
Chapter 490 Communications Lightwave

M State, Pennsylvania, in front of the JWS Telescope Ground Command Center

building, one shot The flag of the flat Earth printed on the white cloth fluttered in the wind, and dozens of youngsters waved their arms and shouted: “Damn astronomers, how dare you to confuse the public, Earth is flat, and there is no outer planet in the universe”

“Hang the astronomer!”

“Burn the telescope!”

“Humanity doesn’t need science!”

They were excited, It seems that next moment will smash the glass of the central door with the stick in its hand, and rush into the building to pull out the staff inside and parade the public.

Director Kumar stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, but he was not worried at all. Because the orange cordon had already been drawn up in front of the building, the dozens heavily armed police were targeting the demonstrators with their jet-black muzzles.

The cordon is the line of defense for the police, who will shoot any demonstrators who cross the line without the slightest hesitation.

Director Kumar knew this, so he wasn’t worried.

The demonstrators knew this too, so they kept their distance despite their angry expressions.

“Honey, where did these cowards come from?” A coquettish woman in a tight miniskirt appeared beside him at some point, “What does flat Earth mean?”

The thin lips are as delicate as rose petals, and the long black silk legs are particularly eye-catching.

Director Kumar couldn’t help but secretly swallowed his saliva: “Secretary Ruth, this is the office address.”

Ruth’s mouth was slightly raised, and she was reclining coquettishly. Beside him, a crimson scent wafted from his nostrils.

“Honey, there’s no one else here.”

“Just help me, this ignorant girl, explain it to me”

Kummar’s bones were all soft at the moment. , with a look of love: “The demonstrators downstairs are from the Earth Flat Church, and they are a group of anti-scientists.”

“What do you mean by anti-scientists?” Ruth stared at her innocent eyes, Straighten your body.

A beautiful flower is about to bloom.

Director Kumar’s eyes dodged: “Ruth. You usually need to read more newspapers.”

“In this world, not everyone believes in science, just take Let the protesters downstairs speak.”

“They firmly believe that Earth is a flat disk with the North Pole in the center and the South Pole around the disk, and the South Pole surrounds the ocean. , so the sea water will not flow out.”

“There is no universe on the world, and there are no so-called aliens, so they are so angry.”

Lu Si raised her small face, her long eyelashes blinked, her eyes full of admiration.

Director Kumar said resolutely: “The lack of scientific knowledge makes them a bunch of idiots, so you youngsters should read more books.”

“You are awesome!” Ruth lowered her head with a charming face, tapped the floor with the toe of her shoe, and made a “bang bang.” sound, “It’s raining outside, do you want me to take the umbrella out of the umbrella bag?”

Director Kumar’s expression was startled, instantly clear comprehension, with a happy expression on his face: “You brought an umbrella?”

The water is full of eyes, and the mountains are full of eyebrows. Want to ask pedestrians where to go? Eyebrows are full.



The phone rang rapidly, and Director Kumar answered the phone angrily: “Henry, You better have a good reason!”

“Director, JWSTelescope suddenly received a message from an alien spaceship!”

Director Kumar was stunned for a moment, then blurted out: “Damn!”, I don’t know if it was because of the alien spaceship news, or because of “good things”.

He sorted his clothes in the mirror, made sure everything was okay, and took a red pass from a drawer in the office.

Ruth’s eyes lit up, she stepped forward and whispered, “Director, can you take me with you?”

“I also want to, but the command and communication room needs Level 1 Permission, you are just an intern secretary.” Director Kumar looked embarrassed.

“You said just now that youngster should study more?” Ruth lowered her head and pretended to be angry, “Besides, you are the boss of the center, don’t you have this right?”

On the large screen in the command and communications room, the simulated image of the JWS Telescope kept spinning. Dozens of middle age people in blue uniforms brows tightly knit staring at strange symbols sent back from space.

“What’s the situation?” Director Kumar opened the door and walked straight to the chief engineer, Professor Hunter.

Professor Hunter quickly operated on the keyboard with both hands, “Twenty minutes ago, the avalanche photocell array of the orbital telescope suddenly received a beam of strange light waves.”

“This beam The starting point of light waves is that alien spaceship!”

“Aliens actually use light waves to communicate?” This has surpassed Director Kumar’s understanding. Deep space communication is quite researched.

There are two major difficulties in deep space transmission, one is the cosmic background noise, and the other is the path loss.

In order to overcome background noise, humans have to choose Wireless Electronics with extremely high frequency as a means of communication, so that they can “dodge” co-frequency interference.

At the same time, in order to overcome the signal path loss of more than 300dB, deep space communication can only rely on larger diameter antennas to receive signals, and use larger antenna gain to combat path loss.

Because light waves are very easy to wear out, in human cognition, it is absolutely impossible to use them as a means of communication, but.

The fact is right in front of you!

“Analysis is complete!” Professor Hunter looked at the data on the computer and said in surprise: “Low frequency light waves!”

“How is that possible?”

“Don’t worry about the light waves!” Director Kumar asked impatiently: “Quickly send the information to the supercomputing center, and ask them to decipher it immediately!”

“I want to know about that damn alien ship. What exactly does spaceship want to do!”

In fact, as early as 50 years ago, the world astronomy community discussed what to do when Earth humans and alien civilizations encountered each other. After ten years of research, the unanimous conclusion has been reached: First of all, it is necessary to understand the expressions of communication between aliens.

There are different sounds in ten miles, and different customs in one hundred miles. The same pronunciation and the same gesture may express different meanings in different places. For example, in most parts of the world, nodding indicates agreement and shaking head indicates denial. But in India, nodding means denial, shaking his head means agreeing.

This completely opposite way of “expression” occurs between the same biological species. Alien creatures from hundreds of light-years must have a “language” that is very different from humans.

Therefore, it is very important to correctly understand the intention of aliens.

Professor Hunter’s eyes widened, motionless staring at the computer screen.

“What’s wrong?” Director Kumar realized that things might have taken a strange turn, looking towards the big screen.

Suddenly exclaimed: “This!”

“No need to crack” Professor Hunter looked frustrated and muttered to himself: “Obviously, these aliens are for Destroy Earth”

Everyone in the hall stared at the big screen in astonishment. In the corner, Secretary Ruth took out a lipstick from her pocket and dabbed it on her lips.

(End of this chapter)

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