
Chapter 555 Different Colors

In the darkness, Wu Sanwei heard the sound of Sun Xiaoting sleeping beside him, and quietly opened his eyes. He opened his eyes, stared at the ceiling, lost in thought.

Ever since he woke up in the hospital, he always felt that this world was a little strange, but he couldn’t figure out what was strange.

But today, when he saw the wooden seat with the sun carved into it, he understood.

In this world, some unreasonable things will be corrected in an instant.

As the male owner of this villa, Wu Sanwei knew all his property, two cars, thirty-six chairs, and twelve wardrobes, not including the strange-looking seat.

Why would the waiter bring out such a chair.

Driven by doubt, the Divine City City Lord kept his eyes on the chair after he left.

Then there is no then.

The chair suddenly disappeared.

Instead of being split into pieces by an axe, or burnt to ashes by fire, it just disappears.

It’s like a chair drawn with a pencil and erased by an eraser.

This is not scientific!

Doubt is like a seed that takes root in Wu Sanwei’s heart and instantly grows into a towering tree.

He remembered more strange events in the world.

Once, on the way to work, he saw a man walking on the street with a car on his back.

Obviously, the car should have a breakdown, Or run out of energy. But in this case, shouldn’t you call for help?

even more how, can a grown man really carry a car and walk with a calm expression?

The next second, he saw a flash, and the entire world was covered with a silver mist.

He couldn’t help rubbing his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, the car had been pulled into the breakdown car, and the strong man was explaining something to a uniformed driver.

This is normal.

At that time, Wu Sanwei thought it was because he had too much work and had hallucinations.

It now appears that this is another strange event in the world.

Is this world sick too?

Waking up early in the morning, Wu Weiwei drove a car to the space dimension laboratory in Divine City Central Zone under the concerned eyes of Sun Xiaoting.

His work is to develop a method of jumping from low dimensional to high latitude.

One dimension is a point, nothing.

A 2D is a face with infinite area but no thickness.

Three-dimensional is a body, and its length, width and height constitute everything that human beings can perceive.

The fourth dimension is a body plus the time dimension. This universe is a four-dimensional universe.

The mysteries of the universe at the same latitude cannot be mastered by the creatures of the same latitude.

In the four-dimensional universe, four-dimensional human beings can accurately manipulate three-dimensional space, but cannot spy on the fourth dimension, time.

If the four-dimensional universe is converted into a five-dimensional universe, can humans who become five-dimensional creatures be able to control time?

Once you control time, human beings will truly control their own destiny.

Lovers who have broken up can go back to the time before the breakup and restore the broken relationship.

People who are seriously ill can go back to living a healthy life before they got sick.

Humans will Eternal and Undying!

But this seemingly great idea is considered a near-absurd idea, and it can’t even be called a scientific idea.

Because according to the basic laws of physics, dimensions can only collapse, not jump.

Five dimensions can lose one dimension and collapse into four.

The fourth dimension can’t add another dimension, and it jumps into five dimensions.

This also means that there is an impossible way to jump from low dimensionality to high latitude.


However, the reason why a person is great and is praised by thousands of people is that he can break the routine and do things that ordinary people cannot.

Wu Sanwei is such a person.

In Wu Sanwei’s memory, he graduated from university, and after a year of research, he proposed the “Left-handed Proton Transition Theory” which shocked the world.

This universe is very strict. Every element, every atom, every living thing must obey the basic laws of physics.

The whole universe is like a precise computer, which regulates everything in strict logic.

But nothing is absolute, there is a small bug in this absolutely sophisticated computer.

In an accidental and inevitable experiment, two well-known physicists from China discovered that the same tiny particles do not necessarily behave exactly the same in the weakly interacting environment. It is the parity non-conservation theory.

Parity non-conservation is a bug in the universe.

Perhaps this is a momentary negligence of the Creator, or it may be a “back door” opened by the Creator for mankind.

Through the extension of the parity non-conservation theory, Wu Sanwei created the theory of left-handed proton transition, which makes dimensional transition completely possible.

Wu Sanwei also became the greatest physicist and won the Nobel Prize.

Of course, this is what Wu Sanwei’s brain told him.

Therefore, Wu Weiwei’s work is very simple. He only needs to write the designs, data and blueprints that automatically emerge in his brain on the manuscript paper, and then use the tone provided by his brain to make these seemingly complicated. The design drawing can be handed over to the experimenter.

Usually, the tone provided by the brain is full of arrogance like those of the nobles in ancient Europe ordering their servants.

But it was very effective. Those experimenters who took over the design drawings all had expressions of reverence on their faces.

This look made Wu Sanwei feel very happy.

Especially when I see the researcher named Li Mo, who is more submissive, the pleasure will be doubled inexplicably.

“Hey, Li Mo, come here.” Wu Weiwei simply completed a new blueprint. Although he didn’t understand the above data at all, it was something that came out of his own brain after all.

Definitely not plagiarism.

Li Mo came quickly with a paper in hand.

“Professor Wu, this is the revised paper, please review it again.”

Wu Weiwei was satisfied with his attitude and accepted the paper.

He couldn’t understand the content of the paper, but his brain kept telling him that the paper was good and could be published as a graduation thesis.

Since the brain says it’s good, so be it!

“Well” Wu Sanwei pondered for a moment, played the paper with his hand, and said with a sincere tone: “Very good!”

Li Mo was overjoyed and bowed and thanked him repeatedly.

“However, I think it still does not meet the conditions and needs to continue to be revised!” Wu Sanwei suddenly said something diametrically opposite.

The voice was still echoing in the air, and he was stunned. This was not what his brain told him to say at all.

What’s the matter?

Why am I saying this?

Wu Sanwei ignored Li Mo, who had a gloomy face and lost his soul, and fell into contemplation.

This is so weird.

My mouth didn’t listen to the control of my brain, it seemed that it was controlled by an unknown with higher authority at that moment.

Is it another strange event in the world?


impossible .

world Strange events have a commonality, those events that do not conform to common sense will be repaired by this world in an instant.

How is the discourse repaired?

Wu Sanwei felt that the abnormality just now might just be a loss of control.

“Could it be that I’m really sick?” Until Sun Xiaoting took over his file bag, Wu Sanwei was still immersed in deep worry.

He has a high status, has a beautiful wife, and has a baby son, perhaps the happiest person in this world. Absolutely nothing can go wrong.

“Sick?” Sun Xiaoting knelt down to help him put on his slippers, then stood up, her face full of wonder.

“How could you be sick!”

Su Xiaoting’s attitude surprised Wu Sanwei.

She did not ask herself what was wrong and whether she should go to the hospital like a normal wife, but directly denied the probability of being sick.

Although Wu Sanwei is proud of his position, he is not arrogant.

According to the common sense in the world, everyone can get sick, unless they are not human!

Why is Sun Xiaoting so sure that she will not get sick?

However, when he saw Su Xiaoting’s peach blossom eyes overflowing with spring water again, he instantly put the doubts behind him.


Sun Xiaoting dodged his big hand, twisted her waist and ran to the restaurant, “Today I made your favorite beef stew with potatoes.”


Wu Sanwei picked up a piece of reddish-brown beef and put it in his mouth. Beef melts in the mouth, the combination of spicy and savory is just right, it can be seen that the people who cook the dishes are very skilled.

“Sanwei, eat some natto.” A lump of black beans was placed on his plate, and Sun Xiaoting was shy.

“I heard that this is very helpful.”

Wu Sanwei was startled for a moment.

Inexplicably, a piece of information appeared in his mind: Natto, soy products, has the effect of strengthening the body, you should eat it.

I should eat it.

Wu Sanwei followed the instructions of his brain and swallowed the black beans in his mouth.

The beans are fragrant and soft.

“Ouch!” Suddenly, a violent vomit rushed to his heart, Wu Sanwei’s stomach turned upside down, and he vomited all the beans at once.

The table was suddenly covered with mushy black vomit.

“I” Wu Sanwei lost one’s head out of fear. Such delicious beans, why do you vomit yourself?

“It’s okay.” Sun Xiaoting seemed to be ready, took a towel from the side and started to clean up the messy dining table.

She seemed a little disappointed. Although this disappointment was well concealed, Wu Sanwei, who had been in bed with her for more than a year, could still see the clue from her most subtle facial expressions.

That’s a disappointment that every man can experience.

Wu Sanwei felt ashamed and was about to stand up when he suddenly froze again.

Sun Xiaoting, who was cleaning the dining table, was wearing a big red cheongsam. This cheongsam wraps well and shows her curves perfectly. At the slit, a pair of beautiful legs are straight and slender, so attractive.

Wu Sanwei ignited a flame in his heart.


The curve is not the point!

Wu Sanwei pinched himself hard, the pain was like a basin of clear water, dousing the fire in his heart.

He also gained instant sobriety.

He finally thought of his doubts.

The point is, why can Sun Xiaoting wear colored clothes!

In this white city, almost everyone’s clothes are white, why is she an exception!

It’s even more strange why I didn’t notice this myself.

Wu Sanwei began to try to recall Sun Xiaoting’s usual clothes, but his head was blank.

“Three-dimensional?” Sun Xiaoting was standing in front of him at some point, her big eyes blinking, revealing endless concern.

“What’s the matter with you?”

“Nothing.” Wu Sanwei came back to his senses, pinching his thighs with his hands.

“hehe.” Sun Xiaoting ran to the door of the bedroom, peach blossoms and spring water flooded her eyes, and her face was coquettish: “Aren’t you coming?”

Wu Sanwei pinched her thigh hard, Run into the bedroom.

In front of Yida Plaza, Wu Sanwei sat on a bench and looked at the to-and-fro people blankly.

A child dashes through the crowd, followed by an anxious mother.

Two young lovers sit on a stone bench by the fountain, whispering.

“Three-dimensional, you are here!” A man with the Mediterranean Sea above his head suddenly appeared beside him.

Wu Sanwei glanced at him, the man was wearing white clothes.

A piece of information appeared in his mind: Fang Kai, a friend in the academic circle, a professor in the Department of Physics at Divine City University, and a good friend of Wu Weiwei.

It turned out to be his good friend

Wu Sanwei moved a position to the side.

Fang Kai sat down unceremoniously.

“I heard Xiaoting say that recently, there have been some problems in your relationship.”

Wu Sanwei raised his head in surprise.

“Don’t look at me like that, Xiaoting is my cousin.” Fang Kai shook his head with a wry smile, “We are a big family, there is only one girl like this.”

“She is not happy , my cousin, don’t think about it.”

Can you tell others about this kind of thing? , Wu Sanwei pinched his thighs with his hands, with an embarrassed look on his face: “You know, the 106th dimensional experiment is about to start.”

“I’m under a lot of pressure now.”

“There is a lot of pressure. Sometimes it is inevitable to be overwhelmed.”

It is too embarrassing to admit to others that a man is powerless, but Wu Sanwei is too embarrassed to hide his true thoughts.

Fang Kai looked disbelieving, took off his suit and threw it on the back of the bench.

“Is it powerless, or do you have other ideas?”

Wu Sanwei looked at him with a puzzled look, and did not forget to pinch himself with his hands.

“I heard Xiaoting say, you’ve always been weird lately, have you fallen in love with a youngster in the lab.”

Fang Kai was indignant, and the veins on his neck were shaking.

“Our labs are all male” Wu Weiwei sighed in relief, he thought his abnormal behavior was noticed by his wife.

Who thought that Fang Kai was even more angry after hearing this, extended the hand and grabbed his collar, his eyes widened: “What’s wrong with the man?”

” This kind of thing happens a lot now.”

“I heard that you are paying special attention to a graduate student named Li Mo in the lab.”

“Is there such a thing?”

“Is there such a thing?”


Wu Sanwei was about to continue to explain that he was a normal person, when a man in a brown robe flashed by.

second Different color!

The man in the robe was very fast, and instantly squeezed past the dance aunt’s team.

Wu Sanwei broke free from Fang Kai and followed along.

“Don’t run!”

“What is the problem, the young couple will face it together.”

Fang Kai behind him shouted loudly, Wu Sanwei headed He didn’t return, he waved his hand.

The bright brown color is particularly conspicuous in this white world, so even if the men in robes are constantly interspersed in the crowd, Wu Sanwei is still firmly behind.

3rd Street, 5th Street, Hongluo Street.

The man in the robe has excellent physical strength. He only stops at the traffic light intersection, and maintains a stable speed for the rest of the time .

Wu Sanwei grabbed his legs with his hands and staggered to catch up.

Fortunately, the man in the robe finally entered a white high-rise building on Heiye Street after crossing three streets in a row.

(End of this chapter)

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