
Chapter 527 The Mountain

M country, Rocky mountain range


The room was small, with no windows, except for an old sunlamp hanging from the roof.

The air is filled with an unpleasant smell of dampness and decay.

Wu Sanwei sat upright on the chair and took out an old photo from his arms, which was his only personal item.

The yellowed photo shows a young couple holding a young boy in front of them with endless love in their eyes.

“father .mother”

He couldn’t help caressing the photo with his white fingers, and there were sparkling tears in his eyes.


The surrounding scene gradually blurred, Wu Sanwei seemed to be 5 years old again, he was sitting in the rocking car and laughed “ge ge”, the mother beside him was a He looked at him kindly.

At that time, Wu Sanwei was just a happy child. According to the normal growth trajectory, he went to primary school, middle school, and university, then got married and had children. lifetime.

But that all changed with an accidental IQ test.

When Wu Sanwei finished the last piece of the puzzle, the staff sitting across from him looked at the time displayed on the clock in disbelief, and then looked at him greedily.

What happened next was like a fantasy trip.

A gentleman from Europe came to him with a box full of banknotes and told him: “You are a genius, staying here can only attempt nothing and accomplish nothing. “

“In Europe, there is a gifted school, there are many gifted children like you.”

“Join us!”

In kindergarten Wu Sanwei, who was ostracized by his classmates, knew for the first time that he was not a monster, but a genius. There are many geniuses like him in this world.

They all live happily in a school in Europe.

You won’t be sidelined there!

Wu Weiwei is nodded to the European gentleman.

Half a month later, he boarded a plane for the first time, soaring between the blue sky and white clouds, full of expectations for the future for the first time.

I am a genius, I can change the world!

Sure enough, the European gentleman did not deceive him.

In a school next to the primitive forest, there are more than 50 children of different skin colors, without exception, they are all as smart as themselves.

Wu Weiwei was very happy at that time. He could finally complete a 1000-piece puzzle in 1 minute without being called “monster” by his opponent who flew into a rage out of humiliation.

Happiness is always short-lived.

Wu Sanwei encountered the first problem, that is, in this school, those teachers wearing gray robes require all students to use a strange language.

This is a simple-syllable yet semantically rich language that always begins with ‘gu lu gu lu’ and ends with ‘gu lu gu lu’.

The gray robe teacher claims it is the language of God.

But in this world, does God really exist?

Wu Sanwei had doubts for the first time.

But doubts are just doubts.

When he saw a dark-skinned boy who couldn’t answer the gray robe teacher’s questions in God’s language in class, was tied to a playground stake and let the sun shine, he knew This school is not a playground and the gray robe teacher is not kidding.

The intelligent Wu Sanwei buried all his doubts in his heart and worked hard to learn the so-called divine language.

Fortunately, his extremely high language innate talent made him one of the first two people in the class to master divine language, the other being a girl with purple hair.


Three days later, the gray robe teacher called all the students to the stake and ordered them to keep their eyes open to see the consequences of breaking the rules.

The boy on the stake is a corpse.

God is merciful!

God is majestic!

God’s command must be carried out!

God’s commands need not be questioned!

The gray robe teacher points to a sketched portrait hanging next to the blackboard and leads them in the recitation of God’s commandments.

On the portrait is a tall monster with three eyes.

The monster is God!

How could a monster be a god?

Humans evolved from seabed primordial cells, there is no god!

Wu Sanwei buried all his doubts in his heart. He knew that to survive in this school, the only thing he could do was to obey the orders of the gray robe teacher.

Questioning is not a wise choice.


Of course, there are many strange places in this school, not only the existence of three eyes.

For example, all areas of the school are filled with a kind of strange lens, Wu Sanwei knows that this is a kind of equipment that can be clearly seen here in beyond a thousand li.

All areas, including dormitories and restrooms.

I am under the surveillance of others 24 hours a day!

Being under the surveillance of others must always be cautiously.

For example, the school’s phone calls can only be made out but not in. Every time you pick up the microphone, you can always hear a “zi zi” current sound, which is the signal interference caused by the use of recording equipment.

Wu Sanwei does not need to explain with a gray robe. During the monthly call with his father, he is careful to avoid revealing any actual information about the school.

He is only five years old, but he is a genius with an IQ of more than 200. He knows that behind such a huge school, there must be an even bigger force.

This large force does not look friendly.

Perhaps an unintentional remark will bring unimaginable danger to parents thousands of miles away.


For example, the strange courses carried out in schools, in addition to the regular “Mathematics”, “Physics” and “Chemistry” in human schools, there is also an important course: “Spaceship Mechanics”.

“Spaceship Mechanics” sounds like a course, but it’s actually a maintenance manual for an alien spaceship. The course requires students to use the materials available on Earth to conduct a dilapidated alien ship. spaceship for repairs.

At this time, all the alien spaceship engines were destroyed, the life support system was damaged, and the energy source was lacking. There were three huge gaps in the spaceship shell, which was simply a pile of garbage.

Of course, a five-year-old child is impossible to do any repair work, so the assessment standard for gray robe teacher is “imagination”.

Students were free to use materials they imagined to restore the dilapidated spaceship in the textbook.

Weird school, weird curriculum.

Every student is trying their best to suppress their inner doubts and devote all their energy to learning.

However, the innate talent of human beings is different, and there are also “scumbags” among the geniuses.

When the gray robe teacher announced the results of the first final exam, the second day disappeared from the classroom for the next 5 students.

The gray robe teacher will tell them at this time that these children have been taken back by their parents.

Wu Weiwei didn’t believe it.


The child who leaked the school’s name on the phone disappeared. Gray robe teacher: He was picked up by his parents.

The child who didn’t sleep on time at night disappeared. Gray robe teacher: He was picked up by his parents.

The child who tried to escape over the fence disappeared. Gray robe teacher: He was picked up by his parents.

Because the boy on the stake said when he could still talk: No one can leave alive from here.


Unfortunately, it turns out that the stake boy was wrong.

5 years later, Wu Sanwei and a girl with purple hair walked out of the school, accompanied by two gray robe teachers.

They graduated only because:

He proposed that the spaceship shell could be repaired with a foreign protein.

She proposed that electromagnetic pulses could be used as power for spaceships.


Accompanied by the gray robe, Wu Sanwei boarded the plane to China.

This is his second flight and he’s going home.

Wu Weiwei met the father and mother of yearn for day and night when he returned home.

I grew up.

They are getting old.


When Wu Sanwei returned home, facing the father’s question, he chose silence and cautiously.

He knew that he had a “claw” in his stomach.

The paw is a palm-shaped listener implanted by the gray robe teacher before he graduated.

The implant surgery was voluntary by Wu Sanwei.

Because no one can leave school “alive”.


Faced with father’s enthusiasm, Wu Weiwei can only return indifference.

When he heard the father’s cheers on the pirate ship, he almost couldn’t hold back his emotions and blurted everything out.

At this time, he saw a man in a gray robe in the corner of the playground, watching them silently.

Wu Sanwei knew that he still did not leave school.

Perhaps the Stake Boys are right, no one can leave school.


A week is short and long.

In the reluctance of his parents, the indifferent Wu Sanwei boarded the plane again.

This is his third flight, and the destination is a private college in country M.

Wu Sanwei got off the plane, a man in a gray robe was standing next to a black car, looking at him with a strange look.

In a private university, Wu Weiwei became the Disciple of an internationally renowned professor, specializing in the study of a foreign protein that is useless to humans.

He lives in a bachelor apartment next to the school.

Every day the gray robe people will drive the black car on time and show up at the door of the apartment.


The melancholy oriental temperament, the steward service provided by the car, the special care of the tutor, and the smart brain, all of which make Wu Sanwei in the eyes of those girls who like to dream, Became a mysterious and rich oriental man.

The enthusiastic female college student began to launch a violent attack on the underage male child.

One of the girls whose surname is Rothschild came into Wu Sanwei’s eyes. She was wearing a casual suit, with short fiery red hair and black leather pants, which showed her sexy and enchanting figure vividly and thoroughly. .

With the sexy and enchanting background, the light purple on the lips shows a bit of wildness.

Under the agitation of primordial emotions, Wu Sanwei had a special idea: maybe. I can fall in love?


Is it against school rules to fall in love? Wu Weiwei did not know.

After leaving the European school, Shadowman, who is hidden in the dark, will not tell the rules of this big school like the teacher in the school.


Maybe it’s not illegal.

Wu Sanwei faced the roses handed over by the girl in leather pants. He lowered his head and took a deep breath.

The girl in leather pants stretched her slender fingers to her light purple lips and licked her tongue with her flexible tongue.

Wu Sanwei’s heart beat violently after more than ten years of silence.

On that day, sitting on the co-pilot of the black bridge car, he noticed that the corner of the gray robe driver’s mouth seemed to show a sneer.


second day .

The girl in leather pants, full of smiles, approached Wu Sanwei, shoved a small note into his hand, and scratched his palm lightly with her fingernails,

Wu Three-dimensional in the aroma of mysterious, opened the note with the graceful text on it: Seventh Street, Hotel Montecarde.

For a time, spring and blossom.

At the end of school, the girl in leather pants stared at him meaningfully, until Wu Sanwei nodded with a blushing face, then twisted his sexy waist and left the classroom.

The black sedan parked in the shade at the school gate as usual.

Wu 3D opened the door, and the gray robe driver started the vehicle.

Wu Weiwei took a deep breath, took out the note from his pocket and handed it over. If it wasn’t illegal to fall in love, the gray robe driver would turn around and head down 7th Street.

In anticipation, the gray robe driver sneered at the corners of his mouth, turned the car, and drove toward Seventh Street.

Wu Sanwei couldn’t hold back his excitement and clenched his fists.

A primordial emotion began to stir within.

Seventh Street is very close. After the black car passed through the two streets, Wu Sanwei could clearly see a huge neon sign hanging on the building in front: Monte Carlo Hotel.


The hotel is so close, the gray robe driver stopped across the road.

Wu Sanwei pointed at the hotel sign in confusion.

The gray robe driver sneered and pointed to the time displayed on the car’s center console.

A bad feeling rises in the mind.

Through the car window, Wu Sanwei saw the girl in black leather pants, carrying a pink diamond-studded leather bag, walking straight into the Monte Carlo Hotel.

Was about to lower the window and yell.

The window glass is completely motionless.

He turned his head, and the gray robe driver showed a sneer again, and said in a unique tone: “Don’t violate the rules!”

“This is the price of violation!”

The voice has not fallen.

A huge explosion sounded.

Across the road, a 20-story building collapsed in a violent explosion, and neon-colored signs fell on the street.

Amid the billowing black smoke, the Montecade Hotel no longer exists, and the Leather Pants Girl no longer exists.

The roadside was a mess, and moans of pain came through the car window.

Maybe there are hundreds of people who no longer exist

Wu Weiwei put the note in the palm of his hand, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it into a paste, and then Swallow.

The gray robe driver nodded in satisfaction and started the car.

Since then, Wu Weiwei has returned to the European school, from a mysterious and rich oriental teenager to a silent nerd.

The effect is dramatic.

No one likes nerds.

He was alone again.


One year later, Wu Weiwei successfully solved the molecular structure of the foreign protein.

Two years later, Wu Weiwei successfully synthesized primordial bodies of different proteins in the laboratory.

Three years later, Wu Weiwei threw the first piece of foreign protein into a beaker filled with sulfuric acid and destroyed all experimental records.

Five years later, Wu Sanwei once again destroyed the synthesized foreign protein.

He knows that once the foreign protein is successfully developed, it is likely to be the day when he disappears.

I can get out of the European school alive because of the foreign protein, and I can also get out of here because of the foreign protein.

Just wait for a chance.

It’s just that this opportunity didn’t appear, and Earth suddenly had a catastrophe!


Late night, bachelor apartment.

Wu Sanwei was awakened in his sleep, the red light outside the window flickered, and there was a loud explosion.


The door was kicked open from the outside.

(End of this chapter)

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