
Chapter 658

“Pa slap.”

The guards kneeling on the ground, one after another, ruthless He slapped his big mouth hard.

The intensity was so great that his cheeks were already flushed, and blood was oozing from the corners of his mouth, looking battered and exhausted.

The guard did not dare to stop, because he saw the gloomy look on Captain Yumaz Lara’s face with the help of the fire of burning charcoal in the stove.

Like the next moment, a storm will break out in this small guard room.

However, he didn’t dare to continue fanning so violently, for fear of accidentally knocking himself out.

The guard can only slap himself, say “Damn it”, look up at Captain Yumaz Lara and see that the captain has no response, he can only slap himself again


Just when the guard could no longer hold on, a majestic voice rescued him.

Elshe Longbottom drank the black tea in the cup, smacked his lips, sighed: “Okay, let’s go here, a little slave, if you die, you will die. .”

“You go out and stand guard.”

The voice sounded like the sound of heaven to the guard, and he hurriedly kowtowed: “Thank you, boss for your generosity, I promise I will do it well. Stand guard, never let a slave run out.”

Speaking, he didn’t care to wipe the blood on his face, got up from the ground, and wanted to leave this hellish guard room.

But at this moment, Captain Yumaz Lara suddenly raised his head, gritted his teeth, and said in a stern voice: “Stop!”

The guard complexion changed, trembling all over. , the steps he was about to take, slowly retracted, he turned his head stiffly, and a trembling voice squeezed out of his throat: “Sir. I”

Captain Yumaz Lara’s accident struck, It made Elshey Longbottom look ugly. As the Chief Manager of the manor, he was in charge of all the slaves in the manor, and even the owner of the manor, God Xia Hua, seldom asked.

Captain Yumaz Lara is just a son-in-law, and he dares to forget his identity and intervene without authorization.

Elshe Longbottom took a deep breath, stood up slowly, twisted his goatee with his hands, and curved the corners of his mouth: “Sir, Ke Mosi was eaten by three wealthy wolves, this is A tragedy that no one wants to see, but this is an accident. The guard has just expressed his apology with self-punishment, what more do you want?”

“even more how, this kind of Accidents are not uncommon in the beast area, and the wild beasts in the beast area are all pets of Miss Xiahua! It is an honor for these slaves to be eaten by pets, and they should be grateful.”

Good guy, Eat by rare beast, and express gratitude to rare beast!

The brain circuits of the Gay star slaves made Captain Yumaz Lara a little puzzled.

Captain Yumaz Lara has explored countless intelligent planets, and many of them are in the primordial slave stage like Star Gay.

However, in those primordial slave planets, the slave is an important means of production, and although its status is low, the slave master will not fight arbitrarily. Some even provide a comfortable living environment for the slaves, and the slave master will draw a big pie to motivate the slaves so that they can work harder.

Gay’s star is different.

Here, slaves are treated worse than even a livestock.

They not only have to bear heavy labor work, but also be punished at will by the slave master, and have no food or clothing to cover their bodies.

In the eyes of the slave masters of Gay, slaves are born with sin and need to be punished the most severely.

In the usual way, Captain Yumaz Lara would not have any dissatisfaction with this phenomenon. After all, although he is a son-in-law, he is also a member of the slave master.

He didn’t come to Gay to save these slaves.

But not today.

He promised Arturi that he would save his son from the beast zone.

He couldn’t keep his word.

If Kermoth was really eaten by the three jackals, he would have completed his mission.


Is the guard’s words true?

Captain Yumaz Lara, who considers himself a higher creature, cannot allow himself to be deceived by a lower creature.

So, he stood up abruptly, looked directly at the old supervisor, said with a sneer: “Mr. Elsie Longbottom, I suspect that this guard under your command is lying!”

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the guard room suddenly became tense.

The young guards who had been bowing their heads just now, the veins on their necks trembled, and their hands unconsciously rested on the daggers.

The swollen-faced guard bowed his head, his eyes flickering on the floor.

Chief Supervisor Elshey Longbottom froze in the air with his beard twisting, his face turned from black to white, then turned red again, and finally turned red, his voice trembling: “Sir, you , are you saying we’re lying?”

As soon as he said that, he realized that he was too excited, and quickly embarrassedly laughed: “My lord, I mean, you are accusing this guard of lying Is it?”

Captain Yumaz Lara said with a sneer: “Indeed, that’s what I thought! The whole thing is so coincidental that I doubt that Kermoth is dead!”

In fact, he not only suspected that the guard was lying, but also suspected that Chief Executive Elche Longbottom was involved, otherwise his attitude would not be so excited.

It’s just that he didn’t understand why Elshey Longbottom, as a big supervisor, had to cover up for the guards.

“This guard has grown up in the manor since he was a child. He has always been extremely loyal and would never do such a thing!” Chief Supervisor Elche Longbottom shook his head repeatedly.

“Well, I’ll let someone block the gate of the beast area, and then personally bring people in to find Kermos, so that things can be clear?” Captain Yumaz Lara said. , pushed open the door and walked out, ready to summon his subordinates.

He considers himself the Husband, the god Xiahua, who has absolute power in the manor, and does not need to seek the opinion of the chief executive Elsey Longbottom.

Watching Captain Yumaz Lara leave the guard room, Chief Supervisor Elshe Longbottom turned gloomy. He picked up the tea slag on the table and slammed it to the ground. Fragments were scattered all over the place.

“Headmaster, he wants to search the beast area, what should we do?” The guard hurried to the headmaster and asked hastily.

“Chris, where is Colmos now?” Chief Executive Elshey Longbottom looked gloomy and uncertain.

Captain Yumaz Lara, as the Husband of God Xiahua, has privileges in the early manor. He wants to search the beast area, and no one can stop him.

“Reporting to the chief executive, according to our usual practice, I have already caught him in the cage behind the beast area this morning, and I can only wait for night to transport him out of the manor and sell him to the The slave dealer in the Western countries.” The guard whose real name was Chris nodded and bowed.

He rolled his eyes, took it to his heart, and asked in a low voice, “Boss, why don’t I lead someone to kill Ke Mosi now, and then feed his corpse to the three jackals, so that Can’t you find the evidence, my lord?”

“It’s too late!!” Chief Supervisor Elsey Longbottom shook his head repeatedly: “The owner’s Husband has already suspected us, he must be He will enter the beast area to search, and once he finds the 200 slaves in the cage, what we have done will be exposed.”

Guard Chris gritted his teeth and waved his hand to chop down: “Or, let’s Kill all the 200 slaves so that he can’t find any evidence.”

“No, no, the night is the day of delivery. If there are no these slaves, what will we give those slaves? A dealer?” Chief Executive Elshey Longbottom thought for a moment and shook his head.

“You know the temperament of those slave dealers. If they can’t see the slaves at night, they will definitely think that we deliberately defrauded their deposit. They have hot personalities and things will definitely get worse.”

At this time, Guard Chris has no more ideas and can only scratch his head in a hurry.

If he had known today, he would definitely not be greedy for money, and obeyed the orders of the chief executive Elshey Longbottom to do these things.

He is not a simple guard, but the chief guard of the beast area, responsible for managing more than 300 guards and more than 4,000 slaves in the beast area.

This profession is hereditary. His grandfather is the chief guard, and his father is the chief guard. When it comes to this generation, when Chris becomes an adult, it is logical to become the chief guard.

After he became the chief guard, he found that the job was not as good as he had imagined.

Although the head of the guards is the head of the guards, he is actually still a slave, and his monthly salary is only enough to make ends meet.

At this moment, the chief executive Elshey Longbottom approached him and said that he had a big business that could make a fortune.

Elshe Longbottom discovered in the western countries that the plantations there need a lot of slaves, but the western countries are sparsely populated and there are not so many slaves, all the slave owners will travel thousands of miles to other places. country of purchase slave.

Managers from other countries are naturally unwilling to find that their citizens have been bought by other countries.

As a result, countries began to strictly prohibit slave exports. Once found, kill without mercy.

The consequence of this is that the value of slaves has skyrocketed. For example, a slave that is only worth 10gold coin in Eastern Divine Dragon country can sell 100gold coin to a slave owner in Western countries, regardless of delivery.

This is a tenfold profit!

In addition, Elche Longbottom, the chief supervisor, is the old man in the manor and is very prestigious.

Chris, the captain of the guard, boarded this thief ship without the slightest hesitation. The beast area he manages has to replenish more than 400 slaves every month, except for a few who are really eaten by wild beasts , most of them were caught and sold to Western slave owners.

I often walk by the river, how can I not get wet shoes.

Every night, Chris, the head of the guard, has to dig out the gold coins accumulated by the slaves, because he knows that this kind of thing will always be exposed one day. Take a look.

He regrets it in his heart, but Elsey Longbottom, the chief executive, doesn’t regret it at all. Over the years, he has relied on selling slaves to buy a store in Silent City, which is more than 500 kilometers away from Zhenshan City. A small building with 5 mothers-in-law. These 5 mothers also raised 2 big fat boys for him.

“What are you panicking about!” Chief Supervisor Elshey Longbottom looked at Chris dissatisfied. This guy is a greedy and timid guy who can’t count on him at critical moments.

He took a few deep breaths, thought for a moment, and came up with an idea: “Since the beasts in the beast area can eat slaves, why can’t they eat the owner Husband?”

“You , you, you mean, kill a witness to silence them!!” Chief Guard Chris was so surprised that he couldn’t close his mouth, “You want to rebel?”

“Rebel? Rebellion for what?” Chief Supervisor Elsey Longbottom said with a sneer: “I dare to say that even if all the slaves in the manor add up, they can’t match a finger of Miss Shen Xiahua, and I personally watch Shen Xiahua. Growing up, when the old manor left Human World, she was only a few months old, and I brought her up with supplemented untold hardships, how could I rebel against her?”

“We are against her. It’s just that son-in-law who dares to ruin our fortune plan, die without regret. Although I was not in the manor a few months ago, I have also investigated in detail, this guy is just an illegal child of a broken owner, and he will not dive. I don’t know how to use techniques, and I don’t know how to use martial arts. I just gained the favor of the god Xiahua because of my good skin.”

“Also, the guards he brought are also of a little physique. wine skin and rice bag, they won’t have any martial arts.”

Speaking, his eyes gleamed with viciousness: “As long as we kill them all in the beast zone, and put the blame on those who don’t Talking beasts, can God Xiahua hold us accountable? Besides, I know God Xiahua’s disposition best, she is very ambitious, and she will never go to war for a little son-in-law.”

“Superintendent, is this okay? As you all know, the guards under my command are all wine skins and rice bags. It’s ok for them to deal with slaves who dare not resist. If they really fight with others, I’m afraid It’s useless at all.” Chief Guard Chris said timidly.

Of course, the real reason is that he thinks it’s too risky. Once the matter is exposed, the lord of the village, Xia Hua, will be held accountable. The head has fallen!

“Waste! You should now understand one thing, once the cage in the beast area is discovered, according to the laws of our Eastern Divine Dragon country, the slaves are sold but they will kill the nine clans, when the time comes, you one I can’t run away! Well, I’ll let my personal guards join the ambush team, each of them is proficient in the martial arts, and they can kill ten with one, and then take those guards in-law, it’s impossible to be our opponent.” The chief executive, Elche Longbottom, naturally understood his thoughts, but the situation was urgent, and he couldn’t care so much anymore, so he could only send his own personnel.

“Of course that’s good!” Chief Guard Chris nodded again and again, he knew about the personal guard of Chief Supervisor Elche Longbottom.

Considering that the Western countries were extremely chaotic, many merchants were killed in the process of trading every year. God Xia Hua specially allowed the chief executive Elshey Longbottom to select a hundred guards in the manor. .

“Okay, that’s it! You call all the guards immediately, and take my personal guards to the beast area to prepare!” Chief Supervisor Elche Longbottom gritted his teeth fiercely : “Damn son-in-law, your time of death has come!”

(End of this chapter)

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