
Chapter 397 Liu Jianxiong

Huaguo University Northwest Gobi Desert Launch Center

Under the setting sun, one by more than 30 A convoy of heavy trucks slowly drove into the launch center. As the last truck entered, the heavy iron gate slammed shut.

After the high-pitched siren, a loud voice echoed throughout the launch center: “Attention, now entering Level 1 alert!”

“Attention, entering Level 1 now! 1 Alert!”

In the corner of the launch center, there is a small two-story building. In the farthest room on the second floor of the small building, a man in his thirties took a deep breath, clenched his fists tightly, and said to himself: “It’s about to start, Liu Jianxiong, are you ready? “

He took out a photo from his arms, the back of the photo was written in graceful text: “My father, my hero!”

The front of the photo is A family portrait of a family of three.

“Lan Er, didn’t expect your father to be a space hero too.” He stared at the photo with such soft eyes.

Yes, life is so full of fantasy.

5 months ago

Liu Jianxiong stood on the high-voltage line, leaning against the cross-arm of the line pole, and a few drops of sweat rolled down his forehead. The bead of sweat fell directly on the leaves more than 100 meters below the soles of the feet.

The soreness in his muscles made him unbearable.

The cable above his head still needs to be checked.

“Jianxiong, the workload of the morning has been completed.”

“Fast your seat belts, come down!”

There was a shout from the ground .

Liu Jianxiong waved his hand downward, indicating that he can still persevere.

He took a deep breath, put his foot on the branch of the wire rod, and dexterously used the strength of his heel to step on the last cable.

According to this maintenance task, at least 1500 meters of lines need to be detected, which means that he needs to walk 1500 meters on the cables.

Stepping on the cable with his right foot, Liu Jianxiong tried his best to keep his eyes straight ahead. He felt left and right balance while swaying, and walked on the line like a duckling.

A gust of breeze blew, and the cable swayed left and right. Liu Jianxiong quickly fell down, his entire body attached to the cable.

After the breeze passed, he took a deep breath, got up again, and continued to walk like a duck.

The maintenance activity lasted until noon. Liu Jianxiong, who returned to the ground, was soaked wet and gasping for breath.

“You child, why are you so disobedient!” A middle-aged man with gray hair threw a bottle of water, and his face showed an angry and distressed expression.

“More than 100 meters, people who fall off will be useless!”

Wu Jianxiong’s face showed a simple and honest smile: “Boss, I understand, I don’t want to finish this month’s work as soon as possible. Measure.”

“Besides, I’m wearing a seat belt.”

“You!” The middle-aged man shook the head helplessly.

At this time, the rumbling sound of a car came from a distance.

“Guawazi, are there tourists in this wilderness?” The middle-aged man was very puzzled.

Liu Jianxiong also set his sights on the rugged mountain road not far away.

In the dust that raised its head, a dark green all-terrain off-road vehicle galloped. From the fine-tuning of the front wheel when the off-road vehicle crosses the field ridge, it can be seen that the driver’s technology is quite good.

The off-road vehicle rushed towards them, “Gah!” and stopped on the side of the road 5 meters away.

“Are you Liu Jianxiong?” A man in a camouflage uniform jumped out of the car, walked straight over, and asked Liu Jianxiong, who was squatting on the ground drinking water.

Liu Jianxiong was dumbfounded and nodded.

“This is an order, come with me!”

The camouflage handed a document.

Liu Jianxiong flipped through the document hastily with his calloused hands.

The content of the order is very simple, it is to order Liu Jianxiong to obey the order of the camouflage uniform and go to a simulation base.

The document does have the power company’s stamp on it, but what is the mock base?

How does that sound like a game?

The company’s leaders never told him about it. You must know that according to the “rules” of the power company, he only needs to stay in this uninhabited mountain for another two years before he is eligible to apply for the official establishment.

“No way!”

Liu Jianxiong thought for a moment, then hooked the head.

The camouflage didn’t seem surprised, took out the satellite phone, dialed a number, and handed it to him.

Liu Jianxiong answered the phone hesitantly.


“I’m Manager Wang!”

Liu Jianxiong heard it immediately. This was the voice of the leader of the power company.

“Mr. Wang, hello!”

“Comrade Zhang, who holds the transfer order, is carrying out a state secret mission. All you have to do is to cooperate, understand?” During the phone call, Manager Wang changed the long and tedious way of holding a meeting in the past.

“Understand?” Liu Jianxiong actually didn’t understand. He didn’t understand at all how he got involved with the state secret mission.

“In this way, after the task is completed, the bureau will specially approve a quota.” Manager Wang also realized his hesitation.



Liu Jianxiong really understood this time. He loudly shouted to the phone: “Understood! I promise to complete the task, please rest assured.”

Just like that, he didn’t even reply. When I got the opportunity to pack up at my residence, I was stuffed into the back row of the off-road vehicle, and I started running around for days and nights.

The reason why it is said to be a few days is that after Liu Jianxiong got in the car, he found out that the off-road vehicle had been specially modified, the glass was covered with black cloth, and partitions were installed. He couldn’t get a glimpse of what was outside the car.

It’s like… like a prisoner’s vehicle.

Realizing this, he was immediately filled with apprehension, and reached for his trousers pocket, but felt empty.

This is when he remembered that when he got into the car, his mobile phone had been confiscated by the camouflage uniform sitting next to him.

He glanced suspiciously at the camouflage suit sitting like a soldier, but got no response.

As soon as it comes, it’s safe.

Liu Jianxiong has made up his mind, looking for an opportunity to send out a distress signal.

Sure enough, after running around for an unknown amount of time, Liu Jianxiong, who was in a daze, noticed that the off-road vehicle seemed to have stopped.

“Get out of the car.” This was the first time the camouflage uniform spoke on the way.

“Are you in jail?” Liu Jianxiong blurted out.

Just now, he had a dream on and off. In the dream, he was being escorted to prison by the police for trampling on the crops of his fellow villager.

The camouflage suit magically startled: “Prison?”

“Thinking of what?”

It’s better not to be a prison.

Liu Jianxiong got out of the car, only to find that the off-road vehicle was parked on a small road, and a van was parked not far ahead.

“Is this a car change?”

The camouflage uniform ran forward and opened the cargo box, confirming what he thought.

“Please come in!”

Although Liu Jianxiong was reluctant, he knew that the camouflage uniform should have a weapon attached to the waist. He accidentally touched it on the off-road vehicle just now. a hard object.

On the van, he discovered the place of charm and beauty. A small bed, a miniature toilet, and a washbasin. The only thing in common is that you can’t see a trace of the outside from the car.

“Eat it and rest for a while.”

“Maintain your strength!”

“When you arrive at your destination, you will have to take the assessment.” Camo handed a tube.

Although the tube doesn’t have any logo, it should look like a tube of toothpaste.

“Eating like this?”

“How to eat?” Liu Jianxiong wondered.

“It’s like squeezing toothpaste!” The camouflage suit said, took out another one, unscrewed the cap, and squeezed gently, a dark green solid substance squeezed out from the seal.


(end of chapter)

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