
Chapter 525 Clover Civilization

The yellowed books were quietly placed on the table.

Zhou Dong and Shen Tu Zhixue couldn’t help but gathered around.

This book is not an ordinary paper book. It is composed of dozens of parchment scraps of different sizes bound with black silk thread. The parchment is filled with strange symbols in bright red, and it smells. There is an air of decay.

“The symbols on these parchment scrolls are written in blood!” Shen Tu Zhixue smelled a familiar smell of blood from the books.

Zhou Dong heard this, the complexion changed, and immediately withdrew his hand.

Li Mo sighed, carefully picked up the “Blood Book” with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

“This book was found by chance from Academician Wu of Hexie Medical College.”

“It was only two pages at the time.”

“There is a conspiracy story recorded above. The queen of the tribe is going to poison a monarch with a mysterious toxin, which is stored in the hollow tail feathers of male Li Jungle chickens, and has a crimson and dazzling color.”

“A red thread will appear in the right eye of the poisoned person.”

“When the red thread fills the entire eye socket, the poisoned person will lose his life in pain”

Shentu Zhixue said suspiciously, “It sounds a bit like witchcraft in the ancient Miao region. Could it be that this blood book is an antiquities from a thousand years ago?”

Li Mo carefully turned a page: “When I That’s what I thought too, I only regarded the two pages of the parchment scroll as an ancient book of witchcraft abroad.”

“Until I tested the parchment scroll with the carbon fourteen in the laboratory and found that, The degree of decay of its carbon isotope, 14C, suggests that the blood book is at least two million years old.”

“This intrigued me.”

“After more detailed , and accidentally found that the material of these fragments is not sheepskin, but the flying membrane of Winged Dragon.”

A million-year-old blood book. The flying membrane of WingedDragon Shen Tu Zhixue’s eyes are a bit more awe.

“And the earliest written record of human beings is cuneiform writing 5,200 years ago.” Li Mo stroked the blood book with his hand, his eyes sparkling: “Who wrote this fragment with a history of millions of years? What?”

“Are there any more scraps?”

“What’s in those scraps?”

” With such doubts in mind, I once again used the power of the Earth Defense Bureau to search for clues in the whole world.”

“Sure enough, there are not only two fragments.”

“From the warehouses of two historic book museums, I found more than a dozen fragments of scrolls. Obviously, the museums also regarded the fragments as parchment scrolls.”

Speaking, Li Mo turned over On the last page of the book of blood, he tapped with his finger: “This is the information translated from the strange symbol.”

Of course he couldn’t tell these two subordinates that he was the first to log in. When I started on fire star, I have become an expert in fire star literature.

“Oh my God. The prehistoric civilization on Earth turned out to be real!” Looking at the information translated from the blood book, Zhou Dong’s eyes widened and his expression was extremely shocked, “We are not Earth’s first wave of wisdom. Life!”


13.8 billion years ago, in a background of extreme chaos, the singularity exploded and the universe was born.

4.5 billion years ago, Earth was born in a primordial nebula.

2.5 million years ago, humans who walked upright appeared on Earth.

The 2.5 million-year history of human beings is only a drop in the ocean compared to Earth’s 4.5 billion-year lifespan.

In other words, Earth has been in a blank state of nothing for most of the time after its formation.

This is not scientific logic.

Earth obviously has suitable conditions, why has it not evolved intelligent life for hundreds of millions of years? Now the answer is revealed:


A two-meter-tall, three-eyed evil alien is behind the scenes!

They use Earth as a testing ground, destroying Earth’s indigenous intelligent creatures again and again.

At this time, Zhou Dong suddenly thought of a question, and his face suddenly became very ugly: “Could it be that the Quaiavello civilization of the third solar age, and the Atlantis of the fourth solar age? Are civilizations destroyed by aliens?”

Li Mo stood up, walked to the blackboard, wrote the names of the two civilizations, and then connected them with lines.

“After the xenomorphs brutally destroyed the second solar age Iacotel civilization, they decided to give up their own transformation plan and carried out intelligent transformation on a plant similar to clover on Earth. “

“So in the third solar age, the Quiavello civilization, that is, the Clover civilization, was born. Like the previous civilization, they did not have any special abilities, but were good at using their own biological energy.”

“They found that the moment the clover seed germinates, a huge amount of energy is generated inside the body.”

“After thousands of years of development, the clover civilization has created a huge This machine can effectively use plant energy.”

“Since then, the Clover civilization has had endless energy, and science and technology have developed rapidly.”

“Soon , they made the transformed plant dandelion into a spaceship, ready to explore space.”

“At this time, the alien species appeared again, and they brutally destroyed the Quiavello civilization again!”

Clover.Plant energy.Dandon spaceship

Quiavello civilization is amazing.

But this wonderful intelligent creature was once again destroyed by alien species.


Why do xenos take the trouble to modify life on Earth and then destroy them?

Zhou Dong keenly noticed that, except for the Genyada civilization of the First Solar Age, due to dissatisfaction with the enslavement of alien species, it launched a resistance and was then destroyed.

The Iacotel civilization of the second solar age and the Quiavello civilization of the third solar age have developed smoothly to the extent that they can explore space, and the aliens seem to attack suddenly for no reason. , destroyed them.

It’s like a child overthrowing the built block castle for no reason.

Are xenomorphs just for fun?

At this time, the director continued to tell the story, and Zhou Dong had to hide this doubt in his heart.

“During the Quaternary Sun, Earth’s oceans gradually evolved a mermaid-like creature, and they quietly seabed when the aliens put all their attention on the Quiavello civilization. Evolution.”

“The total area of the ocean on Earth is about 360 million square kilometers, accounting for about 71% of Earth’s surface area. The ocean contains more than 1.35 billion cubic kilometers of water, accounting for about 71% of Earth’s surface 97% of the total water on the water.”

“So, in proportion, Earth should be called a water polo.”

“In the vast ocean, in thousands of The deep seabed, the sparks of wisdom burst out in the mermaid’s mind, their wisdom is beginning to open, they build palaces in the seabed, and hide from the attack of sea monsters.”

“A chance and inevitable opportunity, the mermaid surfaced. Upon reaching the sea, I saw the bright world, and at the same time I discovered the clover that is setting up energy veins on the shore.”

“The innate vigilance of sea creatures allows mermaids to dive back into the deep sea without the slightest hesitation. , and informed all the mermaids about the enemies on the land.”

“In the eyes of the mermaids, the creatures on Earth are divided into two categories, one is the same kind, and the other is the enemy.”

“Since then, the mermaids have been more careful to hide their tracks.”

“The aliens don’t know, the clover doesn’t know, in the ocean of Earth, a small Mermaids are secretly spying on their existence.”

“Is this kind of mermaid civilization the Atlantis civilization?” Zhou Dong glanced at Shentu Zhixue who was eager to have a try and couldn’t bear it Live first.

Li Mo opened the “Blood Book” and pointed to a strange fish painted brightly on it.

It is bounded by the waist, most of them are women on the upper body, the lower body is a fish tail covered with scales, there is no external auricle, the ear holes are located behind the eyes, there is no dorsal fin, the flippers are oval, and the tail fin is broad. , with a face like a monkey, a neck four times longer than a human, and human-like but much larger eyes.

It doesn’t look anything like a mermaid in an animated movie, but rather a vicious sea monster.

Zhou Dong and Shen Tuzhixue both took a deep breath, and the good memories of childhood seem to be insulted.

Li Mo said with a smile: “Yes, this civilization is the Atlantis civilization”

“Since the day it was born, the Atlantis civilization has been Realizing the presence of enemies on Earth, they cautiously hid in the dark depths, daring not to make a sound.”

“Fortunately, the ocean on Earth is very vast.”

“Fortunately, the aliens’ attention is all on the clover that tells the development.”

“Fortunately, the aliens never thought that in the ocean, in addition to the smelly and ignorant fish, there are also Intelligent creatures may be born.”

“The Atlantean civilization quietly built a brilliant empire in seabed, when they already had the strength to set foot on land and possessed enough weapons and technology to protect themselves. , they can have a friendly exchange with the Clover Civilization, but they are still seabed.”

“Because, they discovered a secret that the Clover Civilization did not know.”

“In the darkness, there is a alien species that is secretly monitoring the every move of the Clover Civilization.”

“Sometimes this kind of monitoring also turns into a silent killing.”

“In desperation and shock, the individuals of the Clover civilization, who knew nothing, were cut to pieces by a sharp black knife.”

“This is a race full of killing!”

“A sense of desperation emanating from this race!”

“The mermaids had to abandon their communication plans, carefully dive back into seabed, and start a huge seabed empire-building program.”

“The mermaids know that there are three civilizations on Earth, one is the clover, the other is themselves, and the Third Type is that alien.”

“3 also became Art. An important figure of Landis, the line is repeated three times, the building complex consists of three groups of similar buildings, and three pyramids form a tower group.”

“The inner circle of the ring is the most important temple and reservation, For Atlantis, three is an important number – the line is repeated three times, the building complex consists of three groups of similar buildings, and the three pyramids form a tower group. The streets of each layer of the city are distributed diagonally, starting from one corner of the waterfront. At the other corner, there are many tangled and complicated underground corridors.”

“Poseidonia, the capital of Atlantis, is connected by a series of concentric circles floating on the sea. , the layers are arranged from low to high to the center. The center part is the base camp, with a diameter of nearly 2.5 kilometers.”

“The ocean passage landscape connecting the two concentric layers, viewed from the inside of the city to the outside, Another layer of the city can be seen: the inland area of Atlantis. On the right there is A lighthouse, two metal sculptures support huge lamps, and in the background are three flying cars in the sky and some stately buildings in the central city. “

Li Mo opened the “Blood Book” and pointed to the complicated architectural patterns on the page, with a look of regret: “This is a great and artistic city. “

“It represents the highest artistic splendor of Atlantis.” ”


When Poseidonia was built, the mermaids placed the energy system representing the highest technology of Atlantis civilization in the center of the Poseidian Sun Palace Inside the energy station.

The center of the energy system is magnetite, a hexahedral glass-like substance that absorbs sunlight and converts it into energy.

The Atlantean civilization not only developed light into a power source to create a huge deep-sea battleship, but also used it to create a light cannon that is no stronghold one cannot overcome and a sturdy photon shield.

As cities expand, civilizations expand, and energy systems need more light, mermaids have to build invisible light collectors one after another in rough seas.

According to According to the records of the “Blood Book”, the Atlantis civilization did not build a space battleship out of hiding its existence, but it has already become an existence beyond Level 1 civilization.

Gou in seabed for hundreds of thousands of years The civilization of Atlantis, always watching the development of the other two civilizations on Earth continent.

It’s strange!

Xenogeneic seems to have completely abandoned its own evolution, just blindly Hidden in the dark, take various means to destroy or correct the development of the Clover civilization.

Whenever the Clover civilization carries out a space exploration program, the strange race will be undermined.

Whenever the Clover civilization carries out a plan to transform Earth, the strange races will secretly guide.

After hundreds of thousands of years of observation, the fish people have come to a conclusion: the strange races seem to be using Shamrock civilization, to achieve a desired result.

However, the conspiracy will always be shattered, and the darkness will be dispelled by light.

When the dandelion spaceship of the Shamrock civilization is the Nth unfathomable mystery After the explosion, the clover civilization smelled a hint of conspiracy, and they began to carry out a large-scale investigation of all civilization individuals.

A strange race with a height of two meters and three eyes was exposed to the sun.

Clover civilization naturally cannot tolerate the destructive behavior of strange races, and a war begins.

The process and results of the war shocked the mermaids who were secretly observing.

The plant battleship of the clover civilization, the pea heavy machine gun, and the pineapple seed bomb are particularly vulnerable in the face of strange races.

They did not use the spaceship hidden in the deep mountains, nor did they use any technological weapons, It’s just that everyone holds a pair of pitch black The dagger came before the Shamrock army.

formidable power The giant pea bullet leaves no trace on the xenomorph.

The aliens emerged from the violent explosion of the pineapple seeds, wielding pitch-black daggers, like harvesting wheat, depriving the clover man.

For a time, Earth was shrouded in darkness, and green blood flowed all over the floor.

The last clover fell under the dark dagger, and the mermaids knew that there were only two civilizations left on Earth.

“The queen has exchanged ten shells from the deep sea with a tangled tail like Phoenix for a mysterious poison from the ragged exotic Rogue on the fringes of the tribe.”

“This toxin is stored in the hollow tail feathers of male Li Yangji, with a crimson and dazzling color. If this Rogue is not deliberately deceived, smearing the crimson toxin on the enemy’s wound can be seen in the sky. After the fiery disc completes one reincarnation, the enemy suddenly faints. After that, a strand of red silk will appear in his right eye, and this red thread will continue to increase, and after two reincarnations of the fiery disc, Eventually occupying the entire eyeball, the enemy will also lose their lives in pain.”

“And, most importantly, there is no antidote to this toxin.”

“Of course, considering It is hard for the queen to believe that the crimson in the feathers can take the life of a strong man.”

“But, The annual hunting event is about to start, and the queen has not much choice.”

——One of the Fragments

(End of this chapter)

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