
Chapter 586 Ten Thousand People Plan

In the Ten Thousand People Conference Hall, Li Mo stood under the spotlight with a serious face loudly said: “So I ask you all to make an all-out effort!”

Professor Thomas Bennett, who was sitting in the seat, was shocked and muttered to himself: “A major that is related to the development of human civilization. event. How is this possible, we theoretical scientists still have such a role?”

Likewise, everyone in the Conference Hall was discuss spiritedly.

“Did Professor Li Mo make a mistake? We don’t even know how to assemble rockets, how can we develop human civilization?”

“That is, under the great catastrophe, Professor Li Mo must be under too much pressure.”

“Confucius said, trying to find anyone or anything in a crisis, it must be like this.”

The discussion in the audience, Li Mo Hearing it clearly, he did not continue to explain, but waved his hand.

In the air behind him, lines of mathematical formulas and complex physical and chemical symbols appeared magically.

The text is pale green, shimmering in midair, and looks extremely sharp and three-dimensional, with the edges and width of the text clearly visible.

From a distance, the words appear to have entities.

“Oh my God, holographic imaging technology!”

“This is not only a holographic image, but also the most difficult stereoscopic imaging. Those words in the air are real 3D stereoscopic images!”


“I didn’t even find out where these words came from, it’s incredible!”

There were continuous exclamations from the audience, and the faces of Surrounding Sects professors were full of surprises! Full of shock.

“There is no trace of light cast, this is true holographic imaging technology!”

Professor Thomas Bennett almost fell from his chair and fell to the ground, he thought His ankles should not be sore, his eyes fixed on the light green text magically suspended in midair, and his mouth could not be closed.

The full name of holographic imaging technology, which uses the principles of interference and diffraction to record and reproduce the real three-dimensional image of an object.

It is an “ancient technology”. In the 1960s, scientists used laser transmitters in the laboratory to realize primordial holographic images.

However, the development of holographic imaging technology is extremely slow. Scientists have been working hard for hundreds of years, but they have only developed holographic projection technology, which can project images on a transparent “holographic plate”. .

This is a useless projection technique.

Later, some clever scientists discovered that because human eyes observe objects horizontally and the viewing angles are slightly different, the images are side by side through vision, and there is a gap of about 6 cm between the two eyes. The fusion of reflection and visual psychological response produces a three-dimensional sense.

So a simple holographic technology that can be used for commercial use was born, and 3D movies have become the standard in cinemas.

However, both “holographic panels” and “3D movies” are the most primary level of holographic imaging technology.

The real holographic imaging technology requires the display of real 3D stereoscopic images in space, and uses the projection method to record and reproduce all the information of the light emitted by the object being photographed.

For example, showing a person with holographic technology.

The holographic image of this person is a 3D stereo, which can be put on or taken off for him using light and shadow technology, and even his internal structure can be studied.

It can be said that the holographic image of this person contains all the information of this person, including physical characteristics, physical characteristics, genetic information and so on.

This is not only a technology for communication and entertainment, but more importantly, it can become a special means for human beings to study the material world.

Doctors can use holographic imaging technology to learn specific information about the diseased parts of the patient’s body without surgery.

The army can use holographic imaging technology to simulate a realistic battlefield environment and train soldiers.

Architects can use holographic imaging technology to develop more suitable weighing structures for buildings.

In short, real holographic technology is widely used in human research and life.

“didn’t expect Mozi Technology really did it!” Professor Thomas Bennett couldn’t help but utter vulgar language.

On the high stage, Li Mo looked at Surrounding Sects with shock, envy, jealousy, admiration and other expressions on his face. He just wanted to say: Get rid of it, you are focusing on the wrong focus.

He had to “cough” twice to alert the surrounding Sects.

“Oh, you know all those mathematical symbols, but you can’t understand them when they are connected together?” Surrounding Sects then came back to his senses, noticing the green numbers and symbols themselves floating in midair .

“There should be some pattern, but I can’t figure it out.”

“Is this really human knowledge?”

They just Out of shock, into confusion.

This kind of confusion is like when a primary school student encounters a math Olympiad problem. Although they all know the words in the question, they don’t understand the meaning.

“Could this be the reason why Professor Li Mo recruited us?” Professor Gu Sijie, as a member of the International Pure Mathematics Union, knows a little about how Professor Li Mo works.

Professor Li Mo held a conference attended by world-renowned mathematicians in order to solve several mathematical problems.

At the meeting, he let mathematicians burst into brain sparks, and then collected these sparks to illuminate the fog that covered these mathematical problems.

It’s just that this time the scale is a bit large, and the entire venue has as many as 10,000 people!

Professor Gu Sijie’s expression became solemn.

On the high platform, Li Mo pressed his hands slightly.

The ten thousand professor scholar in the Conference Hall immediately fell silent.

Li Mo said the answer directly: “This is the “Universe Unification Theory”!”

“The Cosmic Unification Theory!”

“This thing is really Exist?”

“Niu Beep. Eagle Blows the Sky!”

Before he finished speaking, Professor Wan Scholar in the audience could no longer restrain his excitement and jumped out of his seat.

They were so shocked that they didn’t care about the gentleness, and like a normal youngster, they spit out all kinds of vulgar exclamations.

No wonder they were so shocked.

The theory of cosmic unification also has a name, the principle of all things.

As the name suggests, all phenomena in the universe can be explained by the theory of cosmic unification, which may describe and predict everything in the universe.

Having mastered the theory of cosmic unification, human beings have mastered all the mysteries of the universe and become god-like beings.

Therefore, at the beginning of the birth of modern science, human scientists were full of interest in the theory of unification of the universe. For example, the famous scientific giant Newton exhausted his energy to create the theory of unification.

However, limited by the level of technology, more and more scientists realize that the theory of unification of the universe is too ethereal, and replaced it with a simplified version of the theory of unification.

Scientists have found that there are only four interaction forces between microscopic particles, gravitational force, electromagnetic force, strong interaction force, and weak interaction force.

In theory, all phenomena in the universe can be explained by these four forces.

If we can unify these four forces and build a model, we can simply explain the universe.

Since then, scientists have taken the unification of the four major forces as their lifelong pursuit.

After hundreds of years of development, human beings have unified the electromagnetic force, the strong interaction force, and the weak interaction force. Only the unfathomable gravitational force, the first force known to human beings, is left. outside the system.

The famous scientist Albert Einstein, after proposing the general theory of relativity, spent the rest of his life studying how to unify gravitation and other forces, but ended up with nothing.

Therefore, human beings have not even established a simplified version of the unification theory, and Professor Li Mo has thrown out the unification theory of the universe directly. The shock in the hearts of these professors and scholars in the audience can be imagined.

The shock is followed by doubt.

Are these incomprehensible mathematical formulas the unification theory of the universe?

Professor Thomas Bennett, as a theoretical scientist who has also devoted himself to the study of unification theory, could no longer suppress his inner doubts, stood up and asked, “Professor Li Mo, I have no doubts. You mean, but the unification theory of the universe is very important, can you explain it in detail.”

After thinking for a while, he added: “I don’t understand the formula you gave.”

As a scientist, I don’t terrify when I encounter problems that I don’t understand. Terrifying is the unwillingness to admit my ignorance.

Li Mo nodded, encouraging him.

He smiled and spread his hands: “I really want to explain, but I can’t understand it either.”

“I don’t understand? Even Professor Li Mo can’t understand it? “

“Is Professor Li Mo joking, he doesn’t understand his theory of universe unification?”

“Did I hear it wrong just now?”

Discuss spiritedly in the audience, and scholar, the surrounding Sects professor, rubbed his ears one after another.

Even Fang Lanshan looked at him with disbelief.

Li Mo smiled bitterly in his heart. Now to tell the truth, no one believes it.

He threw out the prepared story: “After the annihilation of Mount Kamiyama, the Earth Defense Bureau found an ancestral book from a hidden corner at the bottom of Mount Kamiyama. According to research findings, this book recorded the People got some cosmic secrets from a cosmic wandering race. This set of complex formulas is the most important part of it.”

In order to make a reasonable explanation for the surrounding Sects scholar, Li Mo had to put the The ancestors of Shenshan came to the forefront. Anyway, Shenshan has been completely destroyed, and the ancestors have been extinct, so there is no way to expose this kind of white lie.

“It turns out that the ancestors got the scientific theory from the advanced civilization, which makes sense.”

“Professor Li Mo is of high moral character. If it were someone else, he would have taken it for himself.”

“That’s right. Professor Li Mo is worthy of being the greatest scientist of mankind.”

Professors scholar suddenly realized, They nodded.

Li Mo listened to the admiration of hiding the sky and covering the earth, and his mood was complicated. If five years ago, he might have hesitated to make these theories public, or to study them secretly to gain more information. What an honor.

But now, his biggest ideal is to improve the overall strength of human civilization as soon as possible, and strive to allow human beings to gain the power to protect themselves in this indifferent universe.

And all of this, with his own strength and wisdom, is absolutely impossible.

Only by uniting the power of all human beings and using the wisdom of all human scientists can this goal be achieved as soon as possible.

Li Mo pressed his hands slightly to signal silence, and then loudly said: “I have a preliminary understanding of these formulas, it should be the theory of universe unification, and now I ask you to use all your ingenuity to put This theory is sorted out.”

“Professor, don’t worry, this is related to the development of human civilization, and we theoretical scientists will do our best.” Professor Gu Sijie stood up and took the initiative to express his position.

He was flushed and emotional, and there was a gleam in his eyes called ambition.

“Yes! Once the theory of cosmic unification is established, we humans may no longer fear that alien spaceship.”

“Professor Li Mo is right, we are the whole world. The smartest scientists will definitely be able to figure it out.”

Scholar, the professor of surrounding Sects, expressed his excitement. As if in the next moment, they have mastered the theory of cosmic unification, and can create a star destroyer, which will blast the alien spaceship that is about to destroy Earth into pieces.

In the Conference Hall, the crowd was surging, but Li Mo, the initiator, remained calm. Among the scientific and technological theories obtained from the big-headed Pajeluian, the unification theory of the universe is a low-level theory.

In other words, even if we master this theory, it is difficult for humans to create weapons of this level of the Star Destroyer Cannon.

Another point is that the Universe Rule of Pajelu Star Domain may be different from that of Earth Star Domain, and the universe unification theories of the two may also be different.

Of course, this kind of cosmic secrecy is inconvenient to express.

Li Mo thought for a moment, then added: “I ask you not to limit yourself to these formulas, but to understand the ideas and principles behind them.”

Professor from surrounding Sects The scholars nodded in agreement.

Li Mo turned around and said to Fang Lanshan, “I’ll leave it to you here!”

Fang Lanshan nodded heavily and said, “Professor, don’t worry. , I know very well what this mission means.”

He was very curious, because Professor Li Mo handed him a total of three file bags. What’s in a bag?

However, he suppressed his curiosity and began to assign tasks to the more than 10,000 theoretical scientists, because Professor Li Mo had explained that the other two bags could only be opened after the cosmic unification theory was solved.

As the sun sets in the west, the bulletproof red flag car is driving on the streets of Yanjing, just like driving in golden rays of light,

Li Mo explained to the surrounding Sects scholar his right After understanding the theory of cosmic unification, they rushed to the international airport non-stop.

Today is the day when Wu Sanwei went to Japan, and Wu teacher will also see him off. If his director appears, it will make him feel more at ease.

“Director, why did you hand over all three bags to Fang Lanshan?” Zhou Dong hesitated for a long time before expressing his doubts.

In his opinion, the Secretary’s approach is inconsistent with confidentiality requirements.

The correct approach should be that after Professor Scholar has solved one theory, the director will hand over another theory to Fang Lanshan.

Li Mo was stunned for a moment, then heaved a sigh of relief, and said, “Because I’m not sure, they can create the theory of cosmic unification before the world-annihilating disaster arrives.”

Zhou Dong was stunned.

The director’s unspoken implication is that he is mentally prepared to die in the fight against the world-class disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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