
Chapter 614

“What is this towel?” Professor Wu asked.

President Huang Shifu explained: “This is a high-precision surgical robot. Doctors can manipulate it to perform precision surgery on patients. As for towels, this is Lu Tianfang’s special hobby.”

“He He sweats easily, but he doesn’t like other people to wipe his sweat, so he thought of such a way.”

Chen Shuxian: “.”

Well, genius is always a bit special hobby.

From the outside, the entire surgical procedure can be described as very tedious.

I saw Dr. Lu Tianfang standing in front of the console, quickly pressing the button, then shaking the joystick, and the six robotic arms began to move.

They are extremely flexible, just like a real human arm, and completed a difficult organ transplant operation in less than 30 minutes.

During the final stitching process, Dr. Lu Tianfang pressed the keys so fast that it was almost impossible for naked eyes to see clearly.

The robotic arm holding the needle, just like a sewing machine in ancient times, sewed a circle on Wang Zhiruo’s nose.

During this process, Dr. Lu Tianfang did not delay using the robotic arm and wiped off his sweat twice.

After the operation was completed, Lu Tianfang pressed the blue button on the console, and a light green beam shot down from a height, scanning along Wang Zhiruo’s face.

A crisp and pleasant voice sounded:

“DiDi’s physiological characteristics are all normal, after calculation, the operation score is: 1254786 points, rating: S-Rank, please work hard! ”

This voice can be heard clearly even in the lounge.

And post-operative scores? ?

Is this a game?

Chen Shuxian looked towards Dean Huang Shifu.

“Old Huang, you have a rating system?” Professor Wu was also very surprised.

Dean Huang said with a little pride: “This post-operative scoring system can detect the degree of completion of the operation, and at the same time, it will grade the doctor according to the degree of completion. It is the suggestion of Dr. Lu Tianfang. He feels that every time After the operation, if there is no motivation, it will not be enough to arouse the fighting spirit of the doctors.”

“The system was developed by Mozi Technology under our commission.”

Post-operative scoring system Interesting .

Since ancient times, doctors are a sacred and mysterious profession.

In ancient times, doctors used mysterious herbs and danced some exaggerated dances to relieve the pain of their patients.

When you harvest gratitude, you also invisibly improve your own sense of mystery.

As a result, in some backward and remote areas, doctors have vaguely become the spokesperson of gods.

In modern times, with the development of science and technology and the rise of modern medicine, people know that the body is sick because a certain organ is diseased, or it is infected by viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms.

The doctor will wear a white coat, use various medical instruments that look tall to examine the patient, and at the same time speak some obscure medical terms, and will also use the words that normal people can’t distinguish when prescribing. handwriting.

These are all invisible, making the doctor himself full of mystery.

Mysterious is absolutely impossible to be questioned.

This post-operative scoring system will rate the doctor’s operation after the operation, and the skills of the perfectly clear doctor will be presented to the patient and the patient’s family in a way that the public can understand.

To a certain extent, this also weakens the doctor’s mysterious sense and makes the doctor’s heart full of competition.

It is the patient who ultimately benefits.

Chen Shuxian thought about this, nodded: “This system is very good, I think it can be promoted.”

Dean Huang Shifu couldn’t help but said quickly: “For the sake of the whole world The patient, our second hospital, is willing to give up all the patents of the postoperative scoring system.”

“Very good!” Chen Shuxian also praised.

Although the operation was completed, in order to avoid infection, Wang Zhiruo needed to stay in a sterile ward for a week. There is no way for everyone to see the effect of the operation with their own eyes.

Fortunately, Dr. Lu Tianfang was clever. He aimed at Wang Zhiruo’s face with a high-definition camera and projected the picture on the LCD TV outside.

In the picture, Wang Zhiruo’s eyes are closed, it seems that the anesthesia effect has not subsided.

She has a perfect face, and if there are no traces of stitches on her face, it is impossible to see that she has lost her nose at all.

The nose transplanted from the organ growing farm perfectly matches her face and looks extremely natural.

“It’s brilliant! Although I’ve seen dozens of organ transplants, a scene like this perfect fit is only possible with organs grown on organ-growing farms.” Huang Shifu Institute Chang can’t help but sigh.

“Due to genetic matching, so far, our hospital has used the transplanted organs and carried out more than 500 organ transplants. The transplanted organs include heart, kidney, lung, stomach, arm. , feet, skin, etc., there has never been a case of postoperative rejection.”

“In other words, the organ growing farm has directly saved more than 500 patients, so that they no longer have to face death or life. In pain.”

When he left, Director Huang Shifu made a loud compliment to the organ transplant farm, intentionally or not.

Chen Shuxian naturally understands that he must be the same as Professor Wu, who thinks that his inspection is to cut off projects that have no results.

However, this kind of thing can’t be explained.

Chen Shuxian can only be comforted: “President Huang, don’t worry, the organ transplant farm will not be cancelled, but will expand in size. In the future, our Gobi Desert base will definitely grow organs that meet the needs of the whole world. “

Professor Wu heard this and smiled comfortably.

The two flew back to the Gobi Desert base in a helicopter gunship.

“Ms. Chen, the next project we are going to visit is a person.” Back at the base, Professor Wu took a short rest and walked to a square building with Chen Shuxian.

The building is made entirely of metal and appears to have no gaps, gleaming in the sunlight.

There is no number plate on the door of the metal building, but an X is drawn crookedly with red paint.

“Before entering, I need to inject oxygen into it.” After speaking, Professor Wu walked to the wall and tapped twice, and a keyboard-like operation panel popped up on the wall.

He quickly entered a strange line of code.


There was a noise from the top of the building.

Chen Shuxian looked up and saw two huge blowers at the top of the building turning.

“There is usually no oxygen in here,” explained Professor Wu.

Chen Shuxian was very puzzled: “Didn’t you just say that this project is a person, how can he survive without oxygen?”

Professor Wu watched the data displayed on the panel while watching said with a smile: “Wait a minute, when you see X, you’ll understand.”

Could X be that person’s name.

That sounds weird.

Twenty minutes later, Professor Wu saw the data on the panel showing that the oxygen ratio had reached normal.

The blue button is then pressed.

A door slid open silently on the smooth metal panel.

“Come in, Young Lady Chen.”

It was dark inside the door, Professor Wu didn’t turn on the light, but whispered: “X, there are guests today, please bring Lights on.”

Is this X living in the dark all day? Chen Shuxian murmured in his heart.


The LED lights lined up on the roof light up one after another, and the house is suddenly bright.


Chen Shuxian saw the facilities in the house and was dumbfounded for a while.

The area of this room is as high as 1000 square meters, the walls are made of silver metal, the floor is also covered with silver metal, and there is no trace between these metal plates, it seems to be cast as a whole.

The key question is.

In this 1,000-square-meter room, only a shopping cart is quietly placed in the corner. This shopping cart is almost the same as the shopping carts commonly found in supermarkets, but the stainless steel on it seems to be rusted. Covered with dark brown rust.

apart from this , nothing more.

No sofa, no bed, no cabinet, no desk

This is not a place one should live at all.

And, what about the man named X?

Is it an invisible man?

Chen Shuxian’s heart tightened and looked towards Professor Wu.

Professor Wu faced the air and whispered: “X, don’t be naughty, come down!”

Come down, is X on the roof?

Chen Shuxian looked up and saw a silver light shot.

She heart startled, involuntarily taking a few steps back.

Silver light fell on the ground silently and turned into a little girl with a ponytail.

This little girl has a pink face and big eyes, and is wearing a silver tights.

The tights cling to her body, showing the S-shaped figure vividly and thoroughly.

Her face looks like a teenager, and her figure is fierce.

The little girl looked at Chen Shuxian with a puzzled face, and asked in a clear and sweet voice: “Professor Wu, who is this?”

Professor Wu looked at the little girl’s His eyes were full of kindness: “X, this is Ms. Chen, you know.”

“Ms. Chen?” X frowned, and then suddenly realized: “You are that Chen Shuxian. Right.”

That Chen Shuxian.

Is there more than one Chen Shuxian?

Chen Shuxian was a little dissatisfied with this statement, but still smiled: “Hello, I’m Chen Shuxian, who are you?”

“Me? I’m X. .” X said proudly: “The first cyborg among humans.”

Cyborg? ?

Is it an alien?

Chen Shuxian is a little confused.

Professor Wu explained: “Cyborgs are also known as mechanized people and cyborgs. They have both mechanical and organic bodies in their bodies. The difference between them and intelligent robots is that although cyborgs have mechanical bodies in their bodies, , but thinking and movement are still controlled by the human brain.”

Chen Shuxian gradually understood.

She had read in an internal publication of Mozi Technology, in fire star civilization technology, scientists of Mozi Technology discovered the mystery of human mechanization. By implanting fluid mechanical parts, humans can become strong as an ox like the legendary Vajra wolf.

But considering ethical issues, the plan to transform humans has not officially entered the experimental stage.

didn’t expect, the Gobi Desert base quietly created a cyborg here.

Professor Li Mo is not afraid that this incident will be known to the public and cause an extraordinary uproar in the whole world?

After all, in the eyes of some old-fashioned human beings, human beings are made of flesh and blood, and any attempt to borrow machinery to increase their own strength is heresy.

It is conceivable that once cyborgs appear in the public eye, those conservatives will surely attack in groups.

Li Mo this time is too radical!

“Professor Wu, this project was also approved by Professor Li Mo?” Chen Shuxian asked.

Professor Wu: “Of course, all the projects at the Gobi Desert Base have been approved by Prof. Li Mo. In fact, it was Prof. Li Mo who solved the problem of brain signal transmission and mechanical rejection, and X was born. “

He said, and he realized that Chen Shuxian’s expression was unusual.

Explained: “Ms. Chen, don’t worry, X is a special case. Even if the outside world knows of her existence, it will not cause trouble.”

“A special case?” Chen Shuxian wondered.

What kind of special case can make those conservatives give up their prejudices and allow a “human” with a body made of metal to appear on Earth.

Professor Wu had to continue to explain: “X’s original name was Zuo Rongrong, when he was 5 years old, he suddenly suffered from a strange disease. The muscles of the whole body began to atrophy, and the meridian network gradually withered.”

“In the beginning, because the symptoms were similar to those of ALS, the doctor watched Professor Li Mo’s development of J antibody, but her condition did not improve. As the disease progressed, her limbs had lost control. , breathing can only be maintained by an artificial ventilator. This matter was reported to the hospital layer by layer, and was finally known by Professor Li Mo.”

“He took Zuo Rongrong to the medical department of Mozi Technology, A detailed examination was carried out. The examination results exceeded everyone’s expectations. Zuo Rongrong did not suffer from ALS, but a problem with the Innate gene.”

“Gene mutation? Genetic disease?” Chen Shuxian asked.

Mozi Science and Technology has already completed the human gene mapping. According to the strength of the Mozi Science and Technology Medical Department, even diseases caused by genetic mutations should be completely cured.

Professor Wu said with a bitter smile: “Ms. Chen, you are not a medical professional and do not know the complexity of human genes. And the reason why Zuo Rongrong is sick is not because of genetic mutation. Because there’s something wrong with her gene lock.”

“Gene lock?” Chen Shuxian heard another new term.

Professor Wu nodded: “Gene lock is when human beings realize the existence of genes and realize that, excluding external factors, the reason why human beings rarely exceed 3 meters and will not grow as big as dinosaurs , and it will not be as small as an ant, mainly because there is a lock in the gene.”

“This lock is both a protection and a restriction. For example, the human body’s metabolic rate, sleep It will decrease when you exercise and increase when you exercise, but there will also be an upper limit for the increase. This upper limit can be simply understood as a lock, which restricts your body and reduces the possible damage.

If this lock is unlocked, then your metabolism will enter a super fast speed, the energy in your body will be quickly consumed, and the energy you can use will also increase rapidly, typically you will not feel fatigued, and the power will be gushing out. out, continuously. But the final result is likely to die.”

“Although the concept of genetic lock was proposed very early, no one has ever discovered the existence of this lock in genes, so medical science People think that this is just a fantasy full of fantasy.”

“But after researching Zuo Rongrong, Professor Li Mo found clues. He believes that Zuo Rongrong’s genetic lock has appeared. However, the gene lock does not exist in a specific position of specific genetic information, but is composed of the entire genetic information.

(End of this chapter)

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