
Chapter 575 North American Direct Management Area

Wu Sanwei covered his face and cried, his body twitched, and he was immersed in sadness for a long time, unable to control himself.

Li Mo just watched silently from the side, not giving any advice.

Faced with this kind of heart-piercing sadness, no amount of comfort is in vain. It is better to let this man vent on his own.

At this moment, the knock on the door sounded.

Li Mo stood up and handed over a box of tissue papers.

Wu Sanwei wiped away the tears on his face with a tissue.

Li Mo said loudly: “Please come in.”

A tall girl with a stack of documents pushed open the door and walked in.

She is beautiful, with fair and pink skin, big black and clear eyes, soft and full red lips, undulating curves, and slender legs. Even in a gray professional dress, she can show her beautiful figure. .

She is Li Mo’s assistant, Qin Baimian.

Qin Baimian’s walking posture is very characteristic. She puts her toes on the ground first, a little like the way she walks in ballet, which makes people feel that her whole body is full of youthful vitality.

“Director, this is the document you need to approve today.”

After Qin Baimian entered the room, those big eyes kept staring at Li Mo, like Wu with rosy eyes Three dimensions do not exist in general.

Li Mo sat up straight and asked, “Is there an S-Rank file?”

In order to improve work efficiency, the Administration Section of Earth Defense Bureau has submitted documents from all over the world. Divided into A, B, C, D, S, 5 grades.

The files are in ascending order of importance.

For example, the least important A-Rank file might just ask Li Mo if he is in good health recently, or which tribe found some kind of strange melon and exotic fruit in the sacred mountain, hoping to donate it. To the Earth Defense Agency.

Li Mo usually does things perfunctory about this kind of document. As for those strange melons and fruits, let those tribes digest them by themselves. Who knows if they will kill Wuhu after eating them.

However, the most important S-Rank file is different, and it is likely to be related to the stability of a region.

Qin Baimian bent down and said with a smile: “Director, there are indeed two S-Rank documents.” In the pile of documents, clip out two marked documents.

“The first one is the report sent back by our Earth Defense Bureau’s Secret Service Office in Japan.”

Li Mo flipped through the pages, expressionless, and handed it to Wu Weiwei: “Three-dimensional, take a look.”

Qin Baimian was startled.

When she walked into the room, she had already seen a thin, pale-skinned young man with slightly red eyes sitting next to the director, and she felt a little strange.

Qin Baimian has been working as Li Mo’s assistant for a while, but he also knows that the director is a cold-hearted person who rarely invites friends, not to mention that this friend can sit on the sofa with a pair of Looking calm.

At that time, she thought to herself that this young man might be the director’s old friend.

However, now the director has handed over the most important S-Rank document in the bureau to the youth, which made Qin Baimian heart trembled.

What is the origin of this young man named Sanwei?

Wu Sanwei was also startled.

He has no official position, although he has agreed to join the Earth Defense Agency.

And the document handed by Professor Li Mo seems to be very important.

Is this appropriate?

Wu Weiwei was in restless, took over the document and read it.

This document is an intelligence message.

The Earth Defense Agency’s Secret Service in Japan, Lieutenant Tian, reports:

The Earth Defense Agency’s intelligence officers monitoring the Kyoto refugee camp found that several refugees were killed in the Kyoto refugee camp.

After investigating the corpses, it was found that these refugees died of excessive bleeding from the aorta of the neck, and there were traces of suspected teeth gnawing on the neck wounds. What is even more strange is that the hearts and lungs of the refugees’ corpses were found. part, all lost.

It is preliminarily speculated that the refugees were bitten to death by the aorta of the neck, and the murderers who committed these murders may have cannibalistic tendencies.

The report is short and scary.

Wu Sanwei was shocked. Could there be a Human Race in the Kyoto refugee camp?

He had seen the misery of the refugee camps with his own eyes not long ago, and knew that in that hellish environment, people often lost their minds.

Li Mo saw Wu Weiwei’s shocked expression, knew that he had finished reading the report, and asked with a smile: “How do you decide to deal with the Kyoto Food Human Race incident?”

Wu Weiwei Some doubts.

This major event related to regional stability should be handled by Li Mo, the director of the Earth Defense Bureau.

Is he asking for his own opinion?

Wu Weiwei thought for a moment, and said, “I suggest that the Earth Defense Bureau immediately organize an investigation team to go to the Kyoto refugee camp to investigate.”

“The people who committed these horrific bloody crimes, Arrested!”

Li Mo smiled and asked, “If those big chaebols in Kyoto block it, how should we deal with it?”

Wu Sanwei then remembered , The real rulers of the Kyoto area are those big chaebols.

For their own interests and to maintain their local dominance, they will do their best to stop the Earth Defense Bureau’s investigation.

However, if the Earth Defense Bureau forcibly investigates, it will definitely conflict with those big chaebols and affect the overall situation of human unity.

This is a dilemma.

Should the Food Human Race in the Kyoto refugee camp go unpunished?

Wu Sanwei pondered for a moment, then heaved a sigh of relief, and said firmly: “criminals must be severely punished.”

“If those big chaebols dare to stop, the Earth Defense Bureau must take more measures. Tough attitude, even using martial power!”

Li Mo heard this and was relieved.

This youngster is really full of righteousness in his heart.

Li Mo took over the document and replied on it: It is recommended that the Earth Defense Bureau’s Secret Service in Japan immediately investigate the case of cannibalism in the Kyoto refugee camp!

Qin Baimian, who was standing aside, was even more shocked when he saw this scene.

Director Li Mo never asks any advice when dealing with matters.

Today not only solicited Wu Weiwei’s opinion, but also approved the document according to his opinion.

She could not help but scrutinize the youngster who had never met.

“Assistant Qin?” After Li Mo approved the document, he raised his head and saw that Qin Baimian was staring at Wu Sanwei with a bewildered expression.

“Ah,” Qin Baimian came back to his senses, blushing, and hurriedly flipped out another S-Rank document.

“Director, North America is directly under the control of the region, a drought that has occurred once in a century, tens of thousands of hectares of grain have failed, and the people have to endure hunger and suffering. In dire straits, President Yelena asked the Earth Defense Agency for assistance.

Li Mo took the document with a serious expression.

“The number of people affected by the disaster in North America this time is as high as tens of millions. If we provide all-out assistance, the food reserves in the Earth Defense Agency will be in short supply.”

“If there is no assistance, the disaster victims will suffer. Maybe it won’t last this winter.”

Li Mo put the document on the table and looked up towards Wu Sanwei: “Sanwei, what’s your opinion?”

Qin Baimian once again shocked.

In just a few minutes, the director has been continuously soliciting the opinion of this youngster. What is the rhythm?

Is this youngster going to hold an important position in the Earth Defense Agency?

Qin Baimian looked towards Wu Sanwei’s eyes eagerly.

Wu Sanwei thought for a while, and then asked back: “I don’t know, what kind of attitude does the director hold towards the people in the North American direct management area.”

Attitude determines how to deal with the problem!

Li Mo said with a smile: “The North American direct management area is also a part of Earth, and the people living there are also human.” What about bullshit?

Wu Weiwei understood Li Mo’s attitude.

He analyzed: “As human beings, we must not be able to see the people in North America directly endured starvation.”

“But the number of people affected by this disaster is as high as tens of millions. If this happens, the Earth Defense Bureau’s reserves are likely to be exhausted.”

“If disasters occur in other parts of Earth, it will be in a difficult situation.”

Li Mo Nodding, this is exactly his concern.

After he used Heavenly Eye to discover the traces of alien spaceships, he immediately asked Mozi Technology to spend a lot of money, collecting over 2 billion tons of grain from the world’s major producing countries and hoarding them all over China.

After the establishment of the Earth Defense Bureau, Li Mo “lent” the rest of the food to the Earth Defense Bureau on the premise of keeping enough food for the Chinese people for 5 years, and used it as relief for disasters around the world.

According to Li Mo’s plan, this batch of food can meet the relief needs of mankind for at least ten years.

However, the drought in the North American direct management area this time is too severe, most of the farmland has no grains, and the number of victims reaches tens of millions. At least 500 million tons of food are needed to provide sufficient assistance.

This number has exceeded the red line in Li Mo’s food relief plan.

Wu Sanwei was excited when he saw that his analysis was approved by Professor Li Mo, and a hint of ruddy appeared on his pale face.

He said: “There is another problem. Although the North American direct management area is directly managed by the Earth Defense Agency, most of the officers are still the original M people.”

“They are likely to The food that should have been distributed to the victims will be greedy.”

Li Mo nodded and said, “There is a possibility.”

The most greedy animal on Earth is not a tiger , not wolves, nor sharks, but the humans of Sovereign Earth.

They are always easily captured by their inner greed, and use the power in their hands to do their best for their own benefit.

Especially in times of major disasters, the situation in the disaster area is chaotic and the situation is critical.

It is a good opportunity for those with ulterior motives to take the opportunity to embezzle food for disaster relief.

Li Mo said with a smile when he saw Wu Weiwei’s confident look: “What can you do?”

Wu Weiwei said with a smile: “I don’t know that the director knows about our country. How did a competent official in ancient times provide disaster relief?”

Li Mo, who has read poetry and books a lot, knows that this competent official is actually He Shen, a corrupt official in ancient China.

He Shen is a capable official despite being corrupt.

In the disaster relief work, he ordered his subordinates to mix the grain with gravel in order to prevent children from rich families from appearing out of the disaster victims to receive food.

However, Li Mo pretended not to know, pretended to be surprised, and asked, “How to do disaster relief?”

Wu Weiwei said, “A bowl of rice, half a bowl of sand!”

“Of course, this is just an exaggeration.”

Wu Weiwei continued to explain: “We can add sand to the aid grains in the North American direct management area, so as to avoid Those with ulterior motives are greedy for food aid.”

“At the same time, it can also prevent some fake victims from repeatedly receiving aid food.”

Li Mo, said with a smile: “This is true It’s a good way.”

“If a person is not really hungry, he is absolutely unwilling to eat grain mixed with sand.”

Besides, Qin Baimian is also small Nodding like a chicken pecking rice, looking towards Wu Sanwei’s eyes full of admiration.

Li Mo drew up a plan according to Wu Weiwei’s idea, and told Qin Baimian to immediately let the relevant personnel in the bureau execute it according to the plan.


When the Huaxia landed in Yanjing, it was already evening, but the summer sun died a little later, so the whole Yanjing was still shrouded in light .

A convoy of bulletproof red flag vehicles, armored vehicles, and tanks has long been waiting for the airport.

Wu Weiwei followed Li Mo and walked down the Huaxia along the 100-meter-long dizzy ladder, and found that the originally wide airport was a little crowded after the huge Huaxia landed. Dozens of military vehicles had to cautiously circle the airport.

Fortunately, no other planes landed here, otherwise there will definitely be a plane traffic accident.

At this time, Zhou Dong also got off the Huaxia, and he looked listless.

Wu Sanwei saw the unconcealed loss on his face and sighed in his heart.

The captain of the Huaxia has just been dismissed by Professor Li Mo and is in depression.

Wu Sanwei actually felt grateful to Zhou Dong in his heart. After all, he led the soldiers to find himself who was about to jump off the cliff.

It is also a life saving benefactor.

But Wu Sanwei absolutely agrees with Professor Li Mo’s decision.

Although he and Zhou Dong have only just met each other, he can feel that this youngster, who is similar in age to himself, lacks discipline and likes to act according to his personal preferences.

For a normal person, this may be just a character trait, but for a captain who controls tens of thousands of soldiers and controls the Huaxia, it is indeed a fatal flaw.

Li Mo was about to walk in front of the team, but stopped, turned around, and looked at the tail section of the Huaxia.

Wu Sanwei also followed his line of sight and looked.

The tailgate of the Huaxia had already been opened, and the rectangular metal boxes in the shape of crystal coffins were sent to the van under the escort of fully armed soldiers.

These dozens of camouflage-painted vans seem to have been specially modified, with wide run-flat tires installed on all four wheels, barbed wire on the narrow windows on the sides of the cars, and racks on the roof. The heavy machine gun shone with a metallic sheen under the sunlight.

“Director, those second-generation ancestors who were captured will be sent to Mozi Technology’s biological laboratory.” Beside him, Qin Hongmian ran over on a pair of high-heeled shoes and explained.

“Professor Liu, the director of the laboratory, is going to conduct a dissection study on them to find out the source of the strange abilities of the second-generation ancestors.”

Li Mo nodded and said: “I ordered the transportation There are also experimenters in the biological laboratory, and must strictly follow the ancestral manual issued by the bureau to prevent these ancestors from escaping with their strange abilities.”

Qin Hongmian nodded and took out his mobile phone. , relay the Chief-In-Charge’s order to the relevant Chief-In-Charge.

Li Mo turned around when he saw the vans painted in camouflage, under the escort of armored vehicles, drive out of the airport and disappear into the sunlight.

“Wu Sanwei, teacher is waiting for you at home.”

(End of this chapter)

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