
Chapter 469 Award

At this time, a thin silhouette came over surrounded by a large group of professors, the teenager’s face was expressionless For the first time, an expression appeared on his face, and he stepped forward quickly, blocking the thin silhouette’s path.

Yes, it was Li Mo who was stopped by this foreign teenager.

Li Mo scrutinized the blond and blue-eyed man in front of him, and when his eyes touched the school badge on his chest, he suddenly softened.

“Professor Li, this is a pure mathematical description of the single-celled flagellate.” Zach handed the thick material in his hand respectfully, “Please take a look at it to see if there are any errors.”

Li Mo frowned and did not receive the materials handed by the teenager. The modern mathematician has many ways of publishing academic results, and he does not like this way of “blocking the road”.

“Why don’t you write this mathematical description into a paper and publish it in a journal?”

The teenager was startled for a moment, looking straight at him, “I’m not interested!”

So confident?

Li Mo then took over the material, and under the watchful eyes of many mathematics professors, he completed the reading of the paper at a speed that ordinary people could not imagine.

In a few moments.

“Something new.”

“This should be the first chapter on Earth to describe a kind of life with pure mathematics, right?” He nodded slightly.

Have you finally found it? A hint of ruddy appeared on Max Milley’s face, and his crystal clear and near-transparent eyeballs were full of anticipation.

“Unfortunately.” Li Mo shook the head, “This paper is full of mistakes!”

“Because life is far beyond your imagination.”

The boy’s expectation suddenly turned into frustration, he shook his lips and took his work with the last stubbornness.

Turned around and was about to leave this sad place.


Li Mo’s voice came from behind.

“Dafang, please help this child apply for an invitation letter. Although his paper is full of loopholes, his creativity is not bad.”

Rejoice! .

When Li Mo appeared on the podium on time, there was warm applause and cheers from the audience, because in the eyes of these mathematicians, he has always been known as “late” , even the Fields Medal ceremony can be late.

“Hello everyone!”


The applause broke out again.

“Welcome to Pure Math”

Several old professors from Europe stood up, happy like children, and applauded fiercely.

I can’t even finish the opening remarks, are they here to spoil the game?

Li Mo had to straighten his face and press his hands down to signal silence.

The entire venue was silent.

“Welcome everyone to come and participate in the first international pure mathematics exchange conference.” Li Mo took a deep breath, speaking quickly, “Here, I represent the pure mathematics of freshmen The subject expresses its deepest gratitude to the professors scholar and Yenching University for providing the venue.”

After finishing speaking, he looked forward to applause, but there was still absolute silence in the audience.

“Everyone can applaud” Li Mo had to add.

“pa!pa!pa!pa!” The fierce applause burst out like fried beans, and Max Milian, who was standing in the corner, clapped his palms red.

Li Mo squeezed his hands slightly and said with a smile: “There is an old saying in China that a hero has three gangs. He is covered in iron. How many nails can you drive!”

“Therefore, the development of pure mathematics is inseparable from the hard work of everyone here.”

“After the deliberation of the Pure Mathematics Alliance Committee, the Li Mo Pure Mathematics Medal was specially set up to recognize those in the field of pure mathematics. The scholar who made a special contribution to the scholar.”

“The medal is divided into Gold, Silver and Bronze Level 3, awarded once a year.”

tone barely fell, and applause broke out again. The mathematicians in the audience, men and women, young and old, were flushed and excited, and they obviously welcomed the award very much.

This situation is completely expected by Li Mo. Businessmen don’t mind too much money, and scientists don’t mind too many awards. For a scientist who is fascinated by academics, there is nothing more exciting than the recognition of his academic achievements by the world.

Unlike ordinary Fields Medals, they only honor what they consider to be the best mathematicians, leading to lifelong regrets for many young geniuses. The Li Mo Pure Mathematics Award adopts the same gold, silver and bronze medal system as the Olympic Games. On the one hand, the number of awards is increased, and on the other hand, the authority will not be reduced due to the excessive number of winners.

Three college student volunteers, dressed in traditional Chinese costumes, walked onto the rostrum with trays in line.

In the tray, there is an envelope and a medal.

“We are all mathematicians, let’s just draw the lottery without the red tape.” Li Mo walked to the volunteers with a smile and took out the envelopes from the tray.

“The Li Mo Pure Mathematics Award Bronze Award Winner is Professor Bungie Metz from the University of Paris, thank you for your outstanding contribution to the field of complex number conversion in pure mathematics!” Li Mo Ripped envelope, read in a high tone.

“Oh my God, did I really win?!!” A bald and bearded man jumped up from his seat under the stage. Under the care of the camera light beam, he tap danced and trotted all the way. , rushed to the podium.

“Thank you Professor Li Mo, thank you Pure Mathematics Alliance!” The bald man blushed and had nowhere to put his excited hands.

Li Mo smiled and hung the bronze medal around his neck, then took out a check from the tray: “In addition to the medal, the bronze medal winner will also receive a bonus of 1 million yuan.”

“One million.”

The audience immediately discussed spiritedly, there are many awards in mathematics, but there are not many prizes, because most of the awarding organizations are impoverished.

Li Mo is well aware that in order for an award to quickly become an international authoritative award, in addition to a strict review system, generous bonuses are essential. What’s more, all the expenses of the Pure Mathematics Alliance come from the fundraising of members

The bald man took the check with trembling hands, raised high, and a line of tears flowed from his eyes: “mother, did you see it in the sky?”

“Little Bungie finally did it.”

There was fierce applause from the audience, and it is always the most touching to reveal the truth.

Everyone has the softest side in their hearts and looks fierce, even the little Bungie who plays a gangster without makeup is no exception.

This is a great start!

Li Mo took the envelope from the second tray and read aloud: “Li Mo Silver Medalist in Pure Mathematics, Alexander Sergeyevich Ivanov from Moscow State University Professor, thank you for your outstanding contribution in the field of pure mathematical geometry!”

A thin bearded man stepped onto the podium with waving hands amid applause.

He had a humble smile on his face: “Thanks to Professor Li Mo, thanks to the Pure Mathematics Alliance, it is an honor for Supreme to receive this award.”

Li Mo looked at his face disordered and in a mess , a big beard with wild grass, can’t help feeling, this is the second big beard today, can’t mathematicians afford a razor?

Do you need a group buy of Gillette?

Li Mo smiled and hung the silver medal around his neck, then took out a check from the tray: “Except for the medal, The silver prize winner will also receive a bonus of 1 million yuan.”

“2 million.”

There was a gasp from the audience.

Aleksandr Sergeyevich Ivanov raised the cheque over his head and put it back in the tray again, his little eyes twinkling: “Professor Li Mo, thank you very much for pure mathematics The generosity of the league.”


“This 2 million bonus. I don’t need it. Let’s leave it to those who need it more.”

(end of this chapter)

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