
Chapter 534 Lilith transformed into

In the living room of the Flower Villa, the smoke of gunpowder dissipated.

The Brother Xi robber looked at the monster-like gray robe with a look of fear.

The clothes of the gray robe man were wearing more than ten round holes, and the edge of the round holes was still bubbling with ash smoke, but not a drop of blood came out. On the ground, more than ten bullets were scattered.

His right hand holding the pistol trembled violently, and Wu Sanwei had to stand aside carefully to prevent accidental injury.

“You don’t come here”

The gray robe man on the opposite side stopped and looked down at the bullet holes in the jacket, frowning in dissatisfaction, looking the head : “This is my favorite piece of clothing. It’s a pity.”

Then, he looked up with a wicked smile on his face: “However, there is fresh food to enjoy,”



“Ah!” Brother Xi The robber threw away his pistol in horror, turned and ran out the door.

It’s too late.

A dark shadow flashed by, and a scream of have one’s hair stand on end sounded, Wu Sanwei closed his eyes, he couldn’t bear to look at one. The same kind becomes food, even if the same kind has just pointed a pistol at him.

A rich blood-reeking qi emanated from the air, and the sound of teeth chewing skeletons could be heard in the ears.

Long time.

“Enough!” Professor Jon’s mouth trembled, pointing to the gray robe man who was eating on the ground: “get lost!”

“Take it.. it. Get out of here. !”

“You wild beast!”

Even called gray robe a wild beast! Wu Sanwei opened his eyes and couldn’t help worrying about the professor.

Unexpectedly, the gray robe man on the ground who was eating raised his head, with bright red liquid dripping from the corner of his mouth, and smiled strangely: “As you wish, distinguished professor!”

Then, cautiously put “it” into a black plastic bag and left the villa in a happy mood.

There was no flesh left on the ground. If it wasn’t for the bright red spots stained on the Persian carpet, Wu Sanwei would have thought that the scene just now was just his own hallucination.

A sudden thought appeared in my heart: this should not be the first time that gray robe people have eaten here.

“You come with me!” Professor Jon walked into the study, twisted Move the lamp on the desk.

The bookshelf “zhi zhi .” on the wall slowly turned, revealing a white door.

Professor Jon walked to the door and touched it carefully. A blue transparent crystal panel appeared on the wall beside the door.

He skillfully entered a long string of numbers, then lowered his head and pointed his face at a camera-like lens. A crisp “beep” sounded, and the white door opened automatically and silently. .

It was pitch black inside.

Is this a secret room?

“Come here!” Professor Jon beckoned to Wu Sanwei, who was standing far away.

Wu Sanwei had to follow Professor Jon into the secret room, the white door behind him slowly closed, and it was pitch black all around.

“gu lu .gu lu ”

There was a strange and indistinct sound in the darkness, and suddenly there was a “clank” sound of chains hitting the ground.

“Professor. Can you turn on the light?” Wu Sanwei stood in the dark, a terrifying feeling came from the bottom of his heart.


The incandescent lights on the roof come on, instantly dispelling the darkness.

Wu Sanwei looked at the strange sound, his face changed greatly, he couldn’t help but take a few steps back: “It’s it.”


In the light, a human-shaped monster with a height of 3 meters and loose hair was chained to the wall by an iron chain with the thickness of his arm. It was so powerful that it shook the iron chain with a “jing dong” sound.

Who is this?

Wu Sanwei tried to see its appearance, but monster kept his head down.


“Lilith!” Professor Jon, who was standing in front, looked at Monster and suddenly let out a sad cry.

The monster hearing this was startled for a moment, and then slowly raised his head.


Lilith is Jon’s “godmother” name.

“hiss” Wu Sanwei saw Monster’s face clearly this time, and couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

The monster, which is locked by iron chains, has no face.

The eyes, nose, and eyebrows that should have appeared on the face of a normal person have all disappeared, and there is only one piece of baldness. bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl.

Two sharp fangs protruded from the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, looking particularly gloomy under the light.

A long string of transparent saliva flowed down the corner of the mouth that could not be closed, and dripped onto the ground.

Wu Sanwei couldn’t help crying out in surprise: “God mother. How did you become like this!”

The monster in front of him with a height of three meters, a bloated body and a disgusting face was very It’s hard to relate to that small, amiable old lady.

Professor Jon held his head in pain and knelt down in front of monster: “It’s all my fault.”

“I shouldn’t have left you in the world forcibly!”

At this time, maybe it was Professor Jon’s tragic call that aroused Lilith’s consciousness. She raised her head and looked at Professor Jon with her non-existent eyes. Moaning: “Joe, kill me”

Professor Jon burst into tears, waving his right hand and hammering the ground: “Lilith I can’t do it”

Lilith moaned in pain: “Kill me now!”

Before the moan could end, she swooped forward and let out a fierce roar like a monster.

Wu Weiwei was so excited that he reached out and pulled Professor Jon back. The monster fluttered in the air, and under the restraint of the chains, it could only roar loudly.

Professor Jon stood up and sighed: “Have you gone, Lilith?”

Only the monster’s roar responded to him.

Professor Jon, with a sad smile on his face, walked to a shelf aside and grabbed a rifle.

“Wu, come and do it!” He handed the rifle to Wu Sanwei.

“I’ll tell you everything!”


Wu Sanwei moved in his heart, took the rifle and aimed it at the monster’s head.


In the basement, a monster with a smashed head was bound to the wall by chains, and the air smelled of blood.

Wu Sanwei sat cross-legged on the ground, his eyes fixed on the sad-faced Professor Jon, waiting for him to fulfill his promise.

Long time.

“This monster is Lilith!” Professor Jon seemed to have accepted the reality, and said in an aging voice: “She has lived to be 200 years old.”

“Just Like professor you?” Wu Sanwei recalled the photo and couldn’t help asking.

Professor Jonshook the head, “It’s not the same, because I was transformed by alien creatures, I got almost infinite life.”

“And she is just me imitating aliens The technology of biology, the product after transformation.”

Alien. Is it “God”?

Wu Weiwei’s complexion greatly changed suddenly, and there is still a “claw” in his stomach!

Those gray robe folks can listen in on this conversation!

“Professor, I.”

He pointed to his stomach.

Professor Jon waved his hand and pointed to the corner of the basement where a black box with a flashing green light was placed.

“It’s okay, they can’t hear.”

“Although I have tried my best to fully replicate the technology of alien creatures, but due to the lack of the most crucial ‘Tai Sui body’, the transformation experiment Still failed.” Professor Jon continued.

“Although she, like me, can have an almost infinite life, half of each day will be spent in extreme pain.”

“This kind of pain is beyond the reach of ordinary people. Imagine, it’s like being eaten by millions of ants at the same time.”

“That’s why I built such a basement in the villa.”

Wu Sanwei this I just remembered that sometimes when he came to be a guest, Jon’s godmother was busy in the kitchen one second, and disappeared the next second. At that time, Professor Jon said perfunctorily that she had a headache and went to rest.

It now appears to be aware that the pain is about to strike and enter the basement.

“It’s fine if it’s just pain.” Professor Jon covered his face and sighed: “This kind of extreme pain will produce a lost illusion.”

” Once people can’t bear the pain and can’t help stepping into hallucinations, they will never come back.”

“Will it become like this monster?” Wu Sanwei couldn’t help but marvel in his heart. It can even become a completely different organism, which is beyond the scope of human biology.

“Yes!”Professor Jon didn’t seem to be angry because his wife was called monster: “I know this day will come back sooner or later.”

“This result, For Lilith, it is also a relief.”

Seeing that the professor was about to finish speaking, Wu Sanwei couldn’t help but ask: “The aliens you mentioned are the same creature as those gray robes. Right?”

“That’s right!” Professor Jon heavily nods, “200 years ago, I became a member of the SA door organization like you.”

“So you You were once a god slave?” Wu Sanwei asked suspiciously: “But those gray robe people seem to be very afraid of you”

This is the biggest doubt about the professor!

As a god slave, he can have a certain degree of freedom, has a beautiful wife, and lives in a suburban villa.

Even the gray robe man gave him infinite life.

“That’s because of my wisdom!” Professor Jon pointed to his head and said arrogantly, “I helped them develop a weapon that has never appeared again.”


“A weapon that can destroy the world.”

“Nuclear weapons?” Wu Sanwei recalled the photo again. One of the military officers in the photo was Heisenberg, a German Atomic bomb program Chief-In-Charge.

To his doctor’s surprise, Professor Jon shocked the head: “It’s not a nuclear weapon”

“It’s an alarm clock.”

What is the alarm clock? Terrifying?

Wu Sanwei was immediately confused.

But he held back his doubts, knowing that the professor would continue.

“I came from an Aristocratic Family of watches and clocks. I was discovered by SA at the age of 3, graduated from Academy at the age of 10, and graduated from Academician at the age of 15.” Professor Jon’s words are not without show off.

This is really strong enough!

Wu Sanwei has always thought that in this world, except for the purple-haired girl, no one’s IQ can be compared with himself. Compared with the professor in front of him, he has become a scumbag.

“Because of my high IQ and super-fast growth rate, I am highly valued by SA and become a key training target.”

“Of course, when I graduate from Academician, I have also entered the mountain.” Professor Jon continued.

“What is it like inside the mountain?” Wu Sanwei couldn’t help asking.

“There. When you have a chance to enter, you will understand.” Professor Jon seemed reluctant to mention it, sighed: “But I hope you never have this opportunity.”

“After coming out of the mountain, I also accepted an important task, which is to develop a weapon that can destroy Earth.”

“Can’t nuclear weapons do it?” Wu Weiwei said about the mountain. It’s no surprise to post such a mission, after all those gray robe people are clearly not Earth people.

“Nuclear weapons?” Professor Jon said disdainfully: “Do you really think that trifling tens of thousands of nuclear weapons can destroy Earth?”

“Too naive!”

“Earth is a rock planet, formed by the collection of cosmic nebula matter under the action of gravity. Although the simultaneous explosion of tens of thousands of nuclear weapons can blow up the surface of Earth and completely destroy the ecological environment on the surface, it cannot spread to Earth. The core of the core.”

“Even if the nuclear weapon is buried deep in the Earth and detonated, and the Earth is exploded, the fragments all split up and in pieces will be subjected to the action of gravity, and finally re-agglomerate into a new one. Earth.”

“Kamiyama asked me to make a weapon that could shatter Earth in an instant!”

Smash Earth in an instant! How much energy is required!

Maybe the Star Destroyer Cannon in science fiction movies that can instantly destroy Earth can do this, but Wu Weiwei doesn’t think this is a weapon that humans can currently produce.

even more how was more than a hundred years ago.

“Then you really made it?” Wu Sanwei couldn’t believe it.

“It’s made” Professor Jon’s face did not have the arrogance just now, but endless regret.

“But I’d rather never make such a weapon.”

“At the time of the outbreak of the Third World War, countries used various weapons to attack each other for their own interests. The human world was blood flowing into a river for a while, and ordinary people lived in dire straits.”

“Kamiyama told me that if a weapon capable of destroying Earth could be invented, a powerful deterrent could be established and humanity would be completely appeased. The world has been at war for thousands of years.”

“I believe it!”

Alas. Childish Professor Jon!

But I can’t blame the professor, it can only be said that those gray robe people know how to manipulate people’s hearts too well.

Wu Sanwei graduated from Academy, and naturally understands the power of gray robe teacher’s brainwashing, especially when they target a certain classmate, they can completely clean the brain of this classmate within ten years. .

So much so that Wu Sanwei had to use eye contact with the purple-haired girl to keep his mind sober during the cleaning.

“In order to stop the thousands of years of human war, in order to make myself a hero of all mankind, I started a research project.” Professor Jon looked remorseful.

“The progress of the research project was very unsatisfactory. Due to the huge size of Earth, the nuclear weapons that were still in conjecture at the time were also impossible to be so huge.”

“So in the first two In the middle of the year, in search of inspiration, with the help of Kamiyama, I entered the University of Munich as a lecturer.”

“Looking forward to discovering something from the ancient book collection at the University of Munich.”

“That’s where I met Lilith, a student of the art of dance.”

Damn teacher-student love!

Wu Sanwei couldn’t help but think of the girl in leather pants.

(End of this chapter)

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