
Chapter 426 Interview

A place of dignity in China.


An old man reclined on a chair with his eyes closed. There was a stack of thick documents on the desk in front of him. One of them seemed to have just been approved halfway through. Not a trace of heat.

The office door opens silently.

A man who looked like a secretary walked in with a document in his arms, for fear of making a sound. When he saw that there was still a thick stack of documents on the desk, hesitating on his face, he turned around and was about to walk out of the office.

At this moment, a tired voice came from behind him: “Xiao Xiao, is there something urgent?”

This secretary-like man is exactly the same as Li Mo. Secretary Xiao who has met several times.

Secretary Xiao had to turn around, quietly put the document in his hand behind his back, and said with a smile: “No.”

“I just came to see if you always Have you rested?”

The old man stood up and stretched his waist: “I’m old, and I can’t keep up with my energy.”

“There are still more than half of these documents that need to be reviewed, why? Can you rest?”

“Perhaps. You should review these documents tomorrow. After all, it is not a slack to let the people below wait for a few more hours.” Secretary Xiao looked at the old man. The tired look on his face was really distressing.

“I think so too!” The old man said with a wry smile: “It’s a pity that more documents will be delivered tomorrow”

“And, every document placed here It is related to thousands of households, and there is no delay!”

Yes, China is too big! There are so many things happening every day between a family of three, let alone China with a population of more than one billion!

Secretary Xiao’s eyes are moist.

“Tell me, which department did you send the document from?” After a few minutes of rest, the old man felt sleepy subside a little. He knew that if it wasn’t a particularly important matter, this competent The secretary would never bother him at this time.

“.It’s Mozi Technology’s plan.” Secretary Xiao knew that he couldn’t hide it, so he stepped forward and handed over the documents in his hand.

“Plan?” Hearing the name of Mozi Technology, the old man’s eyes flashed through a bright light: “Didn’t they just finish the construction of the fire star base project?”

“Are you ready to launch a new project so soon?”

“This proposal was entrusted by Professor Li Mo to Old Wu.” Secretary Xiao said frankly: “But Old Wu is putting When the plan was delivered, I specifically asked me to tell you something.”

“Oh” The old man showed a surprised look on his face: “What?”

“Old Wu Say, please be careful!” Secretary Xiao couldn’t help but accentuate his tone, as if trying to imitate Old Wu’s expression at that time.

“Be cautious?” The old man became more and more surprised: “What plan should Old Wu be so worried about?”

“I think when he was working in the Northwest, he was a man who dared to be alone with the wild. A stunned boy who fights with wolves, what else can he be afraid of?”

Speaking, the old man took out a paper cutter from the drawer, carefully cut open the seal of the document, and took out the The plan of Mozi Technology.

“”Mozi Technology Controllable Nuclear Fusion Plan”!” When he saw the cover of the plan, the old man’s eyes widened, pupil shrink, and his brows furrowed.

He facial expression grave, muttering to himself: “Nuclear fusion!”

“This project is too sensitive, no wonder Old Wu is so cautious.”

“Nuclear fusion?” When Secretary Xiao saw that the proposal he sent was a nuclear proposal, he couldn’t help but take a deep breath: “Professor Li Mo, this is too bold. “

“Doesn’t he know that this kind of plan is very sensitive internationally?”

“Once the plan is leaked, it is likely to cause international public disputes.” .”

“Nuclear” has been controversial since its birth. On the one hand, it can be used to generate electricity and is a relatively clean energy source. On the other hand, it could be sanctioned enough to destroy Earth’s nuclear weapons.

The reason why Iraq in the Middle East has repeatedly been severely sanctioned by Western countries is because of their ongoing “nuclear program”.

Of course, China, as a country that legally possesses nuclear weapons, naturally has the right to “nuclear tests”, but under the intentional amplification of the Western media, the “nuclear tests” used for scientific research will also be misinterpreted by them. It becomes an act that undermines world peace and undermines the image of China in the world.

“Headmaster, do you want to invite Professor Li Mo? Let’s talk face to face.” Secretary Xiao looked at the old man’s solemn expression and knew that he was in a dilemma.

The old man raised his head: “It’s already late at night, has Professor Li already rested?”

“Is it inappropriate to disturb him now?”

What a lovely old man, always thinking of others.

“You haven’t rested yet?” Secretary Xiao warmed his heart and couldn’t help but say, “Besides, scientists are all night owls.”

The old man is nodded.


Secretary Xiao’s guess was accurate.

When Li Mo received the call, he was still sitting at his desk, frowned pondering: “How can we express the probability of the microscopic world using pure mathematics?”

The controllable nuclear fusion project team has been established, and the plan has been submitted, but he has been unable to achieve this “finishing the door”.

After receiving the call, he stopped work without the slightest hesitation, put the notebook on the desk in his backpack, and hurried out of the office.

“Boss, where are you going?” Zhou Dong, who had been staying in the suite next door, followed closely.

“Report to the leader.”

“They will send a car to pick me up, you should get off work early today.” Li Mo disappeared at the end of the corridor without looking back.

“Leadership?” Zhou Dong stood blankly in the corridor, with doubts on his face: “Does Boss also have a leader?”


“Come on already?”


“Drink tea?”

“Drink tea.”

A few short sentences After the greeting, the old man stood up and threw the copy of “Mozi Technology Controlled Nuclear Fusion” on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

“You’re giving me a big problem!” The old man looked at the young man sitting on the sofa, sighed.

Li Mo picked up the plan he wrote from the coffee table and smiled slightly: “I know.”

“You know?” Surprised: “Now that you know, let’s hear it.”

Li Mo put down the plan, took the teacup brought by Secretary Xiao, took a light sip, the tea was in the mouth, and the fragrance left on his lips and teeth.

He stood up and looked directly at the old man: “Whether a plan should be implemented depends mainly on whether its benefits are proportional to its risks.”

“Once the controllable nuclear fusion plan is Success will change the way of energy in China and even the entire human race, and it means that we can finally skip the stars and use the most primordial energy in the universe.”

“In thousands of years, human beings will It will not be restricted by the energy problem.”

“So, from the perspective of revenue, you will definitely not prevent Mozi Technology from carrying out the controllable nuclear fusion program.”

“The largest The problem is the risk.”

“There are two main risks, one is the pressure of international public opinion, and the other is that the plan may fail.”

“Your embarrassment However, it is impossible to determine whether this plan is worth taking such a big risk.”

The old man nodded slightly, “Do you think this plan has several points of success?”

“1 point!” Li Mo showed an embarrassed expression and gave a very small success rate: “So far, since the pure mathematical model has not been established, the success rate of the controllable nuclear fusion project is only 10%.”

He knew that in the face of the old man Hua Guo, any intentional deception would be meaningless.

“10%?” The old man frowned. This is a very low probability, but.

The benefits of controlled nuclear fusion are amazing!

“The plan can be implemented, but I have several conditions.”

(end of this chapter)

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