
Chapter 706

The conversation in the distance made Captain Yumaz Lara puzzled.

Yes, Gay’s Star has been born for more than ten years, and is covered by terrifying dark stardust areas, and occasionally domain outsiders come, but those are mostly strayed into the dark Star Domain, or like Outlaw like Captain Yumaz Lara.

There has never been a large-scale invasion event, otherwise, with the help of those dive technicians, it would not be able to resist the aliens, and maybe it would have been reduced to a slave long ago.

And just as the alien said just now, the dark Star Domain is indeed barren, like the desert zone of the universe.

Why does the Grand Empire still send so many interstellar battleships and take such a big risk to invade the dark Star Domain?

There is only one way to know this, and

Captain Yumaz Lara closes his eyes and starts the dive technique nightmare.

With a strange sigh, the nightmare enveloped the entire interstellar battleship.

All aliens are pulled into a dream by Captain Yumaz Lara at the same time.

Captain Yumaz Lara is now in a Dark Space with hundreds of twinkling stars.

Each star represents an alien’s dream.

Captain Yumaz Lara roams space, scooping up a star at will.

When his finger touched the star, he suddenly disappeared from the Dark Space, opened his eyes again, and was already in a ground covered with green grass, a flower pond full of flowers, next to it. There are also ten degrees of towering trees.

This is a park.

This alien went to the park while dreaming.

Captain Yumaz Lara roams the park trying to find the owner of the dream.

The park is not big, and Captain Yumaz Lara soon saw a blanket under a big tree in front of him.

Two aliens lie side by side on a blanket, looking at the sky and whispering.

In Nightmare, Captain Yumaz Lara is the real god, making himself invisible and walking slowly past.

The alien looks like most carbon-based creatures, with a head, two arms, and two legs. The males have shorter hair and the females have long shawls. They all wear blue and black uniforms with logos on them. They should all be soldiers of Granstar.

As Captain Yumaz Lara got closer, the conversation between the two gradually became clearer:

“Chris, tomorrow I will be with Habbasi. ·The Marshal of Wales has gone on an expedition to the Dark Star Domain. Although the information released by the war staff shows that the intelligent civilization in the Dark Star Domain is still a primordial civilization, we can easily take them down. But I am always vaguely disturbed.”

“Hank, I think you’re overly worried. Our Gran Empire was born millions of years ago and has gone through tens of millions of wars. The number of defeats can be counted on one’s fingers, the largest of which is The credit is the accurate intelligence of the war staff. They are composed of the smartest scientists in our Gran Empire, with the mastermind as an assistant. Before the war started, they had foreseen all the accidents and calculated the results of the war. And we are wise and talented. The emperor loves his people like a son, and if this war is really risky, he won’t agree to start a war. So don’t worry too much.”

“Yeah, maybe it’s just my personal Hallucinations, you know, I’ve been through nine wars, and every time I see a nearby fighter jet being shot down, I always think I’ll be the next one to be hit. By the way, you put our Did you tell your parents about it?”

“I introduced your situation to my mother the day before yesterday, and she was not satisfied because you were a third-class, and she always hoped to marry a second-class in the future. I hope you don’t blame her for this, she is also for my own good.”

“Chris, how could I blame your mother. Second-class people are born with the emperor Your The subsidy issued by Majesty also has priority for promotion, medical care, and the right to buy a house. But don’t worry, I have now saved 800,000 contribution points. If I make outstanding contributions in this war, I may earn 200,000 Contribution point, in this way, if I collect enough 1 million contribution points, I can exchange the status of the second class with the emperor Your Majesty. When the time comes, I think your mother will happily accept me.”

“200,000 contribution points are hard to get enough for a war. I heard that there are more than 2 million people going on the expedition this time. The total contribution points released by Emperor Your Majesty for the war is 100 million. According to past practice, these contribution points It will be equally distributed to every soldier who participates in the war. Even if he dies, contribution point t is also inherited by their dependents. Unless you have made a contribution that can turn the tide of the war during the war, it is possible to get 200,000 contribution points. Hank, are you so confident? “

“Chris, you don’t know yet, I was assigned to the command ship of Marshal Habasi Welsh this time, and I was also the Marshal’s personal escort, as long as the Marshal was safe throughout the war. No problem, I can also get an extra contribution point. “

“Wow, you are actually following Marshal Habasi Welsh this time, that is a five-star marshal who has won one hundred consecutive interstellar wars.” If you can get his favor, let alone the second class, it is not impossible to be promoted to the first class. “

“Hmm, that’s why I’m so confident this time, Chrissy, you must wait for me to come back.” “

“Don’t worry, Hank, I will still be on resource star 1827881, praying for you.” “

Said, the two hugged together.

“I was so lucky that I randomly chose an alien spaceship, and it turned out to be the command ship of the shape fleet.” ”

Captain Yumaz Lara smiled wryly, shook the head, and snapped his fingers.

The sky suddenly darkened, and a twenty-meter-long dinosaur came from a distance. When the attack came, Hank and Chris were so frightened that they quickly stood up and fled from a distance.

But their speed was obviously not as fast as the dinosaurs, but they were caught up in less than ten meters, the dinosaurs” With a loud roar, Chris was slapped with a slap. The sharp claw grabbed Hank and put it in his mouth, chewing ka beng ka beng.

With Hank’s death, The whole dream was like a mirror, turning into crystal fragments.

Captain Yumaz Lara returned to the Dark Space.

He knew, at this moment, in a certain spaceship There, there is a soldier named Hank, who has turned into a pile of rotten flesh and died.

This is the terrifying of the nightmare, the creature in the dream will report back if it is hurt into the real world.

Captain Yumaz Lara wanders in Dark Space, picks up a random star, and enters an alien dream again.

this time , he found himself in a movie theater. There was a cartoon on the big screen, and the audience was full.

My dear, there is no one else who dreams of watching a movie.

There are many people here, to find the owner of the dream, you need to use the secret technique, but Captain Yumaz Lara is a bit lazy.

He snapped his fingers again, and a head fell from the ceiling of the cinema. A large shark more than fifty meters long.

The sharp teeth of the shark sparkle even in dim light.

People in the cinema immediately cried when they saw the shark The father and mother rushed to the gate, but when they ran to the gate, they found that the gate had long since disappeared, and there was only a bare wall.

The gate had long been taken by Captain Yumaz Lara. It’s gone.

The big shark swallowed these people all at once like a small fish.

With the death of the dream owner, Yumaz Ra Captain La is back in Dark Space again.

Captain Yumaz Lara looked a little depressed at the hundreds of stars in the space, because he wanted to dive into the dream of Marshal Habbasi Wales, and the stars’ The size and color are exactly the same, and there is no difference.

Fortunately, Dark Space is a different space, where time is stagnant, and Captain Yumaz Lara has enough time to find them one by one.

He picked up a third star star.

This time it’s a female alien’s dream.

In the pink room, she was lying on the bed, chatting with the intercom.

Captain Yumaz Lara generally doesn’t destroy such information-gathering dreams.

He went into stealth and leaned in, listening carefully.

“Hello, General Cusco, I’m a butterfly, and it’s a confidential call now. I have important information to tell you. But this information is very important, and I want a higher price.”


“Butterfly, you’ve gone too far. Five years ago, I sent you to lurk next to Marshal Habasi Welsh, hoping to hear about his scandals so that he could step down. For the past five years, what you gave me Intelligence is just trivial matters, what about Marshal Habasi Welsh having a new lover, and Marshal Habasi Welsh asking his subordinates to take more contribution points, etc. Do you think these can overthrow a marshal who is highly valued by the Emperor of the Empire?

“General Cusco, I admit that previous intelligence may not be of much value, and that is because I have never been in the inner circle of Marshal Habasi Welsh. This time is different, I am from Information obtained from a war staff.”

“War staff? You actually charmed a war staff. The ability is not small. Tell me, how many contribution points do you want this time.”


“200,000? Why don’t you grab it! Impossible, absolutely impossible.”

“Don’t worry, General Cusco, I promise The real value of this information far exceeds the price. Otherwise, I wouldn’t dare to call you.”

“200,000. Let me think about it, this information is about the dark Star Domain Right?”

“That’s right, General Cusk, you are old-fashioned, and you can see the crux of the problem at once, don’t you want to know why Marshal Habasi Welsh brought such a fleet, and there is no advanced civilization in the dark Star Domain.”

“Yes, it is really strange, according to the information released by the war staff, as long as a space fleet composed of 100 interstellar battleships can Sweeping the dark Star Domain, Marshal Habasi Welsh organized more than 200,000 interstellar battleships. What is he afraid of?”

“If you want to know, 200,000 contribution points.”

“Okay. But you better make sure this information is worth the price, otherwise, don’t blame me for being vicious and merciless and assign you to Junk Star No. 93829. 200,000 contribution points have been transferred to you, you Now it can be said.”

“Well, I see. According to the war staff, there is a dark stardust belt that is several light-years long on the periphery of the dark Star Domain.”

“Dark Stardust Belt ! ! Is it the kind of natural trap of the universe that enters it, and the dark light stays in the stagnant time? “

“Yes, War Staff.” In the early days, more than 100 spaceships have been sent to probe into the dark stardust belt, but unfortunately, none of them passed successfully. According to the calculations of the war staff, at least 200,000 spaceships are needed, and more than ten spaceships may eventually pass. Now you get it. “

“Understood, but I still have a question. Isn’t there only a dozen barren planets in the dark Star Domain? Why did Emperor Your Majesty sacrifice so many spaceships to occupy it? “

“General Cusco, I’m sorry, I don’t know the answer to this question either.” Of course, I’ve secretly attacked it, but the war staff doesn’t seem to know either. All he knew was the Emperor Your Majesty’s order to come down and die, and they must devise a way to get through the dark stardust belt. “

“It seems that there is a big problem with this matter!” ”

The two hung up the phone after they finished talking. The female alien looked in a good mood, looking at the contribution point displayed on the instrument, shouting and cheering on the bed.

Captain Yumaz Lara snapped his fingers, and a giant Great Python got into the house along the window. It took advantage of the female alien’s joy and pounced on it silently. The female alien was entangled, with the sound of a skeleton breaking, the female alien complexion ashen, lost her breath.

The dream broke again.

Yomaz Lara The captain returned to the Dark Space, and he felt that he was getting closer and closer to the truth.

So he couldn’t wait to pick up another star, the owner of this time dream is a chef.

He wears an alien chef uniform with his hands behind his back and directs his subordinates to work in the kitchen.

From time to time, he yells a few times, and sometimes hits the young chef hard on the head with a spoon.

Captain Yumaz Lara called out a pack of hounds and killed the cook.

The dream was shattered.

Captain Yumaz Lara then caught a dozen more Stars, but no valid information.

Just when his confidence was gradually worn down, he picked up a star and found himself in the captain’s command room.

A An old alien in a marshal’s costume is having a meeting with a group of war staff.

One of the war staff said: “Old marshal, when you know there is a dark stardust belt, it is very inappropriate to invade the dark Star Domain. Wisely, I suggest that you again state the power to the Emperor Your Majesty. Our Gran Empire is indeed strong, but there are many in other places. There has been no news about the insect civilization in the Coolluze galaxy for a long time. They must be accumulating strength and preparing to raid us. There is also our old rival Moruo Empire. After the last defeat, they walked far away from the end of the universe and seemed to be on the verge of collapse. However, according to the information from insiders, the Moruo Empire gave birth to a wise emperor. , he is reuniting the power of the Empire, and maybe soon, he will come back to seek revenge for us. “

Another war adviser said: “Yes, old marshal, you are the friend of Emperor Your Majesty when he was young, and the person he trusted most, you will definitely be able to persuade him.” ”

(end of this chapter)

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