
Chapter 681

On the endless prairie, Captain Yumaz Lara and his team members hugged their knees Squatting on the grass, the long wait began.

Of course, he did not forget to ask the team members what happened after entering the Crusus space.

The answer was unexpected.

“Captain, isn’t this the zero-dimensional space you are looking for?” A team member frowned and stared blankly at him.

“That is, that is, after we entered the colorful barrier, we were stabbed by the strong light and couldn’t open our eyes. In the blink of an eye, we came here.” A team member seemed to realize that something was wrong and sipped. lips, said timidly.

“Me too, I opened my eyes and saw Captain you lying on the grass.”

“Me too.”

The team watched Captain Yumaz Lara’s face gradually darkened, and he also realized that something was wrong.

They looked all around and realized that they had come to this grassland before, but they were in the river upstream and didn’t pay attention to the grassland.

Therefore, just now they thought that they were in a zero-dimensional space.

Thinking of this, the team members all gasped and looked terrified.

“Captain. Have we entered that space and lost all memory.”

“Captain, our six brothers and the three-headed ominous beast , are you trapped in zero-dimensional space and can’t get out?”

“What should we do?”

Facing the team members who lost one’s head out of fear, Yuma Captain Zi Lara also realized the problem.

Obviously, these players have not entered the memory of the Crusu space in their minds, that is to say, they may not have encountered the Crusu creatures, and when the time is up, they will be destroyed by the zero-dimensional space. kicked out.

What’s more serious is that the six players and the three jackals may have encountered an accident in the Crusu space.

He had the heart to ask the Crusus creature, the only one he knew. Thinking of the indifferent face and the pain of the mountain, he couldn’t help shivering.

Although it was only an illusion, the pain was still circling in his mind.

Just now in Dark Starry Sky, the attitude of Goddess in the dark night had clearly told him that there was nothing to disturb her.

The short contact made Captain Yumaz Lara understand that the old days were always temperamental.

“The only way now is to wait.” Captain Yumaz Lara sighed, lying on the grass, looking at the blue sky.

The team members were also nodded in frustration.

From the surprised expression of the captain just now, they have already speculated that the captain must have achieved something in the zero-dimensional space.

But now the life and death of the 6 brothers is uncertain, and they have lost the mood to ask.

The spaceship has a total of sixteen crew members, plus the captain, making a total of seventeen.

The seventeen of them have gone through countless dangers along the way since they escaped from the Pajelu civilization.

They have supported each other until now, and it can be said that they have become brothers of life and death.

Now there are 6 brothers missing all of a sudden, the hearts of the team members are empty, all staring at the blue sky with nothing.

On the prairie, there is no concept of time.

The sun radiates warm warmth, always hanging in the same place in the sky.

The river flowing to the endless distance is as flat as a mirror, not even a ripple can be seen.

This is an Eternal Existence.

Fortunately, in this strange grassland, you won’t feel hungry, so that Captain Yumaz Lara doesn’t have to think about survival.

Rao is so, after waiting for about ten days, he couldn’t bear it any longer.

Tell team members not to panic about impending exceptions.

The team members looked thoughtful nodded. They had long guessed that Captain should have achieved something in the zero-dimensional space.

However, even though they were mentally prepared, the team members couldn’t help but touch the laser gun on their waists and took a step back when they saw the scene in front of them.

Their pupils contracted involuntarily.

Captain Yumaz Lara, who was standing on the grass just now, was like a pencil drawing, erased by an invisible eraser, little by little.

When the last line disappeared into the air, the team members were stunned.

They hurriedly ran to where Captain Yumaz Lara was standing just now, and found that Captain Yumaz Lara had really disappeared.

The team members looked at each other, nodded, surrounded that position, and looked towards all around vigilantly.

Although they don’t know where Captain has gone, they are confident that he will return.

Because they are brothers, brothers who can support each other in life and death.

“Goddess of the night, higher than the stars, longer than eternity. Lord of Crimson, Mother of Secrets, Queen of Doom and Fear, Lord of Sleep and Silence, O thy faithful believer, pray here Your response.” Captain Yumaz Lara prayed silently in his heart, felt a trace of inexplicable pressure, opened his eyes again, he was already among the stars.

Dark night Goddess is pursing her lips, staring at him with a faint smile, her deep pupils reveal endless anger vaguely.

“Dear Goddess of the Night, your devout believers are not trying to disturb you, it is indeed because you need your help.” Captain Yumaz Lara watched, unable to bear it. Zhu shivered, and a chill ran down the back of his head along the caudal vertebrae.

In order to find out the traces of the 6 team members, he took a few deep breaths in a row before barely suppressing the idea of running away.

“Aiya, I knew that developing believers is a troublesome thing.” Night Goddess looked up and down, the anger on his face suddenly disappeared, he raised his smooth and white chin, and whistled. gas.

She suddenly changed from a majestic old day to a naughty little girl.

The inexplicable pressure dissipated immediately, and the clenched heart of Captain Yumaz Lara resumed beating.

There was a bit of cold sweat on his forehead, but he didn’t dare to wipe it off, so he quickly lowered his head and said, “Dear Goddess of the Night, the 6 team members and a domesticated three jackals seem to be in the Crusu space. Nei has disappeared, can you use that Supreme’s Divine Force to find them.”

He was afraid that the little girl would once again become a majestic old man, so he hurriedly stated his purpose.

In his opinion, the Goddess of the Night, as an indigenous creature in the Crusus space, must be very familiar with the environment there, and maybe he can help him recall them.

Unfortunately, a word from Goddess in the dark night made his heart sink to the bottom.

I saw the dark night Goddess frowning and urging at first, with a look of embarrassment, and muttered in a low voice: “Missing in Klusu space? That’s trouble!”

Immediately said with a bitter smile: “But you are my first believer, and this request, as it should be by rights, should be answered.”

After she finished speaking, the two ponytails tied behind her head suddenly four Scattered, like being blown by a strong wind, scattered scattered in the air.

The whole person exudes colorful black, his hands are open, and he slowly rises.

Her fair forehead suddenly radiated dazzling rays of light, and with the gorgeous neon ribbons she wore flying in the air, it reminded Captain Yumaz Lara of Pajelu cartoons, that A god descended from the sky.

At the same time, an inexplicable coercion emanated from Goddess in the dark night, making Captain Yumaz Lara’s cumbersome thoughts disappeared without a trace, and all he wanted to do was kneel and worship.

He knelt down.

At this moment, he has a kind of fanatical impulse willing to sacrifice his life for Goddess floating in the air.

He saw the self-consciousness in his mind gradually dissipate under the pressure, but there was nothing he could do.

Fortunately, this time is short.

As the night Goddess stepped again with his bare feet on the two stars, the oppression faded.

Captain Yumaz Lara’s whole body loosened, his self-consciousness returned, and the frenetic impulse just now disappeared without a trace.

“Well, I have already crossed the river of time and found their traces.” The rays of light on Goddess of the night dissipated, and a long black hair fell on his shoulders, returning to the appearance of a little girl.

“Unfortunately, it’s impossible to save them.”

“Dear Goddess of the Night, can’t even you save those lost lambs?” Yumaz Ra Captain La’s voice trembled a little, “Where are they trapped?”

Although Goddess had already sentenced the six team members and the three jackals to death just by what Goddess said just now, he was still a little unwilling.

“Their consciousness has been dissipated from the universe!” Night Goddess said with no joy or sorrow: “I, see, they were swallowed by the old little by little.”

The old days!

Captain Yumaz Lara thought for a moment, and then he remembered that the Crusus creatures were the old days.

“Dear Goddess of the Night, you once told your devout believers that the old days were a great being, with infinite power and no need to eat, why did the old days devour those poor people The creature.” Captain Yumaz Lara took a deep breath, plucking up the courage to express the doubts in his heart.

“Oh, in the old days you really didn’t need to get energy from the outside world, but I hated being disturbed the most.” Goddess gave him a meaningful look at the night, “The people who entered the Crusus space with you. The creature inadvertently disturbed a sleeping old. Of course, theirs did not have the ability to wake the old from its slumber, the old is immersed in endless sleep, and swallowing them is an instinctive reaction.”

“Maybe, when their consciousness screamed, the old days thought it was just a disordered memory. The memory disorder is quite normal for the old days.”

Finished These, the expression on Goddess’s face that belonged to the little child gradually disappeared, replaced by indifference and contempt.

She waved her hand: “Okay, your request has been answered, go back in the mortal world, and spread the name of the night!”

Yumaz Lara The captain only felt saw a flash, opened his eyes again, and saw that the team members were looking at him in surprise.

“Captain, are you back?”

The team members hesitated for a long time, instead of stepping up to help him, they looked on guard instead.

“It’s back!” Captain Yumaz Lara was not in the mood to pursue this, with a sad look on his face, sighed: “Our brother, dead!”

“Dead.” Although the team members were mentally prepared for this, they all fell into sadness after getting the exact answer from the captain.

“Although they are dead, we are still alive. We need to get up and achieve our goals.”

Captain Yumaz Lara struggled to his feet and walked to In front of the players, pat them on the shoulder one by one.

Finally, he patted his chest, mentally winged: “I have now become a dive technique and have hooked up with a being far beyond True God.”

“Although in the eyes of that existence, I’m just an insignificant ant, just a tool for fun, but we can get what we want.”

“Defeat all diving techniques and become The true ruler of Gay.”

With the encouragement of the captain of the team, the sadness in his eyes gradually disappeared, replaced by firm belief.

They will never forget the vows they made when they left the Pajelu civilization.

One day, they will return to Pajelu civilization in the name of civilization heroes.

And the captain has become a diver and has taken his first steps.

The way to leave the vast prairie is simple.

Captain Yumaz Lara and the crew closed their eyes and jumped into the backwater. When they opened their eyes again, they were back in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains.

The scorching sun was still in the sky just now on the prairie, but at this moment it was pitch black in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains.

It’s night here.

Captain Yumaz Lara immediately realized something was wrong with his body.

He could see in the dark on the branch of the big tree, a mantis was wielding a big knife to attack a spider, the spider saw that the situation was not good, and hid in the spider web.

Even even the trembling of the spider web can be seen clearly.

He could hear a poisonous snake intruding into the vole’s burrow in the burrow under the rock.

The sound of thin scales rubbing against the damp soil was followed by the pitiful scream of the voles, then the sound of the fangs piercing the flesh, and finally the pitiful screeching of the voles became smaller and smaller, and gradually disappeared in the poisonous. snake’s belly.

He could even hear the faint sound of an ominous beast just woken up from a slumber in a huge cave dozens of kilometers away from its stomach due to hunger.

“Could this be the ability of the insomniac!” Captain Yumaz Lara said to himself while standing in the river. He originally thought that the insomniac could just not sleep and be more energetic in the dark.

Now it seems that he underestimated Goddess of the night too much.

He realized that at the moment, in the dark, he not only has the ability of night vision device, but also has the ability of sound wave detector. If he returns to Pajelu civilization, he will definitely become a superhuman existence.

Achieved a well-paying tenure-track position at the Academy, to be researched.

However, considering that only this ability comes from the Goddess of the night and can only be used in the space where the four-dimensional space and the zero-dimensional space overlap each other, Captain Yumaz Lara quickly dismissed the idea.

At the same time, he is full of confidence in his future growth.

As the first believer in the old days, he did not have to fear the invasion of the Foreign Heavenly Demon during cultivation, so that he could cultivate without any scruples.

Well, this world is too dangerous, I’d better cultivate as soon as possible Level 5 is a spirit witch, which can drive the undead and nature Spirit Physique.

Thinking like this, Captain Yumaz Lara walked out of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains despite his wet body.

The team members followed behind with gritted teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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