
Chapter 667

Well, this Old Guy keeps his word!

Captain Yumaz Lara didn’t realize that his impression of God Changsheng was a little better. Although he was just a pitiful heart now, he was more trustworthy than the beautiful God Xiahua.

“The root of all evil is greed!” God Changsheng sighed, suddenly changed his voice and asked, “By the way, I don’t know your name yet, it seems a little rude. “

“Mr. God Changsheng, my name is Captain Yumaz Lala, from a run-down landlord family, and married God Xiahua half a year ago.” Captain Yumaz Lala Although I think he is trustworthy, he will never reveal his secret from Foreign Domain.

“A run-down landlord family? Hehe, this is not the style of Shen Xiahua. According to her wild and vigorous temperament, I also think that the Husband he chooses will be the dying wood of the Divine Technician Club. What about the great diving technique master?” Shen Changsheng was a little puzzled, so that his heart beat violently twice in a row.

Captain Yumaz Lara wisely chose to remain silent on this question.

God Changsheng pondered for a moment and said unsurely: “The reason why she chose you is that you must have something special to help her achieve her desire to rule Star Gay.”


It seems that this father is very clear about his daughter’s ambitions.

Captain Yumaz Lara nodded: “It can also be said that I have a wisdom that ordinary Guys don’t have. This kind of wisdom is, to a certain extent, more powerful than the dive technique of a great dive technique. .”

On Gay, there are also some primordial technological products, such as pears in the arable land, waterwheels by the river, and even the grinding discs for pressing castor oil, all of which can be regarded as technological products.

The Guys call the act of inventing this technological product wisdom.

“Wisdom?? Alas, didn’t expect that there are still people on Gay who are willing to develop wisdom.” God Changsheng sighed: “Since people got the dive technique from the black tower, wisdom has been The Gay people forget about it, they completely forget that millions of years ago, the Gay people grew up from the weak and strong through wisdom.”

“divine technique this thing, for the Gay people, in fact, It’s poison.”

Captain Yumaz Lara quite agrees with God Longevity’s point of view.

The Gay people, who have produced wisdom millions of years ago, should now reach the level of Level 1 civilization according to the normal development speed and begin to explore space.

However, they are still stuck on the star of Gay, in the era of farming, in which the role of “divine technique” cannot be underestimated.

With the dive technique, the Guys think they don’t need wisdom anymore.

It seems that this god, Changsheng, is one of the few sober people on Planet Guy.

Just as he was about to continue to ask why God Changsheng was trapped here.

“Guess how old I am now?” God Changsheng asked a strange question.

How old are you? God Changsheng is the father of God Xiahua, who has been trapped here for a hundred years.

Captain Yumaz Lara thought for a moment and replied: “You are probably in your 200s.”

200s is an absolute longevity among Guys. But for an Eternal and Undying diver, it was very short-lived.

“Haha, congratulations, you guessed wrong.” The god Changsheng in his heart made a grimace, “Actually, I am now 15,000 years old!”

“15,000 years old? Why is God Xiahua only one hundred years old? Isn’t she your daughter?” Captain Yumaz Lara was stunned.

“Haha, the reason is very simple, I got married late!” God Changsheng said proudly: “I got married at the age of 14,800, and then 100 years later, God Xiahua and God ·The cauldron was born.”

“.” Captain Yumaz Lara was speechless.

My dear, this is a typical example of late marriage and late childbearing. On some planets that control the population, God Longevity is likely to become the object of national admiration.

“The whole thing has to start from 15,000 years.” God Longevity talked about it, and finally got to the point.

Captain Yumaz Lara stood in front of the boulder and listened carefully.

“I was born 15,000 years ago in a village near the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. Like the hunters in the village, my father also supported his family by hunting outside the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. .” When God Changsheng talked about his childhood, his emotions were extraordinarily peaceful.

“I got my first bow and arrow when I was ten years old. With us, having a bow and arrow means having the right to go out hunting.

I was very excited at the time. .

Because I am my friends, the first child to obtain this qualification.

So, in order to show my strength to my friends, I decided to enter the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, Hunt a Fire Rabbit.

The Fire Rabbit is a breed of rabbits endemic to the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains and is covered in fiery-red fur.

This red fur is extremely expensive, Wearing a coat made of it, you can lie down and sleep in the World of Ice and Snow.

Of course, I am not a fool, the most important reason why I choose fire rabbit as prey is because it does not have any attack The only skill is to run fast.

However, no matter how fast I run, is it as fast as the bow and arrow in my hand?

So on the first day I entered the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, I I successfully hunted a fire rabbit.

If I left the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains with the fire rabbit at this time, maybe there would be no story behind it. I would have turned into a handful of loess now.

The finished apprenticeship gave me a bold idea that maybe I should go deep into the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains and see what’s inside.

In our village According to ancestral rules, hunters can only hunt outside the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, and are strictly prohibited from entering the depths.

It is said that in the depths of the mountains, there is a terrifying monster sleeping, which can swallow ten Ten thousand people.

Hearing this, Captain Yumaz Lara frowned, interrupted: “How do I hear that, in the depths of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, live in What about ominous beasts with ten emperors?”

“You are right, in the depths of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains there are indeed ten ominous beasts, but for the villagers in the mountain villages Say, all ominous beasts are called horror mons ter. The reason is very simple, no matter what kind of ominous beast encountered, the hunter’s only ending is death. “God Changsheng explained.

“That’s right! “Captain Yumaz Lara nodded in agreement.

Just like in some primordial planets, whether it is a Divine Weapon sharp blade, a kitchen knife or a brick, after killing people, they are collectively referred to as a murder weapon.


“Rules are deeply rooted in people’s hearts. At that time, I was still young, and when I looked at the rabbit I shot dead in the grass, I felt that I was the most powerful hunter in the world. I want to sneak into the depths of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains and shoot that terrifying rare beast to death with one arrow. From then on, I will become the object of admiration of the whole village and win Xiaoli’s favor. “God Changsheng paused again when he talked about it, and explained a little embarrassedly:

“Xiao Li is the most beautiful girl in the village, she has a pair of bright eyes and a black waist-length braid , is the dream lover of all the boys in the village. “

Alas, human beings have always become blind and stupid under the action of hormones.

Captain Yumaz Lara nodded with a smile: “Young man, there is a pursuit , understandable. “

“I used a skinning knife to peel off the skin of the fire rabbit, then lit the firewood, roasted the meat until fragrant, and ate a delicious meal, and then went deep into the mountains.” “God Changsheng continued:

“The Hundred Thousand Great Mountains are huge, and the mountains are covered with dense trees. After half a day, I suddenly found myself lost.” And there was a terrifying howl from time to time. I was so frightened at the time, I pulled my legs and ran in the direction I thought I came in. I don’t know how long I ran, but when a giraffe more than 20 meters tall appeared not far ahead, I thought I was dead. “

“I was lying on the ground with my eyes closed and waiting to die. For a long time, there was no pain.” I opened my eyes and saw that the giant giraffe was eating the leaves on the hillside, and I was relieved. It turned out that this guy was a herbivore. I cautiously dodged the giant giraffe and continued in what I thought was the right direction. “

“However, I am much more careful than before.” I collected an herb called Bone Horse from the grass next to me, and rubbed it with my hands into a crumb and smeared it on my body. This can cover up the breath on the body. ”,

“In this way, with the help of the smell of bone horses, I spun around like a headless fly in the depths of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, hunting some small prey with bows and arrows during the day and filling my stomach at night. Find a rock and sleep under it. Thinking about it now, I must have been favored by the lucky Goddess at the time, otherwise, a hundred lives would not be enough to die. “

“I wandered the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains half a month and couldn’t find my way home.” Just when I thought I would never leave there again, I accidentally discovered a small river. The river is about ten meters wide, and the water is very clear. After I drank the water with my hands, I suddenly thought, “Water seeks its own level. As long as I follow the direction of the river’s flow, I will definitely be able to get out of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains.” ”

Nodded agreed by Captain Yumaz Lara. When exploring the primordial planet, he also encountered a situation of getting lost, but most of them can use the locator that he carries with him to determine the position.


In a few special cases, the locator may be disturbed by the nearby magnetic field and cannot be used. Then you need to rely on the surrounding environment to judge the direction of travel. Walking along the river is also one of the most effective methods.

“Just like that, I started walking along the river, but as I walked, I felt something was wrong! “Shen Changsheng suddenly stopped.

“What’s wrong? “Captain Yumaz Lara asked.

“The water in that small river flows from low to high! “Shen Changsheng’s voice trembled a little.

“How is this possible! “Captain Yumaz Lara, who has always considered himself very calm, couldn’t help but cry out in surprise.

Although the law of universal gravitation is primordial, it is a basic law of the universe.

Under the action of gravitational force and centrifugal force, the matter on the planet will be affected by gravity.

Under the action of gravity, water will flow from high to low.

God Changsheng continued: “Yeah, I was also stunned at the time. But at the time, I just wanted to escape, and I didn’t have time to think too much. Since the river flows from a low place to a high place, then I will move in the opposite direction, no! “

This guy is pretty smart, Captain Yumaz Lara snarled.

“So I started running in the opposite direction of the creek, and sure enough, less than ten In a day, I saw the mountain range like a bottle gourd outside the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. At that time, I was very excited. In order to escape the trap as soon as possible, that night, I continued to move forward while taking advantage of the moonlight. “God Changsheng said here, sighed: “When I saw a huge shadow appearing in front of me, I realized that I had forgotten that rare beasts in the mountains are generally active at night. “

“At the time, I hoped that this big guy was a herbivore like a giant giraffe, but unfortunately, this time, I was not so lucky, because the monster’s huge head lit up Two bright green lamps, and with the help of the moonlight, I could see that he had a big mouth full of pale, sinister teeth. “

“This guy is going to eat me, and I know that turning around and running at this moment can only be bringing about one’s own destruction.” Because the rare beast was extremely fast, it was already in front of me in a blink of an eye, and I recognized it as a giant wild boar. But when I smelled a stench, I gritted my teeth and jumped into the river. The water was so cold that I fell into a coma soon after. “

“When I woke up again, I found myself lying in the grass by the river. The warm sun shines on me, which makes me feel lazily. At that moment, I thought I had arrived at a hidden land of peace and prosperity. However, when I stood up and saw my surroundings clearly, I was stunned. “

“All around is an endless prairie!” “

“A prairie?” Aren’t you in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains? “Captain Yumaz Lara frowned.

“Yeah, I was also asking myself this question at the time. I clearly fell into a small river in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, why did I appear in the Great Mountains?” What about on the prairie? “God Changsheng continued:

“Fortunately, that small river still exists, and it traverses the prairie. At that time, I had no choice but to continue along the river. “

“On the prairie there is nothing but grass and the little river, no animals on the ground, no flowers, no white clouds in the sky, only a bright sun.” “

“I was walking along the river, and I didn’t know how long I had been, when I suddenly realized two problems. “

“Which two questions?” “Captain Yumaz Lala is also very interested in this strange prairie.

Shen Changsheng’s voice trembled: “First, the sun in the sky has been hanging in the sky. Although I don’t have a timing tool, I don’t know how long it took, but at least it’s been a full day. The position of the sun has not changed at all! “

“Second, I haven’t eaten for a long time, and I don’t feel hungry or thirsty.” “

The sun doesn’t move, and people don’t need to eat!

This prairie is really strange.

Captain Yumaz Lara listens carefully with a puzzled face Go on.

“But that might be a good thing for me. Because although I have a bow and arrow, there is no prey here to catch. “God Chang Shengxiao said:

“In this way, I can only continue along the river on the prairie. “

My good guy, since this guy entered the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, he has been running non-stop! Captain Yumaz Lara slandered.

God · Longevity: ” I walked, walked, time seemed to stand still, until I saw a light curtain. ”

(end of this chapter)

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