
Chapter 702

Captain Yumaz Lara in the sky, among the pyramid creatures, saw There were so many dive technicians gathered on the ground, scratching their heads in embarrassment.

“Hey, the big brother of the pyramid, how do you think about it?”

The ancient and vicissitudes of the pyramid creature’s voice came from a meat horn next to it: “Sorry, let me say it again. Think about it, these billions of years of memories have been entangled, there is no way to tell them apart, wait a moment. Wait a moment”

Captain Yumaz Lara lay on a leather sofa, also for a while speechless.

He made a deal with the pyramid creatures on the island.

The Pyramid Creature will help him to a limited extent. In return, after Captain Yumaz Lara becomes a Level 9 Divine Technician, the first thing to do is to kill the Pyramid Creature.

Once an agreement was reached, a large mouth emerged from the surface of the pyramid.

Captain Yumaz Lara walked in along his mouth.

Inside the pyramid, it has been transformed into a luxury villa by the pyramid creatures, with a hollowed-out embossed door, smooth white jade floors, redwood furniture, leather sofas, and art works from various civilizations of the world hanging on the walls.

These works of art have been collected by pyramid creatures over millions of years.

However, when Captain Yumaz Lara saw a blank piece of paper on the wall, he thought there was something wrong with the guy’s head.

Captain Yumaz Lara has the pyramid creature fly back to the diver’s club, so he can take his hand-picked diver to attack the shape fleet together.

The flying speed of the pyramid creature was extremely fast. Just as Captain Yumaz Lara sat down on the sofa, the building of the Divine Technician Club was displayed on the big screen in front of him.


When Captain Yumaz Lara got the Pyramid creatures to take off their invisibility, they ran into trouble.

This guy forgot how to appear in original size!

While Captain Yumaz Lara was anxiously waiting inside the pyramid creature, the Level 9 Divine Technique Master Void in the Divine Technique Research Center received a report from the gate guard. 、

He closed his eyes tightly, and countless white mists flew out from the top of his head, out of the dive technique research center, and flew out of the gate, and began to explore the invisible thing.

A moment later, God · Void God started to love, sweat dripped from his forehead, and his eyes were full of panic.

Just now, through the white mist, he felt sadness, endless sadness,

It seems that since the birth of this universe, all the sadness has been superimposed together. A feeling that almost made God Void explode to death.

Fortunately, he immediately cut off the spiritual connection with White Mist and survived.

“terrifying, too terrifying!”

“There are such terrifying creatures on this world.”

God · Void took a big breath, so big After a while, the mood calmed down.

He brows tightly knit, walks up and down the hall, muttering to himself:

“Why does such a terrifying creature appear in front of the diver’s club.”


“Could it be that he’s going to be bad for the diver’s club?”

“But why didn’t he do anything, just stop there quietly?”

“No, in the face of such a terrifying creature, maybe only the three of us diving techniques work together to have a chance of winning.”

God · Void stopped and waved his hand.

Outside the door, a Goddess magician walked in. She had long hair and draped over her shoulders. She had a fair complexion and a beautiful face. Although she was wearing a wide black robe, she still couldn’t hide her slender figure.

The Goddess magician came to God Void and knelt down: “teacher, what are your orders?”

God Void said slowly: “Go and wake up God Divine. Lord Dragon and Shen Wutian.”

As soon as these words came out, the Goddess magician looked stunned, frowned, bit his lip and said, “teacher, these two adults are closing life. and Death Trial, why don’t you just leave them alone.”

God Divine Dragon and Divine Wutian are the other two giants of the Divine Technician Club.

The real purpose of the establishment of the divine technique club is to find out the root of the dive technique. After several unsuccessful attempts, the top three of the dive technologist club, the Big Three, also had a dispute over the way of investigation.

God Void has a deeper understanding of planes because he is good at space ability. He believes that the dive technique may originate from another plane. After discovering the existence of Klusu space on Gay, he This idea was more firm, so the dive technique research center was established.

The two adults, God·Divine Dragon and God·Wutian, think that the dive technique comes from the omnipotent gods. They can only see through the profound mystery behind the dive technique if they keep cultivating and constantly cultivating. So the two of them, long after they became Level 9 divine technique masters, borrowed the space opened up by God Void and practiced penance in it. Never asked about the world.

Even when Level 9 divine technique masters were attacked by mysterious monsters, most of them were killed and injured, and the two adults, God Divine Dragon and God Wutian, did not leave the customs.

God · Void sighed, with a serious expression: “I think the monster who once slaughtered the Demi-God magician of the entire Gay star has appeared again!”

It’s just this In a word, the Goddess magician trembled with fright and almost fell to the ground.

Although thousands of years have passed since the battle, the tragic situation reverberates in the eyes of every dive technician who has participated in the war from time to time.

No. That can’t be called war.

Because the terrifying monster never started.

One day ten thousand years ago, a Guyi found a pyramid-shaped monster, which ran out of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, and it slowly moved towards Northwest all the way.

And the Northwest direction is exactly where the ancients are.

This monster is coming from the dive technique club!

Because they didn’t know the strength of the pyramid monster, the dive technique club immediately sent a team of fifty Level 6 divine techniques to intercept it.

This team was already the top standing for Gay Star at the time.

The three giants of the divine technologist club believe that the monster will be easily defeated, and have ordered the people below to prepare a celebration feast.

Who would have thought that fifty Level 6 divine technologists had just met the monster face-to-face and suffered heavy casualties, and only one dive technologist who was proficient in escape escaped.

According to his recollection, when they came to the pyramid monster and asked the monster to surrender, the monster said: “Too little, more.”

Then, in the sky Inexplicably flashed a white light.

There was a white mist in front of him, and he couldn’t see anything clearly.

Hearing the screams of his companions next to him, he came to his senses, immediately activated his escape skills, and escaped back.

This fiasco came as a shock to the Big Three.

With such a powerful battle strength, it is unbelievable that even the enemy’s skills are not clear, and one opponent is completely destroyed.

If this pyramid monster comes to the Divine Technician Club, it will usher in an unprecedented catastrophe.

The Big Three immediately realized the seriousness of the problem. On the one hand, they urgently called the club to register dive technicians, and on the other hand, they urgently contacted dive technician clubs in other three countries.

Since the Divine Technician Club of Eastern Divine Dragon is where the black tower is located, once the Divine Technician Club is breached, it is conceivable that the black tower will not be protected.

Could it be that this pyramid monster is coming for the black tower?

The black tower is the lifeblood of the dive technicians. No one knows what will happen to the dive technicians on the full Gay star once the black tower is destroyed. Maybe the dive technique will be lost, and maybe it will die. .

Even if it can’t affect the dive technologist, it will be impossible to use the black tower to create a new dive technologist.

This is unacceptable to the dive technologist clubs of the three countries, so they quickly mobilized all dive technologists to form a support team to support the Eastern Divine Dragon country.

This support team came to the dive technique club through the dive technique, and joined the dive technique division recruited by the dive technique club.

In the end, a nearly invincible army of divide technique is formed.

The division of divine technique consists of 20 Level 9 divine technique divisions, 10,000 Level 8 divine technique divisions, 100,000 Level 7 divine technique division divisions, and Divine technique division divisions of Level 6 and below. , that is countless.

When the divide technique division army set off, all the people of Guana gathered at the head of the city to see them off. The Guana manager also brought out meat and wine for the diving technique division army to practice.

Because the people along the way all know that the Pyramid Monster is going to take it away, so the people along the way run thoroughly.

Someone said: “Just being stared at by the pyramid monster will explode.”

Someone said: “The pyramid monster is the embodiment of all the ominous beasts in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, It came to avenge the ominous beasts who died at the hands of men.”

Someone said: “The Pyramid monster is the Great Demon King who will kill all the Guys.”

Of course, these claims, the commanders of the Divine Technique division army, and the Big Three do not believe it at all.

However, it is irrelevant why the pyramid monster appeared.

Because it’s going to die soon.

The divine technique Shi Dajun meets the pyramid monster at the foot of a mountain called Yinshan.

The god who is proficient in wisdom, the Void, immediately ordered the army to deploy an attacking array, with the diver with defensive ability in front, then the close War God, followed by the long-range attack diver, and finally Medical rescue dive technologist.

And Goddess is a medical rescue type diver, and because she just walked out of the black tower, her strength is extremely meager, so she was arranged in the last place.

Without greetings, no gauntlets, not even greetings, a war just started.

God Void waved his hand, and his voice resounded through the sky: “Go!”

The dive technicians in the front row activated their skills instantly and rushed towards the pyramid monster. They turned into various strange creatures. Strange and defensive power stuff, there are shields, armor, cooking pots, and even broken quilts.

The attacking dive technologists at the back also changed various weapons, followed by a big knife, a Trident, an Azure Dragon Falling Moon Blade, a Heaven Reliant Sword, and even a pitiful one. Xi’s Divine Technician is holding a dung fork.

At the back of the long-range attack divide technique division, various long-range attack weapons appeared in their hands, and they were launched in an instant.

There are bows and arrows, pistols, heavy machine guns, rocket launchers, cruise missiles, and atomic bombs.

For a time, various weapons covered the heavens, shielding the sun, and flew towards the pyramid monster.

A rumbling sound resounded through Heaven and Earth, countless mushroom clouds rose from the location of the pyramid monster, and a dazzling rays of light burst out, making everyone unable to open their eyes.

“Monster should be dead!”

“That’s for sure, even the gods can’t withstand such a powerful attack!”

“Yes Ah, this time has gathered the power of all the dive technologists on Gay!”

“The monster must have been blown to pieces!”

The rays of light dissipated , the eyes of the dive technicians slowly opened, looking towards the center of the explosion.

They were all shocked and couldn’t close their mouths.

“God, am I dazzled? That Pyramid monster is standing there!”

“God, did you abandon the Guys!”

“I think, let’s run.”

Not far away, the huge Yinshan Mountain has been blown to pieces by the weapons hiding the sky and covering the earth, but the pyramid monster is still there. Standing there in good condition, his shallow golden appearance did not have a trace of scars, not even a bit of dust.

Divine technologists from the other three countries immediately retreated when they saw this scene.

Anyway, this monster is going for Guana, maybe after destroying Guana, he will return to the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains.

Let the Divine Technicians in Eastern Divine Dragon worry about it!

Just as they hesitated and slowly stepped back.

God · Void saw that the situation was not good, floated into the air, loudly shouted: “Everyone found out, this monster did not fight back, what does this mean. It means that he may have used all his energy on defense, We don’t have the strength to fight back, we just need to launch another wave of attacks, maybe we can kill him.”

Those who have retreated in the heart of the dive technique masters were hearing this, eh, that’s exactly what happened.

According to common sense, monsters will attack immediately after being attacked.

It turns out he’s dead!

The teachers of the Divine Technique of the Three Kingdoms suddenly became excited. After all, running away is a shameful thing, and will be ridiculed by the world.

God · Void saw those dive technicians return to their original positions, and immediately sighed in relief. In front of the enemy, if these people escaped, they might disturb the army.

He took the opportunity to shout: “Now listen to my orders, launch another wave of attacks, and kill it.” The sky and the skills covering the earth fly towards the pyramid monster.

Still mushroom clouds and dazzling lights.

As the light faded, the pyramid monster, still standing in place, still showed no signs of injury.

“Wow, this guy is invincible!”

“I think so too.”

“What should I do now, run away?”


“I want to go home.”

At this time, before the dive technique masters recovered from the shock, God Void loudly shouted: “Prepare, attack!”


The divine technique teachers habitually launch attacks.

Of course, this attack was useless, and the pyramid monster was still standing firmly in place.

But this time, the panic in the minds of the dive technicians has been much less, and no one has mentioned the escape.

Because this pyramid monster seems to be invincible, but it seems to have lost the ability to attack.

This is a living target!

What else is there to be afraid of!

So, the dive technique masters started to attack at will without waiting for God Void to issue an order.

Countless skills fly from the dive technique division camp to the pyramid monster.

(End of this chapter)

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