
Chapter 511 Norfolk Naval Port [4.1k]

North America, Eastern Sea Shore, Virginia-Norfolk Naval Port.

In the early morning, the sun rises.

This country M’s largest naval base, the world’s largest military port, has woken up from its slumber. The loud bugle sound and the thick whistle roamed in the air, echoing in the ears of every navy.

Hearing the sound of bugles coming from the window, five-star general James Xia Shizhu took up his cane and limped out of the house. Behind him, ten bodyguards in black suits and sunglasses were vigilantly paying attention to everything around them.

“General, how are you walking today?” A young officer with two stars on his epaulette stopped the car immediately and asked with concern, “The Earth Defense Bureau has also requisitioned your special car?”

“Would you like my father to sponsor a new car for our navy.”

“Recently, he got a batch of the latest BYD X from Asia”

Major Bezos, the son of Mr. Bezos, the largest supermarket chain in the country. Taking advantage of the chaotic domestic situation, the old Bezos hoarded a lot of urgently needed materials, and then sold them at high prices, accumulating a huge amount of wealth.

The bald-headed Bezos with the bulging pockets, waving the banknotes in his hand, buying up the companies that went bankrupt in the chaos at a low price, in just a few months, built a company with its companies all over North America. business empire.

The bald-headed Bezos is not satisfied with his business achievements. He spent huge sums of money to send his two sons into politics and the military, hoping that they can continue their glory.

He wants to build a dynasty long enough to last a hundred years!

Now standing in front of the five-star general James Xia, the rude major is the youngest son of the bald Bezos, and the most favored son.

In country M, money has deeply penetrated into the bloodline of all walks of life, and the military is no exception.

The bald Bezos threw a suitcase full of bills and a voluptuous stunner onto the bed of the Secretary of the Navy’s house. On the second day, Bezos, who had never piloted a carrier-based fighter jet, won the third-class Purple Star Medal and became an excellent naval lieutenant because of his decisive handling of danger in flight.

In the following month, suitcases full of banknotes appeared in the living room of Defense Minister M, in the kitchen of the chief of staff, and in the storage room of the admiral of the fleet

Little Bezos Repeatedly won awards, he eventually became Chief of Logistics at Norfolk Naval Port wearing the rank of major.

In the eyes of the ordinary person, the destruction of Earth is imminent, and the army responsible for the defense must be hit first, so no matter how provocative the slender beauties in the recruitment advertisements, the people are unable to avoid them;


But in the eyes of bald Bezos, the military is a huge gold mine.

Living chestnuts from fire is the business motto of the richest man in country M.


After the chaos, the M country is like being visited by a group of robbers. The machinery of the factory was blown up to scrap iron, the farmland was almost burned to ashes, and the house was burned.



At this time, the M-country army, which is under the control of the Earth Defense Bureau and is responsible for allocating materials, is the most prosperous existence. The officers can receive food and living materials on time every month. Ships and aircraft must be maintained on time. Every month, several 10,000-ton giant ships filled with supplies float in the Pacific Ocean.

Of course, Bezos Jr. isn’t a fool to be wiped under the nose of the Earth Defense Agency. For example, now, when he saw that Master James Xia’s face gradually became ugly, he immediately realized his gaffe.

Said quickly with a smile: “General, a new batch of fresh fruit has come ashore recently, including your favorite Fire Dragon Fruit, which is made in the Philippines.”

“I am here. Just let my subordinates bring it to you.”

Also a presenting Buddha with borrowed flowers!

James Xia has been in Norfolk Naval Port for 20 years. Although he has been in a semi-retired state in recent years, he still knows everything that happens in the Naval Port.

He is even clearer about the “commercial operation” of Bezos’ father and son. The Earth Defense Agency sends supplies on time every month according to the number of verified soldiers and the number of aircraft and battleships. . The naval port logistics office is then responsible for distributing these supplies to the hands of soldiers, and for maintenance of aircraft and battleships.

According to this rule, Bezos Jr. absolutely cannot embezzle any materials.

However, the rules are dead, and people are alive. After Bezos Jr. took charge of the logistics department, the number of soldiers in the military port has risen sharply, and many soldiers have two names at the same time.

The unfathomable mystery has dozens of old and worn-out fighter jets in the warehouse.

In this way, soldiers and shell aircraft with only names can receive a lot of “supplies” every month. The supplies will be available in the bald Bezos’ supermarket the next day.

Of course, such a complicated matter cannot be accomplished by a small major alone.

Major Admiral Darwin Frankie Raya Rayleigh Captain Fatih To Captain Lei Five-star Admiral James Xia Shi several names came to mind.

And Lieutenant General Paviu Ford. His own student!


“General?” Major Bezos Jr. saw the complex intertwined emotions on Master James Xia’s face, and couldn’t help but feel nervous: Although this old man has long since retired, He stays on the sea fishing every day, but as the only five-star general in the military port, he has unparalleled prestige among the soldiers.

“Oh” James Xia came back to his senses, and a little bit of light flashed in his cloudy eyes: “No need, if I need it, I will pick it up myself.”

After speaking, Zhu picked up his cane and limped along the road, walking towards the morning sun.

Do you want to pick it up yourself?

Does this old man still think now is the past? Little Bezos scratched his head, returned to the limousine, and took out the satellite phone: “father, can the delivery of today’s goods be temporarily suspended?”

A puzzled voice came from the other side of the phone: “Why? , what happened?”

Little Bezos stammered: “We have made so much money, there is no shortage of this time.”.

When the five-star general James Xia, who rarely showed up, reappeared in the base, he always felt a little strange, and now he understands: the bodyguards behind James Xia are all uniform. Asian!

An inexplicable crisis came to my mind.

“I always feel like something’s going to happen to the father!” Bezos Jr. almost begged.

“What do you think?” The doubts on the phone were even greater: “I didn’t receive a warning from Lieutenant General Paviu Ford, every time the Earth Defense Agency sent someone to check, he would always send someone in advance. Inform us.”

After a moment’s pause, he tried to convince: “Now the high-rises of the entire military port and us are grasshoppers on the same line, they live in the big house we provided and play with the women we sent. ”

“Don’t worry, it’s alright, child!”

Little Bezos could only express his doubts, and specifically described the bodyguard’s complexion as yellow.

A disapproving voice came from the other side of the phone: “What terrifying an old man’s five-star general!”

“The entire military port is under our control, even if he Now what if you have the evidence?”

Speaking, his tone became stern: “Little Bezos!”

“Are you scared?”


Little Bezos hit a shivered and quickly replied: “No, absolutely not!” He knew that his father hated those cowardly people the most in his life.

“There is no best!”

“There is an old saying in China that you can get chestnuts from fire. Crisis often contains opportunities. In this chaotic world, we can easily gain tenfold, A hundred times the profit.”

“Whether the Bezos family can regain the glory of yesterday depends on your performance!”

“Do what you should do, Little Bezos!”


Bezos, holding the hung up phone, muttered to himself: “Do what I should do. ‘, his uneasy eyes gradually became firm, and he started the vehicle and drove towards the port.

In half an hour, a supply ship from the Earth Defense Agency will dock.


The newborn sun, climbing hard in space, burst out dazzling rays of light. Brightness sprinkled on every building in the military port, as well as on the faces of the sentries in front of the tall buildings.

They were wearing two different styles of military uniforms, lined up on both sides of the glass door. Facing the bright sunlight, they could not help squinting and guarding the building behind them vigilantly.

In the most spacious Conference Hall, ten generals sat on both sides of the rectangular conference table with expressionless faces.

The 5th, 6th, and 8th aircraft carrier formations are stationed in the Virginia-Norfolk Naval Port, with 5 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, namely “Eisen”, “Norfolk”, “Linken”. ”, “Block Road” and “Little Bird”, as well as twelve amphibious assault ships, six cruisers, twenty-one destroyers, twelve nuclear attack submarines, and 75 large ships and 534 Various types of aircraft.

These aircraft carriers, warships, and planes, equivalent to one-fifth of the combat strength of the entire M country, are governed by ten generals. These generals who have experienced foul wind and bloody rain wars, but at this moment their eyes are closed and they say nothing.

Because they were waiting for someone to come.

A person they don’t know and don’t know specific information about.

Is it male or female? Is it old or young?

This person can be an old lady in her sixties with missing teeth; it can also be a toddler who is babbling and babbling; it can even be a vegetative person lying on a hospital bed.

None of this matters!

The important thing is that he is a special envoy sent by the Earth Defense Bureau!

This is enough to make these generals who control the fate of hundreds of thousands of soldiers wait with bated breath.


The log door of the Conference Hall was pushed open from the outside, and a young man in the uniform of the Earth Defense Bureau walked in from the light.

I am young, only in my 30s, a standard Asian, with bulging arms and a straight walk.

Should be an active-duty soldier or have served in the army

Also, the right hand of the envoy seems to be carrying a password box very easily. The box should not be heavy, and it should contain some paper documents.

Ten lines of sight communicated silently, and their hearts were full of doubts about the sudden dispatch of a special envoy by the Earth Defense Bureau. Norfolk Naval Port is stationed with the most powerful military force in North America. When Earth is about to be destroyed, it seems to have nothing to do. It can’t fly into space with an aircraft carrier and fight against alien spaceships, right?

I can’t help but feel guilty

The ten generals stood up in unison, “I am immortal! Earth is immortal!”

“Mr. Special Envoy has worked hard!”


The young man stood at the head of the conference table with a smile on his face: “I am immortal! Earth is immortal!”

“Hello everyone, my name is Zhou, the special envoy of the Earth Defense Bureau. Dong.”

“You can call me Mister Zhou.”

“Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to come to this meeting.”

Shy and polite The ten generals couldn’t help but look at this Mister Zhou. Being able to become a special envoy means that he has a good relationship with Director Li Mo.

Some generals who are eager to make progress can’t help but start selfish calculations. After the meeting, they should do the best of the landlord’s friendship, so that the youngster can appreciate the beauty of the Human World.

Unfortunately, when Zhou Dong took out a document bearing the bright seal of the director from the suitcase, these generals had no such thoughts anymore.

“I am here this time, and my mission is to convey the order of the Earth Defense Bureau!” Zhou Dong looked dignified.

Isn’t the command a meeting to discuss things?

Although the First Earth Conference determined that the Earth Defense Agency was in charge of global military forces, it still consulted with their generals when deploying troops for missions.

The visitor is not good! The ten generals were shocked and exchanged glances silently.

“Earth Defence Service, Commander’s Order: USS Eisen, USS Rover, USS Linken, USS Blocking Road and USS Small, now stationed at Norfolk Naval Port Bird.”

“Twelve amphibious assault ships, six cruisers, twenty-one destroyers.”

“And 534 aircraft.”

Twisting, he raised his head and looked all around: “Arrived at the Earth Naval Base within 10 days.”

Go to the Earth Naval Base!

The expressions of the ten generals changed drastically.

After the first Earth Conference, the Earth Naval Base was established in Asia under the direct jurisdiction of the Earth Defense Agency. The list in the hands of the special envoy included almost all the ships in the Norfolk naval port. If these warships are handed over to the Earth Defense Bureau, these generals will inevitably be directly bound.

A silent exchange of eyes!

Absolutely not!

Rear Admiral Cameron stood up first: “Mr. Special Envoy, I am the commander of the “Eisen” aircraft carrier formation, Rear Admiral Cameron.”

“For the Earth Defense Agency’s I support the decision with both hands.”

“However, such a large-scale migration is difficult to complete in a short period of time. Is there any order from Director Li Mo?”

said , he pretended to understand nodded, “Of course, Director Li Mo is an excellent scientist, but he may not know much about warships.

” Besides, he has so many major events to deal with every day, he may have neglected . “

“Understood! understand! “

Major General Cameron kept on saying “Understand”, but the corners of his mouth were split open, but his face showed unconcealed contempt.

The generals in the Conference Hall They nodded and echoed: “The speed of the aircraft carrier is generally between 25 and 30 knots, and it will take at least a month to reach the Earth Naval Base in Asia across the Pacific Ocean. “

“In addition, these fleets have more than 100,000 officers and soldiers, and it is difficult to complete the assembly in a short period of time! “

How to refuse, an order that cannot be refused?

Find out the objective reason why this order cannot be executed! Let the issuer of the order retreat!

Ten generals have been in the army for twenty years, and they have long understood this.

They were elated and their faces could not hide their smiles when they escaped.

“The generals may not have understood. Zhou Dong waved the document in his hand: “All the Earth Defense Agency needs are aircraft carriers, warships, and aircraft in Norfolk Naval Port.” “

“You don’t need more than 100,000 officers and soldiers under your command!” ”

The smiles on the faces of the ten generals suddenly solidified.

(End of this chapter)

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