
Chapter 529 Tianyi

The familiar exchange of glances between the two of them can actually make each other understand what they mean.

It’s a tacit understanding they developed while at Academy.

It is by virtue of this tacit understanding that they can help each other, cover each other up, and survive the Academy.

Lan: “You idiot with a head of nuclear waste water is still alive?”

Wu Sanwei: “Isn’t your airport also cleaned up by gray robes? “

Lan: “Where have you been all these years?”

Wu Sanwei frowned, how to express the place name with his eyes.

Can only reply with one: “Idiot!”

Lan: “You are an idiot, a big pig head, if I hadn’t led the gray robe away, you would have been smooth. Sneak into the Academy’s library.”

Wu Weiwei: “At the airport, if I hadn’t slept with one eye open every day, you would have died 100 times with your sleep talk.”

Lan: “Thank you!”

Wu Sanwei: “Thank you.!”

The two smiled at each other.

Lan: “Is there really a nuclear war on Earth?”

Wu Weiwei: “Impossible!”

“Although I woke up and saw The fire was shining outside the window, but I didn’t feel the vibration when the nuclear bomb exploded.”

Lan: “I also felt strange at the time, I could only hear the sound of the explosion and the fire, and the room didn’t shake.”

“The nuclear explosion scene is too unrealistic, it seems that the gray robes are also negligent.”

Wu Sanwei: “Maybe it was not that the gray robes were negligent, but they were already not in mind”

Lan: “What do you mean”

Wu Sanwei: “Have you seen the black red rock on the rock wall of the cave?”

“This is an ancient Fire Mountain Cliff, formed by cooling in a volcanic eruption millions of years ago, and generally exists at 5,000 meters of the earth’s crust.”

“This means that we are at a depth of 5,000 meters. Underground.”

“Perhaps this is the home of the gray robe people—Kamiyama!”

Land’s face was sudden enlightenment: “Then, the gray robe people already not in care of us. Have you discovered the truth of the incident?”

Wu Sanwei: “Maybe, I have observed the cave just now, and there are no cameras hidden here.”

Lan heard that there were no cameras. , Immediately happy, the corners of his mouth were slightly opened, and he was about to speak, but was stopped by Wu Sanwei’s stern eyes: “Have you forgotten the claws in your stomach!”

Lan immediately closed her mouth, swallowed saliva: “Thank you!”

The two “alumni” met again after a long absence. In an eager eye contact, Wu Sanwei knew that Lan, like him, was sent to a private college by gray robes, where she Received a complete education in spaceship dynamics and developed a method to achieve electromagnetic pulse propulsion.

Like him, Arashi has always kept in mind the rules of the Academy, living cautiously, studying cautiously, and living cautiously, until the gray robe told her that a nuclear war broke out in the world, and God granted them refuge in the sacred mountain .

Wu Sanwei couldn’t help being relaxed. Fortunately, in the “communication” just now, he didn’t tell Lan about the existence of the girl in leather pants.

Lan walked to the hole and looked at Bai with fear. Wu, turned around: Bai Wu is really like the old god slave said, is it a passage?

Wu Sanwei shook the head: The head of the old god slave is broken. Outside the cave is an incomparable gigantic underground cavity, and the white mist rises from one end of the cavity.

Lan was puzzled: How big is the huge underground cavity?

Wu Weiwei frowned, he didn’t know how to describe it, the gray fog was foggy, and he didn’t see the end of the gray fog.

It’s just the limited line of sight that has already shocked him.

Wu Sanwei: The underground cavity is huge. There is no end to it at a glance.

Lan looked curious: how much he wanted to immediately rush into the white mist to witness this wonder!

Wu Sanwei’s heart tightened. This girl is still the same as before, she likes stimulation.

Under Wu Sanwei’s gaze, Lan cautiously inserted his fingers into the white mist, turned his head, and revealed a childlike naughty expression on his face.

Wu Sanwei hurriedly shook his head and signaled with his eyes: Damn it, hurry back!

Lan saw his anxiety, the smile on his face gradually bloomed, and he was very proud.

“ahhhh. Ah.”

At this time, a miserable cry came from the white fog.

Lan’s face changed drastically, and she immediately retracted her fingers.

Wu Sanwei listened carefully. This scream should have been made by the god slave who had just left. The voice was low and hoarse and indistinct. It seemed that the god slave’s throat had convulsed.

Is this the “poison” in the white mist?

The cry becomes smaller and smaller until it is inaudible.

Wu Sanwei understood that the god slave had disappeared.

At this time, the high school student who was kneeling in front of the three-eyed Divine Idol was also awakened by a scream.

The screams seemed to evoke his memories of the past.

The memories of the past made him understand what the consequences would be if the god slave reported his violation to the gray robe.


The high school student stood up and bowed deeply to Lan: Thank you, my name is Tianyi.

Tianyi is an East Asian teenager with a mid-parted head. In his description of each minding their own business, Wu Weiwei knows that Tianyi is a talented youngster.

Wu Sanwei seemed a little disapproving. After all, God is only interested in talented youngsters. To appear here has naturally proved the IQ of youngsters.

But Tianyi shook his finger and said arrogantly: I am smarter than you two combined!

Arrogantly said: I am very important to God, even if the god slave reported the violation just now, he will not be punished!

Smarter than me and Lan combined?

No penalties for violations?

Wu Sanwei had a strange smile on his face, looking at Tianyi like a lunatic.

But there was no rebuttal.

Because a normal person wouldn’t correct a madman’s words.

Because he has a paw in his stomach.

Thinking of this, he suddenly realized that high school students haven’t graduated from Academy yet, haven’t participated in graduation ceremony, and haven’t had claws implanted in their stomachs.

This is why Tianyi dares to make these impudent remarks?

But he has a claw in his stomach.

And Tianyi didn’t know that.

He and Lan exchanged a familiar look, and then his eyes darkened, pretending to fall into a coma again.

Faking a coma isn’t just faking it.

The physiological characteristics of Wu Sanwei and Lan at this time are exactly the same as those of the comatose person. This is the second skill they can survive from the Academy.

In the Academy, most of the students’ violations are because they know things they shouldn’t know, and the gray robe people know what they know they don’t know.

Perhaps a word of unintentional self-talk can cause a person to disappear. That’s why Wu Sanwei and Lan wanted to “evolve” this skill.

The way to use the skill is simple: hold your breath until the brain falls into a coma due to lack of oxygen.

When they entered a coma on their own, Wu Sanwei and Lan’s brains were awake, they could hear all the sounds around them, and felt all the movements.

For example.

Tianyi: What happened to you? Are you dead?

Then he opened Wu Sanwei’s eyes and sighed in disappointment: TNND is really boring, and it was so easy to meet two people who could chat, and they all fell into a coma.

Then his tone changed and he said angrily:

Damn middle-aged uncle!

Let you just laugh at my IQ!

He said, he kicked Wu Weiwei a few times.


Wu Sanwei heard a “ka-cha” sound in his body, it should be his rib was kicked off by a high school student.

But he’s still motionless because he’s “in a coma”.

Tianyi let out a bad breath, walked to the three-eyed Divine Idol, and kicked Divine Idol’s third eye: “Let you look at me!”


“God of shit!”

“I’m going to kneel down to you everyday all, ox!”

“Come and let me You drink some of Grandpa’s holy water!”

The rustling sound of undressing.

The sound of running water of oh la la oh la la echoes in the cave.


Wu Sanwei was shocked, is this kid courting death?

He can actually fully understand the “rebellious” mentality of this high school student.

The gray robe person is like a 24-hour close-fitting “teacher”, “brutal” teaching to the students in the Academy.

5 minutes to get dressed and get up, violators will be whipped!

100 points pass, violators will be whipped!

Academy is like a prison.

The gray robe teacher has no humanity, not even an animal.

It is conceivable that the student thinks that he is out of the surveillance, even if it is a short surveillance, he will immediately vent the pain and humiliation he has suppressed for several years.

However, is Tianyi really out of surveillance?

Wu Sanwei sighed silently in his heart, this kid is too young and childish.


Tian Yi let out a comfortable “groan” after relieving the soreness of his bladder, and then walked to the hole.

“Damn god slave, do you really think that the white mist is a passage?”

“Go dream!”

“God is just those gray robes. It’s something made up by people.”

He seemed to have thought of something, and he said to himself: “But the gray robe people took a lot of trouble to kidnap me, the smartest man on Earth, to the ground, Definitely not killing me?”

“The white fog should be a phenomenon beyond the control of a gray robe person, even a weapon!”

“The gray robe person seems to be A barrier is arranged at the entrance of the cave, and the white mist cannot enter the cave.”

“God slave, Asi!”

This kid is not simple. After analyzing that the white fog is a weapon, Wu Sanwei felt that he seemed to underestimate him just now.

But none of this matters anymore, because Wu Sanwei heard a “Ulla Ulla” siren coming from outside the cave. Compared with the alert that White Mist was about to appear, all this seemed much calmer.

Is the white fog going to dissipate?

Is the gray robe coming?

Tian Yi’s exclamation came from his ears: “The white fog has dissipated!”

“Oh my God. What is that!”

Wu Sanwei Holding his breath again, he entered a state of complete coma, he wasn’t sure that a shallow coma could fool the gray robe.

After an unknown amount of time, he felt a chill.

Opening his hazy eyes, there is darkness in front of him, surrounded by water, endless water.

Is this underwater?

He opened his eyes sharply and found a gray robe man standing in front of him with a bucket.

The bucket was dripping with water.

Wu Sanwei’s hair was dripping with water.

I woke up by being doused with water by a gray robe!

Carefully glance aside.

Lan next to him was soaked all over, wrapped in wet clothes, and the airport was even more flat.

On his face, a red cloud floated up.

The number one genius named Tianyi is shivering coldly in the corner.

The gray robe man looked at the wet three-eyed Divine Idol on the wall, not angry, but a look of anticipation on his face.

“jié jié, interesting.”

“As soon as I entered the mountain, I received such a beautiful gift, the ancestors are supreme!”

said He took out a black dagger from under his robe and walked towards Tianyi who was shiver coldly with a grin.

“Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid!”

“Fuse together with me, and you will forever be bathed in the radiance of the gift of the ancestors.”

Tip The cry sounded, the blade light flashed, a thick liquid flowed all over the ground, and the rich blood-reeking breath filled the air.

Wu Sanweiqiang resisted the violent churning sensation in his stomach and turned his head away.

Lan’s face was expressionless, silently watching the scene in the corner.

This period of time is very long, so long that Wu Sanwei has already bitten a tooth.

The gray robe man hiccupped, stuck out his scarlet tongue, and licked the last traces of bright red fluid from the corners of his mouth.

Like looking at the prey, he looked at the two of them and said gloomily:

“This is the sacred mountain!”

“In the sacred mountain, violations will be punished !”

“There is only one punishment, and that is to become food, jié jié!”

Wu Weiwei heart trembled.

Kamiyama is a bigger Academy.

The consequence of noncompliance is to become food for the gray robe.

Here, gray robes seem to have no need to hide their differences from humans and reveal their hideous true colors.


The gray robe, who had just finished eating, was very patient. Like a real teacher, he began to explain the existence of the mountain to the two of them.

Sacred Mountain is located in a huge underground cavity 5000 meters underground, which existed when Earth was formed.

Sacred Mountain is where High Priest lives, and High Priest is God!

There is an alien spaceship in the mountain, a dilapidated alien spaceship.

A nuclear war broke out on the surface of Earth. God so loved the world that he deliberately brought these filthy human beings to the mountain.

They’re going to join the team in repairing the spaceship.

Once the spaceship is repaired, God will return to the home planet with all his people.

Wu Sanwei’s expression remained the same, but he was shocked: the huge black shadow outside the cave turned out to be an alien spaceship!

In order to “research” the shell material, he once conducted a field study on the aircraft carrier of the M country under the supervision of the gray robe. The aircraft carrier named “Little Bird” is enough to accommodate 3000 people. The crew is the size of a twenty-story high-rise building.

But “Little Bird” was like a toy car in front of Black Shadow.

Who made such a big alien spaceship?

Why did it come to Earth in the first place?

Why is it broken?

For a time, all kinds of chaotic thoughts flooded Wu Sanwei’s mind.


After the gray robe people finished speaking, they led the two out of the cave, and the white fog outside the cave had already dissipated.

“Sacred Mountain is covered with white mist for an hour a day, a corrosive gas emitted from the ground that can cause fatal damage to carbon-based creatures.”

“ Once the carbon-based creatures are caught in it, they will not be able to break free and turn into a pool of concentrated liquid.”

“The time when the white fog appears is not fixed. All basic creatures must go back to the cave.”

“Of course, the cave you live in is not here, but”

The gray robe pointed to a patch of lights on the rock wall The cave, “There.”


(End of this chapter)

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