
Chapter 628

Finally, the ancestral wolf jackal, who was still drooling all over the world, completely disappeared from the world. Didn’t even get a bone left.

“Okay, you guys are full too! Quickly take this girl down.” Wu Di urged.

The two well-fed ancestors burped and looked at each other.

“Boss, you go first, I’m a little indigestion.”

The ancestor who looked a little bigger staggered and walked in front of X, with a warm smile on his face : “little girl, I am the eldest tiger jackal among the three jackals of my ancestors.”

“I have always been against fighting and killing, so let’s play a game, if you win, I will admit defeat. How’s it going?”

In fact, Chen Shuxian had secretly observed the two of them when the tiger jackal and the others ate the wolf jackal corpse just now.

Tiger Jackal looks like a Little Old Man, with a small build and a goatee on his lips, and he walks tremblingly.

Coupled with his warm smile at the moment, if it weren’t for the red marks on the beard at the corner of his mouth, Chen Shuxian really thought he was a retired old man.

Chen Shuxian’s heart sank immediately when he heard that Tiger Jackal was going to play a game. These guys are extremely cunning and very cruel. They must use the opportunity of playing the game to set traps to deal with X.

Can’t agree!

She was about to stop talking, but X shook her ponytail one step ahead of her and said with a smile: “Okay, okay, what game are you playing?”

X maybe Noticing Chen Shuxian’s concerns, he turned around and stuck out his tongue: “elder sister, don’t be afraid, I’m the best at my game.”

Seeing that she is so confident, Chen Shuxian can’t say anything about blocking her. , can only secretly raise vigilance.

“Let me just say it, little girl, you are so cute, you must not be an unreasonable person.” Said, the wolf jackal deliberately glanced at Wu Di, who was suspended in midair behind him, and pretended to lower his voice. : “Unlike some people, who don’t know how to respect the old and cherish the young at all, relying on their own little credit, let the old fogey work for him! Delusion!”

This is the rhythm of betrayal. !

Although he deliberately lowered his voice, every word clearly reached Wu Di’s ears, and his face suddenly turned gloomy.

Among the ancestors of the three jackals, the eldest is the most cunning, the second is the most afraid of death, and only the third is a fool who obeys orders the most. It’s bad.

Wu Di secretly prepares to fight in person.

“haha, great grandfather, you speak so nicely. What are we better than?” Xhearing this happily.

She looked extremely relaxed, as if she was really ready to play a game, but Chen Shuxian noticed that her right hand was tightly grasping Mo Xiejian.

It seems that X can become the Guardian, not all by virtue of the martial power, Chen Shuxian’s mood is relaxed.

The wolf jackal looked around, as if looking for something.

For a long time, he looked distressed: “Ai, there is nothing in this wilderness, so how about we play an old game?”

“Okay, okay, what game?”

The wolf jackal raised his fist slowly, the wrinkles on his face were ironed out: “Rock paper scissors!”

” How about it, is it old enough?”

Chen Shuxian was speechless for a while.

This game is really ancient. It is recorded in Lu Rong’s “Shuyuan Miscellaneous Notes” in the Ming Dynasty. The rules are very simple.

The rules are also fair, and it looks like everyone has a 50% chance of winning.

However, a game theory research department of Mozi Technology once applied to Professor Li Mo for funding on “How to increase the winning rate of rock-paper-scissors” as a topic. This seemingly pointless subject.

The heads of this department were dumbfounded when they saw the 10 million research funds that had been received immediately. The reason why they applied for this project was because they heard that no matter how absurd the project is in Mozi Technology, as long as Professor Li Mo You can start a project if you find it interesting. So I thought about verifying it.

However, there is an iron law in Mozi Technology that scientific research funds must be used for scientific research, and a special department is responsible for monitoring the use of project funds. Not hired.

But they have no research plan at all, and can they spend 10 million on rock-paper-scissors?

Looking at the 10 million research funds lying in the account, this supervisor has a heart to die.

However, the pits dug by oneself will be sweet no matter how difficult it is.

This supervisor is also ruthless, and he took his researchers to visit the high-win players of rock-paper-scissors all over the world. It took three years to really come up with the game cheats.

Chen Shuxian noticed this wonderful project in Mozi Technology Group’s mid-year project summary. With curiosity, she studied the so-called game cheats in detail.

This 10 million game cheat is actually very simple:

1. Stone start: Men always like to punch when they make their first shot. So if you’re playing with a guy, you can try out the cloth for the first time.

2. Scissors serve: continue. Experienced players will make a release for the first time. If you encounter such a player, you can use scissors.

3. Few people will throw three stones in a row. If your opponent throws rocks twice in a row, you can guess that he should throw cloth or scissors next.

4. Inexperienced people often subconsciously imitate your last punch. That way, you can throw the corresponding punch to beat him.

5. If it is unpredictable, please send it directly. Because usually people have the highest probability of producing stones.

Chen Shuxian looked at this recipe, and the more he read it, the more unreliable he felt, and he doubted in his heart: Did these guys eat up the 10 million funds, and then just came up with this recipe?

In the spirit of being responsible for Mozi Technology and keeping a check on Li Mo’s wallet, Chen Shuxian decided to verify the secret.

She recruited 100 students, and half of them played the game according to the cheats, and the other half played the game in the normal way.

The result got her startled.

Students who play the game according to the cheats have a 70% win rate.

And generally speaking, rock paper scissors as a completely random game, the winning rate should be half open.

This means the cheat is valid.

Since Tiger Jackal wants to compare rock-paper-scissors with X, Chen Shuxian naturally wants to tell X the secret.

She walked to X’s side, leaned close to X’s ear, and whispered the secret to her.

At this moment, the wolf jackal on the opposite side seemed to have noticed it, moved both ears, stroked his beard with his hand, laughed.

He looked like he was not afraid of cheating at all, which made Chen Shuxian’s heart sink. Does this monster have the ability to see people’s hearts.

But at this time, she was not allowed to remind X, because the wolf jackal stepped forward and said, “Can the little girl game start now?”

“Of course, I’m ready when I’m here. Okay!”

Wolf Jackal raised his arm: “Okay, I’ll count one, two, three, and we’ll start punching at the same time.”




X took the lead with two fingers outstretched: “Scissors!”

The tiger jackal was obviously a step slower, his face A strange smile appeared, and he stretched out a slap: “Cloth!”

He clapped his head with his hands with fake acting skills, and said regretfully: “Aiya, little girl, you are too powerful. Well, the old man lost.”

“I’ll keep my promise and get out of here!”

Said, he walked up like walking in the primitive forest next to him, his face There is an uncontrollable smile.

“Tiger Jackal, are you going to violate our agreement?” Behind him, Wu Di, who was suspended in midair, was anxious and shouted loudly at Tiger Jackal’s back.

“It was promised that I would take action for you. Now that I have lost, I naturally have to run away.” Tiger Jackal didn’t turn his head, left a word, and ran into the primitive forest without a trace.

Chen Shuxian realized this when he saw this funny scene.

It turned out that after seeing the wolf jackal ** killed, the tiger jackal had no intention of fighting against X from the very beginning. It was only because he had reached a certain agreement with Wu Di that he could not directly violate it, so he thought of using it. Rock paper scissors to decide the winner.

In fact, Tiger Jackal was originally running to lose so that he could escape, so no matter what X came out, the result would be the same.

At this moment, Wu Di complexion ashen looked at the leopard jackal still squatting on the ground: “How about you, you are also going to play rock-paper-scissors tricks like your big brother.”

He now deeply regrets spending a lot of energy to bring the three monsters back to life.

The leopard jackal shook this violently, and then fell to the ground with convulsions, foaming at the mouth, like an emergency.

Man, this time even rock paper scissors is saved.

Since this guy is ready to pretend to be dead, X will naturally not stimulate him any more, but walks to Wu Di with a big sword: “Evil big boss, now you are the only one left, what’s the move? Use it!”

Does the evil boss really think he is playing a game?

For some reason, Chen Shuxian isn’t nervous at all now, she has an unfathomable mystery in her heart.

Perhaps you are infected with ** optimism?

She shook her head with a wry smile.

In front, Wu Di, who was questioned by **, was not in such a good mood. He was resurrected after suffering untold hardships. If I didn’t see it, I killed the ancestors of the three jackals.

This is unbearable!

“Hahaha, little girl, you are courting death!” He sneered and pulled out a pale-gold sword from behind. The surface of the sword was engraved with complex symbols, and a red was inlaid on the hilt. The gem, paired with the curved line next to it, resembles an Evil Eye.

The sword is illuminated by the sun, with brilliant lights and vibrant colors flowing vaguely beneath the surface.

“Is this the sword you stole from the bank safe?” X asked.

“Yes, this is the sword that High Priest is known for using cold iron and fine fire. The original name is Sweep, but it is regarded as a sword in myth by humans. It’s ridiculous!”

“Sweep. Such a cheesy name, not as good as my Mo Xie.” Xsaid with a smile.

“hmph, I’ll let you know how powerful the sweep is later!”

Wu Di flew to in midair, holding the sweep sword high: “I’ll let you see what it is called. The power of the ancestors!”

He spurted a mouthful of blood on the sweeping sword.

The Sweeping Sword instantly turns bright red from pale-gold color. This bright red is a bright bright red that looks very weird.

Then the bright red sweeping sword began to bloom with bright red rays of light, and all the places where everyone stood was covered with these bright red rays of light, and everyone’s bodies, faces, and weapons seemed to be plated with a ray of light. Layers of blood.

In the bright red realm, everyone’s heart is like being held tightly by a pair of big hands, and it is difficult to breathe with pain on their faces.

Chen Shuxian, who was in pain, frowned when he saw this natural phenomenon. This bright red rays of light has completely surpassed the level that superpowers can achieve.

In order to study the superpowers of the ancestors, the Earth Defense Bureau set up a superpower research department. They regard superpowers as a unique attribute of a creature. This creature is the seed in the womb of the ancestors.

Each ancestor is actually parasitized by seeds. They devour flesh and blood to provide energy for seeds, and seeds return them with unique attributes. This is a mutually beneficial symbiotic behavior.

But this unique attribute also has limits. It can only change the ancestors’ own body, and cannot affect the outside world.

This is not a superpower, it’s a superpower!

The resurrected Wu Di has the extraordinary ability to directly affect the victim. No wonder he keeps on saying to find Li Mo to seek revenge.

Chen Shuxian glanced at X.

Only X was unaffected at the scene. She was looking at the bright red color on her body in confusion, mumbling: “It’s too ugly. Too ugly”

Chen Shuxian then remembered that X has no heart!

Without a heart, you will not be affected by the Scarlet Realm.

“X, hurry up, stop him!” Chen Shuxian shouted, enduring the severe pain in his heart.

“Okay!” X waved the Mo Xie sword and rushed towards Wu Di.

When Wu Di saw the sword light coming, he hurriedly dodged, inwardly complained in one’s heart, this bright red field is a new ability he acquired after being resurrected, which can suppress the heartbeat of all creatures within the range, and finally let them die. in heart failure.

How can this little girl with fierce milk be unaffected?

Damn it!

How did I forget she was a cyborg?

Wu Di scolded himself for being stupid.

“But even if you are a biochemical robot, you will surely die if you are not affected by the bright red domain!” Wu Di said violently after dodging the sword light.

I saw that the muscles in his body began to skyrocket, and he instantly changed from a thin man to a muscular man.

“I now have the power of 50 ancestors, see how you carry it!”

He shouted loudly, waving his sweeping sword towards X.

His speed was so fast that the surrounding air began to shake, making a “hu hu” sound. The surrounding trees were shaken to the ground by the shock wave that was invisible to the naked eye, and everyone on the ground was in severe pain and vomited blood.

The red-haired man who had been hiding at the back also quickly and secretly activated his ability to turn his abdomen into a diamond.

“X, hurry up!” Chen Shuxian spit a mouthful of blood, reminded.

“Hide? I’m just about to try it. What’s the effect of fully turning on the battery?” Instead of avoiding, X waved his Mo Xie sword to meet him.

“Nuclear battery, gear 1!”

She began to glow, and a stream of pure white energy shot through her clothes, like the bright moon in the night sky .

“Fuck, is this going to be a nuclear explosion?” Wu Di saw X’s mutation and immediately thought of running away.


It’s too late.

X just rushed towards him like a shooting star, and Wu Di only clenched his teeth and pushed it hard.

The bright red sweeping sword and the silver Moxie sword collided fiercely.


A stream of bright rays of light lit up from between the two of them, soaring into the sky.

between Heaven and Earth suddenly dimmed a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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