
Chapter 515 Black Domain [4K]

Journalists and media have always been puzzled about one thing, that is, Mozi Technology has discovered aliens After the spaceship, the external sales of Moxing batteries were immediately stopped, but instead of shutting down the battery manufacturing factories, workers were organized to work overtime day and night.

When the heavy trucks full of Moxing batteries lined up in front of the gate of the Earth Naval Base, the mystery was solved.

It turns out that the Earth Defense Bureau is going to use Moxing batteries to build a mysterious battleship!

Could this be Director Li Mo’s means of fighting alien spaceships?

Is it really possible for Earth civilization to defeat high level alien civilization?

In the hearts of every Earth person, deep doubts arose.

And the person who can solve this doubt is also in deep doubt at this moment, “Why did he do this?”


Earth Defense Bureau, Underground Command Center, Director’s Office.

Li Mo fell into contemplation while looking at the surveillance screen on the computer screen.

In the administrative department of the Earth Defense Bureau, a short-haired girl in uniform was at the desk, carefully checking the bills. The girl’s head was marked with blue font: (Mo Huiyan, 23 years old, administrative Ministry staff, security level 1).

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly, Mo Huiyan stood up and picked up the phone.

The clear voice of the call came from the headset:

Mo Huiyan’s voice was very clear, “Hello, this is the Administration Department, is there anything I can do for you?”

“I’m Zhou Dong, Assistant Director.” In comparison, Zhou Dong’s voice was rough.

“Assistant Zhou, is there anything I can do for you?” Mo Huiyan’s tone did not change in the slightest because of Zhou Dong’s identity.

“I need to book a flight ticket to country M tonight.”

“Sorry, according to the order of the Earth Defense Agency, flights around the world have been suspended. “

“I know!”

“Isn’t there an internal flight?” Zhou Dong seemed anxious.

“Oh, because taking an internal flight requires certain permissions, I need to check your permission information.” Mo Huiyan was neither humble nor arrogant.

“My name is Zhou Dong, Duke Zhou’s ‘Zhou’, Dongfang’s ‘Dong’, my position is Assistant Director, and I have Level 5 authority!” Zhou Dong’s tone revealed a hint of helplessness.

“Zhou Dong!”

“It’s Assistant Zhou, you said earlier” Mo Huiyan got up from the chair excitedly, almost placing the succulent on the table top Sweep to the ground.

“I’ll do it for you right away!”

Li Mo in front of the computer was stunned at the moment. He originally thought Mo Huiyan was a girl with a personality, but didn’t expect it. A little confused.

“It’s done. There happens to be an internal flight to country M tonight. Most of the passengers are visiting relatives. The flight number is C399.” Although Mo Huiyan is confused, her hands and feet are very deft.

“I have printed the ticket, so I will send it to you?”

“Thank you!”


Mo Huiyan held the hung up phone, her eyes lit up, and she waved her arms excitedly: “Come on! Mo Huiyan!”

“Be sure to seize this opportunity.”

“Oli give it!”

Li Mo in front of the computer suddenly got goosebumps. Are all girls so active now?

Is he getting old, or is this girl a little abnormal?

Mo Huiyan took out all kinds of cosmetics from her handbag, which Li Mo didn’t know and didn’t want to know, and began to carefully decorate her face.

Twenty minutes later.

She stood up, picked up her handbag, and walked to the door.

When he was about to step out of the office, he suddenly stopped, frowned thought for a moment, seemed to remember something, and immediately turned around and took out the ticket from the printer!

I’m confused again!

How did such a staff member get admitted to the Earth Defense Bureau?

Li Mo began to wonder if he was too unqualified as the director.

As Mo Huiyan walked out of the office, the picture on the computer screen also changed.


In the corridor, Mo Huiyan, who was full of longing on her face, walked towards the elevator with cheerful steps, and accidentally bumped into a man in casual clothes. Together.

“Why are you so careless?” Mo Huiyan seemed to be hurt by the bump, rubbing her arms and complaining, when she raised her head and found out who the other party was, her face suddenly filled with a smile: “Ou Boss!”

“Why are you here?”

On the screen, the head of a man in casual clothes is marked with red font: Ou Dafei, male, 30 years old, Mozi Technology executives.

“Why is he here?” Li Mo, who was in front of the computer, couldn’t help sitting upright and widened his eyes.

“Beauty, are you in such a hurry to go?” Ou Dafei was always a fool.

Mo Huiyan, who was angry at first, seemed extraordinarily happy at the moment. She tried her best to suppress her inner joy and lightly brushed her hair with her hands. Please show her charm: “Mr. Ou, Assistant Zhou’s flight tonight , I’ll send him the plane ticket.”

“Assistant Zhou?” Ou Dafei flashed through a bright light in his eyes, “Is there anything important to leave the Security Bureau at such a critical moment?”

Mo Huiyan showed off her familiar information: “Do you know where he is going?”

“Where?” Ou Dafei seemed very interested.

“Country M!”

“Flight C399, first class!”

Mo Huiyan is very happy at this moment.

“Oh” Ou Dafei’s face suddenly turned cold when he knew the answer, “Then hurry up and don’t miss Assistant Zhou’s schedule.”

Mo Huiyan looked disappointed , is about to lift his feet.

“Also, don’t tell others about today’s affairs.”

“Leaking the whereabouts of high-level executives is a leaking act!”

At this moment, Ou Dafei is like a very A man who lifts his pants and doesn’t recognize anyone.

Mo Huiyan trembled.

In front of the computer, Li Mo, who watched the surveillance video, was so gloomy that he was about to squeeze water.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number: “Shentu, I will invite Ou Dafei to you immediately!”

Ignoring the shocked voice from the other side of the phone. sound, just hang up the phone.

Then stood up, looked at the busy staff in the command hall, and muttered to himself: “No one can stop my plan!”



Yanjing Xiayunling, Baihua Mountain, the endless stream of tourists in the past have long disappeared, and the entire scenic area has been completely closed. Passing through three sentries guarded by fully armed soldiers, walking along the mountain road, you can find the end of the road, a black iron gate embedded in the gray rock stone mountain body.

Through the biometric system installed above the iron gate, the heavy iron gate slowly opened, a damp and cold breath assaults the senses, the rock-hewn steps hovered and disappeared into the endless darkness .

Continue along the steps and you will be in constant darkness.

Resist the fear in your heart, cross more than 20,000 steps, and you will find dim light oozing from the dark depths.

The location of the light is the home of the Earth Defense Agency’s special operations team.

This is not so much a resident as a big prison. On the rock wall of the 5-kilometer-long cave, there are endless iron gates.

More than 500 “suspected criminals” of different skin colors live “calmly” in prisons behind iron gates under 24-hour surveillance. They may be guilty or wronged.

The truth is worthless here, because this is the “black domain” that has been established all over the world in just a few months!

Ou Dafei walked along the corridor, admiring the faces in the black area with great interest that had appeared on TV, and exclaimed “tsk tsk.” The five-star general, the Austrian Minister of Defense.”

“Shentu Captain, your special operations team’s courage is really not ordinary.”

Shentu Zhixue looked at the Little Fatty in front of him , said perfunctorily with a headache: “Generally average, the world’s third.”

When he received Li Mo’s order, he couldn’t believe his ears for a while, no one in the Earth Defense Bureau knew: Ou Dafei is Director Li Mo was a college counselor, and he has made outstanding contributions to Mozi Technology, and is considered by everyone as one of the Director’s hard-core brothers.

Now Li Mo even ordered to arrest his brother and keep him in the black domain.

Black domain! The prison directly under the Earth Defense Bureau, under the direct management of Director Li Mo.

When the Earth Defense Bureau set up this prison, it specially issued a notice to all countries: the black domain does not belong to Earth!

A place that does not belong to Earth is naturally not bound by Earth’s laws and human morals. Everything that happens here will stay here forever and will not be retroactively by law.

Here, there are no morals, no laws!

Ou Dafei didn’t have the slightest panic because he was in the black domain, but admired the faces in the prison one by one, “It’s so rare, didn’t expect to be here, to see so many great characters .”

When he passed a neat prison, he could not help but stop his steps, and for the first time there was a surprised look on his face: “Ah”

“Ozawa of the island country. Goddess is here too?”

In the prison, a woman in pajamas sat gracefully in front of the vanity mirror, lazily looking at her already beautiful face.

“Captain Shentu, your special action team’s courage is really not ordinary.”

Shen Tuzhixue sighed and replied helplessly: “It’s not my courage.”

“It’s the director!”

“I wonder if Fang Lanshan was also detained here?” Ou Dafei inspected the black domain and asked a new question with great interest .

“Of course. No.”

“Those who enter the black domain have never been out.”

In the short 100-meter corridor, Ou Dafei has already It took a full half an hour. If it were an ordinary prisoner, Shen Tu Zhixue would have used special means.

He couldn’t help raising his wrist and glanced at the time. Fortunately, if he persisted for another hour, the director would personally take charge of this hot potato, and he would be relieved.

Hold on for another hour

Shen Tu Zhixue suppressed the violent impulse in his heart and opened a prison door, “Mr. Ou, I’m sorry you are here to rest for a while.”

Ou Dafei felt like he was choosing a hotel room, he touched the wall with his hand, showing a satisfied look: “It is covered with soft materials, which is enough to dispel the prisoner’s suicidal thoughts.”

With a finger pointing to the flashing lights on the roof The indicator light, “24-hour real-time monitoring, allows prison guards to immediately prevent accidents in the prison.”

“Not bad. Not bad”

“Although there is no furniture, it is okay. “

Said, he raised his hands in silver handcuffs with a strange smile on his face: “Shentu Captain, can you untie it for me now?”

“This thing is a little uncomfortable.”

Earth Defense Bureau, Director’s Office.

“Mission accomplished.”

It’s too funny to see the message from the mobile phone, Li Mo sighed, the former friend is suspected of being a major spy.

Is this human nature that cannot stand the test?

Before he goes to interrogate Ou Dafei, he has one last thing to do.

Muttering “Pajelu!” in my heart

The gray fog rolled in from all directions, closing my eyes involuntarily.

Open your eyes again.

Already in a great hall.

In the depths of the great hall, in the rolling gray fog, a high platform rises faintly.

“Pajeluian!” Li Mo took a deep breath, his face determined: “I will ask you a question for the last time.”

On the high platform, the gray fog filled the air.

Long time.

“Sorry, you haven’t completed the task yet, you didn’t get a chance to ask questions.” A voice without a trace of emotion echoed in the great hall.



Li Mo bent over, laughed heartily, and seemed to see the most ridiculous thing.

However, although it was laughter, don’t look sad.


“Then treat this time meeting as a farewell!” Li Mo’s voice trembled: “Ten years ago, you appeared in my mind. .”

“It is claimed that I kidnapped you Pajeluians and gave me a learning aid system.”

“Although, I don’t know what you are doing.”

“But I still want to say thank you!”

“Thank you for saving me several times!”

“Thank you for letting me pass It’s been a wonderful ten years.”

“Now, Earth’s destruction is imminent, and we have come to the moment of parting.”

After he finished speaking, he was about to step out of the gray fog space and return to the to reality.

Bright and dazzling rays of light suddenly burst out from the high platform, and the rolling gray fog disappeared instantly.

The big head Pajeluian appeared in front of Li Mo for the first time.

He has a weird dark brown color all over his body. On his thin neck, there is a brain shell that does not match his body. On the smooth and bright skull, two dark brown fleshy horns protrude.

The forehead is high and broad, and the chin is smaller but slightly protruding. The nose and mouth are small, the lips are so thin that it is almost invisible, the arms are long and thin, reaching down to the knees, and between the long, thin fingers there are webs like duck feet.

He was staring at him with big, teardrop-shaped, pale blue eyes.

Get angry.?

Of course, Li Mo is not sure about the “staring” behavior of the big-headed Pajeluian, which means being angry, but combined with the fact that he has just “threatened” him.

pretty close is angry.

“After ten years, I finally saw your true face!” Li Mo took a deep breath, making himself less panic.

The big head Pajelu tilted his head, his mouth tightly closed, and a sound came from his abdomen: “Really?”

“Did you forget that I was a two-dimensional projection? ?”

“I am just a three-dimensional phantom created by quantum dispersion technology.”

“Of course, this phantom is 100% similar to my body. degree”

(end of this chapter)

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