
Chapter 401 ordinary person

“Among the crew of the Navigator, except for the captain Ying Weiqun and the safety officer Qashqai is a professionally trained aerospace personnel, while Yu Shiluo, Liu Jianxiong and Shi Rendao are all ordinary persons who have only undergone more than two months of training. The team formed by them is enough to complete the construction of a base on the surface of the fire star. Is it an important task?”

“And among them, the oldest Yu Shiluo is already 42 years old!”

In this age of 35 years old and facing the danger of unemployment, Mozi Technology has hired A 42-year-old “uncle” has to send the uncle to the fire star to perform tasks.

That’s outrageous!

Fang Lanshan, who came back to his senses, raised his second question without the slightest hesitation.

Which occupation has the least number of people in the world?

The answer is undoubtedly astronauts, especially those who have been in space.

The working environment in space is very different from Earth. Eating and drinking water is a common thing for people living on Earth. The diet becomes very complex and wonderful.

As astronauts live in a near-vacuum environment in space, they must always wear a heavy space suit. Once there is a loophole in the spacesuit, the astronauts will rupture various organs caused by excessive pressure in the body, such as internal internal valgus, eyeball swelling and rupture, and finally become a mass of torso, internal organs, and blood mixture.

It can be said that in space, astronauts are always in danger. Therefore, the screening and training of astronauts in all countries of the world are extremely strict.

According to the absolutely unreliable statistics from the big V from the media, only one real astronaut is likely to appear for every 1 million Earth people.

But why did Professor Li Mo choose 3 ordinary Chinese as the team members to carry out the construction of the “pyramid”?

Is it because of lack of talent?

Fang Lanshan, who is familiar with the talent pool of Mozi Science and Technology Laboratory, rejected this answer without the slightest hesitation. Because Professor Li Mo has always had a unique hobby of collecting talents, thousands of graduates from prestigious universities join Mozi Technology every year.

Not to mention the mysterious “Moxing Project”, the talents cultivated have become the pillars of each department in the laboratory, and are known as the elite class of Mozi Science and Technology.

You can borrow official aerospace talents. After years of development, China has cultivated a large number of outstanding astronauts, some of whom have rich space experience.

If Professor Li Mo submits an application to the above, it is estimated that several experienced astronauts will soon quit their original jobs and join the Mozi Science and Technology Laboratory.

In the eyes of any sane person, these options are significantly better than sending three “ordinary persons” to fire star.

Also Old Xu board really lost his mind?

Thinking of this, this incredible thought appeared in Fang Lanshan’s mind.

His eyes widened, trying to find a trace of evidence from Professor Li Mo’s facial expressions.

Li Mo didn’t know Fang Lanshan’s rich inner activities, he took a sip of tea and gave the answer.

“The reason why I paid a huge price was that Shi Luo, Liu Jianxiong and Shi Rendao participated in this mission.”

“Because of their identities! “

Fang Lanshan was completely confused. The phrase ‘Mozi Technology paid a huge price’ is understandable.

After all, in order for these three “talents” with the highest degree to be a junior college, to master the complete knowledge of spaceflight and universe in just 2 months, Fang Lanshan personally led a group of professors from top universities. The team spent a week compiling a set of “easy-to-understand” teaching materials.

Not to mention that in order to train them, Mozi Technology specially built a professional training ground, with top combat instructors hired from the special forces.

I even specially invited Krikalev, who had been on the International Space Station for “115” days, to join the coaching team.

It can be said that in order for these three “ordinary persons”, there is a probability of surviving on fire star. The experts and professors of Mozi Technology have used every conceivable method.

But the reason why Yu Shiluo, Liu Jianxiong and Shi Rendao can participate in the mission is because of their status?

What are they?

Yu Shiluo high school, occupation: bricklayer.

Liu Jianxiong holds a college degree, occupation: electric power maintenance worker.

Shi Rendao graduated from high school, occupation: unemployed.

These are three ordinary persons who have nothing to do with the high technology of aerospace.

Fang Lanshan’s face showed strong doubts.

Li Mo smiled slightly: “Because they are the ordinary person class.”

“If humans are going to step into space and truly colonize fire stars, the ordinary person must have the ability to go to space. probability!”

“Ordinary person does not have highly specialized knowledge and strong physique compared with professional astronauts, which also makes them encounter more difficulties in space than professional astronauts. .”

“What we scientists have to do is to use science and technology to minimize this difficulty and make space a little more interesting.”

“As we used to Computers do the same thing!”

When computers first appeared, the main users were military personnel and laboratory scientists. Due to the lack of convenient operation methods, ordinary ordinary people are daunted by it, and it has not played a big role in promoting the development of human civilization.

With the release of the micro-hardware graphical interface, the operation of the computer does not require much professional knowledge. The computer, an artificial brain, has become an indispensable tool for human life and work.

Since then, mankind has truly entered the era of electronic computers.

It is conceivable that if the computer continues to use the boring and cumbersome command-line operation mode, professional training must be received before using the computer, and the threshold for use will be greatly improved. Human development will be greatly delayed due to the lack of computer assistance.

Fang Lanshan instantly clear comprehension, what Mozi Technology is doing now is exactly what Microsoft once did.

Gold Rush Town in the Western Region of Country M

“Mayor Balaz, good morning!”

“Mrs. Greta, good morning! Your family Is Mike’s leg okay?”

“God forbid, it’s much better, thank you for your concern.”

“Mayor Balaz, good morning!”

“Good morning, Yary! I heard you’re going to work in Los Angeles?”

“Yeah, my son is there to help me find a job as a janitor over there until the soybeans are harvested. Let’s go.”

Greeting passers-by, Mayor Balaz walked slowly on the street, enjoying the happiest moment of the day.

Unfortunately, the town is too small. Even if the mayor of Balaz deliberately slowed down, it took less than 10 minutes to arrive at the office.

This is a two-story gray and white building that has been eroded by years and has lost its color. On the dilapidated glass door of the building, the naughty child has sprayed the unbearable to Look at the text.

Mayor Balaz took out a key stained with green patina from his riding boots, twisted it gently, and the glass door opened slowly with a harsh “zhi zhi” sound.

It seemed more shrill

“Maybe Pete should be asked for some butter.” Mayor Balaz frowned, “Or, there should be a fundraiser, Get a new door.”

But at the last fundraiser dinner, the townspeople swept away all the food, leaving only $5 of the trifling.

“Perhaps only good townspeople should be invited this time, like Mrs. Greta, bootlegger Wilson, farmer Loluama. And the orphan Celestino, I heard he I saved a lot of money when I was young.”



As Mayor Balazs took stock of charity When the guest list for the dinner was on, the horn of a car came from behind.

He stuck his head out, and a truck with US Postal Service printed on its body was parked in the middle of the town. The narrow street was heavily blocked.

“Old Balazs, there’s a letter!”

“Come on, I’m going to Chimer!”

On the truck, a man wearing With a big beard in a blue hat, he urged with a hoarse voice.

“Brother Dizzy, you’ve been doing well recently.” Mayor Balaz took the letter dropped by the beard and greeted warmly.

The bearded man waved at him, kicked the gas pedal, and a cloud of dust kicked up behind the truck.

“I haven’t seen each other for half a year, and Dizzy’s temper is still so hot.” Mayor Balaz shook his head and picked up the envelope in his hand.

“To: Adam Burr.”

Adam Burr? Does Gold Rush Town have residents with this name?

Mayor Balaz walked into the office with doubts on his face.

The gravity generator was a bug!

(End of this chapter)

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