
Chapter 437 Non-staff employee Dafei Ou

New York, Country M

In the dark streets, several homeless The wanderer, huddled together in the icy cold wind.

“Di Di”

With a crisp whistle, two bright headlights approached from a distance. The homeless crowd rushed to the street, they wanted to stop the car before it entered the cigar boss’s territory, and hoped that the nobles in the car would donate some property.

Stopping a car late at night on the street is also a technical job. If someone in the car thinks they are malicious, they will slam on the accelerator and run over their body directly. After all, in this city of money, a homeless life is not as precious as a pet dog.

Experienced homeless people, lined up, doing funny dances and waving their arms.

Sure enough, the vehicle stopped slowly, and the little golden man on the car shone under the dim light of the street intersection.

Luxury cars!

The homeless crowd cheered and swarmed.

“Sir. Dear Sir.”

“For $5 I’ll get you the prettiest girl on Thirteenth Street.”

“Sir, I’m Zoran Jedi, a graduate of the Ivy League Business Academy. I have ten years of experience in stocks and will definitely bring you good luck.”

The car window slowly lowered and counted. Zhang hundred dollar bills threw away from the gap.

The homeless people who stopped the car ran away from the car and stumbled towards the banknotes scattered on the ground.

The vehicle honked its horn and started again.

“Dear Ou, you are so generous.” Inside the car, a blond young man carefully touched the starry sky of the car with his hand, and looked at the little Fatty sitting across from him enviously. Bai: “You can’t believe every word those homeless people say.”

Little Fatty Bai took the red wine glass from the cool-dressed girl beside him, and took a light sip “Domino, you know me too. The Boss, a mysterious oriental rich man.”

“He always taught us that we should learn to accumulate virtue and do good deeds in life.”

“Trifling thousands of dollars is just a waste of money. The water is gone.”

“That is. That is” Donino nodded hurriedly: “If it weren’t for the rich man in the East, he wouldn’t have sent you to travel thousands of miles just to find the man who ran away from home. Little lover.”

This little Fatty Bai is a non-staff employee of Mozi Technology – Dafei Ou, but his current name is Ou Billy, and his identity is the steward of a mysterious oriental rich man.

Half a month ago, Phinea, who was on a daily vacation on the Caribbean coast, received an unexpected call from Li Mo. He carefully covered the quilt for the unnamed girl on the bed, and walked into the bathroom with his mobile phone.

“Mozi, what do you need this time?” Brother Fei answered the phone and asked directly.

Just a week ago, he shipped an ultra-high-energy particle generator to Mozi Technology. This is the third time he has transported such a very sensitive device in a month. Those European “friends” with bulging pockets and high positions have told him in secret that the “transition” of this frequency is too conspicuous and should be postponed.

Philadelphia knew that they were afraid of being discovered by agents of M country with no opportunity. However, the fear of the “friends” was immediately disappeared after he took out another thick stack of banknotes from the box and put them in their luxury car.

“Friends” dialed mysterious phones one by one, ships loaded with high-end equipment, quietly heading towards China.

Phine doesn’t know that Boss is experimenting, and he doesn’t want to know. He only needs to know that those instruments that are “transported” back to China will definitely make a huge contribution to Mozi Technology and the development of China, which is enough.

A deserted son of a family can serve the country in this special battlefield, what else can one expect?

“Need.” Li Mo on the other side of the phone hesitated for a moment, he really couldn’t bear to disturb Fei Ge for personal affairs.

Due to doubts about Zhang Xuemei, Li Mo, who returned to Mozi Technology, immediately used the artificial intelligence “Xiaohua” to conduct a special search for this name on the Internet.

The answer given by Xiaohua made him startled.

That’s normal!

Xiaohua drew a detailed trajectory map of Zhang Xuemei during her study period in country M through cross-analysis of the content of social networking sites in country M.

The track map details Zhang Xuemei’s relationships and daily schedule, even on special days each month. Every day at three o’clock and one line, she occasionally travels to some free scenic spots, participates in some cheap parties, and complains about the domestic air standards on social networking sites about the life of Chinese students.

However, in this chart, Li Mo still found a doubt: this detailed trajectory chart has a blank period of up to a year. This means that Zhang Xuemei has not used instant messaging software to contact friends or update her life on social networking sites for a whole year.

This is so abnormal for a modern woman!

After a closer look, Li Mo found that Zhang Xuemei had disappeared from the public eye since graduation. A year later, she miraculously appeared again and returned to China.

Li Mo understands that if she wants to know the real reason for Zhang Xuemei’s return to China, she can only send someone to investigate where she is and what she has done this year.

At this time, the first person he thought of was Brother Fei. Just to trouble Fei Ge for personal matters, Li Mo felt that it was really difficult to speak.

“What does Mozi Technology need this time?” Feige heard his hesitation and said jokingly, “Is it the queen’s crown or the Mona Lisa’s smile?”

Seeing Wei Xiaonian’s sadness when he left, Li Mo sighed and said, “It’s a private matter. I want you to help me investigate a woman.”

“Woman?” Fei Ge looked surprised, In his impression, Boss has had several “soulmates”, but none of them seem to be fruitful.

Which girl are you attracted to this time?

Li Mo said hesitantly: “Her name is Zhang Xuemei, she graduated from Princeton a year ago, was a student of Professor DR.SMITH, and has now returned to China.”

” I need you to investigate all her experiences after she left Princeton.”

Phine understands completely, this is a political trial!

The Boss must have been attracted to this girl. Before launching the initiative, he must investigate whether her net worth is innocent.

As iron buddies, this busy must help.

He patted his chest and said, “Mozi, I’ll go to M country right now and check her upside down.”

Li Mo listened to “piapia” from the other side of the phone. ” Sheng, frowned, asked suspiciously: “Brother Fei, it should be 3 o’clock in the afternoon in Europe now, you haven’t got up yet?”

Although Fei Ge is a non-staff employee, as the Boss, he should not interfere with employees Their private life, but who made them have a buddy relationship.

A chaotic lifestyle is harmful to health!

“.I got up early, I just patted my chest to express my position to you.” Brother Fei explained quickly.

“Then you are also slapping your chest with your upper body naked, otherwise how can you make a piapia sound.” Li Mo continued: “I know your job position is rather special, but as an employee of Mozi Technology , should have a good rest time”

“Boss, I understand!”

“In order to help you get out of single life as soon as possible, I will go to M country immediately to investigate that girl!”

Da Fei quickly hung up the phone without waiting for Li Mo to finish speaking. This boss and buddy is good at everything, just too verbose.

He pushed aside the bathrooms, and the girl on the bed was still asleep. When I made the quilt just now, the folds I deliberately pinched remained the same.

Big Fei put on his clothes tiptoely, took out a stack of banknotes from his handbag, and put it on the bedside.

Never look back.

(End of this chapter)

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