors with deep experience. The professor taught him personally.

Considering that the child is too young, Hu Zhongze’s parents do not want him to go to the capital to study, and hope that he can stay at home and receive a family-style education.

When the teacher of the Admissions Office of the Youth University passed the news back to the Youth University, it made the leaders of the Youth University anxious. It has been a long time since the youth university of that year had any influential graduates at home and abroad, and was steadily crushed by Yanda next door.

The leaders of the Youth University held a meeting overnight to conduct a comprehensive analysis of Hu Zhongze’s family. It was found that Hu Zhongze’s father was a courier, and his mother ran a small shop and was not well off.

That’s it!

So Qingda spent all the money. They tried to make Hu Zhongze’s parents become regular employees of Qingda, and gave them a set of dormitories for faculty and staff.

This house is located on the campus of Qingda University, even if it costs five million, it cannot be bought.

Hu Zhongze’s parents saw this situation and understood that this was the best treatment that Qing Da Neng could offer, so they agreed.

The family left their hometown and moved to Yanjing, starting a new life.

In the following four years, the talented and intelligent Hu Zhongze lived up to his high expectations, and successively completed undergraduate courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology. The best student in the history of Qingda University.

And he has published more than 100 papers in domestic and foreign journals, some of which are considered very forward-looking by the academic community.

Everyone is looking forward to a new scientific star gradually raised. Qingda has even allocated a large amount of research funds. In order to establish a special research institute, a group of professional researchers has been selected so that he can work in After graduation, he showed his strength and made Qingda famous at home and abroad.

Everyone thinks that it may only take three or two years for Hu Zhongze to win a series of domestic and foreign awards, such as the Fields Medal, the Nobel Prize and so on. It can lead the development of Huaxia Technology.

But mysterious Hu Zhongze disappeared. Of course, he also left a document explaining his whereabouts before he disappeared. In the document, Hu Zhongze said that he was tired of scientific research, completely lost interest in science, and decided to escape into the empty door.

When the leaders of Qingda saw the document, their faces turned pale with fright. Hu Zhongze was the hope of Qingda. They invested too much money and energy in Hu Zhongze, hoping to use Hu Zhongze’s salted fish to turn around. The guy is so picky!

No, absolutely not!

Although Hu Zhongze didn’t tell anyone when he left, Youth University launched a huge network of connections and quickly found Hu Zhongze’s whereabouts. This guy went to Zhongnan Mountain and became a hermit. There is a strange group on Zhongnan Mountain. In order to escape from the world, they choose to hide in the mountains, cultivate their own fields, and weave and make clothes by themselves.

The Qing Great Sect person went to Zhong Nanshan to communicate with Hu Zhongze more than ten times, but this guy seems to have seen through the red dust, and said nothing to leave Zhong Nanshan. Seeing that the situation could not be done, Qing Da could only reluctantly accept the result.

Hu Zhongze has spent ten years on Zhongnan Mountain since then, and when the world has gradually forgotten him, he reappeared on the streets of Yanjing. But this time, his identity is not a scientist, but a staff writer for the magazine.

Hu Zhongze began to frequently write articles in newspapers and magazines. Because of his incomparable intelligence and keen insight, he soon became a well-known commentator and won a lot of fans with his pen.

When Mozi Technology’s robot plan was proposed, Hu Zhongze was the first to stand up against it. With his scientific background, he easily found the biggest loophole in the robotics program.

Is that a human after becoming a robot, or a human?

This seemingly absurd question directly hits the hearts of the public. Because in the eyes of ordinary people, the reason why human beings become human is because human beings have limbs, mouths, ears, heads, and various organs.

All of this is based on the fact that humans are flesh and blood.

If human beings are transformed into robots, they cannot be called human beings.

(End of this chapter)

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